Pastor Ralph Posted November 28, 2017 Report Posted November 28, 2017 Q2. (1 Samuel 3:7; Hosea 6:3; Philippians 3:10-14) Why is a desire for a relationship with God more important than seeking to hear his voice? How does hearing his voice contribute to the relationship? Why are we commanded to “press in” to know the Lord? How does Paul’s passion for a relationship with God inspire you? Quote
Godswriter Posted February 3, 2018 Report Posted February 3, 2018 Q2. (1 Samuel 3:7; Hosea 6:3; Philippians 3:10-14) Why is a desire for a relationship with God more important than seeking to hear his voice? The desire for a relationship is more important than seeking to hear His voice because without the relationship you can't the voice of God at all. You need the relationship to distinguish the voice of God from your thoughts and desires and the enemy's voice as well. When there is no relationship you are unable to read the Bible, God's Love Letter to you either. That letter has directions for daily living in it for you and how to talk to people about Christ as well when they ask about the hope that is in you. It is all about a relationship not a religion with God. How does hearing his voice contribute to the relationship? Hearing His voice contributes to the relationship by giving you directions, guidance and leading you each step of the way in your faith walk with Him. When you hear the voice of God you get more faith as well because you start to believe more in God as He answers your prayers or is there for you in your deepest hour of need. Why are we commanded to “press in” to know the Lord? We are commanded to press in to know the Lord because we need to be willingly to seek His face always and at all times in order to hear His voice and know Him personally. We must be willing to pursue God with all of our hearts by pressing into know Him more intimately and deeply. How does Paul’s passion for a relationship with God inspire you? It inspires me to read my Bible daily, pray more, spend time with Him more when I am stressed or hurting than eat for eat emotional reasons. It inspires to complete my recovery for my eating disorder with my sponsor and counselor. It also inspires me to listen to when He wants me to obey Him in any area of my life or the ministry. Quote
JanMary Posted February 3, 2018 Report Posted February 3, 2018 On 11/28/2017 at 6:16 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (1 Samuel 3:7; Hosea 6:3; Philippians 3:10-14) Why is a desire for a relationship with God more important than seeking to hear his voice? How does hearing his voice contribute to the relationship? Why are we commanded to “press in” to know the Lord? How does Paul’s passion for a relationship with God inspire you? Expand 1. Seeking to hear God's voice apart from relationship is to keep Him at arms length and out of our "business". Then one can pick and choose what is done with what is heard. To desire relationship requires both give and take...speaking and hearing...on both participants! We can "hear" others and not have an intimate relationship...which involves heart and soul to be involved, which is especially true with relationship with our God. 2. When we hear God's voice, nudges, impressions implies openness, ONENESS, intimacy and relationship. When He speaks to me in whatever manner that He does, I am warmed by His love and in AWE...that Almighty God, Creator of the Universe and all that exists has singled me out for a private conversation! How special we are to be His children in a loving relationship!!! 3. He is a gentle Father and never presses Himself on us which would be overwhelming and stifling, even frightening. Once we know He is there and desires relationship with us, He waits for us to desire more and more of Him. If He did all the work I may have become passive. Pursuing Him is how we asking, seeking and knocking and is how our hearts of stone are changed to desire His heart and His desires. He is the perfect dysfunction or power plays on His part regardless of how messed up we are when we come to Him. He draws us out by drawing us closer in a safe and tender manner. 4. Paul is a perfect role model of relationship with God...having been changed from a hater and murderer of Christians, and from an arrogant religious zealot and keeper of the law, into a humble and loving father to those he mentored. His life was turned upside down and inside out when He encountered Jesus...and all pride, selfishness, and law keeping was turned into humility, total reliance upon God, with such revelation of grace (having the Person of Grace, Jesus, mentor him for 14 years in the Arabian desert) that he became the teacher of grace. Paul had not one shred of self left...he was totally and completely "sold out" to God and unashamed of his relationship with Him to the point of risking it all unto imprisonment and death. Every time I read Paul's letters I'm challenged and inspired to surrender more fully to my Lord to the end that my life will bring Him glory! Quote
