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Q3. (John 14-16) What promises concerning the Paraclete – Comforter – Counselor – Helper – Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapters 14-16? How do these relate to guidance? To “hearing” God?

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God's promises concerning the Paraclete, Comforter, Counselor and helper is that 

1) We His disciples will be guided into the way of truth (John 16:13), so we need not be confused by the world's uttering, hence the importance of incorporating "listening" in our daily prayer time routine and not just reading and praying.

2) To teach us {John 14:26} so we are guided by divine knowledge and wisdom  towards being more successful in our ministry efforts

3) To speak to us what the Spirit hears directly from the Father {John 16:13a} because some situations are not overcome or dealt with wholesale but using typical methods used in prior experiences. Like the expelling of the demon from the boy, Jesus got specific instructions from the Father.

4) To declare to us what is to come {John 16:13b] so we know how to approach our day, our season, a particular situation or task.



Q3. (John 14-16) What promises concerning the Paraclete – Comforter – Counselor – Helper – Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapters 14-16? How do these relate to guidance? To “hearing” God?


  • Helper(Comforter) who will be with us forever/14:16
  • The Spirit of truth whom we would know, who abides in us and will be in us/14:17
  • The Holy Spirit would teach us and bring to our remembrance all that Jesus said to His disciples /14:25
  • Helper(Comforter), the Spirit of truth coming from the Father would testify about Jesus Christ /15:26
  • The Spirit of truth will guide us into all the truth and he will reveal what is to come /16:12
  • He will glorify the Son, Jesus Christ. He would take things of Jesus and reveal to us /16:13
  • The Helper would convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgement. /16:8

The promise of the Holy Spirit, Comforter, Helper, Counselor directly relates to guidance and hearing God. The Holy Spirit should guide us into all the truth. He will bring to our remembrance what Jesus had spoken. He will reveal to us about future events. He will comfort us in the physical absence of Jesus, our Lord. We hear God through the agency of the Holy Spirit.


Q3. (John 14-16) What promises concerning the Paraclete -- Comforter -- Counselor -- Helper -- Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapters 14-16? How do these relate to guidance? To "hearing" God?

He promises to hear me and give wise counsel concerning what I face minute by minute and day by day.  He promises to always be with me, so at any time and in any circumstance I can rely on Him for guidance. The world should be attracted to Christ by how I respond to the Holy Spirit's guidance (let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father, who is in heaven.)

On ‎11‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 9:58 AM, Pastor Ralph said:


Q3. (John 14-16) What promises concerning the Paraclete – Comforter – Counselor – Helper – Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapters 14-16? How do these relate to guidance? To “hearing” God?

1. Mt. 14:16,17 And I will ask the Father and He will give you another Comforter, Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby that He may remain with you forever, the Spirit of Truth Whom the world cannot receive because it does not see Him, know and recognize Him, but you know and recognize Him for He lives with you constantly and will be in you.

Mt. 14: 25, 26: I have told you these things while I Am with you, but the Comforter, Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby, the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My Name, in My place to represent Me and act on My behalf. He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you.

John 16:7, 8: I Am telling you nothing but the truth when I say it is profitable (good, expedient, advantageous) for you that I go away. Because if I do not go away, the Comforter, Counselor, Helper, Advocate, Intercessor, Strengthener, Standby) will not come to you into close fellowship with you, but If I go away, I will send Him to you!

John 16:13: Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth. For He will not speak His own message for His own authority, but He will tell whatever He hears from the Father, and will declare to you the things which are to come and that will happen in the future, and will honor Me and glorify Me, and will draw upon what is Mine and will reveal , declare and disclose, transmit it to you. (Triune Godhead in perfect harmony and unity)

2. Holy Spirit is our built in, God given, GPS (Guide, Paraclete, Savior) for daily living, for guidance, discerning His will, truth and foreknowledge and empowering to do His will and to be His voice and ambassadors to the world around us.

