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Q3. (Zechariah 3:1-7) What do Joshua’s filthy clothes represent? How does God deal with this? What message is this prophecy intended to convey to Joshua the High Priest? How might this message apply to Christian leaders who have sinned?

  • 1 month later...
On ‎8‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 2:29 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

is  Q3. (Zechariah 3:1-7) What do Joshua’s filthy clothes represent? How does God deal with this? What message is this prophecy intended to convey to Joshua the High Priest? How might this message apply to Christian leaders who have sinned?

1. Sin, Iniquity, lifestyle, character.

2. God (The Angel of the Lord, the Pre-incarnate Christ)  rebuked Satan, the accuser of the brethren who was accusing Joshua and who accuses us before God's throne. He then had those around Joshua take away his filthy garments, then said "I have caused your iniquity to pass from you and will clothe you with rich apparel.  He called Joshua a "brand plucked from the fire"....or a rescued or "saved one"  God Himself rescued or pulled from the fire. (hell)

3. We cannot remove our own sin or provide our own righteousness. God Himself must put a clean "turban" (helmet of salvation) and a" robe of righteousness" on us, which He alone can provide through the sacrifice of His Son.  He is a God of forgiveness and restoration.

4.  It may mean to confess their sins one to another (James 5:16), since Joshua was surrounded by those who could assist in his restoration. If so, his sin is not swept under the rug, is repented of and confessed to those who can pray for him and encourage him and hold him accountable in the fellowship of Christian brothers or sisters, where we are all on equal ground at the foot of the cross.

On 8/15/2017 at 5:29 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Zechariah 3:1-7) What do Joshua’s filthy clothes represent? How does God deal with this? What message is this prophecy intended to convey to Joshua the High Priest? How might this message apply to Christian leaders who have sinned?

Joshua's filthy clothes represent his sin.  God has the filthy clothes removed and replaces with new clothes of righteousness.  The message intended to convey to Joshua is all he has to do is repent and ask God to forgive him.  The applies to Christian leaders who have sinned.  All we have to do is repent and ask for God's forgiveness.  



He removes the filthy and replaces it with robes of righteousness.

God has provided the way if he chooses to repent.

God can and does restore--only if we truly repent and turn from our sins.


Q3. (Zechariah 3:1-7) What do Joshua's filthy clothes represent? How does God deal with this? What message is this prophecy intended to convey to Joshua the High Priest? How might this message apply to Christian leaders who have sinned?

The dirty clothe represent sin. They represent what needs to be removed from our lives. What we need to repent of. God deals with this by making us white as snow and gives us a fresh start. This message is telling Joshua that as God has cleansed him, so he will to all Joshua brings to God. This should serve as a reminder to Christian leaders who have “soiled their garments” that God is not only willing to forgive them, but that He will also promote their mission.


Joshua’s filthy clothes represents his sins. God deals with this sin by forgiving him. The message that this prophecy intend to convey to Joshua the High Priest is the He is in for forgiving business. The same message can apply to our Christian leaders who have sinned.


 What do Joshua's filthy clothes represent? How does God deal with this? What message is this prophecy intended to convey to Joshua the High Priest? How might this message apply to Christian leaders who have sinned?

Joshua's filthy clothes represent our sinful life. We are as dirty as filthy rags. Unworthy to be in God's presence. God commanded/ordered the angels to remove(God demonstrating His forgiveness as He removes our sin) Joshua's filthy clothes and replace with new garments(we are a new creation clothed in robes of righteousness in Christ Jesus).  Joshua was a foreshadow of the coming Messiah.

God is trying to convey to Joshua that though God has forgiven him and clothed him with righteousness, Joshua must obey God and follow His commandments in order to have the privilege to be a high priest in God's temple and be entrusted to govern His people. Joshua must put on righteousness every day(Jesus) in order to maintain a right position with God to fulfill His purpose.

This message should encourage Christian leaders who have sinned and perhaps continue to feel guilty and unworthy to serve God. God is a God of mercy. He will forgive you. If we humble ourselves and repent, turn from our sinful ways and seek Him with a sincere heart. He will remove your filthy clothes(sins) and clothe you with Jesus' righteousness. He will restore you to your position as royal priests to govern/lead His people. 


Q3. (Zechariah 3:1-7) 
What do Joshua's filthy clothes represent? 
How does God deal with this? 
What message is this prophecy intended to convey to Joshua the High Priest? 
How might this message apply to Christian leaders who have sinned?

