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  1. Jesus starts his day off by talking to the Father. You need quite time for this you cannot pray with other things or lots of activities going on.   The morning time is best all is quite and serene. Jesus could connect with the Father alone and praise him and thank him for helping him for what he had done for him the day before.      Early morn he could  pray for quidance for the day starting.              He ask for the Father to show him how to apply himself to help all that comes to him. I am sure he prays for the words to say to all his followers.  The disciples love the drawing of a big crowd and the healing that Jesus was doing.  Jesus was trying to to show all the people he was the Messiah.     I do have quite time. If I'm behind on things I wait on my Bible study . I pray about this and will put it first.                              

Q1. (Mark 1:33-39) 
What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus' prayer life? 
Why do you think He spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins? 
How does this prepare Him for His ministry? 
How did the disciple desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? (Mark 1:37-38) 
Do you have a Quiet Time? 
What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day?

The pattern we see is one of seeking a quiet place free from distraction. In this passage of Scripture, Jesus even makes an extra effort by getting up early to be alone with the Father. Even though Jesus was the Son of God, He knew the importance of solitary prayer time. He didn’t do anything on His own initiative but instead lived in dependence upon the Father, acting only on the instructions God communicated to Him. He spends this Quiet Time to obtain the strength and guidance needed for the task ahead. Jesus had a mission to fulfil and only His death on the Cross would accomplish Salvation. To achieve this, He needed to remain focused on the task ahead, and He did this by being in constant touch with the Father,
The disciples felt Jesus was making a mistake by slipping away quietly to a lonely place to pray. They wanted Him to make full use of the great opportunity the recent publicity had brought them. Of course, at this time, they did not know Jesus’ ultimate purpose was to be a Saviour and not a miracle-worker. 
Yes. I have a Quiet Time three times a week. My wife and I, spend about a 30 to 45 minutes in prayer and studying and meditating on the Word. Jesus was the perfect example of a Spirit-led life, and prayer played a vital role in His life on earth. We are to follow in His footsteps, and our Quiet Times gives us the opportunity to seek His guidance for the day ahead, to put our trust in Him for providing for our needs and for protection, as well as interceding for others. Starting the day with prayer as a priority lays a firm foundation for the day ahead. 
To help us improve the quality of our time, as from the 1st January this year, we changed the format from the one we had been using for years. Also, this year will be my 4th year of spending time with the Lord in a yearly Bible Reading Plan. This requires the reading of about 3 to 4 chapters a day. I first read a commentary about the required chapters before reading the Word. The previous 3 years I followed the M’Cheyne Plan, and this year I’ve started with the Chronological Plan. I find this an exciting way to get to know the Bible and it also helps to discipline me. Up to today I’ve done Genesis 1 to 11, and Job 1 to 31. This helps me to become familiar with the Word of God and gives me a sense of achievement. 

On 1/13/2018 at 3:59 AM, Godswoman said:

Surely its not about what we do or how we do, but about relationship with God; Father, Son n Spirit. I will often go on mid morning picnic/coffee dates or sit in silence.

I want my quiet time to build me the relationship Jesus had with His Father: to know n meet God through His Spirit

I agree with you that our time should be about building that relationship. That is how we will then know the voice of God whether still small voice or a booming storm. What's important is that we take the time, however it works for us. 


Q1. (Mark 1:33-39) What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus’ prayer life?

I see that Jesus takes the time to commune with the Father during the early morning hours. He purposefully made it a point to meet with God in prayer.  The word says that I love them that love me and those who seek me early shall find me. 

Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins?

I think He spends quiet time with the Father to hear from Him in how He should handle the day and the people - to receive divine instruction. He also is being empowered by God to do the work.  I also believe that He want to take hold of the day before the business of man comes (with the demands and the noise of the day). 

How does this prepare him for his ministry?

It prepares him to trust in God for strength to do ministry so that He will stay connected and focused on Him to do what he was called to do. It also trains him to obey instructions because I believe God was telling him what to do next.

