Mrstoler Posted September 15, 2008 Report Posted September 15, 2008 I feel that non-christians try to get you to sin with them to have a reason to say that your faith and religion is fake and that you think that you are better than them and they want to show the world that christians are really bad people. We are tempted to sin with them because we don't want to lose friends or be singled out and talked about. We can resist by obeying Jesus and by explaining to them in a gentle and respectful way the reason for your faith and obedience to God the Father. Most of all reading our bibles and storing the Word of God in our hearts. Quote
smurf1948 Posted October 1, 2008 Report Posted October 1, 2008 Q2. (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation? People don't like to think of what their doing as sinning. So if we sin along with them then maybe were wrong about sin and death and what their doing is okay. We are tempted because we don't like to be teased or ridiculed so its easier to go along with the crowd,or maybe were afraid we will lose our friends. We must keep our focus on the Lord. Quote
Rosie1Rose Posted October 14, 2008 Report Posted October 14, 2008 Q2. (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation? Non Christians will always try to get you to go along with their sin because it makes them look better. It is easier to drag some one down than lift them up. We can resist temptation by learning the Bible verses - be salt, be light, live as God's children in a crooked world. and for me the icing on the cake If you do not warn a man about his sins and he dies in them, though he goes to hell and you go to Heaven, I WILL HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE FOR HIM Quote
paulcrf Posted November 25, 2008 Report Posted November 25, 2008 Q2. (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation? Non-Christians try to get us to sin with them so they will feel convinced that being a Christian and non-Christian does not make any difference. They will fell they win when are able to convince us to do what they do (i mean to sin). I fell tempted to do when my my spirit is not in tune with Christ. But when I am full of the Holy Spirit, nobody can tempt me. That is why I always see to it that I am in constant communication with God through prayers and meditation and through studying his words, such as this lesson. I resist temptation by showing my friends my changed life, my new renewed faith, and my testimony. They avoid urging me to do what they know I will not do. But it doesn't mean I ran away from my friends to avoid temptations. I try to maintain my friendship with them. Who knows someday I will bring them to Christ. And that day is getting near. Quote
kenny Posted June 23, 2009 Report Posted June 23, 2009 Q2. (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation? I believe the reason to be that in trying to get you to sin or even just agree to accept their own sin, gives them a sense of us approving of their sin,in other words almost as if we were looking on the sin as being the norm. I think that some times we try to justify sin when tempted by the flesh, and talk ourselves into thinking that some sins are not as bad as others.We also are tempted by sin so s to be accepted by our peers and not to be ridiculed. By constant study of Gods word we are brought into an ever closer relationship with Him and if we follow in the footsteps of Jesus our Savior and King we wil find that saying no to sin becomes easier day by day. Quote
servant for Christ Posted June 23, 2009 Report Posted June 23, 2009 Q2. (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation? The temper and the behavior of a true Christian seem very strange to ungodly men They feel like they are being judged, that we are better than they are in a way. They cannot comprehend the hope that we depend on. We are tempted to do so because in the sinner's eyes, we are no better than they are if we fail. That we can't live up to what we are professing or living. We can resist the temptation by praying and staying close God. We will not want to go back to our old life style. We need to remember how God brought us out of that sinful nature. Quote
Gann Posted February 26, 2010 Report Posted February 26, 2010 Q2. (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Non Christians will try to get you to sin with them so that they will not feel so bad or be convicted so bad if they can get you to do the same thing they are doing. Why are we tempted to do so? Because we don't like to be left behind and made fun of by our friends so a lot of times we will give in and join in with them even though we know we shouldn't. How can we resist this temptation? We resist this temptation by drawing closer to Jesus and by assembling ourselves with other Christians instead of worldly people. Quote
hanks Posted May 4, 2010 Report Posted May 4, 2010 Q2. (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation? They feel a sense of guilt, and also that we, as religious fanatics, are judging them. Once we join them, we become part of them and are no longer a threat. It is when we abandon God, that our moral standards drop, and we are tempted to join them. It is then that we start engaging in all sorts of sinful pleasures. We, as Christians, are new creatures and our old sins should be abandoned. Our remaining years should be spent focused on our Lord and Saviour. This way the Holy Spirit will help us in our fight against temptation. God Bless. Quote
royk Posted December 20, 2010 Report Posted December 20, 2010 Q2. (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation? I would mostly blame Watching-TV and having the Microsoft-stock-market mentality that money is God. sin, sex and money, it feels good at the moment, but is empty and has no future except more fo the same. If you believe this is your only option then might as well. Thank God we are not like this. Thank you Jesus fo finding me and saving me!!!!! Quote
