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Q1. (Nehemiah 8:1-12) Why does the reading of Scripture bring such sorrow to the people? Why is Scripture reading so important in personal spiritual revival? What place does the Spirit have in this? What is the relationship between joy and faith in God’s compassion and love?

  • 2 months later...
On 8/15/2017 at 3:37 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Nehemiah 8:1-12) Why does the reading of Scripture bring such sorrow to the people?

I hadn't noticed when I've read this chapter before that the people ASKED Ezra to read the Book of the Law of Moses and they all stood in respect and honor as it was read to them, then they worshipped with faces to the ground. Their hearts were softened, and thus the sadness and mourning for their neglect and disobedience to the Lord regarding the Law. The Levites helped the people understand what was being read to them, as before this the people only knew what was told them by the Levites.

Why is Scripture reading so important in personal spiritual revival?

Because we're born with a fallen nature and minds of our own and with rebellion in our hearts, personal scripture reading is the "anti-dote". Daily reading and meditating on His Word, His thoughts, His desires, and feeding on Him in prayer renews our minds, changes our hearts, and opens us up to all that He wants to do in and through us. He shows us where we have fallen short and need to repent, and where He wants to teach and train us, how He wants to empower and use us. As we read His Word, He reassures us of His tender love for us, and of His mercy and grace, of who we are in Him, the gifts He wants to develop in us for His service, and above all, Who He is!  The Bereans in Acts 17:11 searched in the Word for themselves to know if what was being told them was true. When we only rely on others to "spoon feed us" their teaching is limited to their understanding which can be out of balance, biased toward a religious "bent" or incomplete or even incorrect.

I was exposed to years of teaching and sermons based on "the Law"...to the exclusion of grace. I became legalistic and focused anxiously on doing things right and getting the check mark in the box every day. When I began to study and explore the Word for myself, I came to understand Paul's wonderful, freeing, teaching on GRACE. I let go of the drudgery and fear of  legalism and embraced the JOY and the wonderful freedom of just being His beloved daughter and letting Him live through me and to trust His guidance, correction and teaching to accomplish HIS will and purpose for my life.

God spoke to Adam about not eating the tree of the Knowledge of good and evil BEFORE Eve was created. Then Adam told Eve what God had said to him. My thought is that is why she was so easily deceived...she heard it second hand instead of from God Himself. The Levites only told the people what they thought they needed to know...again, it was second hand and more easily ignored. We remember what the Holy Spirit teaches us one on one. This helped me to understand why my family doesn't have the same keenness to promises made to me that I've shared with them...it's just hearsay to them..."God said" whereas I heard "I will do ….(such and so...)

What place does the Spirit have in this?

Holy Spirit's promise is to lead us into all truth. He is our teacher, mentor, guide and comforter. He illumines the Word as we read (as the Levites helped those listening to Ezra understand what was being said) It's Holy Spirit's work to make the Word understood and personal to us and through "Ramah" words for us in the moment or of promise. He can take words on the page written to someone 2,000 years ago, and almost in Neon, the same words speak to us of hope, direction, comfort, correction or whatever He wants to communicate to us....His love letter to our hearts!

What is the relationship between joy and faith and in God's compassion and love?

Until we have faith we can't  have true Joy and are blind to God's compassion and love. When we're born again and faith is alive, His joy becomes our strength, no matter the circumstances. We are no longer out in the cold as spiritual orphans, but embrace the truth that we are sons and daughters of the Creator and King of the Universe and therefore recipients of His compassion and love....from now throughout eternity!




Q1. (Nehemiah 8:1-12) Why does the reading of Scripture bring such sorrow to the people? Why is Scripture reading so important in personal spiritual revival? What place does the Spirit have in this? What is the relationship between joy and faith in God's compassion and love?

The reading brought sorrow because it showed people where they were messing up and not being pleasing to God. The fact that sin led to the captivity in Babylon and they were doing the same things over made them think. Perhaps they had been living in a world of “they’re the ones who need to repent” and the explanations they were given as to what the readings actually meant and that it was directed toward them, and not the other guy (not saying the other guy didn’t screw up). When a person comes to grips with that and realizes they (i.e. as in “me”) are the one who needs to repent it tears your insides up a bit.

If revival is a renewing of a person he/she needs to know what their new identity should compare to. If we desire to become more Christ like, the only place to find that new person we’re looking for is in the Word. Sometimes a person can read the Bible cover to cover and find just one little item that makes all the difference in the world. He will sell all he owns to get that item.

