Pastor Ralph Posted November 28, 2017 Report Posted November 28, 2017 Q4. (Acts 16:6-10; Psalm 27:14) Why does God sometimes not talk to us? Is it always because we aren’t receptive? What should we do when we don’t hear anything from God? Quote
JanMary Posted January 27, 2018 Report Posted January 27, 2018 On 11/28/2017 at 10:14 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (Acts 16:6-10; Psalm 27:14) Why does God sometimes not talk to us? Is it always because we aren’t receptive? What should we do when we don’t hear anything from God? 1. His Word says He is always speaking! The Heavens declare His glory! The stars sang while He created and they still sing. Job 38:7 (I've heard a recording of their music ...(Louie Giglio.) He doesn't always speak to us to "DO" something. He has spoken when I've been awed by a gorgeous sunset and "I painted it for you. Thank you for noticing and thanking Me for it". He let me know that He delights when we "notice Him" when we're awed by His creation and His handiwork, or when we see or receive healing, or however He chooses to "speak". He speaks when we read His word...for instruction, for inspiration...knowledge. He can speak through a hug! (one of our pastors walked by my husband who isn't a "hugger" but felt led to reach out and hug this darling man. After the hug the pastor told him he'd prayed that morning " Lord I really need a hug this morning. Will you have an older man give me a hug that a father would give his child?" God spoke love to him in that hug. He speaks to me of His majesty when I look up at the sky and see countless stars, and remember Ps 147:4 and Isaiah 40:26 that every star is numbered, named, counted, known and created by our God and how much more precious are you and me to Him. He spoke to me through an immobilized dragonfly once when He was "speaking to me to rest and abide in Him" but I wasn't listening...when the dragonfly didn't move for over 3 hours but hung by his tongue from a flower until I had to notice and ask What is this Lord? Are you trying to get my attention? Then I heard; "Feed on Me, REST in Me, Abide in Me"....then the dragonfly flew away. (He knows I'm a visual learner...made me that way....and that "picture" spoke a thousand words to me when I couldn't "hear" any other way.) 2. If we aren't hearing Him I think it's because we're not "tuned in"....not expecting to hear....maybe not wanting to hear (been there....thank God that was only once and I learned I should have wanted to hear and listened...would have been spared much pain and regret). Maybe for some it's ignorance or not understanding the fact that He does speak and that we can hear. I've found He is extremely creative in HOW He chooses to speak! He has spoken to me through my children at times! 3. If we aren't ever hearing from Him, or need to hear and haven't yet, my thought is to get quiet. Set aside some time for seeking His face (not his hand). One other thought: If you've never heard from Him, ask Him to speak to you in His Word, until you recognize His voice...He may be protecting you from hearing "another" voice of deception until you're more familiar with His word and His character and ways. One other idea that was given to me by my spiritual mom many years ago when I said I don't know what to do about this. She said: Instead of waiting for a new word, go back to the last thing He said and do that!" (Turns out that is exactly what I was supposed to do, but hadn't done it because it wasn't to my liking.) If we ignore what He's spoken, my experience is that He stops speaking until I obey or hear His previous word. Quote
patahutch Posted January 28, 2018 Report Posted January 28, 2018 Q4. (Acts 16:6-10; Psalm 27:14) Why does God sometimes not talk to us? Is it always because we aren’t receptive? What should we do when we don’t hear anything from God? God is sovereign and can choose to do as He pleases. Sometimes He does not speak with us because He knows we are not receptive, or we are not at the place to receive His words, or we are just outright disobedient, or He chooses not to for His own purposes. Sometimes, He has an appointed time and our responsibility is to wait upon Him. Our responsibility is to be still and wait patiently upon the Lord. This is a discipline and a demonstration of the Fruit of the Spirit. I realize when God is silent when we are not mature, we have a tendency to become anxious and agitated. This can give place for the devil to speak. We have to be very still in these time, lest we step out of God's will. Quote