LaVerne Posted February 3, 2018 Report Posted February 3, 2018 (1 Samuel 3:7; Hosea 6:3; Philippians 3:10-14) Why is a desire for a relationship with God more important than seeking to hear his voice? I believe that when I have a relationship with God I WILL hear HIS VOICE. How does hearing his voice contribute to the relationship? In every relationship there is communication Why are we commanded to "press in" to know the Lord? We are close to those we care about. How does Paul's passion for a relationship with God inspire you? He worked on it. I press toward the mark Quote
Godswriter Posted February 4, 2018 Report Posted February 4, 2018 Q2. (1 Samuel 3:7; Hosea 6:3; Philippians 3:10-14) Why is a desire for a relationship with God more important than seeking to hear his voice? How does hearing his voice contribute to the relationship? Why are we commanded to "press in" to know the Lord? How does Paul's passion for a relationship with God inspire you? A desire for a relationship is more important because in order to trust Godf you need to build a relationship with Him. You cannot live the Christian life on your own; you need the help of the Holy Spirit inside of you. You need to know God intimately and believe that He has your best in mind. Youi need to build this relationshjip with Him in ordert to become strong. You need to spend time with Him in order to get through the times when He dioes not speak to you. When you have a deep relationship with Him you know that He loves you and is always there. Even when you do not always hear His voice. If you concentrate on just wanting to heart Him speak you will never get to know Him deeply. You will think that He has left you when you know that in His Word he said He would never leave or forsake you. In order to go through deep trials and persecutions you need to have a strong relationship with God. So when things happen you do not just give up but keep on trusting Him to work things out. Often we spend too much time asking Him for stuff and not enough time learning abouit Him or meditating on His Word. Trust is only built when we spend time with someone and get to know them. We see what they are like in every situation and we understand them more. It is the same with God. The Apostle Paul knew the Lord was faithful because he had a personal relationship with Him. Because of his relationship with the Lord he could withstand hjis many trials and persecutions and still hold onto his faith. Hearing God's voice contributes to the relationship when we learn to trust Him. His voice comforts us and gives us strength in the hard times of life. I know when He is speaking to me because He speaks from the Word. Hearing His voice means that He thinks of us as a friend not just a servant. When we hear and listen to his instructions we become even closer to Him. When we learn to trust Him and obey Him then He will speak with us like He spoke with Moses. It is one of the best examples in the Old Testament outside of Abraham and King David ans Solomon. I know I am far from having that kind of relationship. We are commanded to press in to know the Lord because that is the only way we can be fully used and blessed in this life. When we decide that knowing the Lord is more iomportant than anything else than God can use us more and we can be drawn closer to Him. It is only when we let go of all eartly things and seek Him that we have a closer and deeper walk with Him. Jesus said that whoever will lose his life shall find it He said that once we come to Him we will have an abundant life. We only can have this kind of life if we seek to really know Him and press on. Paul's passion inspires me because despite what he went through he still wanted to know the Lord more fully. He inspires me because he talked about joy despite being in prison and suffering. He gives me hope that I too can know the Lord in a deeper way than I am now. I know that I need to have a deeper relationship with Him in order to grow and be stronger. Quote
charisbarak Posted February 4, 2018 Report Posted February 4, 2018 God's leading for us is a result of the relationship we have with Him. It shows how much He loves us and trusts us to hear-listen -and obey. we hunger for a deeper relationship with the Lord. We read the Bible to grow, know His will and to obey what He tells us there. Paul encourages us every step of the way--even if the steps lead to persecution. I want to grow. I want to draw ever closer to Him. Quote
