Pastor Ralph Posted August 15, 2017 Report Posted August 15, 2017 Note: People differ on whether they believe that Christians are required to obey the Old Testament law of tithing. Feel free to disagree, but on the online forum be gentle, loving. Remember, we are brothers and sisters. Q3. (Malachi 3:8-11) In our passage, why does God call people who neglect to tithe “robbers”? Why does he withhold blessing from those who don’t fully tithe? Does the Old Testament law of the tithe obligate Christian believers to tithe? What principles of stewardship can we learn from this passage? Quote
JanMary Posted November 12, 2017 Report Posted November 12, 2017 On 8/15/2017 at 3:50 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Note: People differ on whether they believe that Christians are required to obey the Old Testament law of tithing. Feel free to disagree, but on the online forum be gentle, loving. Remember, we are brothers and sisters. Q3. (Malachi 3:8-11) In our passage, why does God call people who neglect to tithe “robbers”? V 7: "Even from the days of your fathers you have turned aside from My ordinances and have not kept them." Abraham lived under Grace 200 years before the Law was given at Sinai, and he had clearly been instructed about tithing, because when Melchizedek of Salem, a type and shadow of Jesus who would come, blessed Abram (Abraham) he gave Melchizedek a tenth of all he had taken In spoils from battle. So tithing began as a free will thank offering with 10% as the guideline, but became an ordinance under Mosaic law 200 years later. Why does he withhold blessing from those who don’t fully tithe? The tithe was recognition of, and symbolic of all of God's blessing, as He is a generous Father. Withholding the full tithe reflects a stingy miserly character. Withholding blessing can be a character correction/attention "getter" or training through appropriate consequence. He desires our character to reflect His generosity in all areas of giving. Does the Old Testament law of the tithe obligate Christian believers to tithe? We are now under the same Grace which Abraham enjoyed. It is no longer a Law, but the principal is the same. Freely offering 10% (or the first fruits) of our income comes with a promise of blessing. Mal 3:10-12 (We learned this as new believers trying to build up to 10% on a very fixed income with lots of "outgo". We started with 5% and noticed our kids stopped getting sick, so fewer doctor bills, our appliances stopped needing repairs. (He was rebuking the devourer!) Then we started giving 10% and our income increased. Then 20% and our income increased even more. We learned we can't out give God. Offerings above the tithe are also free will "love" gifts to our God and King. (Our "purse" no longer had a hole in it where our income just seemed to disappear) What principles of stewardship can we learn from this passage? Tithing reminds us that all that we have comes from our God and Father. It is God who empowers us to get wealth (Deut 8:18,19) Giving back to Him the first fruits of all that He has given us keeps us in right remembrance of Him. V19 seems to imply that when we withhold the tithe, we are tempted to forget Him and walk after other "gods". (Status? outdoing the Jones'? Self aggrandizement? Idolatry of "stuff"?) Tithing engenders the spirit of generosity and stewardship. I personally believe that to withhold the tithe "pinches off" the flow from Heaven that He desires to pour out upon us. Tithing teaches us to think first about our gracious God in gratitude for all that He provides for us, (and allows us to keep 90% of our earnings) and to allow Him to refine our character. Quote
blezed Posted November 13, 2017 Report Posted November 13, 2017 On 8/15/2017 at 6:50 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Note: People differ on whether they believe that Christians are required to obey the Old Testament law of tithing. Feel free to disagree, but on the online forum be gentle, loving. Remember, we are brothers and sisters.Q3. (Malachi 3:8-11) In our passage, why does God call people who neglect to tithe “robbers”? The people ignored God's command to bring tithes and offering to the temple as agreed to in the covenant. Why does he withhold blessing from those who don’t fully tithe? When you don't fully tithe, you are cheating God. His Word says that if you bring me your tithes and offering I will bless you. If not, he withholds your blessing. Does the Old Testament law of the tithe obligate Christian believers to tithe? Yes, we are no longer under the Law but the principle is the same. New Testament teaches generosity towards the poor and support for Christian leaders. What principles of stewardship can we learn from this passage? 1) Everything belongs to God. 2) We are stewards of what belongs to God. 3) Tithing is a form of proportional giving. 4) There is a law of spiritual causality in operation. 5) You can't outgive God. When we give our tithes and offering, God will provide an abundant blessing. God will prevent destruction of what we have and we will have a reputation of being blessed. Quote
