Pastor Ralph Posted August 15, 2017 Report Posted August 15, 2017 Q1. (Malachi 1:6-14) How were the people and priests disrespecting God with regard to offering sacrifices? In what ways do we today disrespect God in our attitudes toward worship, in giving to God, and in regard to holy things? What is God saying to you personally as you ponder this? Quote
JanMary Posted November 4, 2017 Report Posted November 4, 2017 On 8/15/2017 at 3:44 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Malachi 1:6-14) How were the people and priests disrespecting God with regard to offering sacrifices? God required sacrificial animals to be perfect, without spot or defect of any kind.( Exodus 12:5) As the type and shadow of the final Sacrifice to be offered once for all... Jesus the perfect Lamb of God. The priests were offering blind, sick and lame animals, which were of no value to themselves and were in rebellion against God's command. In what ways do we today disrespect God in our attitudes toward worship, in giving to God, and in regard to holy things? In the same way, He asks us to give the First Fruits of our income, before we take the 90% for ourselves. (It is the Lord who gives us power to get wealth Deut. 8:18) We are to love Him with all our heart, mind and being and with all our might (Deut 6:5 & II Cor 5:15)..which means we are to live surrendered lives where He is first. Worship, as in giving, should be lavish and a joy and privilege. Anything less than that is disrespecting Him. When we are stingy in giving and lazy in worship we are cheating and disrespecting Him. As to holy things....what comes to mind is reverence and awe of Him. We disrespect Him when we treat Him casually like our buddy or sidekick along for the ride, rather than our Sovereign Holy Shepherd King and Creator. What is God saying to you personally as you ponder this? I've become too casual. I used to kneel to pray, which I seldom do, since I learned I can pray at all times, on the run, in the car, at the gym. I miss that reverent time on my knees. I will continue all of the other prayer times, but feel the pull to set aside time, head bowed and kneeling in respect and honor of my Lord. It was on my knees as a very new believer that Jesus appeared to me in my room, to quiet and comfort me in the terror with which I had been attacked for weeks. That was a holy moment I'll never forget, and which I cherish, and He is due my reverence. Quote
blezed Posted November 5, 2017 Report Posted November 5, 2017 On 8/15/2017 at 6:44 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Malachi 1:6-14) How were the people and priests disrespecting God with regard to offering sacrifices? The people and priests were disrespecting God with regard to offering sacrifices by not give their best. They were bringing diseased or cripple animals for sacrifice instead of those without blemish. In what ways do we today disrespect God in our attitudes toward worship, in giving to God, and in regard to holy things? We, today disrespect God when we put other things in front of gathering to worship Him. Our busy lives dictate when we have time to worship God when he should be first. We, also, come up short with our givings. We are to give God a tenth of our earnings. What is God saying to you personally as you ponder this? God is saying that even though you disrespect me, I still have continued to love, protect and bless you. We serve a loving and forgiving God and it is not too late to repent and start giving him your best. I know that I try to do my best when it comes to my time, talent and treasure but their is still room for improvement. Quote
charisbarak Posted November 5, 2017 Report Posted November 5, 2017 imperfect animals, other flawed sacrifices, bad attitudes working with our phones during church services, leaving early to get on with a fun day, not thinking about the words we're singing, or not paying attention to the message, listening to apply it to others, not ourselves..... I need to prioritize my day with Him on all levels and consistently through the day. Quote
Old Jerry Posted November 6, 2017 Report Posted November 6, 2017 The people and priests disrespected God with their offering sacrifices when they brought defected animals to be sacrificed. The way that we disrespect God in our attitude toward worship is we give to God out of what we have left not giving Him our first fruits. God is saying that I need to give my very best. Quote
bertha Posted November 6, 2017 Report Posted November 6, 2017 Q1. (Malachi 1:6-14) How were the people and priests disrespecting God with regard to offering sacrifices? In what ways do we today disrespect God in our attitudes toward worship, in giving to God, and in regard to holy things? What is God saying to you personally as you ponder this? God deserves the best. He expects the best from us, as well. Priests and the people were disrespecting God when they began to offer crippled, blind, and/or blemished animal sacrifices in the altar. They kept the best and gave God second best or even that which they didn't want at all. They had no regard for God. We, ourselves, are also guilty of doing the same when we come to His house of worship with other things occupying our minds rather than truly worshipping God in spirit and in truth. We remain sitting in the pews rather than participate in the praise/worship service. Some of us probably prefer being elsewhere and so we come to praise/worship with an attitude that truly says we are annoyed because we missed out on an event, birthday, or what have you. When Some simply prefer to stay home and sleep on a Sunday morning. So, our hearts are far from God. Offerings and tithes are another area where we disrespect God. Some