blezed Posted February 4, 2018 Report Posted February 4, 2018 On 11/28/2017 at 6:16 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (1 Samuel 3:7; Hosea 6:3; Philippians 3:10-14) Why is a desire for a relationship with God more important than seeking to hear his voice? The relationship is based on trust. Trusting God is necessary so that we will not have a problem following through on the hard things God may ask of us. How does hearing his voice contribute to the relationship? Hearing his voice is part of our relationship with him. As in any relationship, communication is important. Develop more faith in his guidance and directions. Why are we commanded to “press in” to know the Lord? We are to pursue God to get to know him well. How does Paul’s passion for a relationship with God inspire you? Never give up! If I really want to get to know God, I must pursue him thru reading my bible, praying, stay humble etc. My goal is to one day be with my Lord. Expand Quote
Jilly Posted February 4, 2018 Report Posted February 4, 2018 Why is a desire for a relationship with God more important than seeking to hear his voice? Having the desire opens up the relationship that builds on trust. You must trust God with the hard things that He may ask you to do. How does hearing his voice contribute to the relationship? Hearing God's voice flows out of a relationship. Why are we commanded to “press in” to know the Lord? It maintains our relationship with the Lord. How does Paul’s passion for a relationship with God inspire you? Makes me want to continue learning so that I can have the best relationship with God. Quote
haar Posted February 5, 2018 Report Posted February 5, 2018 Q2. (1 Samuel 3:7; Hosea 6:3; Philippians 3:10-14) Q. Why is a desire for a relationship with God more important than seeking to hear his voice? A. An intimate relationship is prerequisite for conversation. We need to show that we love the Lord too as He first loved us, then He will be happy to commune with us and help us to hear Him. Q. How does hearing his voice contribute to the relationship? A. Hearing Him speak to us cements the bond of relation making and this enhances our listening ability Q. Why are we commanded to "press in" to know the Lord? A. We need to developed deep desire and effort to come to Him so that we can know Him better. This requires determination and effort Q. How does Paul's passion for a relationship with God inspire you? A. It teaches me to desire and cultivate similar passion to gain deeper and intimate knowledge of the Lord Jesus. So help me Lord Jesus Christ to pressed on in your power to know you and the power of your resurrection that I may become like you in death and to achieve resurrection from the dead in like manner with you. Quote
hanks Posted February 5, 2018 Report Posted February 5, 2018 Q2. (1 Samuel 3:7; Hosea 6:3; Philippians 3:10-14) Why is a desire for a relationship with God more important than seeking to hear His voice? How does hearing His voice contribute to the relationship? Why are we commanded to "press in" to know the Lord? How does Paul's passion for a relationship with God inspire you? The story of Samuel and how he learned to recognize God’s voice provides an important lesson for us as believers. At first he was unable to recognize God's voice, even though he was busy with religious activities. The Bible tells us that the word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him, and he had not yet developed a relationship with God. So, we have learned, that it is important to get to know our Heavenly Father personally, and to have a personal relationship with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ before we are able to hear His voice. Hearing His voice, and obeying builds up a closer relationship. However, we should never ask God to speak if we are not prepared to act on the message we hear. The devil seeks to imitate the voice of God, so we must carefully discern the source of the message. As we grow in our knowledge of Scripture, and develop a closer relationship with Jesus, we will be better suited to discern truth from lies and recognize His voice. Paul’s all-consuming passion to know God should truly inspire us - it caused him to count everything else as worthless in comparison to that tremendous blessing. It should give us an ardent desire to know God through His Son Jesus Christ (John 14:9). To know each aspect of His character - as the Good Shepherd, as the Bread of Life, and as the True Vine. Building this close relationship with Jesus is a lifelong pursuit, and will have a lasting influence on our finances, workplace, friendships, and home life. When He has first place in your heart, we will look forward to quiet times with the Lord. Our days will be structured around receiving and obeying instruction from Him. Prayer will be as much about listening to Him as about speaking. Turning away from ungodliness and worldly pursuits will appear a small price to pay for the blessings of intimately walking with God. Over time, as we maintain both a strong desire and a firm commitment to know God better, we will want to keep Him in first place, and eventually our desires will be replaced with His. We must persevere with this relationship, and it is only through the work of the Holy Spirit that we will be given the ability to stay on course. Quote