haar Posted November 14, 2017 Report Posted November 14, 2017 Q3. (Malachi 3:8-11) Q. In our passage, why does God call people who neglect to tithe "robbers"? A. he called those who fail to pay tithes as robbers because they have retained or withhold the tithes which belongs to the Lord for the Lord's workers -the priest and His work suffers as a result of such acts of disobedience. Q. Why does he withhold blessing from those who don't fully tithe? A. Because they have disobeyed His command to tithe. Q. Does the Old Testament law of the tithe obligate Christian believers to tithe? A. I personally believe the answer is YES because the Lord Jesus Christ said He did not come to abolish the law but to fulfil it Q. What principles of stewardship can we learn from this passage? A. Everything we own/ have is first and foremost, the Lord's and we are mere managers who have to obey what He wants us to do with that which He has entrusted to us. And what He wants is wants us as stewards to do is to give a full measure to His workers for His work and also to give to poor and needy. So help Lord God Almighty to be a faithful steward of your resources in Jesus precious Name. Amen. Quote
Old Jerry Posted November 15, 2017 Report Posted November 15, 2017 The reason that God calls people who neglect to tithe “robbers” is because nothing belongs to us. It all belongs to God and He has let us use His resources. So if we don’t tithe we are robbing God from what belongs to Him. I think that God withholds blessing from those who don’t fully tithe because they don’t love Him. It isn’t about the money it’s about the love for Him. The Old Testament law may not obligate a Christian believer to tithe but it is sure a good guild line. The principle of stewardship we can learn from this passage is we should give back to God a portion of what He gave to us. Quote
hanks Posted November 16, 2017 Report Posted November 16, 2017 Q3. (Malachi 3:8-11) In our passage, why does God call people who neglect to tithe "robbers"? Why does He withhold blessing from those who don't fully tithe? Does the Old Testament law of the tithe obligate Christian believers to tithe? What principles of stewardship can we learn from this passage? Everything we have comes from God and actually it all belongs to Him as well. The same with us; we are His creatures and belong to Him. So, who are we to deny returning to Him a part of what He has given us. At the same time, if the priests did not receive the tithes and offerings, they would have to turn to other means of supporting themselves. As a result, the temple ministry would suffer. The bottom line is that by neglecting to tithe is the same as pinching from God – not willing to give what was due to Him. He has said that if they will be faithful with their tithes, He will bless them abundantly, and He will deliver them from drought, plagues, and their enemies. I don’ think the OT law obligates us to tithe, however, the NT does teach us to give systematically, and cheerfully, as the Lord has prospered us, that is, proportionately. But no mention is made of tithing. I read once that if the Jews living under law gave a tenth, how much more should we as Christian living under grace give! And this is the problem I’m battling with. I know we are to trust Him fully and not to lean on our own understanding. But being a pensioner with a fixed income in an inflation economy, with looming medical expenses, I try to balance my tithing with my expenses. I feel guilty if I skimp, at the same time I have to be most careful not to undermine my finances. I realise that budgeting and planning my finances must be done, but it can never become a substitute for hearing from God. My relationship with my Heavenly Father is far more important to me. I pray about it and trust the Lord to tell me what to give, and to take away any guilt feelings. Quote
charisbarak Posted November 18, 2017 Report Posted November 18, 2017 Those who do not tithe are not being responsible to their God-given responsibility to the church. Keeping back something that should be given is robbery. There is blessing in giving. He measures not only how much we give, but measures our hearts. Yes, tithes and offerings are expected as part of the fruit of our lives. The tithe is a good place to start. As believers, we can give much more--with a happy heart. We are blessed when we desire to give--we cannot out-give God. Quote