might give God that which is left after paying all one's bills, and even after making sure one has their "lunch/dinner" money set aside for the week. When we are willing to spend more money going out or tipping a waitress than what we are placing in the offering plate at church. When we invest more on ourselves(car, house, clothes, jewelry, hair, nails, and so forth) than in giving God what is rightfully His, we are robbing God and dishonoring Him. God is holy. We dishonor Him when we take the Lord's Supper without considering our ways, whether we are right with God or not and leave church as if nothing really happened. Today's churches have children running all over the church. There's no discipline, no reverence in the house of God. People come in dressed as if going to a softball game, or going to a club or disco place. Forgotten are the days when we came in our Sunday best(clothes). God deserves our respect and our best. As I ponder this, I can say that I have room for improvement in my life. I struggle with giving of my time to the Lord. Also, I am guilty of not being on time to church services. This, too, is dishonoring God. I realize that I can be on time for work, but always rushing and late for church. Quote
Uncle Dave Posted November 7, 2017 Report Posted November 7, 2017 Q1. (Malachi 1:6-14) How were the people and priests disrespecting God with regard to offering sacrifices? In what ways do we today disrespect God in our attitudes toward worship, in giving to God, and in regard to holy things? What is God saying to you personally as you ponder this? The people were being disrespectful in that they were bringing blind, injured, or, to put it simply, not bringing their best. Sounds like Cain & Abel. That in itself was bad enough, but the priests put the icing on the cake by accepting the inferior animals and sacrificing them to God. I think with many people we have become a “church society”, that is, people “go to” church once a week, sit there wondering who will win a football game which is missed because of the need to be in a church gathering, acting religious, acting all pious around truly needy people and looking the other way like they aren’t even there when they approach and keeping them out of our services, so they don’t smell the place, etc.,. We have become a society where you can tell someone is a Christian because they give prayer requests a “like” on facebook or respond with “prayers sent”(I wonder how the send them?). We need to get on our knees and repent (yeah, even if you’re perfect), and not only tell God what’s on your mind, but listen to what is on His. Slowly but surely, one by one the 10 commandments given Moses on Sanai are reasoned away. The most important command of love is broken every time we blatantly refuse to obey ALL of His commands. It was prophesied long ago that this would happen, and sure to God’s Word, it is. The words “praying constantly” need to take effect. There are so many people with big time knowledge of what the Bible has to say, but refuse to live it. It seems there are more with limited knowledge who are much better examples of what God wants us to be. Perhaps that is where the verse from 1 Corinthians comes into play: 1 Corinthians 1:26-27: For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong. Maybe I’m just on a rant but so much of what I see practiced by the people who have answered the calling of God leaves me wondering. Perhaps I’m just seeing myself as I write this and see the need for changes in my own life before trying to pull the spec out of my neighbor’s eye. Quote
Eilen Posted November 7, 2017 Report Posted November 7, 2017 The people were disrespecting God because they were not offering as sacrifices to Him their best livestock. They were offering as sacrifices, livestock that were not healthy and those that were not worth much. We disrespect God in our attitude. We do not honor His commandments; we do respect His Holy Sanctuary and there is often no respect in our manner of worship. . To worship correctly we must be humble and penitent in attitude. Worship should cause us to think about God's greatness and our own weakness. Our attitude in worship will help determine whether our worship will be acceptable to God. When our attitude is right it will cause us to become like the God we worship. Our worship is an expression of love and awe to the God that gives us more than we deserve. Our attitude must be about us submitting ourselves to the desires of God, as expressed in His word. One characteristic of God often ignored by us in general today is His holiness, and His requirement of us to be holy as well. We must approach God with reverence to be acceptable before Him. Today there is no reverence or respect for the house of God. It is time we treat God as holy, and never regard His will with anything less than careful consideration and obedience. God is saying that I am responsible for respecting Him and all that are His and see that others are doing the same. Quote
haar Posted November 8, 2017 Report Posted November 8, 2017 Q1. (Malachi 1:6-14) Q. How were the people and priests disrespecting God with regard to offering sacrifices? A. They were offering animals that were not wholesome such as the blind, the lame and the sick ones which clearly are forbidden by God Himself. Q. In what ways do we today disrespect God in our attitudes toward worship, in giving to God, and in regard to holy things? A. We disrespect god in several ways such as: Taking attendance to worship service very irregular and casual and also conduct ourselves at worship service as if we are at mere social gathering/parties. Giving offering with torn currency but use new minted notes at social parties to "spay" on those dancing (in Nigeria) Giving small amounts for offerings while we spend a lot more on our projects. I am guilty of this aspect too so have mercy on me Lord and help us give quality service and worship Q. What is God saying to you personally as you ponder this? A. As I stated above, there are areas I am guilty and have confessed and I here again ask God for me and all of us that are guilty Quote
