Pastor Ralph Posted July 23, 2018 Report Posted July 23, 2018 Q1. (1 Samuel 16:13; Psalm 51:11) What is the primary purpose of God putting his Spirit upon selected individuals in the Old Testament? What effect does the Spirit seem to have upon their relationship with God? Quote
Uncle Dave Posted September 9, 2018 Report Posted September 9, 2018 Q1. (1 Samuel 16:13; Psalm 51:11) What is the primary purpose of God putting his Spirit upon selected individuals in the Old Testament? What effect does the Spirit seem to have upon their relationship with God? God poured out His Spirit on certain people in the O.T. for accomplishing different tasks. His prophets received messages to relay to the people via the Spirit. People like Moses received messages from God through the Spirit to relay to Pharaoh in Egypt, for delivering the commands of God to the people during the Exodus, and to warn the people of the consequences of their actions, to name a few. Saul received messages from God through the Spirit informing him how to fight battles. Not to be forgotten is how much of the O.T. was written through the Spirit of God? Those who the Spirit worked through had a much closer relationship with God, because by way of the Spirit, God communicated directly with these people, empowering them to do things which, to the average person didn’t add up, such as when Gideon defeated the Midianites when they turned on each other, or when Sampson killed 1000 Philistines with the jawbone of an ***. 2 other Bible stories that many people have heard are the ones about Daniel in the lion’s den where the mouths of the lions were closed, and the time Daniel and his friends were thrown into a furnace so hot it killed the guards who threw them in, yet Daniel and his friends didn’t so much as smell like smoke. Even the Babylonian king recognized that the Spirit of God was in him. The Spirit also led Daniel also to writing very important prophecies. There are many stories in the Old Testament about the Spirit of God, these only being a few examples. Quote
Lynette Palmer Posted September 9, 2018 Report Posted September 9, 2018 The primary purpose of God putting his spirit on individuals was to give them the ability to fulfill the purpose or a specific role that He had chosen them for. The Spirit of God endowed them with the necessary wisdom, insight, knowledge and skill to perform their God appointed role. We can also see that after the Spirit enters them, they learn to walk closely with God. They do not make decisions or take any action without first seeking God's will and direction on the issue. The take away for me at this point is that the Holy spirit deepens our relationship with God. It transforms us, empowers us in our walk with God. It also makes me realize that on a daily basis, before I make a decision on anything, or take any action, I must pray about it and ask God to let His Spirit direct me. When I have to make major decisions I do that, but I have come to understand that I make decisions on a daily basis and these "small" decisions impact the "major" decisions. So dear Lord, help me remember that I must "commit ALL my ways to You". Quote
Janine Posted September 9, 2018 Report Posted September 9, 2018 God’s Spirit is power and grace. His purpose in putting his Spirit upon certain individuals in the Old Testament is to give them everything they need to do what God wants them to do. His Spirit empowered them to do what God was calling them to do. What effect does the Spirit seem to have upon their relationship with God? The verse is 1 Samuel 13:12 is telling of the battle within Saul in following the Holy Spirit or following what he feels he should do. “So I felt compelled to offer the burnt offering.” He was waiting for Samuel to show up at the appointed time but Samuel was a little late and the men were starting to scatter. Saul was compelled by his own need to look like he is competent and in control. Instead of listening to the Holy Spirit he listened to himself. This is a battle we all go through with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit but thankfully we have Jesus and God’s forgiveness to help us start new every morning. David’s response to the Holy Spirit was filled with the passion he felt for what he knew the Holy Spirit had been doing for him and for the connection to God that we don’t have without his Holy Spirit within us. I had a very deep connection back in 2003 when I was in the hospital after almost losing my baby girls at 20 weeks in the pregnancy. The amniotic sac was protruding out of the womb and so I was to stay in bed in the hospital with my bed at a 10% angle to help the amniotic sac come back inside. I was told I would be there for as long as the baby was inside of me. It was a very snowy spring and the snow storms and roads kept most people from visiting so I was alone most of the time. I was alone with God. He revealed to me the second day there that he had answered my prayer to be able to share my story so that is what I did. I lasted 4 ½ weeks and then the labor started again and couldn’t be stopped. My daughter was born 1lb. 14oz. and was in the hospital for the next 3 months until her due date and she was ready to go home. That fall, I fell into a spiritual depression and didn’t realize it until November when God helped me see how I was grieved over the loss of the deep communion we had in that time in the hospital. He also let me know that our communion with him is like any relationship. You can feel totally connected at certain times but other times the connection is less and still other times the connection feels non-existent. Our connection with God is always there. He never leaves or forsakes us. It’s all in how we perceive the circumstances we are currently in. When David said, “Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.”, he knew how much he would miss that communion with God. It makes me wonder how much Adam and Eve grieved over the loss of the communion with God they had in the Garden of Eden. Quote
Rev. Michael Posted September 9, 2018 Report Posted September 9, 2018 Without God empowering those in the Old Testament, they could not accomplish anything. Not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit says the Lord Almighty Zechariah 4:6 Quote
