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Q4. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we to rule and reign in Christ’s Kingdom administration now, in this life? What would your world be like if a majority of believers took this seriously? What do you think ruling and reigning with Christ will consist of after he returns?

  • 2 months later...

We rule and reign in Christ Kingdom administration by exercising our ministry in order to push the enemy back, or to help Christ body function, such as a Pastor,you are ruling and reigning in Christ place here on earth. If the majority of believer take this seriously, we would live in peace and love and our focus in life would show who we are ministering for, Jesus Christ. After Christ returns we will be ruling and reigning with Christ in Kingdom, and, we will possess it forever.

On ‎12‎/‎16‎/‎2016 at 11:49 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we to rule and reign in Christ’s Kingdom administration now, in this life? What would your world be like if a majority of believers took this seriously? What do you think ruling and reigning with Christ will consist of after he returns?

A. Our rule and reign is to pray for God's kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven. To use His delegated authority to overcome the darkness which is in power and to welcome and call down the Kingdom of God.

B. We would be corporately and in unison working together. There would be fewer denominations, fewer power struggles and self elevation within the body of Christ. Jesus would be lifted up and glorified in our nation.

C. We will be functioning as a body...each following the Head, in humility and obedience to accomplish His purposes to His honor and glory! The world will be as it was created to be before Adam and Eve rebelled against God. Satan will be chained for 1,000 years. We will be in perfect fellowship with our Lord, and with each other. We will experience the intimate fellowship with Him and with each other we long for now in our fallen condition. We will be in our glorified bodies, bondage gone, full of peace and joy!

On ‎12‎/‎16‎/‎2016 at 11:49 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we to rule and reign in Christ’s Kingdom administration now, in this life? What would your world be like if a majority of believers took this seriously? What do you think ruling and reigning with Christ will consist of after he returns?

A. We are to follow the Lord's leading in serving to accomplish His purposes and calling for the Kingdom to come to earth to His honor and glory.

B. There would be fewer denominations, there would be less division in the body of Christ, more impact in this fallen and dark world, demons would be fleeing, Jesus would be known in the world as King as well as Savior.

C. The body of Christ will be serving and following the Lordship of our Head, each according to the appointed gifting. He will be ruling and reigning over the earth, as it is in Heaven. He will be High and lifted up in a world having been set aright, with Satan chained for that 1,000 years. As He governs, His sons and daughters will rule and reign with Him.


Q4. (Matthew 6:10) 
In what sense are we to rule and reign in Christ's Kingdom administration now, in this life? 
What would your world be like if a majority of believers took this seriously? 
What do you think ruling and reigning with Christ will consist of after He returns? 

During our reign we will defeat all the forces of evil. We will do this by resorting to prayer, the Word of God, and the power of a spirit-filled life. The weapons we will use in this spiritual warfare, will not be worldly, but will have divine power to destroy evil strongholds (2 Cor 10:4). 

The world will be administered by God, through believers, and not by Satan. We will be living with eternity’s values in view, and not by focusing on an uncertain future of this earth as it is now. Since we will be first seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, all our future needs will be provided for by our Heavenly Father (Matt 6:33), and we will never lack any of the necessities of life. 

We have messed up big-time here on earth. So the first thing that will be done is to undo and fix all that is evil and broken – everything will be made new. Then, things will be done here on earth as they are done in heaven. Thank you Lord!


We rule by using the spiritual power given us to make the world a less dark place.  To fight Satan by bringing more believers to Christ, letting others see that God’s kingdom is there for all who believe and recognize the power of God within themselves.

The world would be a brighter place to live in.  There would be less sin, less evil.  There would be more tolerance for each other in their religious beliefs, their way of life.  We would more aware of the one God whom we serve, sharing in his glory.

After Christ’s return, there will be one God, one King whom we all serve, one religious faith,.  We would all as brothers and sisters live without sin, without the terror of Satan, living in the glory of the Lord, being with Jesus in His Father’s kingdom.


. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we to rule and reign in Christ’s Kingdom administration now, in this life? During our reign we will defeat all the forces of evil. We will do this by resorting to prayer, the Word of God, and the power of a spirit-filled life. The weapons we will use in this spiritual warfare, will not be worldly, but will have divine power to destroy evil strongholds (2 Cor 10:4). 


What would your world be like if a majority of believers took this seriously? The world will be administered by God, through believers, and not by Satan. We will be living with eternity’s values in view, and not by focusing on an uncertain future of this earth as it is now. Since we will be first seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, all our future needs will be provided for by our Heavenly Father (Matt 6:33), and we will never lack any of the necessities of life



What do you think ruling and reigning with Christ will consist of after he returns? We have messed up big-time here on earth. So the first thing that will be done is to undo and fix all that is evil and broken – everything will be made new. Then, things will be done here on earth as they are done in heaven. Thank you Lord!

