Pastor Ralph Posted August 15, 2017 Report Posted August 15, 2017 Q3. (Nehemiah 5) Why doesn’t Nehemiah wait until he isn’t so busy to deal with the complaints of the poor who are being oppressed? What is the chief motivation of their oppressors? How does Nehemiah deal with the issue? Why are church leaders sometimes quicker to deal with the complaints of the wealthy than those of the poor? What motivates these leaders? Quote
JanMary Posted October 23, 2017 Report Posted October 23, 2017 On 8/15/2017 at 3:34 PM, Pastor Ralph said: (Q3. (Nehemiah 5) Why doesn’t Nehemiah wait until he isn’t so busy to deal with the complaints of the poor who are being oppressed? Their situation was desperate as they dealt with hunger, selling their land so they could buy grain, selling children into slavery. Nehemiah dealt with it decisively as he did everything. What is the chief motivation of their oppressors? Greed and power in order to enslave the people. (That is a secular governmental tactic, such as the crusade by the left in America to promote Socialism/Communism today in the hope of taking control of the government and power over the people which at its root is a power struggle with God) How does Nehemiah deal with the issue? He rebuked the nobles and officials and called a great assembly against them. (He called them out publicly) He told them to return their fields, vineyards, groves, houses and a hundredth of all that they had extracted from the poor, and to stop charging excessive interest. The officials said they would comply and Nehemiah called the priests and had them take oaths from the lenders to hold them to their promises. Why are church leaders sometimes quicker to deal with the complaints of the wealthy than those of the poor? I imagine it's to appease and attract those who bring in the largest amount of money. What motivates these leaders? Greed and job security! I guess the thinking is "If the poor leave we're not hurt financially but if we offend the wealthy who give most of the tithes it will wreck our budget and the salary and perks of those in leadership. Common in the flesh and the world, but a disgrace for God's ambassadors and pastor/leaders. Quote
blezed Posted October 23, 2017 Report Posted October 23, 2017 On 8/15/2017 at 6:34 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (Nehemiah 5) Why doesn’t Nehemiah wait until he isn’t so busy to deal with the complaints of the poor who are being oppressed? Nehemiah did not want to loose the people's motivation to rebuild the wall. Their complaints were legitimate and needed to be addressed. What is the chief motivation of their oppressors? Greed and disregard for the poor. How does Nehemiah deal with the issue? Nehemiah publicly exposes and shames them for their greed. Why are church leaders sometimes quicker to deal with the complaints of the wealthy than those of the poor? What motivates these leaders? The church leaders may look at the wealthy as someone who is funding the church and don't want to loose their support. I believe greed and power are the motivating factors. Quote
bertha Posted October 25, 2017 Report Posted October 25, 2017 (Nehemiah 5) Why doesn’t Nehemiah wait until he isn’t so busy to deal with the complaints of the poor who are being oppressed? What is the chief motivation of their oppressors? How does Nehemiah deal with the issue? Why are church leaders sometimes quicker to deal with the complaints of the wealthy than those of the poor? What motivates these leaders? Nehemiah sees the dire need to take care of this situation that has gotten out of hand. He has compassion for the poor, the children, the widows. He is angered at the fact that the Jews are treating their fellow man as the Gentiles once treated them, as slaves. The chief oppressors were motivated by greed and power. Personal gain, trying to increase their own fortunes. Nehemiah dealt with this injustices publicly, to shame the nobles and officials, reminding them of the Mosaic law : ex. Exodus 22:25 - If thou lend money to [any of] my people [that is] poor by thee, thou shalt not be to him as an usurer, neither shalt thou lay upon him usury. He had the nobles and officials make an oath before the priests to return confiscated lands, to lower the interests being charged and return overcharged interests and pronounces a curse to those who don't comply. The wealthy are sometimes given priority when issues arise over the poor for the same reason. Greed is what motivates these leaders. Personal gain can attribute to this behavior as well. They have more to lose financially from the wealthy than one who might not have the means to tithes or gives small offerings. Quote
Eilen Posted October 25, 2017 Report Posted October 25, 2017 Nehemiah did not wait because he was appalled at what was being done to the Judeans. They were being exploited. This was against his principles. The poor, children should not be exploited and made slaves.This was something that had to be taken care immediately for the welfare of the people. The chief motivation was to suppress the Judeans and keep them from completing the wall. Nehemiah was governor and called a meeting to openly reprimand the wealthy who through their actions were taking advantage of the poor. They are quicker to deal with the wealthy because they are the large contributors to the church. They do not want to alienate them. Church leaders today are greedy. The wealth of their church motivates the church leaders today. Quote