pickledilly Posted September 10, 2018 Report Posted September 10, 2018 The Holy Spirit was put upon selected individuals in the Old Testament to anoint and equip them for specific purposes and service. This wasn’t a permanent indwelling of the Spirit like we have as followers of Christ. Unrepentant disobedience would result in being cast from the Spirit’s presence and suffering rejection of God’s favor. However, similar to us, this O.T. anointing of the Spirit provided a unique and powerful connection of relationship with God. Through the presence of the Holy Spirit that rested upon them, these individuals knew Yahweh more intimately, were spiritually transformed for the duration of the presence, could directly receive Words from the heart of God, and were spiritually empowered for service. David knew the history of Yahweh’s rejection of Saul and withdrawal of His Spirit. He understood unrepentant sin as the root of that rejection. To me, that makes his plea recorded in Psalm 51 even more powerful. After an utter failure in living righteously, David brokenly confessed his sins and cried out for forgiveness, cleansing, restoration, and renewal. He pleaded not to be cast out from the Spirit’s presence (like Saul) because he passionately valued his relationship with Yahweh and respected the requirements of faith and obedience. Quote
Acatitlan Posted September 10, 2018 Report Posted September 10, 2018 Q1. (1 Samuel 16:13; Psalm 51:11) What is the primary purpose of God putting his Spirit upon selected individuals in the Old Testament? What effect does the Spirit seem to have upon their relationship with God? The primary purpose of God putting His Spirit upon selected individuals in the Old Testament was to enable them to fulfill His purpose, or a very specific purpose. Whether it be to lead His people, to judge, or the speak prophetically, the Lord's Spirit was needed. As a result, those who experienced the Holy Spirit wanted more of Him, i.e. David in Psalm 51:11. They also wanted to live a life pleasing to God, something lacking in today's times. Taking a deeper look at the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament makes one appreciate God's grace towards the Church and the privilege we have of knowing that the Holy Spirit is with us. Christ promised us a Counselar, the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because they do not see him nor know Him (John14:16-18). Quote
Mutsa Posted September 10, 2018 Report Posted September 10, 2018 Q1. (1 Samuel 16:13; Psalm 51:11) What is the primary purpose of God putting his Spirit upon selected individuals in the Old Testament? What effect does the Spirit seem to have upon their relationship with God? A1. The primary purpose of God putting his Spirit upon selected individuals in the Old Testament is to empower the selected individuals to carry out specific assignments on behalf of God. The individuals become an extension of God’s might. The are able to carry out duties they were not able to on their own. The selected individuals become closer to God and resonate with His commands and enjoy an improved communication status and a heightened understanding of what God’s will is in any given circumstance. They develop an enhanced consciousness of God's presence and knowledge of what is expected of them by God in their daily lives. Quote
sally607 Posted September 10, 2018 Report Posted September 10, 2018 They are anointed by God with the oil. The Holy Spirit filled them and came to reside in them.mEven though we are not anointed with oil we are still filled with the Holy Spirit and He resides in us. Quote
Mars Eve Posted September 10, 2018 Report Posted September 10, 2018 From the study David- "O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands." (Psalm 63:1-4) What effect does the Spirit seem to have upon their relationship with God? When someone has a divine encounter- it changes everything. The Holy Spirit opened David's eyes to the unseen spirit realm. It is one thing to know about the invisible spirit realm, it is another to experience it. Just like Peter, James, and John, they were forever changed by their Mount of Transfiguration experience. Quote
efeklvn2 Posted September 10, 2018 Report Posted September 10, 2018 Q1. (1 Samuel 16:13; Psalm 51:11) What is the primary purpose of God putting his Spirit upon selected individuals in the Old Testament? What effect does the Spirit seem to have upon their relationship with God? God puts His Spirit upon His servants in the OT primarily to EMPOWER them for His service (and this also true in NT). As we see from scriptures, the work of God cannot be executed by the arm the flesh ( Zech 4). I also observe from this our study that the Spirit, in the life of God's servants greatly impacted their relationship with God. The Spirit deepened, and made their relationship with God very intimate. He (the Holy Ghost) takes from and of God, and makes known(or discloses) to His ministers; just as Jesus points out later [John 16:14]. So He enables them to 'know' God on a personal basis.? Quote
jahzmo Posted September 10, 2018 Report Posted September 10, 2018 God gave the Holy Spirit to individuals in the OT because they had a specific purpose or job to do for God. For example, Bezalel decorated the temple, Gideon became a judge, and Saul became King of Israel. Each of these OT characters then had a special relationship with God – each became a different person specifically equipped to their assigned job, and each one then knew Him personally and intimately. Quote
Godswriter Posted September 10, 2018 Report Posted September 10, 2018 The primary purpose for it is for them to be able to govern the people of Israel with certain qualities that only God can give them. For instance wisdom to know how to govern the Israelites in such a way that was according to the Scriptures. When the Spirit was upon them they were able to communicate with the Lord in a way that was unique to only them. When their time as Kings was completed then the Spirit left them. Quote
