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On 11/28/2017 at 12:17 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Psalm 32:8-9; John 7:17) Why is a willingness to obey without understanding the reasons for God’s commands so important? How does obedience sometimes help us understand God’s workings.

Because God loves obedience and expects it from us.  Throughout the whole Holy Bible God blesses people that were obedient to him and punished the disobedient.  God knows what’s best for us always, He see’s the big picture.  Obedience to God brings us closer to Him, and through obedience we can find what He expects from us.

  • 1 month later...

Learning to Follow Orders without Questioning.
God Leads by Seeing the Whole Picture (Psalm 32:8-9).
We'll Only Know When We're Willing to Trust.

Q3. (Psalm 32:8-9; John 7:17) Why is a willingness to obey without understanding the reasons for God's commands so important?
Because You'll never know what God is doing unless you obey. 
There's a sense that only when we do obey what God shows us will we find out what he is planning to do through us. When we resist, we'll never know.

Ref: We learn from Samuel, that a willingness to obey is an important part of being receptive to God's voice: "Speak, LORD, for your servant hears." A servant hears with the intention of obeying what his master tells him. It is insulting to ask God what we should do if we have no intention of doing anything else than what we want to do.

How does obedience sometimes help us understand God's workings.

Ref: There's a sense that only when we do obey what God shows us will we find out what he is planning to do through us. When we resist, we'll never know.

Part of a willing and submissive spirit is a willingness to obey:
1. Even if we don't understand why, and
2. Even if we don't know the final result.

Ref: Notice that God doesn't want to force us to obey -- like some animals that won't obey unless you put a bit and bridle on them. Rather he seeks to speak to us in counsel. As we have faith in him, we begin to obey. He desires a more mature relationship based on trust rather than force. If we fight him, we can't serve him.

  • 4 weeks later...

I have realized that by not Loving others as Christ calls us to do is why we will never experience His Fullness in our lives. This is hard for all of us to do especially when we have been mistreated, abused and counted as not important to those that claim their love for us. How do we do what God Commands of us? We look to His Son and His Character and read His word, apply that word, say a blessing over the very people that hurt us, yes, bless them, pray for them, is this not what Jesus done while on the Cross? So Obedience is Hard it is impossible for us as it is not in our will to do, our human will that is, but as we are made in The Image of God so do we have the ability to Make A Choice to do what Jesus instructed us to do and That is Obey His Commands to Love one another as He Love's each of us. I will pray for this in my own life and to chose to love other's in obedience to My Abba Father. For to understand what I give is what will be returned to me! God Bless

  • 4 months later...

Q3. (Psalm 32:8-9; John 7:17) Why is a willingness to obey without understanding the reasons for God’s commands so important?

Jesus said, if you love Me, you will obey my commands. Obedience is the characteristic feature or result of love. When we grow in a relationship with the Lord, our love for the Lord increases, our trust in His faithfulness increases, our realization of knowing how precious we are in His sight grows. If we are precious In His sight, whatever He tells us is for our good. We may not understand the reasons of His commands but implicit obedience is an expression of our love to Him.

How does obedience sometimes help us understand God’s workings.

Sometimes God allows us to see the reasons why He requires obedience from our part. In some instances it may be immediate, and in others it may be after many years. Sometimes we may not understand the reasons in this life time. When God shows us why He required us to obey, we are truly blessed knowing that God was in it all the time and we did respond in obedience.

  • 5 weeks later...

Q3. (Psalm 32:8-9; John 7:17) Why is a willingness to obey without understanding the reasons for God's commands so important? How does obedience sometimes help us understand God's workings.


Willingness to obey is an important part of being receptive to hear God’s voice. When we hear from God, we must also be willing to obey. He is sovereign God and we must be willing to trust and obey whatever He says. God is able to see the end from the beginning, while we are in the present from our past with no idea of our future. God’s plan for us are always to prosper and give us a future, if only we obey His voice. We must not be using our reasoning to understand or question His directions. He will not force anything on us if we do not obey. We must have child like faith to accept His direction and obey to follow. Partial obedience is disobedience. God sees a full picture of us and we can trust Him and obey. God is our wise counselor.


When we begin to obey we will realize what God is to show us or do in our lives. Until we obey we cannot understand. each obedient step in God brings us closer by one step to our destiny in God.

  • 1 month later...
On 11/28/2017 at 6:17 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Psalm 32:8-9; John 7:17) Why is a willingness to obey without understanding the reasons for God’s commands so important? How does obedience sometimes help us understand God’s workings.