3. Holy Spirit is the voice of God to our inner "man" just as He was for Jesus while on earth. As He promised He is always with us, and in us....we are never alone or on our own!


 What promises concerning the Paraclete – Comforter – Counselor – Helper – Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapters 14-16? 

How do these relate to guidance? To “hearing” God? The Paraclete will abide with me forever. The  Spirit of truth dwells in me for I know Him through the Lord. He dwells in me and with me. Jesus will not leave me an orphan; He will come to me.  The Holy Spirit will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance things that I said to you. These things I have spoken to you that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. When, He, the Spirit of Truth has come He will guide you into all truth. The Paraclete will never lead me into something that is not true but always lead me into the truth and into the Biblical truth of every decision.


If I keep Jesus' commands  He will send the Holy Spirit to guide me forever. He will show himself to me.  If I love him and obey his teachings he will make a home in Heaven for me.  The Holy Spirit will give me the peace of Jesus and teach me everything.


The Holy Spirit guide, teaches, comfort and counsel and empower us. In John 16:13. when he said that he will not speak on his own but will speak what he hear and he will make know to us.. then I concluded that we hear God through his spirit in us.. But God can speak audible but that another lesson.



Q3. (John 14-16) What promises concerning the Paraclete – Comforter – Counselor – Helper – Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapters 14-16? How do these relate to guidance? To “hearing” God?

- Jesus promises of the Holy Spirit, is the Spirit of truth, come, will guide me, teach me,  comforter me, counselor me and helper me.

- Jesus said, 'He will speak only what he hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come' 



What promises concerning the Paraclete – Comforter – Counselor – Helper – Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapters 14-16?

  1. Guide disciples into the way of truth (John 16:13).
  2. Teach the disciples (John 14:26).
  3. Speak to the disciples what the Spirit hears from the Father (John 16:13a).
  4. Declare to the disciples what is to come (John 16:13b).

How do these relate to guidance? To “hearing” God?

The Holy Spirit will hear what the Father is saying and reveal to the disciples what is to come.


Q3. (John 14-16)

a1) What promises concerning the Paraclete -- Comforter -- Counselor -- Helper -- Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapter 14?

From verses 16 and 17 Jesus will ask the father to give His believers/followers/disciples and advocate, the Spirit of Truth,  to help us and be with us forever. From verses 23, 24 , and 27, conditions for the promises that follow. Conditions - love Jesus and obey His teachings, then the Father will send in Jesus' name the Holy Spirit to teach us and remind us of everything he has said to us.

a2)  What promises concerning the Paraclete -- Comforter -- Counselor -- Helper -- Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapter 15?

From verse 4, we much remain in Jesus if we expect Him to remain in us so we might bear fruit.

From verse 26, the fruit we will bear will be us testifying about Jesus in our life which will be made possible with the of Truth from the Father within us and He will testify about Jesus as well.

a3) What promises concerning the Paraclete -- Comforter -- Counselor -- Helper -- Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapter 16?

In verses 7-10, Jesus had to go away for the Holy Spirit to come to us, sent by Him.  The Helper will make known the sin of not believing in Jesus, will make known the righteousness of Jesus going to the Father, and about judgment which condemns the price of this world.

b.) How do these relate to guidance? To "hearing" God?
We need to love and follow Jesus  and obey His teachings or we will not receive the promised Helper. Without the Helper how are we to hear God, will God even abide within us. But with the Helper we will be reminded of all Jesus has said. With the helper we will testify about Jesus in our lives. Without the Helper we will not hear His testimony about Jesus or what He has to say about sin, righteousness, and judgment.


Counselor/Comforter, Holy Spirit, Spirit of truth, guides into all truth, lives in us,  convicts us, taking the place of Jesus on earth, speaks what He hears, not on His own.  The Holy Spirit guides us into the Truth.  We need his help as we open the Word and read.  We will be able to discern if what we "hear" from God in the Word is the truth.