sheep35 Posted February 6, 2018 Report Posted February 6, 2018 Why is a desire for a relationship with God more important than seeking to hear his voice? I doubt we would seek to hear God if we weren’t first interested in knowing Him & as implied in the study, a relationship built on trust precedes (generally) & facilitates one hearing from God b/c the listener believes God has his/her best interests at heart. How does hearing his voice contribute to the relationship? It could provide deeper trust, inspiration, freedom & partnership, as well as being our needed encouragement during hard times. Why are we commanded to “press in” to know the Lord? The lifelong endeavor of knowing God can be relatively easy to set-aside, forsake or allow to fade away from, so the admonitions to ‘keep on’, work out, are encouraging. It's culturally more acceptable to take in entertainment, be independent &/or think I’ve ‘arrived’. My tendency is toward study & I have that leisure but am slack in other responsibilities. I frequently echo Paul’s heart in praying for as many who will to receive the Spirit of wisdom & revelation in order to know Him better. (Eph 1:17) How does Paul’s passion for a relationship with God inspire you? it is encouraging to see another believer totally committed & confident. Paul was completely sold-out, not concerned about looking back or facing difficulty b/c his relationship w/ Jesus is based on trust & hope in the finished work of Christ on the cross. Quote
bertha Posted February 7, 2018 Report Posted February 7, 2018 1 Samuel 3:7; Hosea 6:3; Philippians 3:10-14) Why is a desire for a relationship with God more important than seeking to hear his voice? Because a relationship begins with trust between 2 people. Not only do we learn to trust God, but God also learns to trust us with His knowledge and wisdom. "The secret of the Lord is for those who fear Him, and He will make them know His covenants"(psalm 25:14). How does hearing his voice contribute to the relationship? Once the relationship is established, we can train our ears to hear and listen to God as He speaks to us. We have a desire to want to hear God and please Him. "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me" (John 10:27). Why are we commanded to “press in” to know the Lord? we are commanded to press our way through in spite of the circumstances or current situations in our lives. In other words, we must continue on in this christian race with our eyes on Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith. Chase after God's heart as a man chases after his true love to conquer her heart and make her his. We, too should run after God, conquer his heart and make Him yours. How does Paul’s passion for a relationship with God inspire you? I admire Paul's passion for God. As I remember Paul's words: "I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ", I'm encouraged to want to seek God and to have that same passion as Paul's. Though I fall way short when I compare myself to Paul, I know that if I press on forward, I, too can have that special bond with my Father. Quote
quilter Posted February 7, 2018 Report Posted February 7, 2018 4 1 If we don't know the Lord we will not even listen for his voice. This was what happen to Samuel he had not know the Lord. 2 If we know the Lord we will read and study his word and pray and most of all listen for him to speak to us. We have to know the Lord to want to follow him and try to become more like him. We will have faith that he will be with us and help us through our trial 3 When we are united with Christ by trusting in him we experience the power that raised him from the dead. We are to press forward to the high calling of our Lord Jesus Christ. 4 Paul knew he might die soon but he had faith that he would be raised to life again. this is what will happen to all that believes we will all die but will be raised to live with Jesus Christ forever. Quote
Shogird Posted February 7, 2018 Report Posted February 7, 2018 Why is a desire for a relationship with God more important than seeking to hear his voice? This is a profound wisdom to me. For some reason, I thought "hearing God" is somehow the next level that few Christian can reach. I forgot that Hearing God and Relationship go together. This also applies to human relationships. Husband and wife can live together but they can't hear each other intimately. A wife may think she already knows everything about husband and husband may feel that his wife is not his soulmate in the sense that they are not connected on a deeper level. She may not recognize that [some] husbands seek the respect and leadership but not the overlording. How does hearing his voice contribute to the relationship? It will remind us to return to our first love and how far we drifted away in times of carelessness, sin, and desolation. Eli once was a person who heard God but he changed and drifted away. I wonder why he did not return to His God with all his heart. Was it too late when God spoke to Samuel and pronounced judgment against Eli and his family? Why are we commanded to “press in” to know the Lord? I interpret this word as being intentional. I should be intentional in knowing God. The title of being Christian does not guarantee the voice of God. We have to press on to know the Lord. "Jesus replied, "'You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.'" Matthew 22:37 How does Paul’s passion for a relationship with God inspire you? "I want to know Christ.... I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.... Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:10-14) This is inspiring to me. He heard his voice, he saw Jesus' appearance, he performed great miracles with Jesus name, he had a great knowledge and revelation of God but he still insists on pursuing God and knowing Him. What a stark contrast to prophet Eli who fell to complacency later in his life. Paul's example inspires me to seek and love God with all my heart and mind and to be humble when I receive something from God or hear His voice. Quote
Debra Grant Posted February 8, 2018 Report Posted February 8, 2018 Q2. (1 Samuel 3:7; Hosea 6:3; Philippians 3:10-14) Why is a desire for a relationship with God more important than seeking to hear his voice? How does hearing his voice contribute to the relationship? Why are we commanded to "press in" to know the Lord? How does Paul's passion for a relationship with God inspire you? 1. Developing a relationship with God is based on trust and comes before seeking to hear God's voice. It is more important than seeking to hear his voice because without a relationship you cannot hear the voice of God well. 2. Hearing his voice is part of a conversational relationship and it is a great part of receiving communication. It helps you to be lead, guided and hear him tell you which way to go and what to do among learning other important things. 3. Spending time with God enables us to see and hear what he wants us to do and to maintain a relationship with him. When we press, we look forward to fulfilling God will. We push until something happens. Pressing will help us to know God better. 4. It inspires me to press, go on and receive that knowing God is necessary and beneficial to my soul. Quote
patahutch Posted February 8, 2018 Report Posted February 8, 2018 Q2. (1 Samuel 3:7; Hosea 6:3; Philippians 3:10-14) Why is a desire for a relationship with God more important than seeking to hear his voice? How does hearing his voice contribute to the relationship? Why are we commanded to “press in” to know the Lord? How does Paul’s passion for a relationship with God inspire you? Developing a relationship with God causes trust. A relationship is an important part of receiving from God. When we seek to know He, we seek Him for who He is and not just to hear his voice. That comes as a result of this relationship. Samuel was serving God but was not aware of His voice, but as his relationship developed, it was easier to discern God's voice. Because a relationship is based on trust, it would be easier to execute the simple and hard things He will instruct us to do as His servants. Paul commands us to "press in" to know the Lord so we may know Him well so that we may become like HIM. Paul's relationship with the Lord inspires me to press on. Paul's passion for God allowed him to do great things for God. Paul's pressing shows a level of abandonment to the will of God and a desire to relinquish everything that he held dear. God was more dear to him than any of his earthly possessions. I desire to spend the rest of my life seeking to know God. After 20 years, I realize that I have not been obedient and I have not trusted the Lord as I thought I did. This caused rebellion and consequences in my life. I want to reach that place of finally developing a real relationship with God so that I truly relinquish control and become more submissive to God. Quote
Valteenia Posted February 8, 2018 Report Posted February 8, 2018 A relationship is important to me because I have to know him to be able to trust and obey him and live the abundant life. Knowing him help me know his will and not my will. To walk in his purpose, we have to stay connected (fellowship) with him. We can't do it alone. We need him to empower and teach us how to trust him and obey him for his purpose. He is the only one who can help us die to ourselves. Paul inspires me. He let everything go to get to know God. He was given revelations to write most of the new testament. He wasn't one of the disciple that walk with Christ but he got to experience Christ in different ways. This give me hope that he will reveal himself to me. Quote
