Pastor Ralph Posted August 15, 2017 Report Posted August 15, 2017 Q5. (Haggai 2:20-23) In what way is Haggai’s image of Zerubbabel being God’s signet intended to encourage Zerubbabel? What is the power of a leader’s signet? How does listening to God’s Spirit make you effective as his agent? In what ways are you authorized to speak and act for Jesus? Quote
charisbarak Posted September 16, 2017 Report Posted September 16, 2017 It gave him the authority and encouragement to complete the work. The power is in God--it is just authority for the one who bears it. Listening to God's Spirit makes me more effective as His agent because I am ultimately doing His will. We're authorized as believers to be His agent by what is written in the Bible.....go to the entire world & share the gospel, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you always to the very end of the age. Matt. 28:16-20 Quote
JanMary Posted September 16, 2017 Report Posted September 16, 2017 On 8/15/2017 at 2:26 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q5. (Haggai 2:20-23) In what way is Haggai’s image of Zerubbabel being God’s signet intended to encourage Zerubbabel? What is the power of a leader’s signet? How does listening to God’s Spirit make you effective as his agent? In what ways are you authorized to speak and act for Jesus? 1. This is encouragement for that time and also prophecy for the distant future. Telling Zerubbabel that he is God's chosen signet ring declares that through him God will renew His Covenant through David's line to Messiah. It was a powerful declaration of Zerubbabel's place and authority to continue rebuilding the temple with the knowledge that God was with him to complete the work. 2. A signet ring signifies delegated authority to act on behalf of the one who gives the ring. (As in Pharaoh's signet ring to Joseph which empowered him to "act as if" he were pharaoh himself in nearly every respect.) The authority to have dominion over every thing on earth which was given to Adam and Eve, and was then forfeited by their fall into sin and disobedience, (bringing in diseases, poverty, strife, pain, loss and death) was reclaimed through Jesus' death and resurrection. The original dominion is now given to the saints....God's born again sons and daughters. 3. As I listen to His Spirit, I'm enabled, encouraged and authorized to go and do and say and pray whatever He gives me to say, do, pray and, go on His behalf in obedience to His leading and direction. What privilege has been given to us as His sons and daughters to be able to act on His behalf with His authority and without fear of our enemy! 4. The Holy Spirit has "marked me" as God's own daughter, and delegated His authority to me to pray in Jesus' Name and to declare His Word, lay hands on the sick, to drive out demons (Mark 3:15) and to minister to whomever He sends me as I listen to His Spirit, making disciples for Him or however He directs me. He has delegated His authority to flow through whichever gifts He chooses to manifest through me to others, be it prophecy, encouragement, evangelism, mercy, service, administration, teaching, and so on. (Romans 12) The gifts of manifestation are available to every believer as Holy Spirit works in the moment through each of us as we yield to Him. Quote
Bambi Girouard Posted September 17, 2017 Report Posted September 17, 2017 What is the power of a leader’s signet? Ancient kings used signet rings to designate authority, honor, or ownership. A signet contained an emblem unique to the king. Official documents were sealed with a dollop of soft wax impressed with the king’s signet, usually kept on a ring on his finger. Such a seal certified the document as genuine, much like a notary public’s stamp today. The ring sanctions Zerubbabel to be God’s official authority in the raising of a new Temple. How does listening to God’s Spirit make you effective as his agent? It is with the heart not the mind that one listens to the word of God. If we listen carefully to the word of God and take it to heart our perseverance will yield much for His honor and glory (Luke 8:15). In what ways are you authorized to speak and act for Jesus?` If I would have the same spirit of faith that is mentioned in the scriptures than I would be able to speak with humility concerning that faith in God. Faith and God’s grace helps us to be confident of victory in the face of destructive forces (2 Corinthians 12-18). There are many destructive forces today trying to destroy the Christian faith. Where are the Peter’s and Paul’s of yesterday defending it? Quote
