Pastor Ralph Posted November 28, 2017 Report Posted November 28, 2017 Q1. (Acts 8:26-40; 16:6-10) Are promptings from the Holy Spirit clear enough when we’re seeking God for direction? Why is “no” just as important an answer as “yes”? Have you ever felt God’s promptings to take some action? If you followed through, what happened? Quote
patahutch Posted January 24, 2018 Report Posted January 24, 2018 Q1. (Acts 8:26-40; 16:6-10) Are promptings from the Holy Spirit clear enough when we’re seeking God for direction? Why is “no” just as important an answer as “yes”? Have you ever felt God’s promptings to take some action? If you followed through, what happened? Yes, they are. No is just as important as a "yes" because God is omnipotent and He knows everything and knows what's best for us. Yes. Whenever I follow through or obey, it is always to my benefit and for God's glory and honor. Quote
elaineer Posted January 24, 2018 Report Posted January 24, 2018 1. The promptings from the Holy Spirit are clear enough when seeking God for direction as Jesus said the father would send a helper . 2 No is just so important as Yes,because God knows best and is in control. 3 Yes i have,and it always works out. Quote
blezed Posted January 27, 2018 Report Posted January 27, 2018 On 11/28/2017 at 1:11 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Acts 8:26-40; 16:6-10) Are promptings from the Holy Spirit clear enough when we’re seeking God for direction? Yes, promptings from the Holy Spirit are clear enough when seeking God for direction. Why is “no” just as important an answer as “yes”? "No" is just as important as an answer "yes" God knows what is best for us. We need to trust and depend on His guidance. Have you ever felt God’s promptings to take some action? If you followed through, what happened? Yes, I have. The end result worked for my good. Quote
LaVerne Posted January 27, 2018 Report Posted January 27, 2018 Q1. (Acts 8:26-40; 16:6-10) Are promptings from the Holy Spirit clear enough when we're seeking God for direction? yes, and even when I'm not thinking about seeking direction, He still gives it. Why is "no" just as important an answer as "yes"? It's like someone giving directions to turn left or right. You won't get there if you don't follow them Have you ever felt God's promptings to take some action? If you followed through, what happened? yes, I was prompted to give a missionary, who was home on furlough, some money. I gave the money and a few weeks later I received a bonus that was 10 times what I had given her. Quote
sheep35 Posted January 27, 2018 Report Posted January 27, 2018 Are promptings from the Holy Spirit clear enough when we’re seeking God for direction? No, at least for me & the few friends I talk with. I’m often amazed when others testify to such guidance even if it’s just a little. That He desires & hears my prayers is becoming enough. Why is “no” just as important an answer as “yes”? A NO can be a protective, timing &/or directional sign that’s just as valuable as an affirmative sign. I think I would welcome a ‘no’over silence. It can also leave space for something else, but I suppose that’s an ‘instead’. Have you ever felt God’s promptings to take some action? I haven’t felt God’s promptings & that’s why I hope to learn to discern God's voice. The uncertainty of tends to shake & renew confidence (in time) while keeping me going to the well. Honestly it can be frustrating but I figure there’s plenty He said already in the bible to apply & keep on hoping. Though He slay me…Job 13:15 Quote
JanMary Posted January 27, 2018 Report Posted January 27, 2018 On 11/28/2017 at 10:11 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Acts 8:26-40; 16:6-10) Are promptings from the Holy Spirit clear enough when we’re seeking God for direction? Why is “no” just as important an answer as “yes”? Have you ever felt God’s promptings to take some action? If you followed through, what happened? 1a. Yes, His promptings have been for me. Some of the promptings have required me to really listen, meditate on, and pray because it wasn't what I wanted to hear or what I "expected" would be the direction or timing. But I've learned He is never ambiguous! He wants me to know and follow His guidance more than I might want to know or follow it. 2. No's? He alone knows the future! He alone knows what is best for me. He alone knows what His plan is for my life. He alone knows my weaknesses which might sway me to follow the wrong voice or direction. So a No is critical in keeping me on HIS path for my life, or out of dangerous waters I may have waded into in ignorance. A NO is confirmation that I am being led and guided by my loving Father and not just drifting through life willy- nilly. 