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Q2. (2 Timothy 2:12a) What does it mean to “rule and reign” with Christ now, in this life? What do you think it will mean after Christ returns? How does this relate to our theme of the Glorious Kingdom?

  • 2 months later...

We need to rule and reign with Christ now by ministering to others through sharing the goodness, mercy, grace and forgiveness of sins in believing in Jesus Christ. Spending a lot of time in prayer with God so others will see God's light shining through you. When Christ return he will get his people and we will rule and reign with Christ in God's Kingdom, and possess it forever. We will be sitting next to Christ (the Son of Man). But we must endure against us until Christ returns.


Q2. (2 Timothy 2:12a) What does it mean to “rule and reign” with Christ now, in this life? What do you think it will mean after Christ returns? How does this relate to our theme of the Glorious Kingdom?

The Holy Spirit lives in us and we follow His guide to live a godly life and live as Christ did the first time as the suffering servants to bring souls into His kingdom as Christ works through us in this life.

When Christ returns to rule and reign we will rule and reign with Him as victors.  Thanks be to God for giving us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Q2. (2 Timothy 2:12a) What does it mean to “rule and reign” with Christ now, in this life? We need to rule and reign with Christ now by ministering to others through sharing the goodness, mercy, grace and forgiveness of sins in believing in Jesus Christ. Spending a lot of time in prayer with God so others will see God's light shining through you. 


What do you think it will mean after Christ returns? When Christ return he will get his people and we will rule and reign with Christ in God's Kingdom, and possess it forever. We will be sitting next to Christ (the Son of Man). But we must endure against us until Christ returns.


How does this relate to our theme of the Glorious Kingdom? The glory we partake now, mediated by the Holy Spirit. We seek his face every day, even though our vision of him may be dim like the reflection in an ancient polished brass mirror.


Q2. (2 Timothy 2:12a) 
What does it mean to "rule and reign" with Christ now, in this life? 
What do you think it will mean after Christ returns? 
How does this relate to our theme of the Glorious Kingdom? 

We will rule and reign with Christ now, in this life, by the authority given to us by Jesus Himself – even the right to use His name.

The same applies when Christ returns – we will rule and reign with Jesus then. But this is true only if we truly belong to Him, He has genuinely come to dwell in us, and we persist in our Christian lifestyle setting ourselves against the temptations of this world. The extent of our rule will be determined by our faithfulness during this present life.

More important than all the physical beauty of the Glorious Kingdom, more important than the fellowship we will enjoy eternally with all God's people from all nations and all periods in history, more important than our freedom from pain and sorrow and physical suffering, more important than reigning over God's kingdom, and more important by far than any of these will be the fact that we will be in the presence of God and enjoying unhindered fellowship with Him. 
“And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and He will live with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." (Revelation 21:3-4)



a.     (2 Timothy 2:12a) What does it mean to "rule and reign" with Christ now, in this life?

It’s the same old story, as the issue at hand is fellow believers, the “saints,” verses the unrighteous. The “saints,” will equipped with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, and have all the knowledge required at their disposal to settle difference of opinions with one another. As Paul puts it, “If we endure, we will also reign with Him”, it our perseverance in wanting endure without disowning Christ, He will not disown when He comes to reign over all.


2 Tim 2:12a, is sort of similar to “He who overcomes, and who keeps My deeds until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations, and He shall rule with a rod of iron, as the vessels of the potter are broken to pieces, as I also have received authority from My Father. (Rev 2:26~27) Here, Paul assertion is that if this is the destiny that awaits saints in the coming kingdom, then surely now saints ought to be able to settle minor disputes without taking one another to court.

b.    What do you think it will mean after Christ returns? How does this relate to our theme of the Glorious Kingdom?

Jesus left no doubt that He will return to complete His mission of salvation for mankind. (John 14:1~4) Therefore, we must take every opportunity available to seek repentance while we are still living, or it’ll be too late. When Christ returns those still living and the resurrected dead will face God in judgment. “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. (2 Cor 5:10)

Then, will come the fulfillment of the messianic prophesies and promises of the Kingdom of God. The destruction of Satan, which will be the greatest of triumphs of Christ, and thereafter there will be no more sins, suffering or death.

It has everything to do with our theme. On the 2nd follow up question, firstly, there is the everlasting dominion that Jesus Christ, our Lord is going to establish and then Jesus comes gloriously to set the Glorious Kingdom. In order to fully understand the Glorious Kingdom, we must recognize and invite grace as an unseen guest and live it out as a true follower of the Glorious Christ.