On 11/28/2017 at 12:58 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

 What promises concerning the Paraclete – Comforter – Counselor – Helper – Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapters 14-16?

Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will: (a) guide disciples into way of truth (John 16:13); (b) teach the disciples (John 14:26); (c) speak to the disciples what the Spirit hears from the Father (John 16:13a); and (d) declare to the disciples what is to come (John 16:13b.

How do these relate to guidance? To “hearing” God?

The Holy Spirit is our Counselor to whom we can go to for help and guidance.  The Holy Spirit will hear what the Father is saying and will reveal to us.



Q3. Q3. (John 14-16) What promises concerning the Paraclete -- Comforter -- Counselor -- Helper -- Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapters 14-16? How do these relate to guidance? To "hearing" God?                         

 1.  The Holy Spirit will:

     1. Guide us into the way of truth (John 16:13).

     2. Teach us (John 14:26).

     3. Speak to us what the Spirit hears from the Father (John 16:13a).


2. The Holy Spirit is God's presence that will guide, help, lead, and counsel us. 

 3. The presence and gift of the Holy Spirit will mediate God to us here on earth (John 14-16).


Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit so that we might remember everything he taught to his disciples and to guide us through a life of truth and to tell us of things to come. Just the very wording speaks volumes of how all this relates to guidance and as for “hearing God”, the gift of prophecy explains that.


Jesus promises us that God would send us the Holy Spirit to help us to be effective witnesses for him in this sinful word and that he would remain with us to remind us of what God says, warns and protects us from dangers seen and unseen, comforts and convicts us, and guides us in the ways of pure holiness.


Q3. (John 14-16) What promises concerning the Paraclete – Comforter – Counselor – Helper – Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapters 14-16? How do these relate to guidance? To “hearing” God?

Jesus promises his disciples that when he leaves, he will send the Comforter who will testify of Jesus Christ, convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment;  He will also guide them into all truth, speaks of what He hears from the Father, declares what is to come and glorify Jesus Christ.

Because Holy Spirit knows the mind of Christ, we should expect the presence and power of the Paraclete (Holy Spirit) in our lives and ministry.   He has been called to come alongside us in life and ministry which is the way in which He guides us.  The Holy Spirit will replace Jesus' as an internal presence in the lives of the believers and will be our internal compass.  He will guide us in the way of truth, teach us, speak to us and declare future events.  He will guide and counsel us.

This relates to hearing God because Holy Spirit knows the mind of God and reveals it to us so we can hear and obey.


Q3. (John 14-16) 
What promises concerning the Paraclete – Comforter – Counsellor – Helper - Holy Spirit, does Jesus give in John chapters 14-16? 
How do these relate to guidance? 
To "hearing" God? 

Jesus promises all believers a gift from the Father - the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. This gift is given only to those who have received the Son, loved Him, and have kept His commandments. Those who are blind and deaf to Jesus do not receive the Paraclete. This describes the world who are completely ignorant of the Holy Spirit and are led by Satan. 
Being guided by the Holy Spirit allows us to remain in communion with our Lord, and we find that we make decisions in the light of His Holiness. It means to be occupied with Christ and acknowledging Him in everything we do. Although we still have our evil desires but with the help of the Holy Spirit we are made aware of the conflict between the Spirit and the flesh. These desires include obvious sins, such as sexual immorality and demonic activities, however, they also include less obvious sins, such as hostility, jealousy, and selfish ambition. The Holy Spirit guides us to deal with these evil desires decisively leading to a transformed life. Being led by the Holy Spirit involves the desire to hear, the readiness to obey God's Word, and the sensitivity to discern between our feelings and His promptings. By living each day controlled and guided by the Holy Spirit, we will find that the words of Christ will be in our mind, the love of Christ will be behind our actions, and the power of Christ will help us control our selfish desires.
God does speak to us, but the problem is that we do not always listen or heed His advice. He speaks to us through His Word, church sermons, our conscience, certain events, and fellow believers. It is the Holy Spirit that helps us in hearing and understanding our Heavenly Father. Every day He speaks to us, it might be a caution or encouragement, some precept or promise, some invitation or warning, some understanding or banning. 