3. Yes. Frequently, because I'm old! We have a long track record of walking together. The most recent one was 2 days ago and dealt with my flesh! I wanted to share something with another whom I thought needed encouragement and a warning, involving a deception on someone's part that we are both in relationship with. Seemed innocent to me, but I felt a check in my spirit every time I wanted to pick up the phone to make the call. So I prayed..."is this the wrong thing to do Papa? It seems warranted to me. I would appreciate a "heads up" if I were my friend." I "happened" to be reading in Exodus that morning and when I read Exodus 23:7 the words leapt off the page like in neon: " KEEP FAR FROM A FALSE MATTER, AND BE CAREFUL....." I almost laughed out loud! "Ok, I get it! I will let you give any warning needed and will keep the deception to are so good at this stuff, You don't need my help!" 4. What happened? I felt immediate peace of mind. I was relieved from feeling "false responsibility" for something that was really troubling me....until I heard His No. I remembered that He is able to give the other person a warning or discernment if it's needed since we're all believers in this scenario. And with me "butting out" the deceiver can be dealt with in His perfect way or not at all if He chooses. Ps 46:10" LET BE, BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD!" (He doesn't need my help to run the Universe!) 1b. I remember a time when I was a brand new Christian....only a few months old in the Lord, and He was beginning my "training" in discerning of spirits, having grown up in a place surrounded by cult members in a false religion. I was in a store in San Francisco with friends who were enjoying looking at all of the imported "stuff." I was not comfortable and didn't know why....I felt all prickly inside and as we went further into the store I felt more and more out of sorts and wondered what was wrong with me! Finally at the back of the store my friends had moved on and when I passed a "Dutch door" (bottom closed and top half open) I was on full alert almost nauseaus! I turned to look into the door and saw dozens of idols and false gods from Asia and India that had been worshipped but discarded due to a broken finger (on one) or a chip out of the face or other "injury" so were thrown out and replaced. They were all for sale as ART OBJECTS! That was a lesson I've been thankful for many times. Not all art objects are that...many have been objects of worship somewhere and the demon power still inhabits them or clings to them. Quote
Godswriter Posted January 27, 2018 Report Posted January 27, 2018 Q1. (Acts 8:26-40; 16:6-10) Are promptings from the Holy Spirit clear enough when we’re seeking God for direction? For me personally I have had the experience that promptings are usually not always clear for me when I am seeking His direction. Usually I second guess Him and doubt what He is telling me a lot of the time. Knowing me as He does He must have sighed and said when will you realize I am trying to tell you something! As I have gotten older and more mature in the Lord I have realized that a nudge meant move or to do something like pray or send a card or email to someone who needed it. I know that for me the nudges have become a whole lot clearer. Why is “no” just as important an answer as “yes”? Because when God tells you not to do something or not to go where somewhere. It is best to listen because when you don't you could end up doing something that is sin. For me I know that from experience I wish I would have listened to a no from the the Lord when I was in my teens because if I had I never would have ended up in the occult for 10 years. However God used that experience for the betterment of my walk I am much closer to Him now and am in full time ministry as well. Have you ever felt God’s promptings to take some action? Yes I have. If you followed through, what happened? My first full experience is with the ministry I am now part of. God told me to write about my experience and tell the world in a blog. I did that and didn't get much response and then I started to pray for God to lead to people to it. As of today I am part of a ministry that works with all different religions as well as the occult. It all started with just one blog and me writing it. Quote
Scott Pfeiffer Posted January 28, 2018 Report Posted January 28, 2018 1. I don’t always find the promptings clear, and am not always sure if the Holy Spirit is prompting me or whether it is my own conscience. 2. A no is just as important as a yes. God may be protecting us from harm when He gives us a no. 3. I have acted on a prompting by the Holy Spirit in my life at different times and I believe that it has resulted in fruit in my life. 4. I followed God’s leading in my business to quit carrying certain products which went against my conscience and God still provided for us in the business and my faith was strengthened. Quote