Godswriter Posted January 28, 2018 Report Posted January 28, 2018 Q4. (Acts 16:6-10; Psalm 27:14) Why does God sometimes not talk to us? SIn can sometimes cause us and God to be separated from each other. He won't answer us when sin of any kind is in our hearts and is blocking our communication line between us and Him. Sometimes we are too busy to listen to God's voice and in a hurry so we don't hear His voice. It all depends on whether or not we are sinning in our hearts or are we too busy to pray and don't have enough time to wait and listen to His voice like we should. Is it always because we aren’t receptive? Not necessarily as I said before it all depends on whether we are busy or sinning in our hearts. Sometimes the issue is with receptivity with us but not always, What should we do when we don’t hear anything from God? We should be willing to continue to listen for His voice no matter what because He will eventually speak to us again and once He does it may be through a friend or someone else we know. There are many ways God could speak to us besides just His word and through prayer but the basic ways are nudges, promptings, yeses and nos and waits. Quote
blezed Posted January 29, 2018 Report Posted January 29, 2018 On 11/28/2017 at 1:14 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (Acts 16:6-10; Psalm 27:14) Why does God sometimes not talk to us? Is it always because we aren’t receptive? We may not be in a position to hear from God due to sin in our lives and will not be receptive to His words. No, sometimes God does not talk to us simply because we need to just wait on his directions. What should we do when we don’t hear anything from God? Continue to seek his guidance and listen for his voice. Quote
Zilka Posted January 30, 2018 Report Posted January 30, 2018 Q4. (Acts 16:6-10; Psalm 27:14) Why does God sometimes not talk to us? Is it always because we aren’t receptive? What should we do when we don’t hear anything from God? - Because God is always working around us, we must wait Gods direction, - We must be silence, pray more and intensive hear His voice. Quote
Lottie Posted January 31, 2018 Report Posted January 31, 2018 Q4. (Acts 16:6-10; Psalm 27:14) Why does God sometimes not talk to us? Is it always because we aren't receptive? What should we do when we don't hear anything from God? Quote
Lottie Posted January 31, 2018 Report Posted January 31, 2018 Q4. (Acts 16:6-10; Psalm 27:14) Why does God sometimes not talk to us? Is it always because we aren't receptive? What should we do when we don't hear anything from God? Sometimes God does not answer or talk to us when we are in sin and disobedient. In Psalms 66: 18b it says,” If I regard wickedness in my heart the Lord will not hear” (NASB) Sin breaks the fellowship we have with God and we cannot expect Him to commune or answer our prayers if we are disobedient. Other times I think we tend to think we have things under control and do not need Him. Or we get too busy and forget to take the time to talk to Him. Sometimes God draws away so that we become more fervent in searching for Him. Jesus talks about asking, seeking, and knocking. Asking means asking Him for help in little things. Seeking means we are searching for answers from God to problems we have and waiting on Him for answers. But knocking means being persistent and keep on doing it until we get an answer from God. Sometimes He wants to see if we want Him or just the things He can give us and He wants to test our faith by not answering right away. We should search our own hearts to see if we are in sin first and if we are then repent and ask for His forgiveness. If we are not in sin then just keep on being persistent and waiting on God and knocking until He answers. Quote
Uncle Dave Posted February 1, 2018 Report Posted February 1, 2018 Q4. (Acts 16:6-10; Psalm 27:14) Why does God sometimes not talk to us? Is it always because we aren't receptive? What should we do when we don't hear anything from God? I’m seriously thinking the problem here is the fact that we try to do all the talking and then we “turn the radio off” once we have our order form filled out. I know it was a long period where nobody heard from God prior to Jesus’ coming and I’m somewhat curious if that is the same as what was going on then. Just because there were Levite priests don’t mean they were tuned in, as you called it. I know so many people whose prayer life consists of requests. They adage 10% talking and 90% listening seems to have become a thing of the past with most Christians these days. I think that when you try to tell people this they tune you out as well. Your physical ears don’t have to be in perfect working order to hear God talk. If you don’t hear anything, quit trying to do all the talking, find yourself