Richard Hawkins Posted September 17, 2017 Report Posted September 17, 2017 Completing the temple would not strengthen Zerubbabels political power in the Persian Empire. However it would strengthen his standing with the people. As a descendant of David, he was in the kingly line of the coming Messiah, and deserved a signet to show his authority. God's spirit enabled prophets and kings to lead the people to righteous living. We are a Holy Priesthood. 1 Peter 2:5 Quote
hanks Posted September 21, 2017 Report Posted September 21, 2017 Q5. (Haggai 2:20-23) In what way is Haggai's image of Zerubbabel being God's signet intended to encourage Zerubbabel? What is the power of a leader's signet? How does listening to God's Spirit make you effective as His agent? In what ways are you authorized to speak and act for Jesus? Zerubbabel must have been tremendously encouraged knowing that he was carrying out God’s orders with God’s own authority. This must have motivated the others as well, knowing that their leader had God’s approval and authorisation. The signet ring is a symbol of empowering the person to act on behalf of the leader – giving that person the authority to do so. The Holy Spirit speaks to us mainly through the Word. To be effective we have to listen and obey. We need to do what He has gifted us to do – by doing His will we bring our Lord honour and blessings to ourselves. As believers we are Jesus’ ambassadors and are authorised to act on His behalf. We are to function as the salt of the earth and to reflect His light. To shine in the world for our Lord Jesus bringing Him glory. Quote
Old Jerry Posted September 21, 2017 Report Posted September 21, 2017 Zerubbabel knows that he is working directly for God. He will know that when he asks others to do some things they will know to trust Zerubbabel. The power of a leader’s signet ring to let people know that the words on the scribe is from him and his authority. When I listen to God’s Spirit it makes me an effective agent because I will know that I am doing the work that God wants me to be doing. I am authorized to speak and act for Jesus whenever I am I in sync with Him. Quote
blezed Posted September 21, 2017 Report Posted September 21, 2017 On 8/15/2017 at 5:26 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q5. (Haggai 2:20-23) In what way is Haggai’s image of Zerubbabel being God’s signet intended to encourage Zerubbabel? What is the power of a leader’s signet? How does listening to God’s Spirit make you effective as his agent? In what ways are you authorized to speak and act for Jesus? Zerubbabel being God's signet is intended to encourage him by letting him know that he has been specially chosen by God and will have the authority to carry out the work. The power of a leader's signet is letting people know that that person has been given authority to act on behalf of the one that gave the ring. Listening to God's Spirit will allow us to do his will. Being children of God gives us the authority to speak and act for Jesus. Quote
Uncle Dave Posted September 21, 2017 Report Posted September 21, 2017 Q5. (Haggai 2:20-23) In what way is Haggai's image of Zerubbabel being God's signet intended to encourage Zerubbabel? What is the power of a leader's signet? How does listening to God's Spirit make you effective as his agent? In what ways are you authorized to speak and act for Jesus? Being God’s signet is a very powerful position. Zerubbabel was given the position of a king. Being sent out as God’s ambassador is one thing but being handed the power of an actual king would be very humbling to most, to say the least. The power of a leader’s signet meant something to the effect of “I mean exactly what I say, and what I say is the way it will be, no ands, ifs, or buts about it” with the power to back those words up. Jesus said that whatever we ask for in His name you will receive, in other words He is sharing His power. We are authorized to speak and act for Jesus in love and truth. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted September 22, 2017 Report Posted September 22, 2017 On 8/15/2017 at 4:26 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q5. (Haggai 2:20-23) In what way is Haggai’s image of Zerubbabel being God’s signet intended to encourage Zerubbabel? What is the power of a leader’s signet? How does listening to God’s Spirit make you effective as his agent? In what ways are you authorized to speak and act for Jesus? Zerubbabel, who has God's promise as being his signet ring, should be well encouraged to perform God's work and word. This is a great honor for him. The signet ring gives authority and power of the one who has been given this ring. Listening to the spirit (Holy Spirit) of the Lord has a direct command from the Lord. This spiritual guidance is the same as the signet ring, obeying the command makes us an effective agent of the Lord. We are authorized to speak and act for the Lord by acting in authority and with humility and love. Quote