Lottie Posted January 28, 2018 Report Posted January 28, 2018 Q1. (Acts 8:26-40; 16:6-10) Are promptings from the Holy Spirit clear enough when we're seeking God for direction? Why is "no" just as important an answer as "yes"? Have you ever felt God's prompt Q1. (Acts 8:26-40; 16:6-10) Are promptings from the Holy Spirit clear enough when we're seeking God for direction? Why is "no" just as important an answer as "yes"? Have you ever felt God's promptings to take some action? If you followed through, what happened? Yes, I believe that they are if we are attentive and in obedience. If we have been staying close to the Lord through reading His Word, meditation and praying; we will know for sure if it is God or not speaking to us. It says in First John 4 about discerning the spirits and if we are close to God we can tell if it is Him speaking to us by what He says and if it agrees with the Word or not. Often we know within our spirit when something is not right or does not come from God. I remember reading a book called “Heaven is So Real” and getting to a point in the book when the author talks about being transported by the Holy Spirit to Heaven and seeing things that no one else seen. Immediately the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “No! This is not true.” It was strong and my spirit knew it was God telling me that this woman was being lied to by Satan and deceiving many people through her book. I stopped reading it then. Yes, I have felt God’s prompting in the past to take some action. Especially years ago when my daughter and I were both a part of a small group in a church. We were watching these DVD series called “The Truth Project” by Del Tackett. In one of the DVD’s he talked about how our calling is our vocation. And God spoke to both of us at the same time and told us that we were to be writers for Him and that He wanted us to go to college. If you followed through, what happened? At first, I resisted Him. I asked Him how could I do it when I had no job at the time. How would I pay for it? He kept telling me to trust Him. I finally gave in and applied to a Christian college. God gave me a love for learning that started in the very first class and continues this day as I am finishing my last class. He gave me a desire to do my best and as of now I am on the dean’s list. I never had straight A’s all the way through any grade before. I have had A’s mostly, along with a few b’s and a couple of F’s and one D. The math classes are where I got stuck and had a hard time. I felt like quitting almost on the last one but God kept telling me He would help me. And he has been with me all the way through and I could not have done it without Him. Quote
minnow Posted January 28, 2018 Report Posted January 28, 2018 Promptings from the Holy Spirit are clear in God's world, in our world that is another story. With flying across America in 5 hours not traveling by foot & taking years, or nano speed computers, we humans want it now. Waiting for a redeemer to come and pay the price for their sins, plus living hundreds of years must have been at time over whelming. And maybe the answer is "no". When a loved one is dying, or you want that promotion on your job that will give you the money to pay off your bills, or, or, or, and God says "no". That's hard; sometimes we get to see why and sometimes we just have to wait until we get to heaven and maybe by then it won't even matter. Yes I was asked by a company I worked for to move to take a promotion and move to a different location. After checking it out my wife and I felt it was a great deal but that we were both working in our local church and that it would not be right to leave. I didn't want to upset my boss & company so I prayed for God to speak through me to my boss because I did not know what to say w/o offending them. When I sat down with my boss, my mouth opened and out came "yes". With my boss excited & making the plans for our move; I was going crazy in my head trying to figure out what I said and how was I going to tell my wife what I had done. When I got home my wife told me she already knew in her heart that we were going. It doesn't always work out that easy, but it will always work if God is leading the way. Quote
hanks Posted January 29, 2018 Report Posted January 29, 2018 Q1. (Acts 8:26-40; 16:6-10) Are promptings from the Holy Spirit clear enough when we're seeking God for direction? Why is "no" just as important an answer as "yes"? Have you ever felt God's promptings to take some action? If you followed through, what happened? Yes, the promptings of the Holy Spirit will be clear enough, but they are more dependent on whether our spiritual ears are open or not. The Lord uses different ways to guide us - His Indwelling Spirit, Scripture, consecrated thinking, our emotions when they are put at His disposal, the insights of people, and signs in the world around us. However, we need to be often in prayer, and there has to be a willingness in allowing the Holy Spirit to use our thinking, our feelings, and certain circumstances to make His guidance clear. There is no difference whether the answer is Yes or No - both are just as important. Both can guide us into a new direction or confirm or negate the current direction. A Yes guides us to the right choices, and a No guides us away from the wrong choices. As we seek God's will, we need to know what God wants us to do and where He wants us to go, but we also need to know what God does not want us