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Q4. (Malachi 3:16-18) In what ways does it encourage us that God keeps a list of those who love him? That he considers us his own private and treasured possession? Do we deserve this? What effect should that knowledge have on us? What does it teach us about grace?

  • 2 months later...
On 8/15/2017 at 3:52 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Malachi 3:16-18) In what ways does it encourage us that God keeps a list of those who love him?

I love that our Father is keeping a "scrapbook" of His beloved children! So precious are we that He has written our names in His book.....His family album and even further, has "engraved" us on the palm of His hands.

That he considers us his own private and treasured possession?

I'm smiling as I think about just how precious each of us is....and the cost to Him was beyond imagination, but that we are worth it to Him. We may feel abandoned or forgotten by others, even parents, but He loves each of us as though we are His only son or daughter.

Do we deserve this?

No, we deserved banishment to hell.

What effect should that knowledge have on us?

It humbles me to realize that but for His only begotten Son's precious shed blood, I would still belong to "my father the devil" for eternity with no hope of any deliverance....EVER! It causes me to want to live for Him every day, to worship Him lavishly,  to live with joy and gratitude for first loving me when I was still a hell bound sinner. It makes me want to tell everyone I meet about our wonderful and loving Father so that they too can belong to Him and experience His precious love!

What does it teach us about grace?

This amazing gift is totally free and that there was not one tiny thing I could ever do to "earn" it or deserve it. Grace is an exquisite and costly gift and an eternal covenant that is hard to wrap my mind around...so I just believe it and trust Him and enjoy being part of His family, knowing that I will never be rejected or abandoned, but am always in His heart. Each of us is loved as though we were His only child and Whose Eye is always upon us in tender watchful care. (Ps 32)


On 8/15/2017 at 6:52 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Malachi 3:16-18) In what ways does it encourage us that God keeps a list of those who love him? That he considers us his own private and treasured possession?

It lets us know that God will remember those who remain faithful, loved, honored, and respected him.  We will be set apart from the rest on Judgement Day and be spared.

Do we deserve this? What effect should that knowledge have on us? What does it teach us about grace?

No, we do not deserve this.  To know that God considers us his own private and treasured possession and will spare us on Judgement Day is enough to keep us faithful to Him.  God's grace is sufficient. All we need to do is believe and trust Him.



Q4. (Malachi 3:16-18)

Q. In what ways does it encourage us that God keeps a list of those who love him?

A. We will then knw that our good works will be fully acknowledged  and rewarded

Q. That he considers us his own private and treasured possession?

A. This knowledge will make us treasure Him and give us confidence in our selves

Q. Do we deserve this?

A. No, it is by His grace only.

Q. What effect should that knowledge have on us?

A. We should ensure that we reverence and obey Him so that we will not take his grace for granted.

Q. What does it teach us about grace?

A. Grace is unmerited favour.



Q4. (Malachi 3:16-18) 
In what ways does it encourage us that God keeps a list of those who love Him? 
That He considers us His own private and treasured possession? 
Do we deserve this? 
What effect should that knowledge have on us? 
What does it teach us about grace?

His Book of Remembrance again shows us that He truly cares and loves us enough for our names to be recorded. This is a great encouragement and should motivate us to serve Him even better. It’s a human trait that we thrive on recognition and acceptance. However, we definitely do not deserve anything but separation from God. That He cares highlights again His loving grace and mercy. The realisation that we belong to our Heavenly Father in a unique way and are of special value to Him, is an awesome thought!! “For the LORD is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations” (Psalm 100:5).


I find that God keeping a list of us who love him is quite comforting. Knowing that we are his private and treasured possession lets us know that He will not be throwing away nor burning us up. I don’t think I deserve this but it is a gift and I am going to accept it.


It is showing us just how much God loves us and values us.

Shows His total love for us and security.

Seek to please Him in every way every day.

We are totally undeserving of His love and His gifts.


Q4. (Malachi 3:16-18) In what ways does it encourage us that God keeps a list of those who love him? That he considers us his own private and treasured possession? Do we deserve this? What effect should that knowledge have on us? What does it teach us about grace? We are encouraged in that as we see the wicked prosper, we rest assure that we will have our eternal reward in heaven. God is keeping track of all that goes on under the sun, and will reward justly. We are His treasured possession, though we don't deserve it, yet it is by grace(God's unmerited favor) that we are saved through faith in the precious blood of Christ our Savior who's blood was shed for the remission of our sins. We have been redeemed and belong to Him. Praise and thanks be to God!

  • 2 weeks later...

Q4. (Malachi 3:16-18) In what ways does it encourage us that God keeps a list of those who love him? That he considers us his own private and treasured possession? Do we deserve this? What effect should that knowledge have on us? What does it teach us about grace?

God keeps track in a "scroll of remembrance."

His special personal possession that he treasures greatly.

No we do not deserve. On Judgment Day the distinction between the righteous and wicked will be clear.

  • 2 weeks later...

In what ways does it encourage us that God keeps a list of those who love him?

He is always thinking of us and keeping a record of all we do that honours His name.

That he considers us his own private and treasured possession?

This shows we are loved.

Do we deserve this?

No, it's by grace that He first loved us.

What effect should that knowledge have on us?

We should be grateful. We should keep trusting God no matter what, to be in awe and esteem of God and not wanting to displease Him.

To serve others as one of God's family and to remember the lost and lonely and listen for God's voice in our lives and those around us.

What does it teach us about grace?

God's unmerited favour to those He has called. We rely on Him!

  • 2 years later...

It is wonderful to know that my name is written down in a special book. It can spur us on through this valley of tears towards the goal ahead. It is also a reminder to earnestly do all we can to serve the Lord while we journey toward our goal.

 I find it hard to believe that I could be the Lord’s treasured possession , I definitely feel unworthy! It makes me want to love the Lord and serve him to the best of my ability. I certainly do not deserve it but I am a sinner saved by grace. The Lord has extended this grace to me by dying on the cross for all my sins. Praise His Holy Name.

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