bertha Posted September 22, 2017 Report Posted September 22, 2017 Q5. (Haggai 2:20-23) In what way is Haggai’s image of Zerubbabel being God’s signet intended to encourage Zerubbabel? What is the power of a leader’s signet? How does listening to God’s Spirit make you effective as his agent? In what ways are you authorized to speak and act for Jesus? To know that God has chosen you as His signet ring is a great honor, especially when you know you don't deserve it. I believe Zerubbabel was humbled by it, but greatly encouraged and empowered by God's Spirit to continue pressing forward in the rebuilding of the Temple. God was at his side and would not allow anyone to harm him or his people. God had his back. The Temple would be built, no doubts about it, because God had designated Zerubbabel and God does not go back on His word. God had transferred over His authority/power to Zerubbabel that he would be a strong and effective leader. We, too, are given the authority to represent God in this world in an effective way, through the power of the Holy Spirit in us. It is imperative that we be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and let ourselves be guided and used by Him. For this we must listen to God as we pray and read His word daily, communing with our Father, patiently waiting for directions/instructions. We are authorized to speak and act for Jesus in the Great Commission given to us. We are to go and make disciples of all nations, teaching them(speaking to them) all that Jesus has taught us. We are to act, in obedience to His word, by taking steps of faith and baptize them in the name of the Father , The Son, and the Holy Spirit. We are given all authority to cast out demons, lay hands on the sick and they will be healed. We are God's agents on earth. We have been sealed with the Holy Spirit, who will guide us in all truth, and empower us to fulfill God's purpose here on earth. We are told not to worry of what we are to say, for the Holy Spirit will teach us what to say. God is good! Quote
Jofel Posted September 23, 2017 Report Posted September 23, 2017 Q5. (Haggai 2:20-23) In what way is Haggai’s image of Zerubbabel being God’s signet intended to encourage Zerubbabel? Answer: It will encourage Zerubbabel because he knows that what Prophet Haggai told him that God chose him to be His signet ring will make him powerful enough (thru God) to implement the things they need to do to complete the work. What is the power of a leader’s signet? Answer: It carries the authority of the person who has given the order to execute the work. How does listening to God’s Spirit make you effective as his agent? Answer: It will make me an effective agent because as I listen to Him I will know & find out His will on what He wants me to do for His glory & honor. In what ways are you authorized to speak and act for Jesus? Answer: Since I am a child of God and He has given the authority to do so, I have all the authority to speak & talk to other people about Jesus, about His unconditional love and free salvation. Quote
Aleezah Posted September 23, 2017 Report Posted September 23, 2017 On Tuesday, August 15, 2017 at 5:26 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q5. (Haggai 2:20-23) In what way is Haggai’s image of Zerubbabel being God’s signet intended to encourage Zerubbabel? What is the power of a leader’s signet? How does listening to God’s Spirit make you effective as his agent? In what ways are you authorized to speak and act for Jesus? 1. Through Zerubbabel [the signet], God was restoring the royal line of David, therefore ushering in our Messiah. Knowing he is is an integral part of ushering in the Messiah is extremely encouraging. 2. The signet ring discussed in Haggai 2:23 refers to the engraved gold which represented the authority of the bearer. Ancient kings used signet rings to designate authority, honor, or ownership. 3. Listening to HIS spirit teaches us to continue on the correct path to following HIM as well as doing HIS will. That allows us to become HIS effective agent, which in turn allows us to bring other's into God's kingdom. Acts 17:28 gives us that authority: Quote