to do and where He does not want us to go. Yes, we had the most exciting experience. We wanted to move away from the coast to a more inland village. My wife and I prayed so hard for this to happen. And when it did eventually happen we got the best house we could have imagined. It was only by Divine Intervention that everything fell into place. The previous owner was not going to sell, but circumstances changed his mind. They had decided to emigrate to Australia and were going to keep the house, we were interested in, as a base in South Africa. Then his wife’s brother was attacked here in South Africa. That was it – with our high crime rate they decided to sell the house. The timing of our sale and our purchase was unbelievable! Then after we had moved, I was in a new area and I received so many prompting, and nudges for me to make right choices for our new home. This happened so often that I’m sorry today that I didn’t diarize it all. This whole episode was so amazing that we felt God’s hand in it every day. We often think back on how the Holy Spirit guided us. We are so grateful and in awe for all the help and guidance we received. God is so great, loving and caring!!!!! Every time, in my life, that I have followed the Lord’s guidance blessings have flowed from it. In seeking God’s will, we have to make sure we are in a right relationship with our Lord Jesus, and in harmony with God’s Word. Also our motives are to be honourable, and in sync with our Heavenly Father’s will! Quote
Uncle Dave Posted January 29, 2018 Report Posted January 29, 2018 Q1. (Acts 8:26-40; 16:6-10) Are promptings from the Holy Spirit clear enough when we're seeking God for direction? Why is "no" just as important an answer as "yes"? Have you ever felt God's promptings to take some action? If you followed through, what happened? Perhaps there are more “prompts” as referred to here as there are direct messages that go out. How often do you wait for God to literally tell you to talk to someone about Jesus & what he has done for us as compared to “receiving the urge”? I believe that God often tells someone to preach the gospel to someone, but I have a strong tendency to believe that there would be more promptings than direct messages here. I look at no as being just as important as a yes because seeing as these two words are used for stating decisions to requests or permission, or should I/should I not, etc., it is not always in our best interests in getting a yes. If you were a blind person with a severe case of peripheral neuropathy you sure would not God to tell you to proceed directly ahead if there was an armed booby trap in front of you. Perhaps the only promptings I can recall are like I already mentioned (witnessing to someone), and results always were good as compared to when I just strike out on my own but, I wonder how often I was listening for God’s will when I was just nudged into doing something not really realizing that God had even prompted me. Quote
Catbird Posted January 29, 2018 Report Posted January 29, 2018 Q1. (Acts 8:26-40; 16:6-10) Are promptings from the Holy Spirit clear enough when we're seeking God for direction? Why is "no" just as important an answer as "yes"? Have you ever felt God's promptings to take some action? If you followed through, what happened? 1. I find that promptings of the Holy Spirit are not always clear. Often, I find it a struggle to feel confident and what I am hearing from God. Sometimes wondering if it is my own feelings, over the true direction of the Lord. 2. Hey “no” is very important. Though depending on our own desires may be difficult to hear and abide by. “No” can protect us from many things that we may not even realize. 3. I have felt God‘s prompting to take action. I have followed through in doing so. One time in particular stands out is when I was prompted to give my double stroller that i was using at that very moment with my own 2 kids in it. I encountered a very needy family with 4-5 small children struggling to get where they were heading. I felt the Lord lead me to give them my stroller, and tell them how much Jesus loves them. The family was very thankful. I felt a sense of contentment feeling the presence of God leading me. Quote
haar Posted January 29, 2018 Report Posted January 29, 2018 Q1. (Acts 8:26-40; 16:6-10) Q. Are promptings from the Holy Spirit clear enough when we're seeking God for direction? A. They are clear enough as long as we pay attention to them and are willing to follow/ obey. Q. Why is "no" just as important an answer as "yes"? A. 'No' is actually an answer though not exactly what we had asked/ planned or want. God has and should always determine the direction of the way things should go. Q. Have you ever felt God's promptings to take some action? A. I believe the answer is yes, though I can't recall any specifics now. Q. If you followed through, what happened? A. Success, accomplishment and peace Quote
