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i You make them feel guilty if you don't.

ii We want friends - we are made for community, so we want to please people

iii We need to:

Know God better

Love God more than people (so He is put first)

Know the scriptures

use the scriptures as Jesus did, against Satan.

spend much time with Jesus

Spend much time with Christians

talk about the scriptures and how to obey them all

know our purpose when with non-Christians - to actively love them and show them truth.

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Non-Christians try to get you to sin with them because they want to bring you down to their level. By us refusing to sin,non Christians feel we are judging them. By causing us to sin,it proves to them that Christians are no better then they are.

Many times Christians will continue to hang out with their old sinful crowd even after they have accepted Christ. They feel that if they don't do what their non Christian pals do they will be seen as holier than thou or a goody two shoes.

We can best resist this temptation by keeping our thoughts focused on Jesus and remembering the suffering and death He had to endure in order to free us from the power of sin. :angry:


Q2. (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation?

Non Christians get to us through our weak points. Those who are close to us think that they have a right to dictate terms to us as close buddies. That's why they try to make us go along with them in their sinful activities. We are sometimes tempted to go along with them because we value their friendship and think by opposing them, we'd lose their friendship. But we have to remember the scripture which says that friendship with the world is enemity with God. If we are constantly in tune with God, and abiding in the Spirit, we can thwart these kinds of temptations.


Non-Christians try to get me to sin, when it happens, they may think that they succeeded in trying to make me sin. We are tempted to sin so we can cave in and think it is nothing to do a little sin. But in God's eyes a little sin is just as bad as a big sin.

To resist the temptation, we need to have the mind of Christ. We need to resist the temptation at all cost.


Non Christians try to draw you into the way of their life,which used to be our life.You are tempted to take back your old sinful ways.Some may scorne you because you refuse to participate,but yet others will see a change in your life.A true friend may question you in why you have changed.This opens the door for you to share Jesus.

~~There is know fulfillment in our past,only grief ,sorrow ,and pain.This is what we came out of.We have a new life with Christ Jesus.A new life we can share with others and help others who are hurting.Amen


Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation?

Non-Christians try to get us to sin to sooth their own consience. To justify their own sinning. To show that Christians are weak and thats why we "need" religion. I also believe they don't even know why they are doing it. All the reasons I have given are superficial. They are really tools of satan to try to pull us away from our commitment to Christ.

We are tempted because we want to be accepted. It is easier to "go along to get along". And we are tempted most when we are not where we are spiritually. When we are letting down in our prayer life and Bible reading.

We resist it by repentance and asking forgiveness of our Heavenly Father. And then showing those involved that we mean business about being a Christian.


Non-Christians, or anyone who is confused by the difference between grace and law can make life truely hard on you. You can do this to yourself also. Most people just like to see you loose control, especially if they do. They either don't believe they are sinners or they believe they are forgiven and so can do as they please. In the Christian life there are two extremes, legality and license, and satan doesn't care which one he pushes you into as long as it's one or the other. I believe grace is right down the middle. True grace commands us and provides us with a motive to obey. Every human, no matter what they say, resents being told what to do at one time or the other, but if you know grace it awakens in you a desire to do what is right, to comply with the commands of God. We're all tempted at any given time to become rebellious and out of control, but Christians can resist temptation because if grace is at work in them they will think to themselves, "I must give myself a chance, a chance to exert control through grace." I have a much greater sense of sin under grace.

Q2. (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation?

Because non-Christians feel guilty for their choice of lifestyle, and when we as Christians don't join in with them, it makes them feel like we are judging them only because of their own shame. They feel if we join in with them, they can justify their actions and say we are no different then them.

We are to resist temptation, stay away from slippery places that we know we don't belong. Keeping your eyes on the Lord, stay in fellowship and prayer. If we don't slip, show repentance and also ask the people to forgive you bad example as a child of God.

  • 1 month later...
Q2. (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation?

As the old adage goes "misery loves company", oh, and what a prise (so they think) if "one" should tempt a Christian to fall back, they use our slip ups to justify their own behavior. If a christian is tempted and goes there, then they are walking in the flesh.