hanks Posted November 9, 2017 Report Posted November 9, 2017 Q1. (Malachi 1:6-14) How were the people and priests disrespecting God with regard to offering sacrifices? In what ways do we today disrespect God in our attitudes toward worship, in giving to God, and in regard to holy things? What is God saying to you personally as you ponder this? The people disrespected our LORD by bringing the leftovers of their flocks as offerings – the sick, blind, and lame. The people and the priests had become so lax in their worship that they didn’t recognize anything was wrong with these unacceptable practices. This was as if anything was good enough for God, but they would not, for example, dare offer this to their governor. The priests indifferent, careless, and half-hearted attitude influenced the people. They had neglected and dishonoured the Lord for so long, they no longer knew who He was. As a result, they were not giving Him the reverence He deserved, and everything relating to offering sacrifices had become too much effort and was not taken seriously. I feel our Lord looks first at the heart of the believer before He inspects their attitude toward worshipping, or the gift given, and our respect to holy things. Are we truly worshipping Him or just going through the motions? Often we complain if the sermon is longer than 30 minutes, or if the service takes more than an hour. We want to get it over with and carry on with our living – no time for our LORD? Yet, we will sit through a three-hour opera, a lengthy symphony, or even a marathon sporting event, without complaining. Are we a cheerful giver? Or do we find excuses to tithe less? Do we give joyfully or grudgingly? Hasn’t He told us to trust Him with all our heart? We are to remember He has promised to never leave us or forsake us. All this tells us about our priorities, and the use of our time. It shows disrespect to God and that we find other interests more important than His Word, His service, and our relationship with Him. If we call ourselves believers we need to do more than profess that God is our Lord, and our Heavenly Father. We must respond to God's Word by doing what God says, and this can only be done if we read and listen to the Word. I have found it easy to backslide, and that I have to be disciplined, or I could easily be guilty of disrespecting our LORD. Most of my time should be spent in devotion to Christ. If other activities are taking too much of my time, there is little left for praying and reading the Word, or even serving the Lord in some way. I know I should rather be involved in activities that enrich my relationship with God. Quote
WinstonY Posted November 13, 2017 Report Posted November 13, 2017 Q1. (Malachi 1:6-14) How were the people and priests disrespecting God with regard to offering sacrifices? In what ways do we today disrespect God in our attitudes toward worship, in giving to God, and in regard to holy things? What is God saying to you personally as you ponder this? The people were disrespecting God by offering sacrifices that were deficient in God's eyes. Possibly the animal was blind, deaf or lame. God does not want a sacrifice that is less than perfect. It is not a so much that's a sacrifice is in perfect but the attitude of the person who is offering at the sacrifice is very imperfect and repulsive to God. In this day and age we also must be careful in the way that we come before God and put other things before a God's things. We must serve God with all our heart and with all our mind and all our soul and our neighbor as ourselves. If we do not do this then we are disrespecting God, we are tarnished before God site and it is possible that he will not give us the cloak of righteousness so that we can stand before God and not show stains that we have obtained during our life on Earth. God is saying, " Do You Love more than these"? Quote
Katy Posted November 15, 2020 Report Posted November 15, 2020 The people were disrespecting God by bringing crippled or diseased animals to be sacrificed to God. They were supposed to bring a perfect animal to sacrifice to show honour and praise to God. By doing this they also showed their love and respect for God. By bringing a blemished animal they showed no respect or honour for God. Unfortunately we do the same thing in different ways. The Lord’s Sabbath is treated less and less as the Sabbath with children playing sports and consequently missing church on occasion. Missing church for entertainment reasons. Being late for service and prayer meetings. Seeing prayer meeting/ bible study as optional extras! Not participating in church or being willing to get involved in church activities. At times there are genuine reasons as to why we cannot do things which the Lord understands but it is when we start doing or not doing things we should be doing on a regular basis, that we need to question what is happening in our relationship with our Lord and Saviour! I need to discipline myself daily to do the right thing , as I can be lazy and complacent ! Getting out of bed to have time for my quiet time, making sure I leave in time to get to church in time etc. I do find it easier when I reason with myself : Satan would love you to stay in bed! You have an app with the Lord Almighty! Quote
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