How did the disciple desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? (Mark 1:37-38)

The disciples desired that Jesus should fulfill the immediate need of the people there, but Jesus knew - due to prayer and dialogue with the Father - that he had to go to a different place to preach.

Why? Jesus' assignment was over where he was and he had to move on. It was God's will for him to go to the next towns.

Do you have a Quiet Time?  Yes, I have a quiet time now. At first, my environment was hectic, now it is quiet where I am able to spend time with Him, although it could be more quality.

What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day?

I need to learn how to lay down my busy thoughts to focus more. My "To-Do" list seems to pop into my mind during my quiet worship and prayer times. I have to overcome this aspect of my time alone with my Father in Heaven.  


Q1- From the passage in Mark and the references from the Gospel of Luke, given by Dr. Wilson, we see that Jesus has a pattern of setting aside quiet or private time with the Father, whether it be early in the morning or at other intervals during the day.  I believe the quiet time  spent with the Father before day is so that he  (Jesus)  can talk with the Father, listen to him and receive directions and whatever else he needs for the day, BEFORE the day starts, before the crowds come, before he begins his daily mission, before he begins preaching, before he begins healing.  He would have been familiar with "In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths."

The disciples wanted him to continue what he had done the previous day in Capernaum and meet the needs of the people in Capernaum who were looking for him.

Jesus felt impelled to move on to another village. Because Jesus has communed with his Father, he had direction on what he was supposed to do and followed the directions of the Father and went to other nearby villages  so that he could preach there, in other villages, because that is what he was sent to do; that is what he came to do.  It would have been a good thing for the people had he stayed in Capernaum, but he had to do as his Father had instructed, most likely in their early morning discourse.

I do have quiet time.  My quiet time is early in the morning, well before I have to get up and start getting kids up and start preparing to get on the move for the day.  I have to admit, I haven't always been consistent with that, but I also have to acknowledge that when I'm not, the day goes differently, or maybe I should say I handle things a little differently. This year l have committed to being more intentional regarding my morning devotional time.  One thing I have to do is to not stay up late doing some unnecessary things so that I am able to get up at the desired time.  This is necessary for me.



Q1. (Mark 1:33-39) What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus’ prayer life? Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins? How does this prepare him for his ministry? How did the disciple desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? (Mark 1:37-38) Why? Do you have a Quiet Time? What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day? 

- In solitary place, in early  morning, to communicate with  the Father in heaven.

- Because of quiet time we can find the Inspiration to speak all about our mind and hear clearly the voice from Father.

- He has instruction from Father for ministry.

- For example 'Jesus replied, let us go somewhere else--to the nearby village--so I can preach there also. That is why I have come,'

- Yes, I have a quiet time.

- Every morning read the bible and pray.



What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus' prayer life?  1. Before anything else he did He needed to start the day with His Father to know what His Father was doing and what His Father required of Him that day.

Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins?  Because in this way he hears clearly because it is a quiet time without a day's distractions.

How does this prepare him for his ministry?  Asking God and hearing from His Father gives Jesus an assurance He will walk in an anointing and power to do what is required. 

How did the disciple desire for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do?  (Mark 1:37-38) Why?  Jesus felt His overarching mission for His Father was to preach and not just in one place. The disciples felt he was a healer and a prophet and that these "acts" or "signs" were more of what they wanted to see. They could not understand at that time Jesus' bidding was in obedience to His Father's wishes. 

Do you have a Quiet Time? Not as much as I would like or should have. I will remedy this because of past experiences in my life where extensive quiet times led to some amazing Godly experiences.

What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day? Re-read the scripture cards I wrote out by hand and which I believe the Holy Spirit prompted me to be the cards out of so many that I should make my daily readings. Talk with God because I believe prayer is talking to the Father. Remind myself of the miracles He has performed in my life and thank Him daily. 





What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus’ prayer life?  Jesus always separated himself from the crowd to pray and be alone with his father. He would rise early in the morning as well to pray.

Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins? There is nothing like the presence of the lord. Jesus had to seek God's guidance before commencing his day as this would equip him for his task ahead. There was less distractions around at this time which gives him better time to communicate freely with God. He needed direction as he was strictly about the father's business so whatever direction God told him to take, he would walk in total obedience.

How does this prepare him for his ministry? Though Jesus is God in the flesh, he needed to seek his direction before preparing for mission as this allowed him to completely walk in God's will. He needed to know what his father has to say so he can be full equipped for his tasks ahead as he operated not of himself. Maintaining a good relationship with God also helped him to grow stronger spiritually. Jesus has set this example for us therefore we need to first seek God in every matter, though small or great so he can lead us where he pleases before we attempt to operate in his name or carry out any form of ministry.

How did the disciple desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? (Mark 1:37-38) Why? Jesus was on a Mission by the father and that is to spread the gospel but the disciples wanted to see  miracles performed by Jesus Christ. They did not realise that what they see is a result of Jesus spending quality with God, praying, fasting and continuously obeying his will. Jesus lead by example but the the disciples lacked the faith to do as Jesus in numerous cases because they failed to adopt his principles.

Do you have a Quiet Time?  yes, my quest time is mostly on my lunch break which is one hour every day but this never seem enough. Sometimes I rise early in the morning  also to study the word and pray.

What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day?  I prefer in the morning when my mind is fresh and this also helps to prevent me from forgetting to do so throughout the day as we can be bombarded ever so often by the cares of this life. Therefore, I can take the initiative to sleep early and rise early. However with all the activities during the week at church, going to bed early sometimes is a challenge. However, it is imperative that I minimise some of the weekly activities as best as I can to spend time with God and read his word. It is good to get involved but I find as Christians we over do it at times and most times this is not pleasing to God.  Adding to the fact that I am a mother of one, I have to prioritise because I do not want to compromise or put a strain on my relationship with God. Spending quality time with him even in silence so I can hear what he has to say is imperative to my christian journey.


Prayer was a priority.

He was powering up--there was and is a spiritual battle going on.  Prayer is a necessity.

He has the power and direction from the Holy Spirit and wanted to fulfill God's will for his life on earth.

They wanted to see more of the miracles Jesus performed and to impress the crowds.

Yes, I do.  I wish to have a longer or additional quiet time, however.


Q1. (Mark 1:33-39) What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus' prayer life? Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins? How does this prepare him for his ministry? How did the disciple desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? (Mark 1:37-38) Why? Do you have a Quiet Time? What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day?

 1. He gets up early and pray by himself in a solitary place to seek God.

 2. Jesus seeks his Father's voice to received power for ministry and be in his father’s perfect will.

 3. It helps him to be able to do the father’s will and listen for instructions.

 4. The disciples wanted Jesus to stay where they were and serve the people. Jesus wanted to go somewhere else and preach in other towns.

 5. Jesus said, He came to preach and the others probably wanted him to heal some people. (Jesus said, “That is why I have come.”)

 6. Yes!!

 7. I can do my best to make sure I study close to three or four hours a day.


Praying is the way we're in we talk to JESUS that's why we need a quite time, place to make our soul and mind focus to Jesus(Meditation) 

To have a quite time to God is very important. In Proverbs 8:17 " I love them that love me, and those seek me early, shall find me. For me in these verse God promises special blessings to those seek him early.

That's why Jesus wake up early in the morning while it was still dark. Because for me  that is the perfect time to talk to God were the place / surrounding is peaceful and your mind also.. Unlike day time it's so busy and noisy you can't concentrate. 

I tried  my best to wake up early (4-5am)to have devotional or morning watch to meditate the scripture that I've read but most of the time I failed because I'm sleepy. But when I wake up or before bed time I prayed. Thanking him.. For the whole day pass..and asking for guidance for this day..



1. Jesus got up early to pray to the Father.

2.  Jesus put His plans for the day with His Father.

3. It helped Jesus to hear God's voice.

4. The disciples i believe did not know much about how to pray,they were more interested in Jesus power in healing.

5.I do have a Quiet time,but not as i should.