Q3. (John 14-16) What promises concerning the Paraclete – Comforter – Counselor – Helper – Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapters 14-16? How do these relate to guidance? To “hearing” God?


 In these chapters the promises are we don't need to be troubled that He has a place for us that He's preparing that He is with us and that we know Him that He is the way the truth and the life. And that if we keep His Commandments He will send us a helper the spirit of Truth. Which is the Holy Spirit that dwells in US.

We have to acknowledge that we have this, the Holy Spirit and that through the Holy Spirit we hear God.


His promise was he would leave the disciples but would be with them still through the Comforter the spirit of God himself.

The Holy Spirit dwells in us if we know Jesus as our Savior.  Through the Holy Spirit he will be there always to guide us. All we have to do is call upon him

Hearing God is reading his word praying for the spirit to fill you and listening for that still small voice to speak to us.  


Q3. (John 14-16) What promises concerning the Paraclete – Comforter – Counselor – Helper – Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapters 14-16? How do these relate to guidance? To “hearing” God?  

If you love me, keep my commands.  And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth.

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me.

I will send him to you. When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment.

By reading the word of God and taking heed to it(obeying), the Holy Spirit will enable us to live a holy and righteous life. As we surrender our will to God and obey his commands, we allow the Holy Spirit to work in our hearts by convincing us of any sin in our lives, He gives us a spirit of discernment to be able to make correct choices. Prevents us from falling for false doctrines or teachings, thereby maintaining us in the Truth of the Word of God.  When our spirit is in harmony or in sync with the Holy Spirit, we can hear God's voice as He speaks to us and guides us into His perfect will. 


Q3. (John 14-16) What promises concerning the Paraclete – Comforter – Counselor – Helper – Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapters 14-16? How do these relate to guidance? To “hearing” God?

The Spirit will:

Guide me in truth, reveal truth in scripture to me so that it becomes real to my understanding.

Teach me that which I do not understand yet, a progression in understanding as God Himself teaches me and reveals truth to me systematically.  As I co-operate in the teaching process, He will reveal more to me.

He will reveal to me the Father's heart, what He desires, wills and purposes.  I will see God and His activity in my life, circumstances etc and God will show me what He needs me to do, say, be, act etc  He will allow me to understand God's heart, He will reveal God himself to me in relationship

He will also reveal to me what is to come, give promises for the future and prepare me for the future.

He will comfort me in times of trouble and difficult times, and enable me to come through

He will help me when I need it, so that I may know my steps are sure.

He will guide me, when I don't know what to do next, how to pray, what to believe.  When I don't understand, He will guide me through that which is unknown to me.

He will convict my heart of sin, guide me on a path of righteousness, through forgiveness and in grace to change my ways.

In the sense of guidance, this ensures that my walk and step is steady, and ensures that my path continues in the will and purpose of God, in order to embrace all that He would will and purpose and in so doing, receive all that He has willed and purposed for me.

It is like having a life partner, who talks and gives guidance, shows you, teaches you.  It is the experience of the very presence of God on a daily basis every step of life. 

What an amazing thought.  God Almighty, taking leading partnership role in my life.

On 11/28/2017 at 9:58 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (John 14-16) What promises concerning the Paraclete – Comforter – Counselor – Helper – Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapters 14-16? How do these relate to guidance? To “hearing” God?

What promises concerning the Paraclete – Comforter – Counselor – Helper – Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapters 14-16?

        Jesus saith that when the Holy Spirit comes, He will be to us Paraclete, Counselor, Helper, and          Guide.  All this He will be to us.  The Holy Spirit guides us in hearing God's voice because, like            Jesus, He declares only what He hears from The Father.

How do these relate to guidance? To “hearing” God?

      Jesus also said that the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth. This truth is God's will as He                 speaks.

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