Joshua’s filthy clothes represent his sin.
God deals with this by removing his sin (filthy clothes) and re-clothing him with clean garments. 
The message our Lord conveys to both Joshua and Christian leaders, as well us, is that we must repent.
Rid ourselves of all evil deeds and immorality, and recommit ourselves to Jesus, by putting on the new nature given by Christ. 
Be grateful for the Lord’s mercy and grace!


Q3. (Zechariah 3:1-7) What do Joshua's filthy clothes represent? How does God deal with this? What message is this prophecy intended to convey to Joshua the High Priest? How might this message apply to Christian leaders who have sinned?

1. Sin

2. God reproves Satan most sharply:  "Yahweh rebuke you, Satan! He also cleans Joshua up from sin.

3. That God loves him and desires him to be an obedient servant. The Lord shows this by promising Joshua the privilege of governing the temple if he walk in God’s ways and keep God’s requirements.

 4. We must remember if we mess up that God will forgive us when we repent. God never stop loving us even when we sin.


On 8/16/2017 at 7:29 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Zechariah 3:1-7) What do Joshua’s filthy clothes represent? How does God deal with this? What message is this prophecy intended to convey to Joshua the High Priest? How might this message apply to Christian leaders who have sinned?

Q3i - sin

Q3ii - he rebukes satan and cleanses and forgives Joshua of sin

Q3iii - that God loves him and to not be compromised by sin and the guilt attached to it, so as to be an excellent leader and example to God's people

Q3iv - to earnestly seek forgiveness knowing God loves them and can forgive them, acknowledging with a contrite heart that they will be obedient and walk in His ways


Q3. (Zechariah 3:1-7)

Q. What do Joshua's filthy clothes represent?

A. Sin

Q. How does God deal with this?

A. God forgave him his sin and clothed him with the garment of righteousness

Q. What message is this prophecy intended to convey to Joshua the High Priest?

A. I have forgiven you and restored you to full service to me and the people by grace alone but go and sin no more

Q. How might this message apply to Christian leaders who have sinned?

A. Same as it applied to Joshua. But the sinner needs to confess and repents of his sins



Q3. (Zechariah 3:1-7) What do Joshua’s filthy clothes represent?

Answer: It represent Joshua's sin.

How does God deal with this?

Answer: God loves us so much that even if we sinned against Him, His love towards us never change & in Joshua's situation though he fell into sin & satan is accusing him, God rebuked the devil, forgive Joshua and cleanse him of his transgressions.

What message is this prophecy intended to convey to Joshua the High Priest?

Answer: That no matter how we hurt God by our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us.

How might this message apply to Christian leaders who have sinned?

Answer: That even they fell into sin, they should not loose heart because God will always forgive us no matter what, all we need to do is to come back to Him & acknowledge what we did and repent. Sin should not stop Christian leaders from serving God though sometimes there will be period of discipline & chastisement.


Q3. (Zechariah 3:1-7) What do Joshua’s filthy clothes represent? How does God deal with this? What message is this prophecy intended to convey to Joshua the High Priest? How might this message apply to Christian leaders who have sinned?

 Joshua's filthy clothes represent his sin that has accumulated over the 19 years that he has been leader, high priest of the people. He has not been able to keep the people completely enthused with the building of the Temple and has allowed the project to fall behind schedule. God, in calling for a new clothes, clean clothes, calls for Joshua to become renewed in his commitment to God enter the project and will allow him to do the work. In the same way the message applies to leaders today to get on with the project, do not procrastinate, work for the Lord is coming!

On Tuesday, August 15, 2017 at 5:29 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Zechariah 3:1-7) What do Joshua’s filthy clothes represent? How does God deal with this? What message is this prophecy intended to convey to Joshua the High Priest? How might this message apply to Christian leaders who have sinned?

1. Joshua's filthy clothes meant being symbolically clothed in sin.  

2. As noted in Zechariah 3:4 angels were sent to take the filthy garments away.  When the filthy garments were taken away so was the iniquities.  Joshua was then clothed with new raiments.  These new rainments represented salvation for the nations.  

3.  Our Heavenly Father was symbolically cleansing the High Priesthood and restoring Israel to it's original calling through Joshua.  

4.  This message would allow Christian leaders to realize there is hope in being restored if someone happens to fall into sin.  There is hope in our Heavenly Father and HIS SON.   Christ died so we could live.  


Q3. (Zechariah 3:1-7) What do Joshua’s filthy clothes represent? How does God deal with this? What message is this prophecy intended to convey to Joshua the High Priest? How might this message apply to Christian leaders who have sinned?

Joshua’s filthy clothes is sin.

God has plan for Jushua, to wash his Sin and give him new Clothe for salvation.

