Pastor Ralph Posted March 28, 2004 Report Posted March 28, 2004 Q1. (4:1-2) When the scripture says "arm yourselves with the same attitude" as Christ had, how should this attitude help keep you from sin? What attitude are we talking about? Quote
jesus4al Posted March 29, 2004 Report Posted March 29, 2004 Q1. (4:1-2) When the scripture says "arm yourselves with the same attitude" as Christ had, how should this attitude help keep you from sin? What attitude are we talking about? The helmet of 'Salvation' The Breastplate of 'Righteousness', Gird in the 'Truth', Shod in 'The Word', with The Shield of 'Faith', and the 'Sword' of The Spirit. These things will be necessary in our fight against Satan. It matters naught whether we say we are done with sinning. Without the able assistance of our Triunal God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; we will be defeated; not just once but over and over again! Quote
aguilar-j Posted March 29, 2004 Report Posted March 29, 2004 We do have a great example in Christ Jesus He trusted and obey the Father all the time so is right to say God is good all the time. In this very moment I am victorious I am in the presence of the Father true Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. He is the Light and I am following it By his grace I have been given a new way of living and I am about to feed His sheep. My attitude is one of a winner not by anything I have done, instead by what Jesus did for me on the cross. He is done with sin and true his blood I have been saved and cleanse. I lived like a pagan today I live as slave to his comands for there I find my delight. May God richly bless you. Quote
Helen Spaulding Posted March 29, 2004 Report Posted March 29, 2004 Q1. (4:1-2) When the scripture says "arm yourselves with the same attitude" as Christ had, how should this attitude help keep you from sin? What attitude are we talking about? Christ knew what He would suffer when He accepted God the Father's command that He take our sins upon Himself and be the final, all-encompassing Perfect lamb--sacrificed for the sins of each one of us! That was an awesome, horrible burden for anyone to bear. Christ knew that He alone could be the sacrifice for our sins, for there has never been--and will never be--anyone else completely without sin--perfect! He was tempted to reject this--if there was any other way that this could be done. He prayed for that--but then continued, saying "nevertheless, Thy Will be done!" His attitude when the soldiers came was that He was ready and willing to do what must be done--because of His love for us! Yes, after He died and rose from the grave, He is finished with the sin we have done. He forgives those who believe on Him and obey Him. Sin is paid for. We have nothing more to do with sin, if we have accepted Him as our Savior from sin, believe He died and rose again, and then resolutely turn ourselves away from sin and live in Him. That doesn't mean we never sin again. We still are growing, but we know when we sin, and we turn quickly to Him, asking for His forgiveness again. We must not spend time, thinking about sinning, or contemplating what this or that might be like if we..... No. Sin is no more to be a part of our plans and life here on earth. With His Holy Spirit's help, we go forward rejoicing in His love and living for Him alone! Quote
dantanc Posted March 29, 2004 Report Posted March 29, 2004 I think, Jesus when he was suffering in the body, his state of mind is: 1) Obedience to God's plan of salvation 2) Love for the mankind, who are being lost " forgive them ....." 3) Exhilarating experience of saving sinners by his suffering 4) His victory over satan's tricking of the mankind 5) All this being achieved once for all- "it is finished " We, his believers and followers are to take our bodily suffering in the same way and workout for our salvation, keeping away from sin, with the grace our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and help of Holy Spirit. Quote
djmclaren Posted March 29, 2004 Report Posted March 29, 2004 Q1. (4:1-2) When the scripture says "arm yourselves with the same attitude" as Christ had, how should this attitude help keep you from sin? What attitude are we talking about? First of all we cannot have the mind (attitude) of Christ until we are first in Him by faith. 1) Philippians 2:5 "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus " The mind of Christ here was that He emptied Himself of anything that He could use for His own gain, to vindicate Himself, to save Himself, to avenge Himself or to elevate Himself. He completely trusted in God to maintain His cause and perform His purposes through Him. He took no thought for Himself but only to be found in the centre of God's will. It was though this that He became the Author of Savation for all. Hebrews 5:8-9 "Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered :9 And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him" It is therefore in our obedience to God that we will "...lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset [us], and let us run with patience the race that is set before us" Heb 12 :1 2) Another attitude or state of mind that is consistent with that of Christ that will keep us from sin is found in Romans 6:11 "Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord." We must establish it in our minds that we are indeed dead unto sin and as such, sin will not have dominion over us that we should obey it. We therefore have the power and authority and the responsibility to refuse sin and mortify the motions of it in our bodies. 3) We must despise our sin Hebrews 12:2 "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of [our] faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." Only too often we have a love hate relationship with our sin and will not completely let go. We desire, as Achan did, that "goodly Babylonish garment, and two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold of fifty shekels weight, then I coveted them, and took them; and, behold, they [are] hid in the earth in the midst of my tent, and the silver under it.". Without the merciless routing of all sin in our lives, the devil will still have a foothold from which to attack us and drawn us back into sin and bondage. James 1:14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own ****, and enticed. Quote
