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The measure we use will be measured to us. If we don't forgive others God won't forgive us. If we disobey God we sin, and God doesn't listen to sinners thus hindering our prayers.


Would that I walk humbly with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ... however, I am human and humans are not perfect. Then; would that I forgive myself as God has forgiven me. And, one thing more ... That I love and forgive others also. One day at a time. Love ...Bro. Al


Q5. (3:7) How can treating one's wife wrongly hinder a husband's prayers. How can treating a husband wrongly hinder a wife's prayers?

God does not listen to hypocrites who mistreat others, then expect God to favor them! It matters not whether the one mistreating another is male or female--to mistreat your spouse, whether verbally, emotionally or physically--will form a barrier between you and God (as well as between the spouses)! He states this very clearly when He says, "forgive, as I have forgiven you". If we do not forgive (as Al and Kas have stated), we will not be forgiven.

So, (to carry this further) if we are mistreated, we must forgive the perpretater, whether wife or husband. If we do not, we will not be heard by God. :(


Q5. (3:7) How can treating one's wife wrongly hinder a husband's prayers. How can treating a husband wrongly hinder a wife's prayers?

I see treating a husband or wife wrongly as separation from God. We are not one with Our Father in Heaven when we are not one as a couple. We must be in agreement with eachother just as Jesus is with the Father.

The enemy wants to separate couples through a minor disagreement or serious trustworthiness issues. When I treat my husband ugly, I feel convicted and need to ask for forgiveness. When we are in relationship with one another, we are also in relationship with Jesus. Until forgiveness takes place we remain separated from Him. When we see disagreements arising, we address Satan immediately and tell him to be gone in the name of Jesus. Everytime it works. If he can separate us, he gets to the kids and all those who come into our lives. But when we become overcomers and die to self, and place God at the head of our marriage, then we are able to touch others and share our love for each other with the children and extended family and friends. It is then when we leave the darkness and walk in His light that is bright like the sunshine and full of life!


Treating your spouse wrongly and then going to God in prayer is hypocritical. Part of our prayer is asking for forgiveness, but we have not repented of that poor treatment of our spouse and we have not made any attempt to bring about understanding and healing in the relationship. Jesus said (Matthew 5:23-24) "Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift." Seek reconciliation first and then your prayers will be sincere.

Q5. (3:7) How can treating one's wife wrongly hinder a husband's prayers. How can treating a husband wrongly hinder a wife's prayers?

Life is all about relationship. It is actually the only eternal thing that we can take with us. Christ died so that we might have relationship with God through Him. Not only do we come into relationship with God, but we have fellowship one with another. One who does not have Christ cannot have fellowship with God and by corollary cannot have fellowship one with another. It is on the level of love, God's love and we cannot extend God's love if we co not know it. The Bible tells me lots about interpersonal relationship; employers, children, spouses, unbelievers, brothers and sisters in the Lord, so it must be a big deal. To me, I would think that we should walk in fear toward one another that we do not offend. I'm not talking about being a door mat or a toady but that by our actions, attitudes and words we do not offend one of God's little ones. This is especially true if we know better (if we are a teacher eg.) We must be consistent in our walk not having bitter and sweet proceeding from the same fountain. A husband or wife is still, and in my estimation, more importantly, our brother or sister in Christ. Their angels behold the face of God so what I do to them I do to Christ. I think this would qualify for a prayer hindrance.


Peter is continuing to talk about the inner life. Prayer is a part of that inner life; so is the way we treat others. Both of these things grow in the same garden, our hearts. We can't spend all day "fertilizing" our hearts with selfish amibition, the desire to control others, and just flat-out sin against our spouse and then expect to have healthy, friuitful prayer lives. As much as we human beings have tried, it is impossible to section off our lives into the parts that God gets and the parts that we get to keep for ourselves.


How can treating one's wife wrongly hinder a husband's prayers. How can treating a husband wrongly hinder a wife's prayers?

When one or both partners treat the other one wrongly, trying to control each other, both are being selfish and manipulative; and this is sinful. Unless they repent and ask forgiveness for their actions, God will not hear their prayer. How can we petition God to answer any prayer for us if we mistreat our spouse? Every action has results; God will not be mocked.


Our prayers can be greatly hinder by the way we treat our mate. God do not want us to be oh holy than thy in public and treat our mate badly and without respect at home.

God want us to LOVE. He wants us to love as He loves us. Love covers all.


How can treating one's wife wrongly hinder a husband's prayers. How can treating a husband wrongly hinder a wife's prayers?

The Bible teaches that "inasmuch as you do it unto the least of these my children you have done it unto me." We must understand that how we treat our wives is the way we are treating God. How important it becomes to the sincere Christian how we treat our wives or anyone for that matter. We have no right to demean anyone. The wife is a creation of God made in His image. The broader message of scripture is that we are to treat everyone in a biblical way. If we don't it will affect our relationship with a Holy God!