6.Spend more time in prayer and listening for the voice of God. 

On 11/28/2017 at 8:55 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Mark 1:33-39) What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus’ prayer life? Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins? How does this prepare him for his ministry? How did the disciple desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? (Mark 1:37-38) Why? Do you have a Quiet Time? What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day?

-Jesus pattern is unique in the sense that he deliberately sets aside time to pray, away from the disciples and the crowd. Jesus also spent Quiet Time with His Father before the day began as it was best moment to focus on God's voice with minimum or no distraction. This helped him to refresh and draw strength to do His will. 

-From the disciples point of view, Jesus was as good as the next miracle he performed. Jesus desire was to do God's will which was to preach the good news to the lost hence their desires differed.

-I have a quiet time.


He would pray in the morning, very early in the morning. He would leave wherever he was and find a quiet place, where he could be alone with God. 

He did this so he could get guidance and direction for the day, also to be spiritually energized. It would be a time of least disturbance, and he would be at his highest alert, mentally and physically after the night’s rest.

He would know what the Father wanted him to do and where he wanted him to go.Their time alone together would also empower him.

The disciples felt that Jesus should respond to the needs of the crowd but Jesus was led to preach in other places.

This was fulfilling his mission, preaching was his primary objective.

Yes but I am not as consistent as I should be. I hardly ever deliberately listen or take notes. 

I will definitely listen more and be more consistent. I will pray more too. I spend the better part of the time studying the word.


What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus' prayer life?

Jesus prayed away from the hustle and bustle of the crowds, the communities to have one-on-one dialogue His Father.

Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins?

His most important relationship is with His Father ... beginning each day with Him.

How does this prepare him for his ministry?

Communing with His Father equips Him for the day.

How did the disciples desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? Why?

The disciples were coming for their world view - it wasn't until they were filled with His Holy Spirit that they fully understood.

Do you have a Quiet Time?

My mornings are difficult as I suffer from insomnia - when I can't sleep I pray, sing (in my head so I don't disturb my husband), or get up and read in the quiet of the morning hours. When my husband is gone off to work I have some quiet time.

What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day?

eliminate distractions


I want to start each day like Jesus and get up early. It feels so peaceful when it’s dark, quiet, and I’m all alone. Praying early sets the tone for the day. I feel a peace and comfort, as I think Jesus did too. I want to regularly hear from God about my day, my problems and concerns, my hopes and needs. I also want him to hear my praises and gratitude before I get busy and forget to offer them. 


Although Jesus was in continual communication with the Father, He knew in order to minister He also needed to be filled up on a regular basis. In order to do this, He would withdraw from the crowds to a quiet place.

Having quiet time with God as the day begins gives me strength to walk in this world and not grow weary. Instead of being tossed about by every voice or feeling, I am able to remain in the Spirit throughout the day. My day is not tempered by the stress of the day or by the moods of those around me, but by what the Holy Spirit has spoken to me upon the start of the day. And at times, even before awakening.


Q1. Mark 1:33-39  And the whole city was gathered together at the door.  34  Then He healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons; and He did not allow the demons to speak, because they knew Him.  35  Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.  36  And Simon and those who were with Him searched for Him.  37  When they found Him, they said to Him, "Everyone is looking for You."  38  But He said to them, "Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also, because for this purpose I have come forth."  39  And He was preaching in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and casting out demons.

Q. What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus' prayer life?

The Pattern that I begun to see is that Jesus got alone with God the Father was trust and dependence, Jesus knew He came to preach and by looking at all the people being healed it was easy to think that He was doing the Fathers will. It's like people saying God gave them a healing ministry and that may be true to get the people's attention, but for the most part God is concerned with your saving your soul than healing your body and you still remain separated from Him, lost eternally (separated) from Him.

Q. Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins?