Johno Posted February 14, 2018 Report Posted February 14, 2018 On 11/28/2017 at 6:16 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (1 Samuel 3:7; Hosea 6:3; Philippians 3:10-14) Why is a desire for a relationship with God more important than seeking to hear his voice? How does hearing his voice contribute to the relationship? Why are we commanded to “press in” to know the Lord? How does Paul’s passion for a relationship with God inspire you? Expand We can't hear His voice until we have a relationship with him. We need to ' press on ' to know Him better and better, to win the race. Hearing His voice means we already have a relationship with Him and it makes the belief even stronger. ' Pressing in ' is telling us to continue in our quest to know God better. Paul suffered so much but never gave up in His quest to serve God. I am thankful that my life is so blessed but when I am tried I need to be sure to be close to God. Quote
Zilka Posted February 14, 2018 Report Posted February 14, 2018 Q2. (1 Samuel 3:7; Hosea 6:3; Philippians 3:10-14) Why is a desire for a relationship with God more important than seeking to hear his voice? How does hearing his voice contribute to the relationship? Why are we commanded to “press in” to know the Lord? How does Paul’s passion for a relationship with God inspire you? - I think and I believe my God from my heart and make good relationship with Him, now I try hear His voice. Very important because I know my God loves me, He gives me new life, He cares me, He hears my pray and after that I myself will know more about Him. Yes.. Paul tells us .... press on toward the Goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Quote
Damary Alembi Posted February 25, 2018 Report Posted February 25, 2018 Q2. (1 Samuel 3:7; Hosea 6:3; Philippians 3:10-14) Why is a desire for a relationship with God more important than seeking to hear his voice? A desire for a relationship with God is more important than seeking to hear his voice because developing a relationship with God comes before seeking to hear his voice as a relationship is based on Trust. And trusting God is necessary or we won’t follow through with the hard things God will be asking us to do. How does hearing his voice contribute to the relationship? Because hearing God’s voice flows out of a relationship. Hearing his voice is part of a conversational relationship. Indeed, it adds greatly to the receiving part of communication. Why are we commanded to "press in" to know the Lord? We are commanded to “Press on” to know the Lord because we are to chase after God, pursue him, so that we might know him well. It is clear that spending time with God enables Jesus to see and hear what the Father was doing, so he can do it also. It maintains his relationship with his Father. In like manner, if we press on we shall maintain this same relationship with God. How does Paul's passion for a relationship with God inspire you? Paul’s passion for a relationship with God inspires me because hearing God’s voice is part of a conversational relationship. Indeed, it adds greatly to the receiving part of communication. Paul had spiritual receptivity, he had spiritual awareness and … went on to cultivate it until it became the biggest thing in their lives Paul acquired the lifelong habit of spiritual response. We are to chase after God, pursue him, so that we might know him well. Paul's passion to know Christ better: "I want to know Christ.... I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.... Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:10-14) Quote
Michelle du Toit Posted March 1, 2018 Report Posted March 1, 2018 On 11/28/2017 at 6:16 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (1 Samuel 3:7; Hosea 6:3; Philippians 3:10-14) Why is a desire for a relationship with God more important than seeking to hear his voice? How does hearing his voice contribute to the relationship? Why are we commanded to “press in” to know the Lord? How does Paul’s passion for a relationship with God inspire you? Expand When I think of my closest friends, I feel that they have the "right to speak" into my life. I trust them. However, there are often people who come into your life and then want to have the "right to speak" when I have no idea who they are, or whether they are to be trusted. As a result, I won't listen to their words or trust what they have to say. This "right to speak" is based on getting to know my friend, how they think, what motivates them, their history, their personality, their likes, dislikes, their stories, their passions etc. The more I know them, the more a trust of their character and person is developed in my heart. Because I trust them, I listen to what they say and I value their input. I think it is the same in our relationship with God. Knowing God intimately like this, is the pre-requisite to giving Him "the right to speak" in my life. The more I know Him, the more I value what He has to say and allow it to impact my life, trusting