It is impossible to mistreat others and be right with God. We are directed to love our brothers and sisters. Our spouse shold be at the top of our people list.

If we do not treat our wife with the love and respect she needs, we compromise our relationship with God, and our prayers become empty words, tossed in the wind.

The same is true when a woman does not behave toward her mate as the Father would have her to.

If we are not treating our husbands or wives as we should, how are we behaving toward others, less well known? Where is Gods glory then?


To mistreat your wife or visa versa (husband) is to put undue strain on the relationship God has intended for us. To say this doesn't happen at times is probably not accurate. I do believe that when we do have disagreements, it is in our best interest and relationship with God to correct and forgive. This does not mean we will always agree, but to abuse ones spouse is not in Gods plan for a marriage. The Lord does not expect any of us to be a doormat for one another. Rather we should work at lifting one another up in honor and appreciation of the good we have living with each other. He tells us not to let the sun go down on our anger so we do not sin. If and when we do sin, He is quick and just to forgive if we repent. We can not expect to be perfect, but still we should strive to be godly people. When we married we become a strong cord of three strands. God first, husband and wife make up the three strands. In each of our lives God is always first, but after that nothing else should stand in the way or cause to seperate. If we treat each other the way we would like to be treated then love usually will draw each close to the other. When we are selfish and wanting our own way that is when we give in to our own desires first. Put others above yourself and treat each accordingly. Trust, fairness and goodness does lots!!!!


Q5. (3:7) How can treating one's wife wrongly hinder a husband's prayers. How can treating a husband wrongly hinder a wife's prayers?

;)Prayer is two way communication between God and man/woman. When two persons are on talking terms, they converse with each other. When God is pleased with his creation, He listens to their prayers. But when He is put off, He just turns His face. God doen't like insubordination in His children. When we are on God's wavelength and are willing to obey Him in all ways, then the prayers we offer are heard by God and He answers in His own time. Treating each other as God's child will enhance the conjugal happiness of a husband and wife and together they can make a difference in many people's lives.




Q5. (3:7) How can treating one's wife wrongly hinder a husband's prayers? How can treating a husband wrongly hinder a wife's prayers?

If a husband is dominating or mistreating his wife, God will not listen to His prayers. You can


1. We have to be in a "right" relationship with God, before He will hear our prayers. So, if a spouse is mistreated by the other, God will not honor their prayers. That works for either partner, or single persons.


If either are not considerate and respectful to each other their prayers will be hindered because a living relationship with God depends on right relationships with others/Jesus said that if you have a problem with a fellow believer,you must make it right with that person before coming to worship(Matthew 5:23-24)This principle carries over into family relationships.If either mistreat each other,their relationship with God will suffer.We must have a Holy character with each other showing Godly love to all Gods people.(NIV)Life Application Study Bible.

:) Have a great week off .God Be With You .Blessings Linda


i A man is responsible for the well-being of his wife first, then family. If he is doing this he is in right communication with God as regards headship, and in line for good communication with Him, Being in wrong relationship with his wife means he has yet much to learn about communication, love, protection, service etc. (If he can make it work at home, he can make it work anywhere - at work at church etc_ and much growing in God before communication is good. Righteousness includes responsibility at home, or rather, prioritises it. First the physical, then the spiritual.

ii A woman must pull with her husand, not against him. The bride must pull with Jesus, not against Him. To pull against a husband is to pull against Jesus - bad news in terms of getting prayers answered.


God knows all things. How can we pray to him knowing full well that we have in some way 'hurt' our spouse. The life we live is the one God sees and knows.

If we do wrong can we expect God to support us? He will listen to our prayers, but at the same time he knows Satan is at work in us . We have to make the choice. Abuse is so abundant in out society today. Respect is not present in many marriages and God is there only in the passing of a moment when one needs him. We must struggle to be sure we are living our lives as God wishes us to. Pray to the Lord for guidance. Keep him near in your heart . With his love and your devotion to him and your spouse, he will hear your prayers. By being not true, God will still know of your injustices in spite of your prayers to him.

Thank you Lord for walking with me and my husband each day. Amen.


A husband/wife's prayers are hindered because the wife/husband is are to treat each other with love and respect. It is also written how husband/wife are to be treated and if he/she can not obey God's words his/her prayers will not be answered/heard.

Basically, he/she becomes and is a hyprogrite and has angered God.


:P Pastor has given us in the exposition of this lesson some of the references from the God's word when

God has catagoricaaly stated in what circumstances our prayers are not acceptable to Him. Now Peter here is stating that ill-

treating a spuose is tanamount to those hinderances and hence not acceptable to the righteous God.

God has made ample provision and instruction to curb this evil of mistreatment in the marriage, which

has been plaguing the societies from time immemorial.

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