Ruling and reigning with Christ now means that we, believers have to be vessels for Christ.  We have to spread His Word so that non-believers become believers in order to be with Him at His second coming.  We have to be witnesses of love, forgiveness, mercy which are available to all who believe in Jesus. That we show our good works, living by His commandments.

Rule and reign after Christ’s return means that all of God’s people, righteous believers, will be gathered up to sit at the right hand of the Son of Man in His Glorious Kingdom where evil no longer exists but life everlasting.

Daniel had prophesized that the Son of Man will come into his glorious kingdom where Satan reigns no more.  Believers will now see Him face to face.

On ‎12‎/‎16‎/‎2016 at 11:51 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (2 Timothy 2:12a) What does it mean to “rule and reign” with Christ now, in this life? What do you think it will mean after Christ returns? How does this relate to our theme of the Glorious Kingdom?

A. I believe it means that having received Jesus as Savior and having surrendered completely to His Lordship, we walk in His delegated authority, reclaiming in His Name that which was lost when Adam and Eve rebelled against God and the world was forfeited to Satan's rule. Jesus bought us back from Satan's ownership by the power of His shed blood on the cross and His glorious Resurrection from the grave, when we said "YES" to Him. His Name is our "badge of authority" (like the traffic cop who has no power to stop the trucks and cars when he raises his hand to say "stop"....but his badge is and demonstrates his delegated authority given to him by the state or government, and traffic obeys his order)

B. I'm not sure it's exactly spelled out in scripture but in some capacity we will participate in His Government for 1,000 years while He reigns on earth.

C. The 1,000 year reign or Millennial reign of Jesus will be what He showed us to pray in the Lord's prayer...thy kingdom come thy will be done ON EARTH as it is in Heaven.


Q2. (2 Timothy 2:12a)

Q. What does it mean to "rule and reign" with Christ now, in this life?

A. We reign and rule as children of God and joint heirs with Christ and have been given authority by the Lord Jesus Christ.

What do you think it will mean after Christ returns?

A. We will reign and rule with Him as we sit with Him on his throne

Q. How does this relate to our theme of the Glorious Kingdom?

A. We are partakers in the Glorious Kingdom where the Glorious Trinity will reign.


On ‎12‎/‎16‎/‎2016 at 2:51 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (2 Timothy 2:12a) What does it mean to “rule and reign” with Christ now, in this life? What do you think it will mean after Christ returns? How does this relate to our theme of the Glorious Kingdom?

When we ask Christ to come into our life, He actually comes in...Christ in you, the hope of glory. To be Lord,  to rule and reign. We are to listen to that still small voice and hear and be led by the Spirit.

We are heirs -- heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory." "But the saints of the Most High will receive the kingdom and will possess it forever "If we endure, we will also reign with him."


"At the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel." 



We believers have been given God’s power, through the Holy Spirit, to overcome sin and the devil here and now.  The devil has to submit to God.  Therefore he has to submit to God in us, giving us victory over sin now. In this way we rule and reign with Christ now.

After Christ’s return Jesus gives those who overcame the right to sit with Him on His throne.  He has made us to be a Kingdom and priests to serve His God and Father.

We who are saved are His Kingdom.


Q2. (2 Timothy 2:12a) What does it mean to "rule and reign" with Christ now, in this life? What do you think it will mean after Christ returns? How does this relate to our theme of the Glorious Kingdom?

 God is faithful to his children, and although we may suffer great hardships here, God promises that someday we will live eternally with him. What will this involve? It means believers will live in Christ’s Kingdom, and that we will share in the administration of that Kingdom. This truth comforted Paul as he went through suffering and death. When facing hardships? Don’t turn away from God—he promises you and me a wonderful future with him in His Glorious Kingdom


Q2. (2 Timothy 2:12a) What does it mean to "rule and reign" with Christ now, in this life? What do you think it will mean after Christ returns? How does this relate to our theme of the Glorious Kingdom?


1. We believers are to rule and reign with Christ in the present time by witnessing to others, reading his word, praying, and being an example letting other see God in us.


2. "If we endure, we will reign with him." (2 Timothy 2:12) We will be with Christ forever. Believers will sit on Christ’s right side.


3. We will enter God’s Glorious Kingdom forever if we reign with him on earth.






The glory of God in the future we will sit with Him on his glorious throne, if we endure we  will also reign with him.

He will reign for ever and ever. Then the king will say to those on his right, come you who are blessed by my Father in his Kingdom.

On 12/16/2016 at 1:51 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (2 Timothy 2:12a) What does it mean to “rule and reign” with Christ now, in this life? What do you think it will mean after Christ returns? How does this relate to our theme of the Glorious Kingdom?