bertha Posted January 29, 2018 Report Posted January 29, 2018 Q1. (Acts 8:26-40; 16:6-10) Are promptings from the Holy Spirit clear enough when we're seeking God for direction? I'd like to say "yes" if you are truly seeking God's direction. Yet, we might sometimes question whether it's God prompting you or is it just you wanting it to be a prompting from the Holy Spirit. Why is "no" just as important an answer as "yes"? God is Sovereign and knows what lies ahead. His "no" can be a matter of life or death on your part. He can be protecting you from harm. It could also mean it's just not the right time, he's still working in the hearts of people, to prepare them to receive the gospel. Have you ever felt God's promptings to take some action? If you followed through, what happened I've been praying for my son to attend church with me. I invited him on several occasions. He kept saying no. So I continued praying for him and left him in God's hands. I kept picking up my grandkids(his children) to take them with me to church, as I had been doing for a time. It just so happened that suddenly my grandson(5 yrs old) no longer wanted to go to church, followed by my granddaughter(4 yrs. old). They cried each time I stopped by to see if they wanted to go to church with me. I found it strange because they were always so eager to go to Sunday services. Then my teenage granddaughter was struggling with wanting to go to church, as well. I cried, I felt discouraged, and prayed like never before. Sometimes, I just wanted to give up and let them be. I didn't want to force them into going to church, but I didn't want to lose them to the world. So I waited on God. Then, it happened. God spoke to me(my spirit). It was time for me to make the invitation again. I was prompted by God to have a "talk" with my son about how He would hold him accountable for his children if they were to lose their souls because of his negligence. I was struggling on how to go about having that talk when God just took over. The Holy Spirit gave me the grace to speak to my son and to my surprise my son agreed to start going to church for their sake. I couldn't believe how easy that seemed to be, but I knew it was all God's doing! Though he only accompanies Sunday mornings, I thank God that I was able to listen to that nudge. It is a beautiful feeling when I see my son walking in with all 3 of my grandchildren to church. This is just the beginning of good things to come. I thank God for His Awesomeness! I am praying for my daughter in law, as well. I know God will bring her to Jesus' feet in due time. He will do it again! In His Perfect Timing! Quote
Debra Grant Posted January 30, 2018 Report Posted January 30, 2018 Q1. (Acts 8:26-40; 16:6-10) Are promptings from the Holy Spirit clear enough when we're seeking God for direction? Why is "no" just as important an answer as "yes"? Have you ever felt God's promptings to take some action? If you followed through, what happened? 1. Not always and sometimes they get clearer along the way, but we do not always understand why. 2.Because it is the answer God gives and it can be a protection from danger. 3.Yes 4.God gave me the house I wanted because I stayed at the land lord’s house wanting to see if another lady had cash or a check.God knew the land lord said,”she do not take checks,”and that was all the lady had.Therefore, the Lord touched the land lord’s heart and said this lady is waiting with cash, I will let her have the house which was me. Quote
quilter Posted January 30, 2018 Report Posted January 30, 2018 1. yes. 2.We may not understand God's plans at first but the results will prove that God's way is all ways right. 3.Yes I have. I acted on it. Our Lord Jesus took care of it. 4.I followed through and I praised and gave all the glory to the Savior Quote
Zilka Posted January 30, 2018 Report Posted January 30, 2018 Q1. (Acts 8:26-40; 16:6-10) Are promptings from the Holy Spirit clear enough when we’re seeking God for direction? Why is “no” just as important an answer as “yes”? Have you ever felt God’s promptings to take some action? If you followed through, what happened? - Yes, - Yes I have, God Safes me in his Hand and loves me. I am happy with my God, Jesus Christ. Hallellujah. Quote
Jilly Posted February 2, 2018 Report Posted February 2, 2018 Are promptings from the Holy Spirit clear enough when we’re seeking God for direction? Majority of the time I get a very clear understanding of what I am supposed to do. Sometimes I am unsure and pray for understanding. Why is “no” just as important an answer as “yes”? Whether the reason is understood with no or yes, it is God's will to obey both the yes and no directions. Have you ever felt God’s promptings to take some action? Absolutely. If you followed through, what happened? I get a great feeling of accomplishment, or maybe satisfaction, that I have followed the Lords guidance. It is a powerful feeling and hard to explain, but I know the Lord is pleased. Quote
