calex Posted April 30, 2022 Report Posted April 30, 2022 Jesus sought His Father every morning. I believe to get instruction and to be strengthened for what he had to do that day. The disciples were invited to go along so they could learn to encounter God and seek His direction for their day also. The disciples were led by their emotions for the people. Quote
Kynth Posted July 9, 2022 Report Posted July 9, 2022 I understand this well enough that it became my habit, together with my wife, to pray early in the morning. For me it is necessary, I'm afraid to begin my day without a prayer. We call it "devotion" and we try to seek God in these early morning hours, though the time vary sometimes. But mostly around 4am to 5am is our prayer time. Now the idea of Jesus coming out of the house and going somewhere quiet, though it's nice, but I can't do it here in my place! There's no more quiet place for me, except maybe around 1 or 2 in the morning, but still there were days that the world is still much alive during these early morning hours! In all these years, I've already accustomed to the noise in early morning hours, but there were times that I really don't care when I'm so deep in prayer, when my tears are already free flowing, oh no, I don't care about the noise, maybe I'm already immune to it, or i was just so engrossed talking to Jesus! Quote
mbt Posted July 9, 2022 Report Posted July 9, 2022 Q1. (Mark 1:33-39) What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus’ prayer life? Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins? How does this prepare him for his ministry? How did the disciple desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? (Mark 1:37-38) Why? Do you have a Quiet Time? What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day? In becoming human, Jesus gave up his glorified status. He was truely human, not only to feel and experience what we do but also to show us how to live as God intended. As a human, he prayed to stay connected and have relationship with his father just as we should. To have an intimate relationship, it is necessary to spend one on one time with someone, including God. My children love when I give them one on one time, just as my Father wants me to give Him one on one undistracted time. Today's world even makes it harder to do this. Having this time not only to speak with God but also to LISTEN to Him will give us what we need to do His work. The disciples at this point did not get this, they were still learning. Jesus was setting the example for us. I do practice quiet time but not consistently as I should. To be more consistent, I can set that same time everyday that I know will not be disrupted by the outside world. Quote
jacob mponezya Posted August 23, 2022 Report Posted August 23, 2022 I did not know if it is important to have quite time This is new technology to me Quite time provide new direction as what we have learnt to Jesus We have seen the church wanted Jesus to pray for healing the sicks while Jesus was to preach in new direction.The question is how do I grasp the Voice of God? Quote
selamawit Posted October 5, 2022 Report Posted October 5, 2022 Q1. (Mark 1:33-39) What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus’ prayer life? Jesus used to pray early in the morning Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins? As it will be quit and good timing to hear and connect with Lord the Father to receive guidance. I also feel that Jesus is doing this to teach us how important is having quality time with God/seeking God guidance always before starting the day. How does this prepare him for his ministry? The Prayer helps not to spent time by doing things against God, so it will help to receive guidance and power then not to depend on what we see, and the situation tells us How did the disciple desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? (Mark 1:37-38) Why? The disciple mainly overwhelmed by with Jesus miracles to heal people and cast demons which is not the primary objective of Jesus. Jesus comes to teach and show the way to Heaven. Do you have a Quiet Time? What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day? To be honest I don't have regular prayer time really straggling to do so. Usually trying to give justification to my laziness like I don't have the proper place to pray, and keeping reasoning. For me it needs commitment and dedication if I really understood the the prize I'm receiving. Sometimes, I question myself that why I cant force myself in to a prayer discipline? I know my dedication for my university studies, why I'm struggling? even the prizes from Lord and University are incomparable. Always planning, But I need to behave and make prayer my priority, as I couldn't leave with out breathing. Also I know Holy-sprit will help me to do so. Thank you Dr. Quote
Irmela Posted November 5, 2022 Report Posted November 5, 2022 Q1. (Mark 1:33-39) What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus' prayer life? Early in the morning He left the house and went to a secluded place to pray. This was while it was still dark. He goes off alone to pray and sometimes includes His disciples, so they can learn from Him. It is away from the hustle and bustle of life and it's before the day begins. Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins? That is a great time. The whole day lies ahead and can then be broached with the Father from the beginning right to the end. How does this prepare him for his ministry? He needs this time just as much as any man does. He had laid down His glory and was now like a man needing help as we do. The difference was He did it without sinning. He needs this time with the Father , for guidance throughout the day. How did the disciples desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? (Mark 1:37-38) Why? They wanted Him to be where the crowd was. Where the need was. Where He would heal people and drive out demons. (They wanted the action). They wanted His popularity to grow. Jesus knew He needed to go to the surrounding villages and preach there also. Do you have a Quiet Time? yes What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day? If I could switch off completely and be able to concentrate more. That would be amazing. Quote
Ropah Muindisi Posted March 14, 2023 Report Posted March 14, 2023 Q1. (Mark 1:33-39) What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus' prayer life? The pattern of a constant life of prayer and communion with the Father regardless of how busy He is or How badly people seek him. Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins? For intimacy, communion and instruction regarding His life and ministry. How does this prepare him for his ministry? It prepares him in the sense that he knows what to do and how to align himself with what God the father wants to do in that particular day, moment or season. How did the disciple desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? (Mark 1:37-38) They were more focused on him attending to the people that were looking for him . He was more implelled to build communion with the father and that was more important to him. Why? He was eager yo please the Father. Do you have a Quiet Time? Yes What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day? Avoid distractions and learn to quiet my mind and avoid it just wandering. Quote