On ‎12‎/‎16‎/‎2016 at 2:49 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we to rule and reign in Christ’s Kingdom administration now, in this life? What would your world be like if a majority of believers took this seriously? What do you think ruling and reigning with Christ will consist of after he returns?

Ruling and reigning in this life is using the ministry gifts he has given you, also, ruling and reigning in this life is another way of speaking of spiritual warfare, by which we resist and push back the forces of Satan. Where we replace good and peace and wholeness, for evil and brokenness.

If a majority of believers took this seriously, we would all be doing God's will and co-laboring with Him to do what he came to do and that is to destroy the works of the devil and this would hasten His Kingdom coming.

We will receive the Kingdom and possess it forever and ever and will rule and reign with Him in righteousness, peace and joy.  With victory over the world, the flesh and the devil. Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.  Spending eternity with Jesus.


Q4. (Matthew 6:10)

Q. In what sense are we to rule and reign in Christ's Kingdom administration now, in this life?

A. When we pray, obey God and use His power and authority given to us to help His church grow and overcome the evil one and his power.

Q What would your world be like if a majority of believers took this seriously?

A. It would be better place to be.

Q. What do you think ruling and reigning with Christ will consist of after he returns?

A. We will be like Him with authority and power we will reign supremely with him



Spiritual warfare is a way we rule in Christ's Kingdom now...if the majority of Christians took this seriously the devil's influence in the world would be reduced.  Believers would have more victory in their lives living righteously here and now which would have a greater impact on those who are in our circle of influence By receiving and possessing His Kingdom forever we will be with the Lord with no sin  to influence us anymore. Living in victory!


Q4. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we to rule and reign in Christ's Kingdom administration now, in this life? What would your world be like if a majority of believers took this seriously? What do you think ruling and reigning with Christ will consist of after he returns?


1.We must do as Jesus did:"The Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does." (John 5:19) The weapons we will use in this spiritual warfare, will not be worldly, but will have divine power to destroy evil strongholds (2 Cor 10:4). Ruling and reigning in this life is using the ministry gifts he has given us.


Jesus tells us to do as he does: "Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness" (Matthew 6:33).


2. My world would be more learning about Jesus as I witness. I would have more unity with my brothers and sisters in Christ which would enable us to work together to do God’s will.  


3. The saints of the Most High will receive the kingdom and will possess it forever and ever.


Q4. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we to rule and reign in Christ's Kingdom administration now, in this life? What would your world be like if a majority of believers took this seriously? What do you think ruling and reigning with Christ will consist of after he returns?

The phrase “May your kingdom come soon” is a reference to God’s spiritual reign. God’s Kingdom was announced in the covenant with Abraham, is present in Christ’s reign in believers’ hearts (Luke 17:21), and will be complete when all evil is destroyed and God establishes the new heaven and earth (Revelation 21:1).

When we pray “May your will be done,” we are not resigning ourselves to fate but praying that God’s perfect purpose will be accomplished in this world as well as in the next.



In communication with God when we pray "Father in heaven". God' spirit care and safe me as jars of clay.

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19,

On 12/16/2016 at 1:49 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we to rule and reign in Christ’s Kingdom administration now, in this life? What would your world be like if a majority of believers took this seriously? What do you think ruling and reigning with Christ will consist of after he returns?


We are to rule and reign in the Christ Kingdom now in this life because we are filled with the Holy Spirit and need to let him rule our lives so the Lord's Kingdom can be accomplished.

In our present world, if believers took this authority of ruling and reigning with Christ now on earth, it would indeed be peaceful where justice and righteousness ruled.

When Christ returns our roll with Christ will be to rule this world as he directed us to do. Are we not one day to judge angels?     


To rule and reign in Christ's Kingdom means exercising the authority and power of God here in his ministry so that the Kingdom of God can be established here. 

If the majority or believers took this seriously and work towards establishing God's kingdom the world will be different with justice and righteousness.

Those who follow Jesus by leaving everything in this world will rule over the world along with Him, those who defied the satan and the mark of the beast and are killed for the sake of accepting Jesus will rule over other with Jesus.



Q4. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we to rule and reign in Christ’s Kingdom administration now, in this life? What would your world be like if a majority of believers took this seriously? What do you think ruling and reigning with Christ will consist of after he returns?

In our daily walk of life, our experiences and situations. 

My world would be filled with miracles, love in adverse situations, God's presence would be expressed constantly.

We would be one with Christ.

  • 3 weeks later...

The sense that we are to rule and reign in Christ’s Kingdom administration now is to be following Jesus’s example. We must be talking to God and meditating on his word so we can reign now. The world would be wonderful. We would all get along and work together and we would all be praising Jesus Christ. I have be thinking about ruling and reigning with Christ and I just don’t know what that would be like. Everybody thinking and working together what a wonder world that would be.