angelkat Posted March 29, 2004 Report Posted March 29, 2004 To arm ones self you need to be in the word, believe the word and live by the word. Walking in a Christian life does not mean we will always do it perfect, but we are forgiven. Does that mean we should go on sinning?When we sin, we should confess that sin and accept the forgivenes of our Lord and Savior. Yes Jesus did know he came to die for our sins and that sin is why he had to die the death of the cross. God the Father can not stand the sin of this world and so we have to have the interssor Jesus. We need to be aware of sin in our life and know sometime we are a testimoney to the love of Jesus, by our action and choices we make in our life. I did see the movie "The Passion" and was impressed by it and found it to be uplifting in the knowledge of Jesus death and suffering for my eternal life. Quote
Mary Ellen McNeill Posted March 29, 2004 Report Posted March 29, 2004 Been there, done that. I've been steeped in sin and I've suffered for it. Christ was steeped in MY sin and suffered for it. But He has overcome. He has broken the power of sin and death and risen from the dead! It is finished - once and for all. So, why would I want to go back and do any of it again? After all I have been through, and all that Christ has been through for me, why would I choose to return to a life of sin? I will use what Christ has done for me as a sword to fight off evil desires and the temptations of sin, and I will live my life for God. I may still suffer, but it will be a partaking of Christ's suffering - a suffering for what is right. Quote
cct1106 Posted March 29, 2004 Report Posted March 29, 2004 Q1. (4:1-2) When the scripture says "arm yourselves with the same attitude" as Christ had, how should this attitude help keep you from sin? What attitude are we talking about? Jesus Christ suffered for us in the flesh therefore we are to arm ourselves with the same mind. The attitude that is being talked about is that we should not live the rest of our time for man but for the will of God. Quote
dcalbreath Posted March 30, 2004 Report Posted March 30, 2004 The suffering of Christ was brought about by our sin. We should His suffering in mind as we live as a reminder. We do not like to suffer and will do what we can to avoid it. Jesus did not avoid the suffering, but died for us. Quote
Helen Williams Posted March 30, 2004 Report Posted March 30, 2004 We know Jesus set the stage for our lives. We should follow His examples. We are as soldiers in God's army. We are to be armed and ready for battle daily in order not to sin. Sin separates us from God. We do not want this to happen. We know how Jesus felt when he took on our sins. At this pont in His life sin separated him from his Father which caused Him to say, "Father why has thy forsaken me." We are taking about the attitude of being done with sin as Jesus was, once and for all. Having no desire or need to sin. There are so many excuses made for sinning: No one is perfect. We all fall short of His glory. A sinner saved by grace. God will not except excuses. When we made Jesus as Lord and Savior of our lives we put off the old man and put on the new. We can't be drawn by the **** our our own desires. We can do all thing thru Christ that strengthen us. God calls us to be holy because He is holy Let us stop making excuse and live the way God tells us to live. Glory be to God. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted March 30, 2004 Report Posted March 30, 2004 Q1. (4:1-2) When the scripture says "arm yourselves with the same attitude" as Christ had, how should this attitude help keep you from sin? Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice to save us from our sins. He died, was resurrected and was done with sin, it was finished. We need to learn how to be more conscious of our sins and of the price that Jesus paid, and we need to accept by Faith that we are forgiven. What attitude are we talking about? Complete obedience to His Father in Heaven. He hates the sin, but loves the sinner. Quote
gatetrek Posted March 30, 2004 Report Posted March 30, 2004 The attitude that we are talking about in 1 Peter 4:1 is that Jesus is done with sin or that he didn't want anything to do with it. He chose to go to the cross for our sins even though he never sin but he was obeying his father. Since Jesus suffer for our sins and if we had suffer for in our body for our sins than we wouldn't want anything to do with the sin anymore. We must take on this attitude or this same thinking that we must be done with sin no longer wanting to follow our human desires but what God wants for our lives. MAY GOD GIVE ME THE POWER AND FAITH TO NOT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH SIN ANYMORE BUT TO BE LIKE CHRIST AND FOLLOW GOD Quote