bertha Posted November 20, 2017 Report Posted November 20, 2017 Q3. (Malachi 3:8-11) In our passage, why does God call people who neglect to tithe “robbers”? Why does he withhold blessing from those who don’t fully tithe? Does the Old Testament law of the tithe obligate Christian believers to tithe? What principles of stewardship can we learn from this passage? People who neglect to tithe are considered "robbers" because they are taking what is rightfully God's. God was asking for a tenth of their goods so that there would always be food/provisions in the temple to meet the needs of the Levites; those chosen to serve in the temple. In not obeying the Mosaic law, and therefore refusing to tithe, they were missing out on the blessings God had promised to shower upon them and brought curses instead. It seems that they were not trusting God at His Word and instead were trusting on their own means and strength. This also meant they were selfish because they only looked after themselves and turned a blind eye on the needs of those around them. I believe Christians can learn from the Mosaic Law regarding tithing. God is the same today as He was then. He is the giver of all things. He owns everything. We are but stewards of God's resources, and if there was a need in the temple in the old days, what makes us think there's none today. Like Jesus said "we will always have the poor amongst us". We also have full time pastors, we have expenses for sunday school lessons, discipleship materials needed, and so forth. Not to mention electricity, facilities for church attendees, and outside ministries that are supported by the church. All this takes money. All this we do to expand the kingdom of God. Because we love God, we will tithe. Because we are grateful, we will tithe. Because we want to obey God, we will tithe. We tithe because that is the right thing to do. We give back to God a small portion of all He gives to us, because He is God and this is what He asks from us. Then comes the Blessings! Quote
Zilka Posted November 30, 2017 Report Posted November 30, 2017 Quote Q3. (Malachi 3:8-11) In our passage, why does God call people who neglect to tithe “robbers”? Why does he withhold blessing from those who don’t fully tithe? Does the Old Testament law of the tithe obligate Christian believers to tithe? What principles of stewardship can we learn from this passage? Maybe they do their Job for People not for God. Quote
Neil NRG Posted December 15, 2017 Report Posted December 15, 2017 In our passage, why does God call people who neglect to tithe “robbers”? They don't recognise that everything belongs to God and that a tithe is a faith acknowledgement of God's ownership of all things. It serves to help His church and His mission for His people, serving the lonely, the lost and the needy. Who knows when any one of us will be in need? Why does he withhold blessing from those who don’t fully tithe? In OT times tithing was under fear of curse (withholding blessing). We are no longer under a curse. God wants us to live under a blessing, not a life of curse under sin. Jesus took our curse. God loves a cheerful giver and a universal law exists of giving and blessing. I have seen it time and time again. Does the Old Testament law of the tithe obligate Christian believers to tithe? Tithing is no longer out of fear of a curse. In our grace kingdom we should give above and beyond the law of 10%. Giving a portion shows that God can trust you in the rest of what you have, that is His. What principles of stewardship can we learn from this passage? We are stewards of our things, not an owner, and therefore we are thankful for God giving us these things and not prideful of what we have. As a steward I work for God's kingdom and my motivation is to please God with all of my things, not to please me. Quote
Katy Posted November 26, 2020 Report Posted November 26, 2020 God calls those who don’t tithe or hold back part of their tithe “robbers” because they are literally robbing God of the portion of our income that we should give back to him. Everything we have belongs to him and comes from him. Also we are depriving someone of money they need , it may be our church , our pastors or those in need. God withholds blessings because of disobedience to what we know we should be doing. If we love God we will want to tithe so that his work in the world may continue. It also gives us the opportunity to show God’s love to those less well off by giving to the poor and needy. We also have the opportunity to encourage missionary workers by supporting them. Everything God gives us belongs to him , we must not squander his precious resources. Therefore we need to obey and give a minimum of 10% back to Him and more to show that we love him and care for his church and workers. Quote
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