Marcia4657 Posted February 3, 2018 Report Posted February 3, 2018 On 11/29/2017 at 2:11 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Acts 8:26-40; 16:6-10) Are promptings from the Holy Spirit clear enough when we’re seeking God for direction? Why is “no” just as important an answer as “yes”? Have you ever felt God’s promptings to take some action? If you followed through, what happened? Yes it is crystal clear when we seek His direction. No is just as important as a Yes, because God knows why it has to be denied or refused to be granted, always for the good of us eventually, or for a whole good purpose He has at plan. We just gotta trust HIM, He is all KNOWING and knows best and know the future best. I have had promptings to take some action, often through bible readings, for a devotional of the day, when facing some decision making in my own life. In my experience of the prompting, I refused the job offer although it was a huge benefit for me, worldly, but turned out it was the best decision I made, because, a year down the road, the company closed its operations due to bancruptcy. I was saved by refusing the job, after a bible reading on a career decision. Quote
charisbarak Posted February 4, 2018 Report Posted February 4, 2018 Yes, though I may not totally believe it for a minute and then follow through. His direction can be either yes or no--He has prepared the way for me. Yes, especially when I have asked God to use me today. The joy of sharing with someone whose heart was prepared by God!! Quote
Valteenia Posted February 6, 2018 Report Posted February 6, 2018 On 11/28/2017 at 10:11 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Acts 8:26-40; 16:6-10) Are promptings from the Holy Spirit clear enough when we’re seeking God for direction? Why is “no” just as important an answer as “yes”? Have you ever felt God’s promptings to take some action? If you followed through, what happened? No is important as yes. God knows the way that we should go. When God said no and we say yes, we don't have any peace and we have to live with the consequence of our action. Quote
Johno Posted February 12, 2018 Report Posted February 12, 2018 On 28/11/2017 at 8:11 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Acts 8:26-40; 16:6-10) Are promptings from the Holy Spirit clear enough when we’re seeking God for direction? Why is “no” just as important an answer as “yes”? Have you ever felt God’s promptings to take some action? If you followed through, what happened? I just wish I had read or listened to this many years ago. I have been very headstrong when I've had an idea and very often it has not been the right thing for me. Now I will be more discreet in asking God to speak to me first. God's promptings are clear eg in getting me to do this study as an example. As I am a determined person I need to hear the 'no's ' as often as the 'yes's'. God has revealed a lot for me when I have done something that hasn't worked out for me. Quote
Michelle du Toit Posted February 19, 2018 Report Posted February 19, 2018 Q1. (Acts 8:26-40; 16:6-10) Are promptings from the Holy Spirit clear enough when we’re seeking God for direction? Why is “no” just as important an answer as “yes”? Have you ever felt God’s promptings to take some action? If you followed through, what happened? I have never had the experience of full sentences from the Lord, but always just words and nudges. Sometimes it will be a phrase, or a picture, or an impression, or just a feeling. I found this very hard in the beginning, but eventually took the attitude that God is always speaking to me, I am not always listening well. So, eventually, decided obedience was my response. If God sees in me a desire to obey, He will make it more clear when He speaks. So whenever, I have the impression that He is speaking to me, I obey anyway. If it turns out that it is wrong, God will show me very quickly and then at least I know that, is what He does not sound like. By practicing obedience to what I understand as guidance from Him, I have over the years been able to discern His voice more clearly. He has also been gracious and confirmed my obedience with blessings and the manifestation of His working around me. This confirmation that He does, has helped me guard against my own mind and thoughts, or my will getting in the way. A "no" is as important as a "yes". But what has helped, is to take no decision or action, without prayer.If after prayer, there is a sense of peace and a sense that I should proceed, I then obey. But if I have no peace, I do not move forward. I also believe that God has given me a good brain. I take what seems to be the logical next step in prayer, and with peace proceed. Generally peace accompanies my decision making, but I have found that when I am moving in the wrong direction, the peace is lost, or there is a clear word from God. Usually one word. When He gives me a word or picture, I have found that if I keep praying about it, God reveals more about what He needs me to understand. The greatest blessing in listening to these promptings or words is the sense that I am 100% where He wants me to be. In His will, doing what He has revealed to me to do at this moment in my life. Quote
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