Him for the results. If I do not know Him, I am confused about His voice, motives, passions, all based on lack on knowledge and then fear and distrust. Relationship with God, in KNOWING him is the starting point to listening and hearing Him. Then when hearing Him becomes part of the relationship, and I then couple it with obeying in trust, that becomes a powerful partnership. Which is why we are to "press in" - make it a priority, a primary motivation, a focus of your life. Paul describes a continual process, that never lets up. Not being a spectator to other people having a partnership with God, but rather an active participation in that relationship. It is like being permanently hungry, but no matter how much you eat, you are still hungry. Quote
Neil NRG Posted March 13, 2018 Report Posted March 13, 2018 Why is a desire for a relationship with God more important than seeking to hear his voice? How can we be receptive to God’s voice and act on His word without first a desire for a relationship with God and the development of such a relationship through our prayers, thoughts, words and actions? How does hearing his voice contribute to the relationship? We can’t see God, so His encouragement through what good happens in our life, through words or overcoming circumstances means a lot in contributing to our relationship with Him. Why are we commanded to "press in" to know the Lord? We are constantly bombarded by a negative world with many hurt people. This can destroy our mind and soul if we allow it. We need to be constantly on guard. The Lord is our source of peace and strength. He lifts us in our fear or sorrow as we press in to better know Him. Our mind is more focussed on things eternal than the many negative things of this world How does Paul's passion for a relationship with God inspire you? He reminds us that God first chose us, giving us the desire to know Him. He tells us to continuously look forwards to do our best and not to be dismayed by our mistakes of the past. He tells us to always move on, straining towards the goal that God has placed in each one of us. Quote
Old Jerry Posted March 13, 2018 Report Posted March 13, 2018 If we have a relationship with God then we will get close to Him. We will know what He wants us to do and we will be able to follow. To hear his voice is just one aspect of being close to Him. We are to “press in” to know the Lord which means to fast and pray so that we can get close to Him. Paul’s passion for a relationship with God inspires me to be close to Him. Quote
rosegarden Posted March 19, 2018 Report Posted March 19, 2018 On 11/28/2017 at 6:16 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (1 Samuel 3:7; Hosea 6:3; Philippians 3:10-14) Why is a desire for a relationship with God more important than seeking to hear his voice? How does hearing his voice contribute to the relationship? Why are we commanded to “press in” to know the Lord? How does Paul’s passion for a relationship with God inspire you? Expand a.) Because you can only hear His voice from first cultivating a relationship with Him. b.) It builds the relationship as we hear and obey. c.) Because if you just go by an experience you had long ago you dry up and die. If you continue in His Word and meditate on it you are pressing in to know the Lord because Jesus is "The Word" and by that you can know Him more and more building a strong relationship with Him. Planting the seed of the Word in your heart that your roots will grow down deep and strong in Him. d.) Yes, it inspires me because of his passion, love, boldness, total surrender and relationship with the Lord, as being unshakeable and unmovable in the Lord. Quote
Paul Irving Posted June 25, 2018 Report Posted June 25, 2018 On 11/28/2017 at 6:16 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (1 Samuel 3:7; Hosea 6:3; Philippians 3:10-14) Why is a desire for a relationship with God more important than seeking to hear his voice? How does hearing his voice contribute to the relationship? Why are we commanded to “press in” to know the Lord? How does Paul’s passion for a relationship with God inspire you? Expand Because God is not just a voice you hear, He is our master and can do anything and everything to one that believes. God wants to have a relationship with every one of us personally. He is our Father, our savior, and our master. We have a great help in God. Because He wants to strengthen our relationship with Him as His children, He corrects us when we are going down the wrong path. Paul had great faith, he however didn’t get to know Jesus Christ like the original 12 minus Judas Iscariot. Well I mean he wasn’t daily with the Lord as they were. But Paul was very passionate about his relationship with Jesus Christ and did a lot of work for God. He spread the gospel more than the other apostles to other lands and people. Quote
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