Zanele Tlhakanelo Posted April 5, 2023 Report Posted April 5, 2023 The pattern that Jesus Christ displays is that He would either wake up early in the morning or spend the night alone in order to avoid being disturbed and pray to the Father. He would to solitary and lonely places where He would not be distracted by the things of this world and have a peaceful conversation with the Father. Jesus Christ as the Son of God, wants to hear what the Father has to say as Jesus would always says He has been sent by the Father. Therefore, He is not doing His will but that of the One who sent Him. He has to attentively listen to the instructions of the Father in order to carry them out clearly. All the guidance from the Father will help Him know what to do and what to say. Jesus Christ came to preach the Good News so that people would clearly understand the message of repentance and accept the gift of salvation. The disciples wanted Jesus to continue with the miracles of healing people and this differed from the work Jesus came to do. His mission was to teach the Word of God. His disciples did not understand that Jesus' time on earth was limited as He had to accomplish the mission by teaching the Word of God so that people should repent. I occasionally spend time with God and sometimes not sure if I am doing the right thing because I would read the Word of God and pray. I am not sure if I understand the concept of quiet time. Should I be quiet and listen to that soft still voice or what? I want to improve on this by scheduling time everyday after work at home as I am mostly alone and not to do chores but spend at least 15 minutes in His presence because I believe that in His presence there is fullness of joy. Quote
christina_sev Posted April 8, 2023 Report Posted April 8, 2023 Jesus departed going to a desolate place to pray early He went seeking the Father's presence, seeking His guidance this is an expression of His personal devotion to God. The disciples desired for Jesus to return to those seeking Him, He was ready to follow His Father's leading and head to the next town to preach His priority was teaching and preaching the word of God. We learn from Jesus we need a quiet time set aside to get alone with God away from the noise and all the distractions of the world setting a time aside daily to spend with God where we're able to listen for His voice, prepare for the day, gain confidence and encouragement during our troubled times. It both a privilege and honor that we are welcomed members in the throne room of God's grace how could we not want to seek Him, to long for personal experiences with Him. Quote
Dove81 Posted July 10, 2023 Report Posted July 10, 2023 What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus’ prayer life? A pattern where He prays to the Father before He starts His day. Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins? It is the Father who He goes to in prayer before the day begins because He leads and guides Him. How does this prepare him for his ministry? Since the word says He only does and says what His Father does and says. Praying before He starts each day makes sure He is being lead by God. It also gives Him the strength He needs and restores Him. How did the disciple desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? (Mark 1:37-38) Why? The disciples just wanted him to keep healing the sick and casting out demons. Not realizing that they through prayer to our Father had the same power to heal the sick and cast out demons. Do you have a Quiet Time? Yes I do, I get up earlier than everyone else so that I can have time to pray before I start my day. Every once and a while that doesn’t work out and I find that on those days, my day feels off. What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day? Spend more time time with God throughout my day. Meditating more on what scripture I read that morning. I’d also like to be able to spend time with God before bed each night. Quote
Zibuyile Posted December 26, 2023 Report Posted December 26, 2023 Q.1 The pattern in Jesus prayer life was that of taking time to withdraw from the crowd and noise and find a queit time with God in prayer Q.2 It is when He gets instruction from the father about His mission , to preach the gospel Q.3 This prepares Him for His daily encounters , as many people come to Him with various issues which He has to help them eg healing the sick , casting out demons etc Q.4 The wanted Jesus to spend more time with them , whilst Jesus was on a mission to preach the gospel through Galilee Q.5 Yes I do have quiet time Q.6 To keep to it require that I set the time daily and be consistent no matter what to have that quiet time with God Quote
Neil NRG2 Posted January 2, 2024 Report Posted January 2, 2024 What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus' prayer life? Prayer early in morning and preaching during day, with healing often following. Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins? To focus his attention on His purpose for the day and to find out what the Father wants Him to do that day. How does this prepare him for his ministry? With prayer and sometimes fasting. How did the disciple desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? (Mark 1:37-38) The disciples were listening to the people while Jesus was listening to His Father. Why? He obeyed His Father for He knows. Do you have a Quiet Time? Most days. What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day? Always pray to begin and don't be distracted by other thoughts. Quote
Karen11 Posted February 13, 2024 Report Posted February 13, 2024 On 11/28/2017 at 5:55 PM, Pastor Ralph said: To help you internalize and apply what you are learning from this study, I have included several Discussion Questions in each lesson. These are designed to help you think about and ponder the most important points. Don't skip these. It is best to write out your answers, whether you post them or not. However, you can post your answers – and read what others have written – by going to the online forum by clicking on the URL below each question. (Before you can post your answer the first time, you will need to register. You can find instructions at Q1. (Mark 1:33-39) What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus’ prayer life? Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins? How does this prepare him for his ministry? How did the disciple desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? (Mark 1:37-38) Why? Do you have a Quiet Time? What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day? Expand Spending time with God. To seek guidance from God. To know what he should do next.I think they felt Jesus should always be in the public eye to be around them also. I try to have the time in the Morning, but I need to be more consistent. Quote
George L Posted June 27, 2024 Report Posted June 27, 2024 Q1. (Mark 1:33-39) What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus' prayer life? Early morning quiet hours and secluded. Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins? To know the Fathers plan for the day, and whay was to be done and nor done. How does this prepare him for his ministry? It is the core of his doing only what he sees and hears his father doing. How did the disciple desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? The were moved by the visible in the natural. (Mark 1:37-38) Why? Natural sight of the disciples vs God’s sight and plan for the day. Do you have a Quiet Time? Yes. What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day? Finish clearing my hearing of interfering sounds and thoughts and become quiet before God. Quote
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