haar Posted September 23, 2017 Report Posted September 23, 2017 Q5. (Haggai 2:20-23) Q. In what way is Haggai's image of Zerubbabel being God's signet intended to encourage Zerubbabel? A. He would be bolder to go about the task God had given him knowing that God who had given him power to execute the task would cause the project to be successful Q. What is the power of a leader's signet? A. It is the authority of the leader transferred to the carrier of the signet ring to act with such authority (of the leader) Q. How does listening to God's Spirit make you effective as his agent? In what ways are you authorized to speak and act for Jesus?A. It makes you know exactly what He wants done and you do what He says you will be successful in the task. Jesus has given us authority and filled us with the Holy Spirit and power to be His witnesses and to spread the great commission. Quote
Debra Grant Posted September 27, 2017 Report Posted September 27, 2017 Q5. (Haggai 2:20-23) In what way is Haggai's image of Zerubbabel being God's signet intended to encourage Zerubbabel? What is the power of a leader's signet? How does listening to God's Spirit make you effective as his agent? In what ways are you authorized to speak and act for Jesus? 1. Zerubbabel is like Yahweh's own signet ring, one who will execute Yahweh's orders with Yahweh's own authority. That was encouraging to Zerubbabel and it gave him hope to do God’s will. 2. Zerubbabel had the authority to execute orders as Yahweh would do. 3. Jesus said that as people listen to you, in a very real sense, it is like listening to Jesus 4. We are authorized to act on Jesus’ behalf as long as we are following him truthfully and with his rightness. Quote
Smiley Posted September 27, 2017 Report Posted September 27, 2017 God is giving him authority to speak and act on behalf of him. This was encouraging him. The power is the authority given by the person that is God. We are also given authority to go and make disciples and speak his gospel. We have to listen to the Holy Spirit and go where he leads us to go for the ministry Quote
Zilka Posted September 27, 2017 Report Posted September 27, 2017 Q5. (Haggai 2:20-23) In what way is Haggai’s image of Zerubbabel being God’s signet intended to encourage Zerubbabel? What is the power of a leader’s signet? How does listening to God’s Spirit make you effective as his agent? In what ways are you authorized to speak and act for Jesus? God said to Haggai; On that day,' declares the LORD Almighty, 'I will take you, my servant Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel,' declares the LORD, 'and I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you,' declares the LORD Almighty." (Haggai 2:20-23) I believe God will us stay with Him and trust His words, His love and Hid power so we have authority to speak and act for Jesus. Amin Quote
Ganti Vivek Posted October 9, 2017 Report Posted October 9, 2017 Zerubbabel is like Yahweh's own signet ring, one who will execute Yahweh's orders with Yahweh's own authority. Its a great encouragement to him to carry forward God's work without fear of being stopped by someone. The power of a leaders signet is to have all the authority of the king to implement with his authority and fear, Here God Himself has given the signet to Zerubbabel to execute the His orders with aruthority and power without fear. When we listen to the spiritual voices of the God in our day to day life to do various works for His glory He will give our authority with His signet to carry froward We are authorized by the promise that Lord Jesus Christ has given us that he will not leaves or forsake us, to the very end of the age Mat 28:18-20, God is encouraging us to be co worker and leader in His kingdom on earth, He wants us to do what He has done when He was on earth that is spreading the good news of Gospel to nook and corner of the world to save as many souls as possible without perishing. Quote
Commissioned Posted October 17, 2017 Report Posted October 17, 2017 On 8/15/2017 at 2:26 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q5. (Haggai 2:20-23) In what way is Haggai’s image of Zerubbabel being God’s signet intended to encourage Zerubbabel? What is the power of a leader’s signet? How does listening to God’s Spirit make you effective as his agent? In what ways are you authorized to speak and act for Jesus? Haggai’s image of Zerubbabel being God’s signet should have encourage Zerubbabel because he was being told that God had given him authority. He had received God's blessings to go forth with God's authority. The leader’s signet signifies the power of the leader. The person holding the signet has the power of the leader and is in place of the leader at that moment. Listening to God’s Spirit makes you effective as his agent when you boldly follow His direction. You are authorized to speak and act for Jesus when you speak the unadulterated Word of God. Quote