a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted, get on your knees and raise them holy hands to God (1 Timothy 2:8) and listen, maybe ask God to stop the music of the world if you have to (I have to do that all the time), and listen. You’ll hear something, perhaps it won’t even be close to what you were hoping for but it is a really beautiful thing to listen to God’s leading. Something else I would like to comment on that you mentioned and that was us being the “humble servant”. Perhaps it is like Jesus’ teaching His disciples by example, but it is usually us asking of God and not the other way around. I mean, perhaps we do what God says to do, but it isn’t like He really needs us to get the job done. If He can’t do it, it doesn’t exist. But we ask God for something and most often He is taking care of things we wouldn’t know where to begin with, all because we asked Him to, and how often do we fail Him? I know it is probably not a good thing to dwell on because God is that way and of course we are supposed to follow suit but it its just one of those things that rings through my mind on occasion. Quote
hanks Posted February 1, 2018 Report Posted February 1, 2018 Q4. (Acts 16:6-10; Psalm 27:14) Why does God sometimes not talk to us? Is it always because we aren't receptive? What should we do when we don't hear anything from God? Often it may seem like God is not talking to us, that He isn’t answering our prayers, and even worse, we may begin thinking that He does not understand the urgency of our situation. Thinking like this is wrong as it implies that God is not in control. We have to learn to wait on God, and this is not easy. Especially in our fast moving world today. It’s not always because we are not receptive. It can be because God is using this time to teach us something. We sometimes need this time to reflect on the fact that God is the only true source of wisdom and goodness which He will make available to His children. So it is most important and profitable to wait for His guidance – not to be too hasty! That is when we make our biggest mistakes. Instead of being impatient we should be making good use of this waiting time to discover what God is trying to teach us. In the meantime, in seeking God’s will, we should be sure that our plan is in harmony with God’s Word. We are to remain patient and wait until we hear a word from God about His will and His ways. Quote
patahutch Posted February 1, 2018 Report Posted February 1, 2018 Q4. (Acts 16:6-10; Psalm 27:14) Why does God sometimes not talk to us? Is it always because we aren’t receptive? What should we do when we don’t hear anything from God? There are a number of reasons why God sometimes not talk to us. In the portion of scripture in Acts 16:6-10, the Holy Spirit did speak by forbidding the disciples from preaching in Asia. If by "not talk" it means telling us to go or not to go, God is all knowing and has reasons for not speaking with us. Sometimes, our disobedience poses a hindrance to the voice of God. Sometimes our stubbornness. There are a number of reasons why God sometimes does not talk to us. No, it is not always because we are not receptive, but because He might not have any directive on the particular matter. We should prayerfully be still and trust in God's goodness towards us His children. Quote
Paul Hodge Posted February 2, 2018 Report Posted February 2, 2018 Q4. (Acts 16:6-10; Psalm 27:14) Why does God sometimes not talk to us? Is it always because we aren’t receptive? What should we do when we don’t hear anything from God? To have a sense of being in contact with God we need to “Pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18. And how should we pray and be heard by God? For instance, when Jesus took time to pray, he would go to a place by himself and spend considerable time in prayer (Matthew 14.23; Mark 1.35, 6.46; Luke 6.12,). Indeed, Luke tells us that Jesus didn’t pray like this on the odd occasion, but that he “…often withdrew to lonely places and prayed” And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, Matthew 14.23 And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. Mark 1.35 And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. Luke 6.12 “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. Matthew 6:5-6 In Luke 18, you will find a story Jesus told about two men who both prayed to God, and how God received their supplications. When Jesus prayed the night before he died on the cross, there was a moment when he himself thought God his Father was not listening to him. He made three attempts at praying. Jesus throws himself with complete confidence and trust upon the love of his Father. In Hebrew 5:7 Jesus was described as a man who “offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears to the one who was able to save him from death and he was heard [the angel appeared] because of his reverent submissions. To give us hope when we pray, God the Father did answer his Son’s first pray by sending an angel to comfort him. Even so, Jesus still went ahead to the cross knowing that His Father will not abandon him as he suffered and died on Calvary. The same can be said of those you pray today following the example of Jesus and not give up hope when we are faced with suffering. Quote