It is the spirit who speaks to us and leads us to & down the path we are looking for. Time spent listening to the spirit compared to a gossip columnist puts you far ahead of the game (for lack of the word I want to use, not sure what it is). Truth is freedom.

The freedom realized once you experience it. I’ve heard people say that salvation is more than just an experience and that is true, but freedom is an aspect. If you have that faith you know don’t have to worry about anything, because no matter what happens, like it or not, God is in control and even though we experience great sorrow in this life, it is the next one that counts.


The reason that Scripture brings such sorrow to the people is because they didn’t know the laws of God and when they understood the law they knew that they had been sinning. Scripture reading is so important to personal spiritual revival because we forget what it says and when we do read it we will realize that we had been sinning. When we read the scriptures that brings us back to God. It is the Spirit that stirs up in us the need to read the scriptures. We know that we can have joy even after we had sinned and have repented because we know that God has compassion and love for us.


The people were sorrowful on having just understood God’s laws and how their forefathers had rebelled against God, not having kept His commandments.

Scripture reading is important since it keeps us focused on God being our shepherd who is always loving, merciful and forgiving.

The spirit within believers allows them to be a channel of God’s word, love, joy and peace to others.

God is our refuge.  He is the one to turn to   in times of  distress, anxiety.  He can always bring us joy once we have faith in Him.



(Nehemiah 8:1-12) Why does the reading of Scripture bring such sorrow to the people? Why is Scripture reading so important in personal spiritual revival? What place does the Spirit have in this? What is the relationship between joy and faith in God’s compassion and love?

The Scripture opened their eyes to the truth. They realized that they were no different than their ancestors. Their forefathers had experienced the wrath of God because of their sinful ways. They, too, in their ignorance were going the same path. This is the work of the HOLY SPIRIT bringing conviction to the hearts of the people, to repent of their sins and turn back to God. This is why scripture reading is very important in personal spiritual revival. The same Spirit works in us through the word of God to convict us of our sins and correct our lives so we may please God. It is like looking in a mirror, and seeing an unfavorable sight. Makes us want to do something about our look. So, we proceed in fixing what was out of order. The HOlY SPIRIT helps us see within ourselves: our conduct, our attitudes, our thoughts, etc., in the light of The Word of God, and brings conviction, sadness, sorrow, and repentance. It is the Holy Spirit that helps right what was wrong. Through scripture we know God's heart, His desires, His purpose, His will for our lives and we allow Him to work His perfect will in us.

It is through faith that we can experience the joy that comes in Knowing a loving and compassionate God. Who, being yet sinners, He was willing to sacrifice His only begotten Son that we may live. We, through faith, have the privilege to serve a God of mercy and compassion. It is God's love that has been poured on us that we may experience abundant , joyful, and fulfilling lives.





Q1. (Nehemiah 8:1-12)

Q. Why does the reading of Scripture bring such sorrow to the people?

A. The people were convicted of their gross sin against God

Q. Why is Scripture reading so important in personal spiritual revival?

A. Scripture, the Word of God is a lamp to our feet and a light that shows us the way to walk safely. It is bread of life that feeds our souls. More so, it convicts us of sin and leads us to confession and repentance . It also increases our faith as faith comes by hearing (listening to) the word of God.

Q. What place does the Spirit have in this?

A. The Spirit helps us to understand the word and helps us to obey and act appropriately.

Q. What is the relationship between joy and faith in God's compassion and love?

A. faith in God brings peace and consequently joy and or gladness.



Q1. (Nehemiah 8:1-12) 
Why does the reading of Scripture bring such sorrow to the people? 
Why is Scripture reading so important in personal spiritual revival? 
What place does the Spirit have in this? 
What is the relationship between joy and faith in God's compassion and love?

I think most of them had never heard the Law before, and on hearing it for the first time, they realised that all their suffering could have been avoided if only their forefathers had obeyed God’s Law. It could also be that they understood the severity of their own sin. At the same time, it also showed that they had taken the message seriously. In the end their sadness was turned to joy, and the joy of the LORD was their strength. Unbelievers can be happy, but this is dependent on things or circumstances, and even then only for a limited period. If things go bad, they have no resources to call upon. By contrast, we can have a constant inner happiness (joy), that is independent of circumstances. This happens when we do not operate in the power of the flesh. Joy is not an emotional issue; it is a fruit of the Spirit, and is a result of spiritual growth. The LORD has blessed us with an inner peace as well. 


The Scripture brings truth to the forefront.  It is like a mirror, showing them their true selves.

We need God's truth--we need to read what God thinks about us & shows us where we are.

The Holy Spirit is key--He helps us understand the truth.

Joy is the end result of us knowing & believing that God loves us and cares about us.