How to resist temptation:>>>2 Corinthians 10:5 ....Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. Amen

  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation ?

I think that non-christians will try to get you to sin with them just to see if you are as committed to your faith in Jesus Christ as you proclaim, for one. I have found that one of the biggest problems we christians have is not being sure about our faith and it is this area that non-christians tend to focus on (another way of looking at it could be that satan is really tempting you by trying to get you focus on areas in your life where you need extra help from God in strengthening).

We may be tempted to do so because I believe that a lot of us Christians have gotten so used to only being open about our beliefs in front of other Christians instead of who it matters to even more - the non-believers. Professing your love for Christ in all situations of your life can make you stick out like a sore thumb, especially if you are surrounded by a group of folk who will attempt to shake your faith.

We can resist this temptation through constant conversation and prayer with Christ, for he must be consulted before we make any decisions, and we must let our actions speak for us. Just taking one minute to ask Christ about a situation before you act on it can make a world of difference. And most important, we must always remember - Through Christ, we can do all things! We will find that some of those non-christians may end up becoming Christians just seeing what Christ is doing in your life through your actions. :lol:

  • 2 weeks later...

The non-Christians try to get us to sin with them so that they cna say that we are not better than they are when we refuse to do the things we know are wrogn in God's eyes. But we are tempted because we don't want to have to defend ourself to anyone. But we can resist the temptaion and pray for God to help guide us when we start to wander onto the path of sin. Walking away fromthe temptaiton is also another thing we can do to avoid falling into sin.

  • 3 weeks later...

their life is sinful as they have not accepted Jesus,and still want us to enjoy the sinful ways of the world as they are,but they do not know the love of Jesus,as christian we need to have our daily lives fixed on Jesus so as not to sin

  • 2 weeks later...

Non-Christians try to get you to sin with them because they do not have the truth and morality of the Lord in their lives. They are trying to find happiness in the flesh and do not understand why we do not have the same flesh driven desires. We are tempted to do so because we were born into sin. We can resist this temptation by asking for the armor of God and His protection on a daily basis.


non christians are in a life of sin,they want you to have their so called 'fun' with them,but as christians we are to show that we have something greater in our lives that is living like Jesus

  • 2 months later...

Q2. (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation?

I think non-Christians try to get us to sin with them because then they can say "See, you're really not better than us, you have just as many problems as we do" It's human nature to want to fit in and that is often what tempts us to join in. We can resist by leaning on the power of Jesus and looking at the Big Picture. What is the result of our sinning? What will happen to us if we forsake our values? Where is our hope and our future if we remain steadfast for the truth?

  • 7 months later...

I think that all people (whether intentional or not) want us to do what they're doing, or go where they're going. It's just human nature. We don't want to be the only one's, so we try to bring someone else along with us and that somehow (to us) makes that sin okay.

Sometimes we are tempted to sin because we feel so much pressure surrounding us. We don't want to come off as being judgemental or thinking of ourselves any higher than anyone else. Sometimes we don't want to put up with the criticism for fear of standing out so er just go with the flow.

I think it is always going to be a challenge to resist temptation. The best way to resitst temptation is to stay strong by spending time "DAILY" with God. (It is God who arms us iwth strength and makes our way perfect.) Its our way of staying plugged in to God. If our "spirits" or our innerman is not being fed, we grow weaker and weaker with each passing day. And thats when Satan finds the opportunity to attack us. (We're not strong enough to stand against this temptation.)

  • 1 year later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation?

I think having made the decision to be born again in Jesus, there is a very clear divide between those who live in sin and the kingdom of the world and those who follow the way of Jesus and the kingdom of heaven. This makes unbelievers uncomfortable and easy when they are in the company of practicing Christians. They want us to do the same things as they do. The devil works in them to turn us away from God and back to a life of sin. The temptation to sin is made so easy and palitable: everyone does this so no harm can come of it. It is actively promoted everywhere. Any road everyone is a sinner and Jesus will forgive us. I find that the way to resist this temptation is to be very circumspect in any relationship with unbelievers. Paul was quite clear on the point: bad company corrupts and we should not yoke ourselves to unbelievers. My close friends are all born again Christians and we try together to live Christians lives following the Word of God. We try to support each other in this. I also try to avoid books, films and TV which espouses the values of the world rather than Christian values. Scriptural study and communial worship and prayer is also essential in reinforcing the life style of a disciple.