Uncle Dave Posted October 28, 2017 Report Posted October 28, 2017 Q3. (Nehemiah 5) Why doesn't Nehemiah wait until he isn't so busy to deal with the complaints of the poor who are being oppressed? What is the chief motivation of their oppressors? How does Nehemiah deal with the issue? Why are church leaders sometimes quicker to deal with the complaints of the wealthy than those of the poor? What motivates these leaders? Nehemiah knew he couldn’t wait on this one because the poor people are the ones who provide the most muscle when it comes to doing the work and the ones who do the fighting when wars come. I think in this case, however it was because it was a case of God’s people ripping off the same, although of a different economic status which is bad enough, but this is to be God’s people this is happening with. Any time you have a problem like this, troubles will soon follow, and the division will grow exponentially until only total chaos exists, and when word of that gets back to the king you can bet that even if heads don’t roll, unpleasant action will take place. Shameful greed and **** for power to make a long story short and I have already used too many words to describe it. Nehemiah comes back at the people using Mosaic justice, which might be hard for the “haves” to deal with, but it is justice instituted by Yahweh Himself and is merciful as well as fair. “Church” leaders are usually much quicker to deal with their buddies with the money because the old saying “money talks” shows just how loud and big it’s ugly mouth can be. I used a quote around the word church for a reason, which I’m sure is quite obvious, but sometimes I can’t help but wonder just exactly what church it is they belong to when they act like that. Not all are like that, but the ones who practice true Biblical economics are getting scarcer by the day. It is amazing how fast one’s mind slips into sin simply by a monetary value symbol. Satan is the motivation of such leaders. They sure aren’t learning it from the Word of God. People need to suit up against the evil one and fight him the way the Bible says to. There is a pastor I know and have the utmost respect for who, although I won’t bring up his actual name, practiced Biblical economics in such a way that made my head spin when I saw it up close. He never had a problem rallying the congregation to all pitch in and help another congregation member who was going through hard times and needed something, and the congregation was of one mind it that they would do all they could to help each other. I remember one night a person was sitting in the back and was slightly disruptive, (had a few too many, but had even more questions before the service was over) anyway, he was trying to make it home and ran out of money and it was snowing hard that night and the pastor put him up in a hotel for the night, gave him money to get home and get something to eat and we were on our way. The pastor was giving me a ride home and he told me of the man’s plight and how, if you helped people and didn’t even think to question what they would do with the money that God would never let you down. That is so true. Although the congregation was small the pastor prospered and even though he worked to pay most of his way, he has a nice home and always time for anybody. You might say I envy a man like that. Quote
hanks Posted October 28, 2017 Report Posted October 28, 2017 Q3. (Nehemiah 5) Why doesn't Nehemiah wait until he isn't so busy to deal with the complaints of the poor who are being oppressed? What is the chief motivation of their oppressors? How does Nehemiah deal with the issue? Why are church leaders sometimes quicker to deal with the complaints of the wealthy than those of the poor? What motivates these leaders? His people are suffering under the heavy tax burden and the current drought. Food is scarce and he therefore has to deal urgently with the poor being oppressed. The chief motivation of the oppressors was as usual - greed. This happens all over the world – the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The wealthy had been profiting from the misfortune of the masses. There was a drought and besides tending to their farms they were working on the wall in Jerusalem. They had mortgaged their property to buy food; borrowed money to pay taxes. And due to financial hardships they had been forced to sell their children into slavery. This is a very serious and sorry state of affairs and made Nehemiah very angry over the injustice done to God’s people. But Nehemiah did not act in the adrenaline rush of anger Instead he gave the problem some serious thought. Not only was the rebuilding project at risk, but the very future and unity of God's people in Judah was at risk. Nehemiah deals with the issue by confronting the nobles and the rulers. He demands the buying back of the Jews sold into slavery to Gentiles; and any further sales into slavery is forbidden; he sets new low interest rates and excessive interest charged is to be refunded; confiscated land is to be returned; and taxes are cut. The priests are summoned as witnesses and to see that all is done as he demanded. Money is power. The wealthy have more influence in the church and the church leaders are careful not to antagonise them – their contributions are needed. Quote
