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Q3. (Nehemiah 13:1-5, 7-9) Does God set higher standards for leaders than for others? If so, why? What results in the people when leaders become corrupt? How can you keep this from happening to you? If God shows you corruption within, how can you recover from it?

  • 2 months later...
On 8/15/2017 at 3:42 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

bQ3. (Nehemiah 13:1-5, 7-9) Does God set higher standards for leaders than for others? If so, Why?

Yes, He does.  Leaders are supposed to LEAD by example in all areas of integrity. The saying "As the leader goes, so goes the nation" is appropriate for the church as well. This is why we are to search and read the scriptures for ourselves, because some leaders are corrupt and will twist the scripture to suit their agenda.  Often the corruption is in the financial realm, but pastors have been known to lead others astray in taking advantage of vulnerable women in counseling for their corrupt desires. A pastor in our area was highly regarded for taking in young refugee  women, until it was discovered they were being used in the sex trade and for his benefit. Now that church is dissolving, leaving many disillusioned and distraught believers. Who can calculate the damage done to the young women who trusted that a pastor was a safe refuge?

 What results in the people when leaders become corrupt?

They become disillusioned and their faith is trashed...there are as many Christians who no longer attend church as those who do attend, for similar reasons. (Poll in Charisma magazine) I felt led to share Christ with a young woman who was saying how lost and discouraged she felt. When I started to share she said "I'd like to be able to believe you but I sent lots of money to "....................."  (a corrupt televangelist who fell mightily) and I don't trust anyone anymore...I don't want to hear about Jesus!"

How can you keep this from happening to you?

I'm not sure that's always possible. I was writing Bible studies, leading Bible studies, training leaders, so I was in the Word, baptized in the Holy Spirit, and walking in faith. A corrupt Deacon (some said due to Jealousy over my position) tried to destroy me with lies. Our family left the church quietly not knowing what else to do. Our son has never recovered. (but I have a promise that he will!) My recovery came through the grace of learning to forgive, which set me free but it took a long time! It didn't go well with the man who lied, I learned later, probably because he never repented. His wife apologized profusely for him, which I appreciated but sad that he did not. 

If God shows you corruption within how can you recover from it?

If one is shown corruption within, confession of the sin and repentance is KEY,  then removing oneself from the influence of the corruption or corrupt leader would follow.


On 8/15/2017 at 6:42 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Nehemiah 13:1-5, 7-9) Does God set higher standards for leaders than for others? If so, why?

Yes God does sets a higher standard for leaders. People look upon the leaders as a sort of standard of what is expected of them. 

What results in the people when leaders become corrupt? How can you keep this from happening to you? If God shows you corruption within, how can you recover from it?

When the leaders become corrupt, the people can become corrupt too.  The people may also loose their faith in God.  Many people do not go to church today because they have seen corruption in the church.  We must keep Jesus in the center of our life.  To recover from corruption within we must repent and call on Jesus to give you strength to resist the devil.



Definitely for  leaders since their actions should be exemplified for others to follow.. 

When leaders become corrupt, laws are broken, people become disillusioned, and do not follow God’s laws.  They also become corrupt.

Sin affects our fellowship with God.  It affects our communication with Him and our usefulness in doing his will.

If God shows us our corruption within, we have to confess  (recognize our  sin) and repent.


God does set higher standards for leaders then for others because we are supposed to follow our leaders. If the leaders are running astray, then the followers will probably run astray. The best way that I know to keep this from happening to me is to read the Bible and follow Jesus. Take the things that the leaders are telling you and bounce it against the Bible. The best way to recover from the corruption that God has shown you is to pray for help and repent.


Q3. (Nehemiah 13:1-5, 7-9) Does God set higher standards for leaders than for others? If so, why? What results in the people when leaders become corrupt? How can you keep this from happening to you? If God shows you corruption within, how can you recover from it? Yes, God sets higher standards for leaders because they will one day give account to God for those He has entrusted to them. They must lead by example. People are like sheep that depend on their shepherd for guidance, care, and spiritual food. If these leaders become corrupt, the people suffer, the trust is broken and they scatter. 

I will heed the word of God which advices us to keep our eyes on Jesus. Man will fail you but God will not.

Hebrews 12: 2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.

God has shown me areas in my life that I needed to surrender to Him, or that needed a good cleansing by the Holy Spirit. This is revealed to me either as I read the Word of God at home, or through a sermon.  I acknowledge my sin, ask God for forgiveness, and turn from it. God is always faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me.  


Q3. (Nehemiah 13:1-5, 7-9) Does God set higher standards for leaders than for others? If so, why? What results in the people when leaders become corrupt? How can you keep this from happening to you? If God shows you corruption within, how can you recover from it?

For sure God sets a higher standard for a leader because the leader is the one people look up to and if he can’t stand on his own two feet (as a matter of speaking), the followers make no attempt to do right. That goes for anything. If a kid sees his/her parents smoking, they more than likely will follow suit. Even with good leadership problems arise in the followers, but a good leader will step in and attempt the necessary corrections. It is at times like this when a good leader shines but if not up to standard, well, the cookie crumbles.

When leaders become corrupt, those who look up to that person begin to fall. The domino effect might be a fair description of the situation. People follow the example set. If a person with a drinking problem goes to an AA meeting and they have a keg on tap at all times the job won’t get done and that person who went there for help will likely fail miserably.