BKeane Posted November 17, 2017 Report Posted November 17, 2017 like an ambassador or vicar effectively representing the King's authority de facto et de jure; maybe like an executor with a will the critical point is hearing what the Spirit says not trying to look for signs etc "rationalizing" my will or what I think the plan should be. Last few years making some head-way listening for God's will for me, and then, and only then , worrying about the what He wants me to do; maybe just guy thing but had/have the hardest time separating the two. Quote
Craig Posted November 20, 2017 Report Posted November 20, 2017 Q5. (Haggai 2:20-23) In what way is Haggai’s image of Zerubbabel being God’s signet intended to encourage Zerubbabel? What is the power of a leader’s signet? How does listening to God’s Spirit make you effective as his agent? In what ways are you authorized to speak and act for Jesus? To encourage Zerubabbel, God tells him through Haggai that he is God's signet. In being God's signet Zerubbabel has the power and authority to execute God's will for Judah. Listening to God's Spirit validates purpose and direction in one's life and mission. Thus, making one an effective agent. Christians have the power and authority to represent Jesus Christ in this present world. Quote
Damary Alembi Posted November 23, 2017 Report Posted November 23, 2017 In what way is Haggai's image of Zerubbabel being God's signet intended to encourage Zerubbabel? A signate ring is a seal made of engraved stone that is impressed in clay or waz to authenticate a document or an order. It is a humbling and deeply personal assurance from God himself that the Lord is with him. What is the power of a leader's signet? Is the authority of the one who gives the orders. How does listening to God's Spirit make you effective as his agent? He knows and love me. He has promised never to leave us nor forsake us, to the very end of the Age. Because listening to God enables one to be armed with his wisdom. He guides us in all that we have to do. Executing God’s orders with God’s own authority as we listen to his spirit, we today can act and speak with God’s own authority, with Jesus’ own words of love and power. Our disobedience can result in God’s discipline or in God withholding his blessings. He takes pleasure in us… and in his house…. When we obey him. We should seek his pleasure, not our own. In what ways are you authorized to speak and act for Jesus? By listening to his spirit. Quote
Julie Posted February 6, 2019 Report Posted February 6, 2019 Assures and encourages Zerubbabel that God is with him. Leaders signet has the power of God’s authority. We as God’s disciples have the authority to speak an act for Jesus but we need to love God with all our heart, follow Him. Quote
Preistina11 Posted December 18, 2019 Report Posted December 18, 2019 Q5. (Haggai 2:20-23) In what way is Haggai's image of Zerubbabel being God's signet intended to encourage Zerubbabel? Zerubbabel must have been so encouraged by what Haggai had to release to him as Zerubbabel must have felt so discouraged by all the opposition faced .Haggai’s image of Zerubbabel as a signet ring renewed power and strength within him to carry out his duties with authority.It was Yahweh who enable this in Zerubbabel and it He who encourages him. What an honor for Zerubbabel to have God speak to him in public. What is the power of a leader's signet? It is the signature of a powerful person in this case Gods Himself that clears the way to carry out the orders given. How does listening to God's Spirit make you effective as his agent? By listening to the Holy Spirit through the scriptures, through the sound advice of good willed people, through prophetic words and through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In what ways are you authorized to speak and act for Jesus? In the way Jesus has taught us and in the way He has fulfilled His promise Acts 1:8 New International Version (NIV)8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Quote
Katy Posted October 3, 2020 Report Posted October 3, 2020 When Haggai tells Zerubabel that God has appointed him to be His ‘signet ring’ it would have shown him that God had confidence in him to carry out the task of rebuilding the temple. He would feel honoured and humbled by the Lords attention to him. A leader‘s signet gives the receiver the authority to act on behalf of the owner of signet. When we listen and obey the Spirit of God we are acting in God’s will and therefore we will be happy and content and God will be pleased with us. We will desire the things of God and we will be enabled the do the work God wants us to do. The spirit will lead us and guide us to be effective for the Lord. I am authorised to tell people about all that Jesus has done for me, and how they can have eternal life too. But I must do this with gentleness and respect. Quote
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