WinstonY Posted October 29, 2017 Report Posted October 29, 2017 Q3. (Nehemiah 5) Why doesn’t Nehemiah wait until he isn’t so busy to deal with the complaints of the poor who are being oppressed? What is the chief motivation of their oppressors? How does Nehemiah deal with the issue? Why are church leaders sometimes quicker to deal with the complaints of the wealthy than those of the poor? What motivates these leaders? hunger does not wait, does it? The chief motivation off the oppressors is profit and self-interest. Nehemiah demands in regulates that there be interest no higher than 1% per month and the people who are starving are provided for. because wealthy people are more ready to pay bribes Evan the poor then it is to our advantage to please the wealthy. Quote
haar Posted October 31, 2017 Report Posted October 31, 2017 Q3. (Nehemiah 5) Q. Why doesn't Nehemiah wait until he isn't so busy to deal with the complaints of the poor who are being oppressed? A. because it was an issue that was contrary to the word of God that sought to protect the poor in society could cause division and outcry thus needed to be resolved immediately. Q. What is the chief motivation of their oppressors? B. Selfishness and taking advantage of the drought, poor harvest and increase in demand. Q. How does Nehemiah deal with the issue? A. He called for a meeting and announce his displeasure, ordered the released of confiscated lands, and slash in interest rates Q. Why are church leaders sometimes quicker to deal with the complaints of the wealthy than those of the poor? What motivates these leaders? A. They want to please and keep these rich people who are the bigger contributors of the church income. Quote
charisbarak Posted November 5, 2017 Report Posted November 5, 2017 They are hungry and in need now! Money! They have $ and want more! He turns them back to the law and demands they follow it. Especially dealing with their fellow countrymen. Money seems to buy time & opportunity. Those leaders are guilty of the same thing--more money--even if they want it for the church.......! Quote
Debra Grant Posted November 7, 2017 Report Posted November 7, 2017 Q3. (Nehemiah 5) Why doesn't Nehemiah wait until he isn't so busy to deal with the complaints of the poor who are being oppressed? What is the chief motivation of their oppressors? How does Nehemiah deal with the issue? Why are church leaders sometimes quicker to deal with the complaints of the wealthy than those of the poor? What motivates these leaders? 1.The children should not be exploited and made slaves. They were hungry and in need of something being taken care of immediately. 2.Greed, disregard for the poor, and selfish gain for themselves. 3.He publicly exposed them and reminded them of the Mosaic law : .Exodus 22:25 - If thou lend money to [any of] my people [that is] poor by thee, thou shalt not be to him as an usurer, neither shalt thou lay upon him usury. He had the nobles and officials make an oath before the priests to return confiscated lands, to lower the interests being charged and return overcharged interests and pronounces a curse to those who don't comply. 4.They want to please and keep the rich people who are the bigger contributors of the church. Greed is what motivates these leaders. Quote
Commissioned Posted November 19, 2017 Report Posted November 19, 2017 On 8/15/2017 at 6:34 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (Nehemiah 5) Why doesn’t Nehemiah wait until he isn’t so busy to deal with the complaints of the poor who are being oppressed? What is the chief motivation of their oppressors? How does Nehemiah deal with the issue? Why are church leaders sometimes quicker to deal with the complaints of the wealthy than those of the poor? What motivates these leaders? Nehemiah doesn't wait until he isn’t so busy to deal with the complaints of the poor who are being oppressed because of his compassion for their plight. The chief motivation of their oppressors was the stress of drought in the economy. Nehemiah dealt with the issue by appealing to the lenders to reduce the interest charged on borrowings. He demanded the return of property taken from the poor, among other things. Church leaders sometimes are quicker to deal with the complaints of the wealthy than those of the poor because the richer ones give more to the church. They are motivated by mammon. Quote