Q1. (Nehemiah 8:1-12) Why does the reading of Scripture bring such sorrow to the people? Why is Scripture reading so important in personal spiritual revival? What place does the Spirit have in this? What is the relationship between joy and faith in God’s compassion and love?

 as most of the people were illiterate and had no scriptures available to them as obviously there was no printing press. Hence many of them, actually most of them had never heard the scripture read before. Also on this occasion they were Levites going around the crowd helping the people to understand the word that they were hearing, explaining it to them and helping them to understand. The people therefore had no comprehension that they were in violation of God's law and upon hearing it they were placed in the depths of Sorrow for there were afraid of their souls. It is for this reason that scripture reading is so important to a person's individual Spiritual Development.

 the holy spirit is very important in all of this. It is the holy spirit that rests upon the people in a revival, open their hearts and bakes them assessable and accepting of the word of God. With this action of the Holy Spirit the word will roll off the people like the water off a duck's back.

joy and faith is a response that people make to the opening of their hearts and minds and souls to the word and to the spirit. One can hardly be filled with the Holy Spirit and not also be filled with joy and faith.


Q1. (Nehemiah 8:1-12) Why does the reading of Scripture bring such sorrow to the people? Why is Scripture reading so important in personal spiritual revival? What place does the Spirit have in this? What is the relationship between joy and faith in God's compassion and love?

 1. They didn’t know the laws of God and when they understood the laws they knew they had been sinning. The people were convicted of their sins against God.

 2. Daily reading and meditating on his Word renews our mind and helps us to recognize sin in our lives. It helps us do God’s will.

 3. The Spirit helps us to understand God’s word and to be obedient to God. The Spirit leads and guides us.

 4. Until we have faith we can't  have true Joy and are blind to God's compassion and love. When we're born again and faith is alive, His joy becomes our strength. We have faith that God has compassion and still loves us even though we had sinned and repented. We then can still have joy because of his love for us.

  • 3 weeks later...

Why does the reading of Scripture bring such sorrow to the people? Because they realized now their forefathers had strayed away from God.

 Why is Scripture reading so important in personal spiritual revival? As they begin to understand the commandments --- and the grievous way that God’s people have broken these commandments – their hearts are broken. To guide us, lead and remind us what is expected of us and teaching as well.

 What place does the Spirit have in this? There is evidence of true spiritual revival, where God softens the hearts of men and women and brings deep repentance.

 What is the relationship between joy and faith in God's compassion and love? Joy is the fruit of faith. Through faithful teaching people understand God’s word. When the light comes to the hearers, they begin to understand and become excited about it, and when their fruit increases, the spirit of faith gives joy as its fruit.

On 8/15/2017 at 6:37 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Nehemiah 8:1-12) Why does the reading of Scripture bring such sorrow to the people? Why is Scripture reading so important in personal spiritual revival? What place does the Spirit have in this? What is the relationship between joy and faith in God’s compassion and love?

The reading of Scripture brought such sorrow to the people when they begin to understand the commandments of God and the grievous way that God's people have broken these commandments. This broke their hearts.

Scripture reading is important in personal spiritual revival because the word of God brings.life to the reader, it is evidence of a true spiritual revival.  It is the Spirit of God that indwells the Believer and brings understanding of the Word to the individual. The  joy of the Lord is our strength and faith in God’s compassion and love will draw us to the place of joy.

  • 1 year later...

For the Scripture that was being read to then  opened the peoples eyes and hearts to what Gods Law has been telling them they finally understand and mourn  for their breaking of the commandments!  
Scripture reading is significant because it is how we come to understand Gods word and how God works with other believers in bringing His word to us.
Without faith there is no Joy. With faith comes Joy. You will find Joy in your heart as you come closer and closer to the Lord when you immerse yourself in His word. 

  • 1 year later...

As the Scripture’s are read the people realise just how sinful they have been and still are. As they begin to understand the Scriptures they know how they have disobeyed God and they grieve by crying and wailing. 
It is very important for us as Christians to read and understand the Scriptures for personal spiritual revival. When we understand the  word of God and read it daily we will truly understand how sinful we are, and just how gracious and merciful God is to us. When this is understood it brings about deep hearted repentance and sorrow. We also need the Holy Spirit to help us understand and discern the things of God. 
We cannot have joy in our hearts until we believe in God and understand about His goodness , mercy and compassion. We truly experience joy when we know we have Gods forgiveness, and have experience His love , continuing grace and many blessings. No matter how hard life is when we are walking with Jesus and know we will spend eternity in His presence, His joy bubbles away in our hearts.

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