Our Glorious God prepare us with His righteousness, because His love make us glory, forgive our sin,

also give us hope in Heaven.



Joshua's filthy clothes represent our sinful life which is stinking and cannot be hidden in front of our God, it is both visible to his eyes and stinking smell is spread around which others can also identify from whom it is coming.

Our God being most merciful, gracious and kind, is willing to clean us by changing our cloths, that is by His grace alone  He is saving us from our sins.

The message intended to convey to Joshua the high priest is that if he walks in Gods ways and keeps His requirements then he will govern over Gods house/temple or else he will lose the place to stand there and serve Him.

This message is very clear to all the christian  leaders today that if they have sinned and are continuing  in Gods service, Gods says He is willing to change their cloths that is their sins, if they repent, or else they will loose their position and place in the church to serve Him.

On 8/15/2017 at 5:29 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Zechariah 3:1-7) What do Joshua’s filthy clothes represent? How does God deal with this? What message is this prophecy intended to convey to Joshua the High Priest? How might this message apply to Christian leaders who have sinned?

Joshua’s filthy clothes represent sin.

 God deal with this by robing him in a garment that represented God's cleansing and forgiveness.

The message this prophecy was intended to convey to Joshua the High Priest was that God did not turned away from him, but rather He cleanse and forgave him of his sin.

For the Christian leaders who have sinned this message is encouraging for them to turn to God in spite of the sin and be forgiven.


  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/15/2017 at 4:29 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Zechariah 3:1-7) What do Joshua’s filthy clothes represent? How does God deal with this? What message is this prophecy intended to convey to Joshua the High Priest? How might this message apply to Christian leaders who have sinned?

The prophet Zechariah 3:1-7 filthy clothes represent the sins in his life.

God deals with this by telling Joshua that if he will walk in the Lord's ways and keep his requirements, he will be given a place among the people (place of honor).

The message conveys to Joshua that the Lord will have mercy on him if he walks in the way of the Lord.

Christian leaders who have sinned need to repent and follow the way of the Lord as he had intended them to do. Then he will restore them to their place of leadership.  


  • 3 weeks later...

the dirty clothes represent the spiritual state; in his role probably both his personal sloth and also his congregation.

God is ALWAYS there to welcome us back with open arms as soon as we truly repent of our sins---actually process seems to start before us getting to that stage.  I am referring to prior state of "ignorance" where our sins have become so habitual we no longer even see them as sins, or through rationalization on our part or willingness to "believe' water-downed Scripture interpretations/teaching as to our sinfulness  etc.

by repenting Joshue not only is  restored but also his congregation in ways of God I "get" but cannot explain--something to do with him being the vicar of Him but still part of the Body (us)


What do Joshua's filthy clothes represent? They represent SIN.


How does God deal with this? By clothing with clean, rich garments.  Cleansing and forgiveness.


What message is this prophecy intended to convey to Joshua the High Priest? That God is the creator of heaven and earth. He forgives all kinds of sin. When he cleanses you he does it in totality. God is in the cleansing and restoration business. God is a God of second chance, he saved and rescued.


How might this message apply to Christian leaders who have sinned? That God is a God of another chance. We are assured that Jesus is in the business of cleansing and restoration, all you need to do is to surrender yourself to him and all the rest will be history.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (Zechariah 3:1-7) What do Joshua’s filthy clothes represent? How does God deal with this? What message is this prophecy intended to convey to Joshua the High Priest? How might this message apply to Christian leaders who have sinned?

Joshua's filthy clothes represent his personal sin.  God deals with this by providing him with fresh, clean garments. The message is that God has forgiven Joshua of his sin and removed the guilt associated with the sin.  He gives him fresh garments and restores His relationship Joshua.  

God restores relationships and leadership positions upon repentance of sin as He sees fitting.


  • 1 year later...

Joshua’s filthy clothes represent sin.
God cleanses Joshua of all his sin.
This Message say’s the same thing to Joshua as well as the Christian leaders today that they will be cleansed and forgiven of their sin but they need to walk with the Lord and willingly obey Him.

  • 1 year later...

Joshua’s filthy clothes represent his sin. The angel instructed his helpers to remove the filthy clothes and replace them with ‘rich clothes’(NIV), and a clean turban.

God is telling Joshua that He has taken away his sin, and if he obeys God and walks in His ways that he will govern His house and have charge in His courts. 
Present day leaders can take consolation from this passage that God will forgive them their sin if they are repentant and obey God and walk in His ways. 
Interesting that there is no mention of repentence in these verses. I presume he was sorry , whatever he had done was not his usual way of behaving. God knows all heart and He must have know Joshua was sorry for what he had done. 

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