  • 1 month later...

RULE AND REIGN IN CHRIST'S KINGDOM NOW: Exercise authority for the purpose of the kingdom and will of God; to engage in spiritual warfare; using spiritual gifts as part of the body of Christ; to be bold in going to God understanding the kingdom of God in oneself (focus on Christ)

BELIEVERS TOOK THIS SERIOUSLY: The enemy would be pushed back from influencing mindsets and situations; we would operate as kingdom people refusing to yield ground to Satan; we would feel empowered to act in a manner worthy of the Lord; stand in the stance of victory to overcome various situations; suffering will be limited to operate in a believer's life; all one as part of the body

THINK RULING AND REIGNING CONSIST OF: We would be seated in heavenly places with Christ as the head; authority exercised against the forces of Satan; inner assurance that God can do all things; to serve in Christ whereas the power of Satan would have no effect; all in submission to Christ as well as the earth renewed as the garden of Eden with no troubles prevailing over our life in the light; people would go to the eternal place as their deeds warranted; being thankful as Christ's rule over all

  • 2 months later...
On 12/16/2016 at 11:49 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we to rule and reign in Christ’s Kingdom administration now, in this life? What would your world be like if a majority of believers took this seriously? What do you think ruling and reigning with Christ will consist of after he returns?

We are to rule and reign with God's intervention.  Not to go our own way, but to to do what God bids us to do.  We are to do what God wants us to,do for his kingdom on this earth.  If we as believers took take this seriously, then our world would be in a better place.  One that we would work out our differences without all the snarky comments or unjust actions that is taking place right now.  We would be listening more and acting less.  We would be extending grace to others just as Jesus did.  We would be seeking Jesus first before acting.  Ruling and reigning with Christ will be one of us following and doing what Jesus has set out for us to do.

  • 11 months later...
On 12/16/2016 at 1:49 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we to rule and reign in Christ’s Kingdom administration now, in this life? What would your world be like if a majority of believers took this seriously? What do you think ruling and reigning with Christ will consist of after he returns?

We represent Christ by doing good deeds, charity, meekness, gentleness, mercy, love.  We should share the Word of God to those that need it, the wicked bow before the righteous.  The world would be a more peaceful place to be in.  There wouldn’t be so many hate crimes.  People would live peacefully with each other, just look at the example Jesus Christ showed us, even though the world hated Him He was peaceful all the way to His death on the cross.  We will reign with Him in His Heavenly Glory, peaceful goodwill towards one another.  Evil won’t exist anymore, the devil and his angels and his slaves will be in torment in the lake of fire and brimstone.

  • 7 months later...

Q4. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we to rule and reign in Christ's Kingdom administration now, in this life?  Paul says in Romans 5:17, "For if by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!"

Because of Bod's abundant grace and gift of righteousness, we are supposed to reign in life now through Christ Jesus.  Paul says in Eph. 2:4-6, "But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions--it is by grace you have been saved.  And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus."

One of the best illustrations I have for this is that the best man can do is create an explosion of death - the atomic bomb.  The greatest God did was create an explosion of life through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.    We are not supposed to be in the first Adam who reigned in death but we are to be in the last Adam, Jesus Christ, who reigns in life.  We are born again from incorruptible seed and by the Holy Spirit as a new creation in Chirst to rule and reign with Him in life now.  Jesus said we had to be born again.  We were born again when He was raised from the dead in order to reign in life through Him. 

Jesus said to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them (symbolizing death and resurrection with Christ) and teaching them to obey all He commanded.  If Jesus is Lord we are to obey Him. 

What would your world be like if a majority of believers took this seriously? We would see major transformation if we realized who we are in Christ and reigned in life and obeyed Jesus' commandments of love and forgiveness. 

What do you think ruling and reigning with Christ will consist of after he returns?  I'm not sure.  I don't put much thought into the future ruling and reigning.  I see too many people put off what I believe God intended for now to a future time.  We need to reign in life with Christ today   We need to truly make Jesus Lord and obey Him today.  

  • 4 years later...

We must rule and reign first by seeking His Kingdom first and His Righteousness. We need to always read, study the Word of God and pray so that we are able to understand what His good, pleasing and perfect will is so that we can be obedient in carrying out His will. We are not here on earth to do what we want but only that which God tells us to do. He has given us different gifts so that we are able to carry out the Kingdom mandate. We need to understand that without Him, there is nothing that we can do.

The whole world will be living peacefully as it was supposed to be from the foundation of the world but nothing stops believers from doing good and show all those that are disobedient in doing the will of God and believing that He exist and He is the Alpha and Omega to turn away from their wicked ways. We should not stop preaching Christ resurrected until His coming.

We will be rejoicing, praising and giving glory to God forever and ever.

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