I believe that Jesus just as any of us is setting an example for us to follow. He, just as many of us know the by doing good it can and is easy to loose perspective of what God the Father wants us to do. Doing good is good but doing what God wants if the best. Jesus knew that the only way to keep the right perspective was to fellowship with His Father, just as we must.

Q. How does this prepare him for his ministry?

It keeps Him focused on God's will that He came to do and not His own. It's easy to get off track even doing the right thing. This keeps Jesus in discussion with the Father.

Q. How did the disciple desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do?

The disciples saw the fame of Jesus take off and I'm sure they thought this was a great thing, were Jesus know that He hadn't come to heal but to preach the good news and set the captives free. They were defiantly on two different tracks going in two different directions.  This was a great example for all in Christ.

(Mark 1:37-38)

Q. Why? They the disciples saw this as a great way to get the word out that the Messiah was here and Jesus was not hung up on being and getting famous but His will was to do the will of the Father.

Q. Do you have a Quiet Time? What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day? Not as well as I would like. Taking this course has already given me that greater desire to commune with God.


Q1. (Mark 1:33-39) What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus’ prayer life? Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins? How does this prepare him for his ministry? How did the disciple desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? (Mark 1:37-38) Why? Do you have a Quiet Time? What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day?


Jesus' prayer life seems to be one where he met with the Father alone and early in the morning. 

I believe he spends his "Quiet Time" with the Father to avoid distraction and to have intense fellowship with the Father.  It was also a pattern he wanted to demonstrate to his disciples. 

Having fellowship with the Father provides him with the heavenly connection he needed to prepare for his ministry. 

Jesus' disciples were more interested in the multitudes "everyone is looking for you."  Jesus, however, knows that he could do nothing without the Father.

I have just resumed my quiet time.  I have been walking in rebellion against God for so long and my devotional life and service to the Father have not been where it should have been.  This has allowed the enemy to come into my life with various afflictions and torments.  I felt abandoned and rejected by God, so it was difficult to come into his presence and even to read his world.

I am repenting daily and asking God to change me for His glory.


Q1. (Mark 1:33-39)

Q. What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus' prayer life?

A. He regularly goes to a quiet place and prays (talks) to  his father in heaven

Q. Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins?

A. To get His Father's plans for him for the day and the power for the tasks ahead.

Q. How does this prepare him for his ministry?

A. The fellowship equips him for the day's business/ tasks and challenges

Q. How did the disciple desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? (Mark 1:37-38) Why?

A. The disciples wanted Him to stay and meet the healing needs of the people while Jesus would rather move on to win souls

 Q. Do you have a Quiet Time?

A. Yes I do.

Q. What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day?

A. I have a regular quiet time But I will do more of prayers and listening to my Father's voice other than the written word. I will also look for a quieter place than the present one.



What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus’ prayer life? He was steadfast in prayer, day and night.

Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins? Jesus' desire was to do the will of His Father and therefore he sought His guidance and direction.

How does this prepare him for his ministry? His will and purpose are aligned with the Father's, therefore he knew he was being led by the Holy Spirit to accomplish the mission he was called to do.

How did the disciple desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? (Mark 1:37-38) I believe the disciples were looking at things with their physical eyes, therefore seeing the physical needs(lame, sick, lepers, blind, etc.) around them vs. Jesus, seeing with spiritual eyes. Jesus was focused on the condition of the heart(sinful) and was inclined to meet those needs first. To cleanse us from all sin that we may be reconciled to the Father. Everything else would follow.  

Do you have a Quiet Time? Yes, I do have quiet times with my Father, though I can definitely make more time to spend with Him.



The pattern which emerges in Jesus prayer Life is he start his day in quiet prayers with his father.  He spend quiet time with his father because he wanted to hear from him and be guided by him in what he would do. He spent that quite time with the father because he knew it would strengen him for the task ahead The disciples desired that he make himself availble for the people who was in need of his help.I have A quiet time so that I can hear from God. I can do a lot to improve my quiet time,I not consistent with my quiet time because of my work,I work shift,I need to work out something so I can have more quiet time with my God.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

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