  • 5 months later...

:) Non-Christians attempt to get you to sin with them, so that they can see your "attitude" mind set toward sin. They also want to feel good about themselves. If you supposely are christian and do what they do, they can say, see you are no better than we are, you practice the samething. See, you are not holier than thou. Many times christians will go alone with them, just to feel lefted out.

One way to resist this type of temptation is to limit your association with or exposure to non-christians.

:) Non-Christians attempt to get you to sin with them, so that they can see your "attitude" mind set toward sin. They also want to feel good about themselves. If you supposely are christian and do what they do, they can say, see you are no better than we are, you practice the samething. See, you are not holier than thou. Many times christians will go alone with them, just to not feel lefted out.

One way to resist this type of temptation is to limit your association with or exposure to non-christians.

  • 5 months later...

They try to get Christians to sin with them because then they can justify their actions to themselves - it's okay, everybody does it.

We are tempted so that we don't have to put up with their put-downs. No one likes to be picked on. We resist it by staying strong in the faith, reading God's word consistently, participating in other activities with Christian friends.

  • 4 weeks later...

I think non-Christians want Christians to join them in sin to conform with modern conventional attitudes and mores. Christians who practice their faith bother or even bring conviction to non-believers. By joining in a non-Christian behavior, the believer can confirm the behavior of the pagan.

We are tempted to join in sinful behavior for many reasons, i.e. conformity; fitting in; we like doing whatever the temptation is; to feel comfortable; so people will like me, so on and so on.

We can resist temptation by associating with our fellow saints and being in constant fellowship with our Lord ( through the Word and prayer), and by being actively involved with Christian service.

  • 8 months later...

Non-Christians don't necessarily see what they're doing as sinful. They may try to get us to join in becuase it is their idea of having fun. We are tempted to do so, to be accepted, to fin in, and so we do not get ridiculed for loving Jesus. We can resist this temptation by stopping and thinking about how we can lose our influence on others and thinking about how God would have us to act.

  • 2 months later...
Q2. (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation?

The reason Peter makes mention of these areas of sinful behavior is because this is what they used to participate in and now they've chosen to leaven behind the old in the light will in itself expose the darkness and the darkness doesn't like that.

( verse 4 ) " They think it strange that you do not plunge with them in to the same flood of dissipation, and they heap abuse on you>" Misery loves company and when you choose not yo follow after their sin, what happens> Well, first of all they are amazed that you no longer look to that fellowship you once enjoyed with them. But second, there's an indignant attitude, becuase in you choosing God's way you in essence condemn them with your Godly behavior.

Now that's the way they perceive it. It's not as though we spend all our waking moments condemning people. That's not our job, but living in the ligh will in itself expose the darkness and the darkness doesn't like that.

And so they malign and heap abuse on you. Why? Because that fellowship with the world has been broken and their lives are seen for what they are; empty and hopeless. And so the react.

Peter reminds them that even though their family or friends malign them and contimue to evil in sin. God will ultimately have the last word. ( 1 Peter 4:5) " But they will have to give accout to Him who is ready to jude the living and the dead

  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation?


They don't want to feel guilty about what they are doing. They want to justify their behaviour. If they are not accountable to anyone, they will have no conscience about sinning. But if they were accountable to God, they would think twice about their sinning.

We are tempted because of the **** of our flesh. All the media, the advertisements, the peer pressure is geared towards us wanting more, and having what we haven't got. It is telling us we can have what we 'desire' and not what we 'need'. It is easier to go with the flow than to resist. We are weak in our nature and need to be strong in the Spirit.

We need to focus firmly on God and on Jesus Christ and 'seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and all else will be added for us'. By having a firm relationship with him, through the reading and study of His Word, through prayer and the encouragement of fellow believers, we can resist the temptation. But it is hard, and requires constant effort on our part.

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