sheep35 Posted February 2, 2018 Report Posted February 2, 2018 Why does God sometimes not talk to us? As He is all-knowing (omniscient) I imagine that His timing is perfectly aligned to His perfect purposes. We may also have sin that is not being turned from, based on Psalm 66:18, so that He doesn’t listen. I’ve heard it said that when God is silent it’s b/c the teacher doesn’t speak during a test. Is it always because we aren’t receptive? No; God is sovereignly active in multiple ways so that perhaps we might seek Him more fervently through the Word or in fellowship, etc. i have no misconception that my radar can surely be askew! like a radio on the wrong channel! A fish in the wrong lake, etc. What should we do when we don’t hear anything from God? seek & consider truth about my receptors (primarily ears, eyes), His activity around me, my participation & cooperation w/ Him & any possible training He might be prompting. Of course it is wise to do as Pastor Ralph smartly illustrated & explained- Press On in what we know! Thought of a cool, older song: Quote
bertha Posted February 2, 2018 Report Posted February 2, 2018 I believe sometimes it's God's way of saying, "Be still, it's not time yet. I'm still working on this". In the meantime, we should stay busy doing God's work, whether it's praying for someone, ministering, serving, or whatever God has us doing. We must not give up, thinking God isn't answering. Instead, we can use this time to seek God's heart and grow closer to Him; to trust Him at all times and whether He answers us or not, we should not lose hope, but instead remember that God is still God. Sovereign God. Promise Keeper. He knows best. Let us wait patiently on our Lord. He might just be building us up in character and spiritually. Quote
Jilly Posted February 2, 2018 Report Posted February 2, 2018 Why does God sometimes not talk to us? God wants us to continue in the pattern we are on presently. He will let us know when it is time for a change. Is it always because we aren’t receptive? No. What should we do when we don’t hear anything from God? Continue on the path we are on. God will let us know when it is time for a change. Quote
haar Posted February 3, 2018 Report Posted February 3, 2018 Q4. (Acts 16:6-10; Psalm 27:14) Q. Why does God sometimes not talk to us? A. He is Sovereign and can choose to do whatever He wants. Thus He can decide to respond to us or be silent, nevertheless, He has our interest at heart and will always do the needful thing at the right time for us. Q. Is it always because we aren't receptive? A. No, see above comment. We however can be too busy and thus miss His response. Q. What should we do when we don't hear anything from God? A. Be patient and wait. So help me to wait patiently for your reply Lord God Almighty. Quote
LaVerne Posted February 3, 2018 Report Posted February 3, 2018 (Acts 16:6-10; Psalm 27:14) Why does God sometimes not talk to us? He is also teaching us things during the waiting. Is it always because we aren't receptive? No What should we do when we don't hear anything from God? Keep preparing. Read the Bible. Pray Quote
Marcia4657 Posted February 3, 2018 Report Posted February 3, 2018 On 11/29/2017 at 2:14 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (Acts 16:6-10; Psalm 27:14) Why does God sometimes not talk to us? Is it always because we aren’t receptive? What should we do when we don’t hear anything from God? I believe God does talk to us daily through His Word as we have our Daily Bible Reading and devotional right after our prayers. Those messages or bible reading that we come across speaks to our spirit in a very profound way, that we are in tune with His words. But we may be having a hard day or troubled times some days, and those are the days our spirit may drift away during our prayers, bible reading session and even the devotional, that makes the voice of God seem too silent due to our noisy troubled minds. We could not hear Him because our minds very noisy. When this does happen, it it important to re-focus into His Plans, and tell him in Prayer, plead to the Lord to quiet our mind. We need to understand whatever storm we are facing, that storm has to face HIM eventually, and we ought to rely totally on Him. We gotta remind ourselves this and realise He is the King of Kings, and nothing is impossible for Him to execute, change or move for us. Even if the answer is No, it is His way of giving us the best alternative route, which always turns out to be the best. Quote