I can keep something like this from happening to me by praying constantly. I’m not talking about when people use all their fancy language to make it look good but plain, simple communication, as in talking, yes, but spending a good portion of the time listening. I think this is where most fail when it comes to prayer because we can’t even talk to each other without interrupting of having to have the last word in. Most think of God as one who all you do is vent all your problems to, expecting a quick fix or even for the bigger part as one you approach with an oral wish list and, of course, advice as to how He should handle certain situations. End of rant.

If God shows me that I’ve become corrupt, I need to get down on the old knees and fess up & repent. God is compassionate to the max and will often gently put you back on track if you let Him. If you decide you like your sin you can almost rest assured that the “fix” will come with tears on your (my) part.


Q3. (Nehemiah 13:1-5, 7-9) 
Does God set higher standards for leaders than for others? 
If so, why? 
What results in the people when leaders become corrupt? 
How can you keep this from happening to you? 
If God shows you corruption within, how can you recover from it? 

Yes, being in positions of authority, they have the power to affect the lives of others favourably or adversely. This responsibility can so easily be abused and can cause great damage. A typical example is what is happening in my country today. However, Christian leadership is about spirituality, character, and the community. Here obedience to Christ is demanded. False teachers lead people astray putting their salvation at risk. Our church leaders are especially vulnerable to attack by Satan – if successful, he knows the damage this can cause. God has to set, therefore, higher standards for leaders, especially church leaders, because without strong and honest leadership the devil is in charge. 


Q3. (Nehemiah 13:1-5, 7-9)

Q. Does God set higher standards for leaders than for others? If so, why?

A. I think the standard set by God for leaders is higher as they are supposed to be light  for the others to see and follow. 

 Q. What results in the people when leaders become corrupt?

A. The followers also become corrupt

Q. How can you keep this from happening to you?

A. I will watch and pray, put on the full armour of God and flee all shades of sinful tendencies

Q. If God shows you corruption within, how can you recover from it?

A. I will repent and where possible restitute


Yes, indeed.  We are responsible to God for our leading.  If God isn't even a part of a leader's life, it's a recipe for failure for him and those under him.

It corrupts those under him--and sets true Christians up for much persecution.

Read the Word, pray and ask the Lord to show me where I have gone astray and obey what He tells me to do.

It is a matter of repentance.  Agree with Him that you have corrupted yourself, and ask Him to show you the way from there.




Q3. (Nehemiah 13:1-5, 7-9) Does God set higher standards for leaders than for others? If so, why? What results in the people when leaders become corrupt? How can you keep this from happening to you? If God shows you corruption within, how can you recover from it?

Yes, God does set higher standards for leaders because they are to be an example for the people.

Often, When leaders are corrupt then the people will follow. But sometimes the people will cast of the leaders out.

We can pray to God for strength to throw the corruption out!

  • 2 weeks later...

Does God set higher standards for leaders than for others? YES.

If so, why? Because he wants them to lead from the front. God sets a higher standard for leaders, for people use them as a sort of standard of what is expected of them. When leaders like Eliashib the high priest are corrupt, they destroy the standard of holiness for the entire people (Nehemiah 13:1-5, 7b-9).

What results in the people when leaders become corrupt? They too backslide, others fall back in their old ways. They are dragged away and enticed by sin, acts of satan.

How can you keep this from happening to you? By resisting the works of the enemy, fight satan through the powerful spiritual weapons given to us believers, the Name of Jesus, truth, Christ’s righteousness, the word of God, assurance of our salvation, a readiness to run with the Good news, faith and prayer. Repentance is the only weapon. We are encouraged to keep constant vigilance, or our old selves will come back to reclaim their control of us.

If God shows you corruption within, how can you recover from it? I repent from this kind of sin and call upon Jesus to kick this enemy out and give me strength as God is gracious and compassionate. Cleaning up the mess that have occurred.

  • 2 years later...

God sets a very high standard for our leaders. In 1Timothy 3 v1 we are told that being an overseer is a “ noble task”, then the verses go on to tell us that an overseer must be beyond reproach, and then continues for seven verses laying out all the virtues they must have before they can think of becoming a leader. A leader is called by God to have all these characteristics to enable them to look after God’s church. Also to be as faultless as possible as an example to us all. If our leader are involved in any wrong doing , they cannot expect their people to be living to a high standard. They are not in a position to correct wrongdoing within the church. People who are truly following Jesus will not want to be part of a church where the leader is involved in sinful ways. The teaching of God’s word will also be compromised in a church where the leader is involved in sinful behavior.  If it continued without correction I think I would leave the church, but if it was a failing that was addressed I would stay. We are all sinners saved by grace. Jesus said in scripture to the Pharisee’s who were going to stone the woman caught in adultary “ let he who is without sin caste the first stone”, they all  faded away, because non were without sin. 
I need to watch daily not to enter into sin. I need to confess to God my wrong doing every night seek forgiveness and not do the same thing the following day. If I ask the Lord’s help He is faithful to help. I also need to pray daily for myself and my church leaders. If God shows me something sinful in my life I need to deal with it immediately by confession and repentance and prayer. 


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