To "rule and reign" with Christ now in this life means we are called to be conformed to the image of Christ which is the process of becoming like him.

After Christ returns we will be raised to reign with him, to be a Kingdom and priest to serve him.

 This relates to the theme of the Glories Kingdom to be announced by the 7th trumpet. Christ will set up his Kingdom which will last for ever and ever. We will reign with him and God the Father.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (2 Timothy 2:12a) What does it mean to “rule and reign” with Christ now, in this life? What do you think it will mean after Christ returns? How does this relate to our theme of the Glorious Kingdom?

To rule and reign with Christ now is to go thru life as his representative, overcoming sin and the problems thru his power and standing for righteousness. 

After Christ returns, we will rule with him.

We will see the fullness of his glory in the kingdom.


To rule and reign with Christ now in this life means by living righteously, by setting example to others in this world, follow Him and live like him as in timothy, Paul says follow me and live like me to serve god.

After Christ we will be ruling with Him in His kingdom, and also rule ove the angles with glory in the kingdom set up by Jesus.

  • 3 weeks later...

To “rule and reign” with Christ now in this life means that we are taking care of the things that He has given to us by way of our spiritual gifts. I think that it will be interesting to see what it means to rule after Christ returns. I think that it is one of the things to look forward to. It will be a Glorious Kingdom and it will be interesting how I will fit in it.

  • 1 month later...

RULE AND REIGN NOW: Experience here (eschatology) hope; with Christ we rule and reign with Christ given authority now; we are a kingdom of priests today; serving Christ; endure now for future expectation

MEAN AFTER CHRIST RETURNS: We will have revealed hope (His coming); His glory will be revealed; we will receive the crown of glory; fullness of Christ's reign; He will pronounce judgment: will reign with Christ for a thousand years; sitting on the thrones prepared for us

RELATIONSHIP TO THEME: a glorious expectation (hope); fullness of glory and we will receive His glory (He gives it to us); His kingdom prepared for us (our inheritance); He is known as the Son of Man as in Daniel's prophecy

  • 2 months later...
On 12/16/2016 at 11:51 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (2 Timothy 2:12a) What does it mean to “rule and reign” with Christ now, in this life? What do you think it will mean after Christ returns? How does this relate to our theme of the Glorious Kingdom?

Rule and reign with Christ now is to acknowledge him as our Lord and savior.  We then are to be Jesus to others and treat others like Jesus would treat them.  When Christ returns we will we will be elevated next to him and bask in his glory and be alongside him. Mwemwll be alongside Jesus in heaven, which is his Glorious Kingdom.

  • 11 months later...
On 12/16/2016 at 1:51 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (2 Timothy 2:12a) What does it mean to “rule and reign” with Christ now, in this life? What do you think it will mean after Christ returns? How does this relate to our theme of the Glorious Kingdom?

With reigning with Christ comes suffering as the Lord Jesus Christ suffered for us, but He also reigns.  The wicked bow before the righteous, God even said it, tread down the wicked in their place.  We reign with Christ in that He has made an everlasting covenant with us in His flesh and blood.   When Christ returns, He will be so glorious He will light up the earth with the brightness of His coming.  We shall rule and reign with Him as promised and was prophesied.  His Kingdom is not of this world but Heaven, which when He returns in the Glory of God, and His own Glory and of the holy angels.  

  • 7 months later...

Q2. (2 Timothy 2:12a) What does it mean to "rule and reign" with Christ now, in this life? What do you think it will mean after Christ returns? How does this relate to our theme of the Glorious Kingdom?  2 Tim. 2:12a says that if we endure we will reign with Christ.  Personally I don't see enduring as reigning with Christ now.  It sounds like we have to just endure until we are raptured and then we'll reign with Christ.  This scripture appears to say that we will reign with Christ if we endure in this life.  But that takes away from us reigning in this life.   

  • 4 years later...

To rule and reign with Christ now means we must emulate Him and have the same mind as Christ has. We need to show love, be obedient to the will of God, have compassion and not be ashamed to preach the Gospel. Christ says that whoever is ashamed of Him now, He will also be ashamed of those before His Father. We must preach Christ crucified, resurrected and seated on the right hand of the Father and all who believe in Him, waiting for His second coming.

After Christ returns, our mortal bodies will become immortal and our corruptible being will become incorruptible. We will serve Him in the Kingdom that will never be destroyed.

This relates to the Glorious Kingdom in that we will be all crowned in His glory and as immortal and incorruptible being, we will be like Christ.

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