The willingness to obey without full or part understanding of the reasons for God's commands is so important becasue it conveys two things in relationship under knowledge of the the person; trust and faith.  When we have knowledge of the character of the person we trust especially when we do not know where He will lead us we have faith that He has our best at the heart of His will for our lives. 

The alternative which does not appear to be an alternative is to trust in ourselves, to believe that we have all the answers.  In this case we are more like Psalm 32:9. Where we do not take counsel and advice nor are ready to to run where wisdom points the way.  Hence stupidity of the heart leads us to fall into all forms of sinful calamity.

Obedience can sometimes help us understand God's workings becuase when we trust God, choosing to do his will by obeying what God show us we can find out what he is planning to do through us.

  • 9 months later...

Q3. (Psalm 32:8-9; John 7:17) Why is a willingness to obey without understanding the reasons for God's commands so important? God’s way is the one and only best way. It is only when we do obey what God shows us that we will find out what He is planning to do through us. How does obedience sometimes help us understand God's workings. Being willing to obey, sets us up to be receptive to God’s voice. Humility and obedience send a pleasant aroma to God and He answers. He is pleased with His children who seek His face and live by His precepts and He is our source of joy and gladness.


  • 3 months later...
On 11/28/2017 at 1:17 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Psalm 32:8-9; John 7:17) Why is a willingness to obey without understanding the reasons for God’s commands so important? Because God doesn't always tell you what his plan is until the very end. If you don't follow through on his commands, you may never receive what he wants for you.

How does obedience sometimes help us understand God’s workings? You find out his plan for your sooner if you obey his commands.


  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/28/2017 at 1:17 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Psalm 32:8-9; John 7:17) Why is a willingness to obey without understanding the reasons for God’s commands so important? How does obedience sometimes help us understand God’s workings.

Why is a willingness to obey without understanding the reasons for God’s commands so important?

A willingness to obey without understanding the reasons for God’s commands is so important because He alone knows the present and the future.  He knows the path that we should take for success and the path that leads us to the destiny that He's ordained for us.

How does obedience sometimes help us understand God’s workings.

Our obedience sometimes help us understand God’s workings as we, in hindsight, we become familiar with how God works on our behalf..

  • 2 months later...
On 11/28/2017 at 11:47 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Psalm 32:8-9; John 7:17) Why is a willingness to obey without understanding the reasons for God’s commands so important? How does obedience sometimes help us understand God’s workings.

Because we cannot see the entire picture as God does. He sees the whys snd hows, the past, present and future. He can see the neat side of the embroidery whilewe can only see the chaotic sets of stitches behind. 

When we obey, sometimes the picture falls into place soon enough for us to see in hindsight thatthough this may not have been our way of approaching a situation, God has sorted it out - even on all fronts, so that it is settled once and for all and won't crop up again. We may have just a bandage solution. 

  • 2 months later...
On 11/28/2017 at 2:17 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Psalm 32:8-9; John 7:17) Why is a willingness to obey without understanding the reasons for God’s commands so important? How does obedience sometimes help us understand God’s workings.

The willingness to obey without understanding the reasons for God's commands is so important because God sees and knows what we cannot see and do not know.  In Jeremiah 29:11  God says, "I know the thoughts that I think towards you, ..."  He knows His plans for our lives, we do not.  If we obey His commands our relationship with Him grows stronger and deeper and as that happens we will discover that there are times when He will show us what it is He has planned for us.

Obedience sometimes help us understand God's workings because when we obey we may be able to see the "pieces fitting together."  Obedience brings us into a right standing with God and when we are in right standing with God He may reveal to us His plans for us.


  • 3 weeks later...

Why is a willingness to obey without understanding the reasons for God's commands so important?

Because Fathers way of doing things, is not the way we would do it, but His way is the best because He knows all things, and is working all things for His purpose.

How does obedience sometimes help us understand God's workings?

When we are obedient to Father, and do the things He tells us to do, sometimes it is the most difficult thing to do, but when we decide to be obedient, Father is right there by our side ministering to us to get us through the difficult times. We might not see it as we are going through it, but when we get through it and are victorious, when we have overcome all obstacles that were put in our way, we can look back and see exactly where and how Father was working.