Damary Alembi Posted November 23, 2017 Report Posted November 23, 2017 Why doesn't Nehemiah wait until he isn't so busy to deal with the complaints of the poor who are being oppressed? Because of poverty. People were hunger stricken that they could not work when they are weak. What is the chief motivation of their oppressors? Famine in the land. Demands caused food prices to skyrocket. There was an economic and social disaster ongoing. Those without lands were being sold into slavery to repay the money people had borrowed. The prices of all items (necessities) went up. Their crop had failed so they were forced to purchase food. How does Nehemiah deal with the issue? He called a large meeting to deal with the situation. He used his authority as governor to severely and public reprimand the rich who were taking advantage of the poor. He bought back Jews slavery from Gentiles and forbid the sale of other Jews to pay their debts. He demanded the end of high interest rates Demanded to confiscate lands and return of excessive interests. He also pronounced a curse on those who did not comply. Why are church leaders sometimes quicker to deal with the complaints of the wealthy than those of the poor? Because they depend on their offerings. What motivates these leaders? Huge sums of money that they receive in form of tithes and offerings from the wealthy. Quote
BKeane Posted December 20, 2017 Report Posted December 20, 2017 this chapter is what specifically drew me to this Bible study; I have been involved since 2009 with Catholic and other Christians (a few invited Moslem "observers") with the issue of "money and banking" and its relationship to Christian doctrine--so into the whole questions of what is real wealth, what is "money" and where and who does it come from, interest versus usury, consumer loans vs productive loans etc etc... this chapter has always seemed to me and almost all others. to be just kind of dangling almost (first half) as a stand alone that could have occurred anywhere along the story line it is just so weird that what is described (VERY much same process as Joseph on behalf on Pharaoh during plenitude and scarcity and collateral and forfeitures he collected) did not/does not happen overnight--this is a slow, very sure means to transfer real wealth to financial "connivers"; yes I realize an assembly was called but something huge happened to the 1%/bankesters' to just sit there quietly, no response, and go, yea you're right, we will cease and desist, give them back their lands etc----if there is to be a continued reprieve some such sort of giant awakening within financial circles (international) MUST occur (or be encouraged-hope Pres Trump no just Cyrus V2, but also Nehmiah V2!!!! for fun, when a bank grants a loan the amount of the loan principle "deposited" into the borrower's account came from ?? depositors ? the banks cash on and? out of thin air e.g did not exist before that moment, and will cease to exist wen repaid (interest off course was never created, so there has to be a continual game of musical chairs "finding" the interest payments which if successful means they had to come from someone else---like the princes and rich guys in this verse i truly believe (want to believe?) that the makority of bankers have no clue, politicians most assuredly do not or very very few-those that speak out are moth balled one way or the other; Quote
Katy Posted November 2, 2020 Report Posted November 2, 2020 Nehemiah knew he couldn’t wait to deal with the situation because it was badly affecting his workforce. There was a famine in the land.The people were hungry, others were losing their land ,and their houses, other were having to borrow money to buy food and then loosing their land and homes because they couldn’t pay back the money. Other were paying high taxes. They had no money to live on and to buy food which was expensive. Some were being sold as slaves to pay incurred debts. Nehemiah also wanted to stop those who were rich from increasing their wealth by taking from the poor their fellow Jews. Nehemiah called together the nobles and the officials and he held a meeting to tell them that what they were doing was wrong. He gave them instructions to stop charging excessive interest on goods, to buy back the slaves, He told them he was lending money to the poor but not charging more than 1% interest. Neither was he taking money he was due to pay his expenses as governor because the people were too poor. He also cursed anyone who would not obey what he was asking them to do. He then summoned the priests and got the nobles and officials to take an oath that they would do this. They agreed they would obey. Then they praised God. Wealthy people can be seen as more powerful than poor people! I suppose some church leaders may deal with wealthy people quicker than poor people because they want to be on the right side of them. To win favour with them. This attitude is very wrong for anyone but especially a church leader who should treat all people equal but have a special love towards those who are poor and need support. Jesus always cared for the poor and needy. All through scripture God has told His people to care for widows and orphans. Quote
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