Old Jerry Posted June 16, 2011 Report Posted June 16, 2011 Non-Christians are always trying to get you to sin with them because they know that what they are doing is wrong but they want to justify themselves by getting you involved. We are tempted to do so because the devil has made it look so beautiful. We can resist temptation be running from it. Or just leave the situation. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted September 5, 2011 Report Posted September 5, 2011 Q2. (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Deep down inside they know what they're doing is wrong. If they can get a Christian to join them in wrongdoing, especially a Christian who up to that time has not joined them in wrongdoing, they can feel a bit better about themselves and can also drag the Christian's reputation down. Why are we tempted to do so? The people who want us to sin along with them could very well be our unsaved friends. It's a lonely path to travel, the way of a newly converted Christian. Without strong support from a Church body it's very easy to rejoin your unsaved friends just to have some company. How can we resist this temptation? Keeping our focus on God and Jesus and remembering the reasons we came to accept Christ as Savior are the best ways. Actively staying away from the places and circumstances where we're likely to be tempted to sin is also a good way to not sin. For example, if you used to go to the bars and get drunk and pick up women for sex, best to stay away from there once you become a Christian. It's pointless trying to go there and NOT drink to excess and engage in sexual immorality. The temptation is just too strong there. You WON'T stop at one or two drinks. Quote
Nic Posted March 17, 2012 Report Posted March 17, 2012 Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation? I believe that non-Christians try to get us to sin with them because they want to prove that we are no different from them. They do not understand why we want to be different and as far as they are concerned it is just harmless fun. We are tempted to do so because we are naturally inclined to sin. In addition, it is our old way of life and so it is familiar to us and we have memories of how much fun it once was. We can resist the temptation by keeping our minds fixed on God and His Word. When we compare the blessings and the presence of God to the pleasures that sin brings we will be less inclined to give into the temptation. Quote
wifee Posted December 5, 2012 Report Posted December 5, 2012 2a) Non-christians can take our non participation in sinfuls, over drinking as judging them,rejecting them,that we seem to be holier than them. They seek to shame us by coaxing us into sin,so we lose our integrity and to use this as proof we are no better than them.For some it is fun to drag us down. b)We don’t understand why we do what we don’ want to do, but we are prone peer pressure, not wanting to stand out in the crowd and it seems easier give into taunts, rather than ignoring what people say, standing firm knowing we are God’s chosen, can resist with Christ’s help when tempted. C)We can only resist with help &power of HS in us, living accordance with the Spirit and have minds set on what the Spirit desires 1Romans 5:8 ..mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace. Quote
Craig Posted August 15, 2013 Report Posted August 15, 2013 Q2. (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation? There is a non-sensitivity to sin, for the most part, with the non-Christian. Sin what's that, who cares? Then there is the discomfort of the Christian who strives to live in participation with God's Word, so the non-Christian wants the Christian to them join in the things of the world. It make them feel better about themselves. The Christian witness often reminds the non-believer of where they should be and what they should be doing in relationship to God. Often, misery loves company. Causing Christians to fall to temptation can be used to discredit the Christian walk and prove there is no difference between believers and non-believers. The attitude is don't be a Bible thumper come and join the fun. Then there is just plain evil spirits out there that intentionally want the Christian to fail to live like Jesus and live holy lives. We are tempted because we were born in this world with natural worldly natures. We participated in the things of the world without guilt or conviction before turning our lives over to Jesus. The temptation is always there so long as we are in this world. Additionally, satan and other dark entities make war on our souls. They want to destroy us in their rebellion against God. We can resist temptation by daily staying in God's Word, daily prayer and fellowship with God, daily praise and worship and service. By permitting the Holy Spirit in us to steel us and aid us in overcoming temptation. He is greater the god of this world. Quote
dmmelo9 Posted January 30, 2014 Report Posted January 30, 2014 Prayer, It's the better way to triumph!! Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted December 2, 2015 Report Posted December 2, 2015 Q2. (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation? Non Christians usually try to get us to sin because they feel they are being judged by us or we are better than they are. I believe they know what they are doing is wrong, why let a Christian ruin their good time. We are tempted to sin as they are because we do not want to be rejected by the crowd and the devil loves to see us fall into sin or we can fall back into habitual sin which continually haunts us. We can resist this temptation by praying the Lord remove it from our mind, perhaps repeating scripture or keeping our mind focused on Christ. Quote