I recall after being saved I had a strong desire to give up my house, I wanted to become a missionary. It was a 4 bedroom house, all of my 5 children had left home, but Father kept on telling me to wait, so I waited. In the process of waiting a few of my children ran into difficulties so returned home for short periods, I got married, and I was able to accommodate 3 travelling missionaries for about 5 months, which was such a blessing. One of the missionaries I could tell was struggling on a spiritual level, she was young and quite childish in manner, which caused an environmental unbalance, amongst the other 2 missionaries, and my husband, but Father told me to stay with it, and to love her as one of my own, so I did. One day we had a disagreement, and I tried to lovingly correct her, but she didn't like it and left. She ended up in scotland. Everywhere she went, there were problems, which meant she had to leave, she ended up sleeping in her car. Father placed it on my heart to bring her back to Birmingham, my husband and the other 2 missionaries were telling me not to, but it was more important for me to obey Father, so I did. The other 2 missionaries eventually moved on, and the relationship between myself and my husband was very strained.

To cut a long story short, as you can see there is so much to this story. Being obedient, bringing her back, gave her the opportunity to join a mission internship, with accommodation, where she has thrived, and was able to received all the spiritual love, help and support she needed, her internship has finished and she now works full time for the mission. Hallelujah????

As we go through life in obedience to Fathers will, we receives blessings in abundance, it increases our faith and our understanding of how He works.

Love and Blessings to you all. Xx

  • 7 months later...

This makes a lot of sense. God is omnipotent and sees the entire salvation image -- I'm just a little dot within that image. It's like a pointillist painting ... a Seurat, perhaps, composed of little dots that, like pixels, together create an entire image. I'm a dot. No more. I have to be placed in the correct spot in the picture -- this is entirely God's doing. But as a dot, I can choose my colour and in that sense, I must obey.

Obedience is being and doing my dot.

  • 1 year later...

Q3. (Psalm 32:8-9; John 7:17)

Why is a willingness to obey without understanding the reasons for God's commands so important?

How does obedience sometimes help us understand God's workings?

God sees the whole picture, from beginning to end.  He knows what the end result of obeying His command will be. It invariably has a ripple effect, and we have no  idea of who will be touched in some way by our obedience or disobedience of His command.  It forms part of a small piece of a picture. 

God is the One in control and it is important to leave things like that.  Do what  He would have us do and leave the rest to Him.

There are indeed times when one does not understand why we have to do something. When carrying out the instructions you sometimes understand the 'why' it had to be done that way.  Being obedient to hug someone or something small like that can be just what that person needed for a breakthrough and a drawing to the Lord.

  • 5 months later...

I believe that God has everything planned out. He cannot send us where His mercies cannot sustain us. God is Omniscient and when He sends us out, He knows exactly what He wants to accomplish by using us. Remember Gideon, when he had to trim the number of men that we to go to war with him, he did not believe at first why God told him that he must take 300 men to face 120 000 Midianites. Was this possible? Thank God that Gideon obeyed the instructions God gave him.

You will never go wrong when you obey God. God always works in miraculous ways. He will not ask you to go where He has not prepared the way for. When Jesus Christ asked the disciples to go unleash the colt, the job was already done for the men and they never met any hassles. God only needs an obedient heart. Leading a team of ladies at our church, we were so comfortable once each month to meet in our homes. But God instructed me that in 2023, our meeting places will be in parks and lakes where we meet people from all walks of life. There were are to praise and worship Him, read His Word and pray in public. I thank God that I obeyed Him and know that all these outreaches are not a futile exercise.  

  • 3 weeks later...

Because God sees the whole picture and we don't always see the whole picture in everything. It can be a tough thing or do at times but the right thing to do. We will never always understand everything and why but it always for good reasons to obey God. 


When we are obedient that requires patience and in that patience we can get a deeper and broader understanding of some things and God's plans. 

  • 2 months later...


Q3. (Psalm 32:8-9; John 7:17) Why is a willingness to obey without understanding the reasons for God’s commands so important?

It’s important because God is our creator and He knows what’s beast for His creation(us). It shows that you have faith and you trust in Him, knowing that he won’t ever give us the wrong direction.

How does obedience sometimes help us understand God’s workings. 

We can see Him/His word manifest in our lives when we obey His guidance and direction. 


  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...
On 11/28/2017 at 1:17 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Psalm 32:8-9; John 7:17) Why is a willingness to obey without understanding the reasons for God’s commands so important? How does obedience sometimes help us understand God’s workings.

We must learn to trust,(walk by faith not by sight) even though we don't know the reasons we must remember God is in control.

When we obey God moves, so we learn Gods workings.

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