Suzzanne Posted March 30, 2004 Report Posted March 30, 2004 1. When we think of all that Christ suffered on the cross for all our sins.....that is what keeps me focused on living for Christ to be free from sin....have nothing more to do with sinful thoughts and actions. 2. To live the rest of our earthly lives according to the will of God. Quote
Sgt_Z_Squad Posted March 30, 2004 Report Posted March 30, 2004 1a.) (4:1-2) When the scripture says "arm yourselves with the same attitude" as Christ had, how should this attitude help keep you from sin? 1a.) Obedience through the power of the Holy Spirit. Keeping our eyes on the ultimate prize. 1b.) (4:1-2) What attitude are we talking about? 1b.) Bringing honor and glory to Our Father by living a life of obedience to Him. Quote
Jen Posted March 30, 2004 Report Posted March 30, 2004 Jesus attitude was one of perfect obedience and love to the Father. My attitude should be the same. I'm working on it. Quote
Betty Posted March 31, 2004 Report Posted March 31, 2004 (4:1-2) When the scripture says "arm yourselves with the same attitude" as Christ had, how should this attitude help keep you from sin? By keeping my mind focused on Christ and not let Satan defeat me in any suffering I may undergo in the name of Christ. Suffering can bring out the best (or the worst) in Christians, especially if we remember how Christ suffered for our sins, even though He was completely sinless. What attitude are we talking about? The attitude to do God's Will and be prepared to suffer for it. When life is easy, we are sometimes prone to forget how obedient we should be to His Will. Only when hard times come and our faith is tested do we have the opportunity to have the attitude of Christ in our suffering. Quote
annk Posted April 1, 2004 Report Posted April 1, 2004 We should try to assume a higher attitude than we are working on at present. I will never be free of sin but i can always work to achieve a better attitude in my life. Free will again can be used to make the correct choice -- we should strive for a higher level of pureness, keep away from the impurities of everyday life. We must choose to live our life after the pattern God has set down for us. This challenge can be a new life experience or adventure for us to fulfill. Quote
kas Posted April 1, 2004 Report Posted April 1, 2004 We know He did not succumb to His fleshly desires but overcame them through the Spirit. We too should look to Christ as we die daily to our fleshly desires. When we deny our flesh there is physical and or mental pain associated with that. That pain tells us we died to sin. If we allow ourselves to let the Spirit reign we can overcome the desires of our flesh. We arm ourselves with Christ to battle against our flesh. Quote
Dick Ross Posted April 2, 2004 Report Posted April 2, 2004 I believe the attitude we need to take is one of being prepared to suffer so as to diminish the sin that threatens to overrun us. Jesus suffered physically for us-we need to be ready do do the same for Him. The attitude here is one of living for God's pleasure, not our own. Quote
Tom Nabors Posted April 2, 2004 Report Posted April 2, 2004 Q1. (4:1-2) When the scripture says "arm yourselves with the same attitude" as Christ had, how should this attitude help keep you from sin? What attitude are we talking about? After Jesus finished His work on the cross, He no longer had anything to do with sin. His work was sufficient to deal with it once and for all time. We should have the same attitude. We should have nothing more to do with sin. This means when we do sin, we need to truly repent. We should not have the attitude of "Well I'm just a sinner and can't help it." We should have an attitude of true sorrow when we sin. Quote
Helen Posted April 9, 2004 Report Posted April 9, 2004 To answer the second question first, I believe that Jesus' attitude was one of great love for His Father, and such a complete investment in relationship with His Father that made sin unthinkable because of the potential breakdown of that relationship - even to the point of "If possible take this cup from me, nevertheless not my will but Thine be done". Now for the first question: If our relationship with Jesus is like His with God, we will value it above all things, and absolultely hate the sin which would tear it apart. Quote
linda bass Posted April 12, 2004 Report Posted April 12, 2004 After Jesus had suffered and died a cruel death on the cross to free us from our sins, He was forever done with sin after that. He paid an awful price to set us free from sin and no longer has anything to do with it. The insight that Jesus died a horrible death because of our sins ought to be enough to keep us from giving into the sin(s) that keep returning to harass and defeat us in our Christian walk. Just as died for sins"once for all", so should we as believers be"done with sin" ourselves. "Passion of the Christ" really drove this point home for me. I have seen this movie 4 times now and every time I watch the scene were Jesus is cruelly beaten with the cat of nine tails and the crucifixion scene where the spikes are hammered into his hands and feet, all I can think is " He had to go thru all that because of me. It was my sins that placed Him on that cross. I just as guilty as the Roman soldiers that actually placed Him there." Being able to visualize what Jesus had to go thru in order to save me from the penality of sin has helped me be more aware of sin's power and deception. Quote
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