Joe_Applegarth Posted June 14, 2016 Report Posted June 14, 2016 Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them? I suppose in a way you can blame it on human nature. When a person isn’t building something up for himself it seems to relieve the tension if he/she can tear down something someone else has built. When we’re committed to living a godly life it makes those who are not quite uncomfortable. In order to ease their discomfort they often try to tempt us into sinning right along with them. I really think they believe that if they can tempt a Christian to sin they would share in it equally so as to not feel so bad about themselves later on. Why are we tempted to do so? Satan understands the herd mentality of the human race and will always use it to entice us to put our morals on the shelf and follow the crowd. We want to feel “with it” and to be a part of the herd and temptation is Satan’s enticement to some form of immorality under the pretense that it’s really not that bad. Think about it this way, sin generally looks good, feels good, tastes good or smells good but more often than not it comes at us in the form of a combination of the four. Unfortunately when we face that kind of temptation and fall victim to the herd mentality we often try to deceive ourselves by directing our focus toward the positive aspects of what we’re doing while totally ignoring the fact that what we’re really doing is a sin. How can we resist this temptation? The easiest way to resist temptation is to not put ourselves in a position where we can be tempted. Our spiritual needs will be satisfied by spending time away from the temptations of the world in prayer and fellowship with other Christians. When our spiritual needs are met in that way we’ll feel a sense of well-being and contentment and the strength to repel all of those worldly temptations that are so offensive to our Christian values. Unfortunately attempting a one-on-one confrontation with Satan when our spiritual needs are lacking will always result in failure and we’ll become increasingly vulnerable to temptation. Quote
Celtic Wanderer Posted December 12, 2016 Report Posted December 12, 2016 Q2. (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation? They are testing us out to see if we really do believe what we claim. They also want to pull us down from our “high horse”. Also under the influence of the god of this world they maliciously seek to undermine our faith because our actions are a challenge to their way of life. It is best to avoid places and gatherings where excesses are likely to take place. This can be difficult and requires both resolve and courage. We also need wisdom to be able to communicate our stand to others without alienating them. While participating may seem like an “opportunity to witness”, it seldom, if ever, is. Quote
elaineer Posted June 7, 2017 Report Posted June 7, 2017 Q2. (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation? ---Non-christians do not believe in God,or that Jesus died for their sins. ---We are more concerned for peoples approval of us. -- We must resist the devil in Jesus name,and as Jesus said he will flee from us. Quote
Christopher Olamiji Taiwo Posted July 1, 2017 Report Posted July 1, 2017 On 3/28/2004 at 2:42 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation? The non Christian try to get us to sin because we judging them and try to shame us into sin with them. We are tempted because of culture and advertising that drives us. We can resist this temptation by focus our lives on Christ and the words of God and ignored the worldly things. Quote
blezed Posted July 2, 2017 Report Posted July 2, 2017 (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation? Non-Christians try to get you to sin with them so that they will not see you as judging them. We do not want to be perceived as being as "holier than thou," as a "goody-goody." Do not allow non-Christians to shame you into sinning with them. we must continue to stay in God's word. Quote
Christopher Olamiji Taiwo Posted July 3, 2017 Report Posted July 3, 2017 On 3/28/2004 at 2:42 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation? The non Christian try to get us to sin because we judging them and try to shame us into sin with them. We are tempted because of culture and advertising that drives us. We can resist this temptation by focus our lives on Christ and the words of God and ignored the worldly things. Quote
aliya721 Posted July 3, 2017 Report Posted July 3, 2017 On 3/27/2004 at 10:42 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation? I think part of it has to do with them wanting to test us but another part is that this is just natural behavior for them. We then become tempted because we want to please them even though we know it is wrong. WE can resist this by making our stance sure. We can be firm at all times so that they respect you. I experienced this for 4 years at a job. Each sales meeting everyone would drink until they were drunk and do really stupid things. I would always order a Shirley Temple (sprite and grenadine). They would laugh and try to do lots of things to get me to change. I held my ground and in Year 5, it finally stopped. Quote
hanks Posted July 4, 2017 Report Posted July 4, 2017 Q2. (4:3-4) Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them. Why are we tempted to do so? How can we resist this temptation? They feel a sense of guilt, and also that we, as so called religious fanatics, are judging them. Once we join them, we become part of them and are no longer seen as a threat. It is when we abandon God, that our moral standards drop, and we are tempted to join them. It is then that we start engaging in all sorts of sinful pleasures. We, as Christians, are new creatures and our old sinful desires should have been abandoned. As a new creation, in Christ, we should not be focusing on old habits, evil thoughts, or lustful looks, but rather our remaining years should be spent in fellowship with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and living a life in obedience to God. We should be living in the power of the Holy Spirit who will help us in our fight against temptation, and ensure that we are not controlled by human passions but by the will of God. Quote
Old Jerry Posted July 4, 2017 Report Posted July 4, 2017 I think that non-Christians try to get you to sin with them is so that they can say that they are just as good as you are. We are tempted to do so because it look like it would be fun. It also might be adventurous thinking that we are disobeying our parents and getting by with it. We can resist this temptation be walking away. Quote
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