charisbarak Posted February 4, 2018 Report Posted February 4, 2018 It could be we are out of fellowship with Him or there is growth going on in us preparing us for what He has for us. No it is not always our receptivity Sometimes it's just not about us...... Continue to trust Him, be in the Word and saturate yourself. Continue in prayer. He doesn't give us info before we need it. Quote
quilter Posted February 4, 2018 Report Posted February 4, 2018 1 To know God's will does not mean we must hear his voice He leads in different ways. We must be sure our plans are in his will. 2 Do exactly what Psalms 27:14 tells us to do. Wait on the Lord and be of good courage. Wait I say on the Lord. Quote
Debra Grant Posted February 5, 2018 Report Posted February 5, 2018 Q4. (Acts 16:6-10; Psalm 27:14) Why does God sometimes not talk to us? Is it always because we aren't receptive? What should we do when we don't hear anything from God? 1. He may not be talking to us at the present time. We have to wait on God for his direction. He has a time and place to talk to us. We may not be in the position to hear him. 2. No 3. We should keep our minds clear enough to listen and seek him for advice. We have to train our ears to hear his whispers and nudges. Continue to have faith and believe he will talk to us when necessary. Quote
Johno Posted February 13, 2018 Report Posted February 13, 2018 On 28/11/2017 at 8:14 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (Acts 16:6-10; Psalm 27:14) Why does God sometimes not talk to us? Is it always because we aren’t receptive? What should we do when we don’t hear anything from God? Instead of talking to us, He sometimes communicates in other ways eg visions and dreams. We will soon realise that this is Him communicating with us. We are generally receptive when we have a quiet time everyday. If we don't, it is likely that we will His communicating with us. We need to examine our daily contact with Him if He is silent for more than a day or 2. Quote
Michelle du Toit Posted February 19, 2018 Report Posted February 19, 2018 Q4. (Acts 16:6-10; Psalm 27:14) Why does God sometimes not talk to us? Is it always because we aren’t receptive? What should we do when we don’t hear anything from God? Perhaps because He has already given us instruction, or we are not tuned in to Him, or we are proceeding along His path quite well in obedience and love and there is no need to talk. Either way, proceed as He had revealed thus far until He gives other instructions. That said, it is possible to grieve Him by our behavior and attitude to people, and it is possible to have a conscience that is not clean before Him. When He seems quiet, it is good to examine ones heart and attitude, to make corrections and confession. It is good to be quiet, spend time in prayer and wait. But while we wait, we don't opt out of that which He has already revealed to us. Therefore I believe it is important to record in a journal what one understands clearly from the Lord, so that when He is silent, you can refer back to the last conversation you did have with Him. Then keep doing what You understood from Him and wait for more clarity. Quote
Damary Alembi Posted February 25, 2018 Report Posted February 25, 2018 Q4. (Acts 16:6-10; Psalm 27:14) Why does God sometimes not talk to us? Because he may not be talking to us right now. God sometimes does not talk to us when we do not tune to him. Silence is also one way of God communicating especially when he is not in agreement with our requests or petitions. Is it always because we aren't receptive? Yes and No; when we are not patient enough. What should we do when we don't hear anything from God? We should wait on him for his direction; as he is not to wait on us or cater to our conveniences. We have no right to demand the Sovereign of the Universe to speak to us. We are encouraged to wait on the Lord. Quote
Old Jerry Posted March 8, 2018 Report Posted March 8, 2018 I think that God doesn’t talk to us sometimes because we are not listening. Then again it might be that He wants us to think about it. We may need to fast and pray and get closer to God in order to get His answer. Quote
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