KathySmith Posted September 11, 2018 Report Posted September 11, 2018 Q1. (1 Samuel 16:13; Psalm 51:11) What is the primary purpose of God putting his Spirit upon selected individuals in the Old Testament? What effect does the Spirit seem to have upon their relationship with God? The Holy Spirit came upon the people of the old testament to enable them to do the work God called them for. Having the Holy Spirit on them sometimes changed them like Saul, sometimes empowered them. Without a doubt it made God more real to all of them. I believe the Holy Spirit is still working in the lives of people today. Quote
Lottie Posted September 11, 2018 Report Posted September 11, 2018 Q1. (1 Samuel 16:13; Psalm 51:11) What is the primary purpose of God putting his Spirit upon selected individuals in the Old Testament? What effect does the Spirit seem to have upon their relationship with God? I believe that the primary purpose of God putting His Spirit on individuals in the Old Testament was to show others that they were favored by God and that they were designated certain tasks to do. The only way to do these tasks the4y could do these tasks successfully was with the Spirit’s help. Like Saul and David needed His help to reign over Israel and Judah (The Holy Spirit by Charles Ryrie, 1997). When the Spirit came upon Saul he immediately prophesied alongside the other prophets. He became a person who was well qualified to deliver Israel and lead them because he was relying on God to help him. But when he stops depending on God then he becomes disobedient and falls away. He takes on the role of a priest by sacrificing when Saul does not show up. When the Spirit came upon David he becomes prophetic also but his relationship with God deepens. He writes love letters to God in the Psalms. David’s love, fear, and adoration for God show through in the Psalms. The Spirit allows him to know God in a deep and personal way. Quote
hanks Posted September 11, 2018 Report Posted September 11, 2018 Q1. (1 Samuel 16:13; Psalm 51:11) What is the primary purpose of God putting His Spirit upon selected individuals in the Old Testament? What effect does the Spirit seem to have upon their relationship with God? We see right from the beginning of creation that God the Father used the Holy Spirit to complete and sustain what He had planned, but in the Old Testament period, His primary purpose of the Holy Spirit was to empower selected people with special skills and wisdom, to carry out His plans. A good example is Joshua who was empowered with leadership skills and wisdom to lead the people into Canaan (Num 27:18; Deut 34:9). In this study, we read how the Holy Spirit came mightily upon Saul, protecting him and initially enabling him to be successful in winning against Israel’s enemies (1 Sam 11:6). David is another example, who when he was anointed king, the Holy Spirit came mightily upon him and from that day onward (1 Sam 16:13) David was fully equipped to fulfil the task of kingship to which God had called him. For individuals to be effective in serving the LORD, it was necessary for the Holy Spirit to empower them. As for their relationship with God the Father, once their tasks were completed the Holy Spirit departed from them – so the indwelling was only temporarily. The empowering had nothing to do with their spiritual condition, and nothing to do with their salvation. We see this in the examples of Gideon, Jephthah, and even Balaam. However, there must have been some people indwelt with the Holy Spirit as Ezek 18:31 mentions about obtaining a new heart and a new spirit. King David also mentions a pure heart and a renewed spirit in Psalm 51:11. After his disastrous affair with Bathsheba he cries out to God in utter despair, begging to be forgiven and not to be cast out from God’s presence, and that the Holy Spirit not be taken from him. He must have remembered what had happened to Saul when the Holy Spirit left him. Quote
JoeyFelipe Posted September 11, 2018 Report Posted September 11, 2018 Q1. (1 Samuel 16:13; Psalm 51:11) What is the primary purpose of God putting his Spirit upon selected individuals in the Old Testament? Answer: To execute His plan and will upon His people, to empower and show them that apart from HIM we can do nothing. What effect does the Spirit seem to have upon their relationship with God? Answer: The Holy Spirit changed and transform the life of individual whom He indwells with, He also empowers Him, He also intercede and make our love to God deeper and stronger. Quote
blezed Posted September 11, 2018 Report Posted September 11, 2018 (1 Samuel 16:13; Psalm 51:11) What is the primary purpose of God putting his Spirit upon selected individuals in the Old Testament? The Holy Spirit will change ones life and transforms them into the person that God can use. What effect does the Spirit seem to have upon their relationship with God? Their relationship is personal and intimate. Quote
Karen11 Posted September 11, 2018 Report Posted September 11, 2018 On 7/23/2018 at 12:40 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (1 Samuel 16:13; Psalm 51:11) What is the primary purpose of God putting his Spirit upon selected individuals in the Old Testament? What effect does the Spirit seem to have upon their relationship with God? To change the person's way of thinking, to change that person's life for God, so that God ca work through that person. It draw's them closer to God, to have a better relationship with them. Quote
Francesca Posted September 11, 2018 Report Posted September 11, 2018 God selected special people to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Inspired by the Holy Spirit dwelling within them, they became leaders of Israel and prophets. Through them God spoke to His people. They became the leaders of the community and the mouthpiece of God; through them God spoke to His chosen people. They received this wonderful gift in different ways. Samuel heard God calling to him in the night and he thought it must be Eli, with whom he was living. Eli told him to return to his bed and wait for another call. When it came, it would be God calling. Moses received the spirit on the mountain where the Israelites were camped on their way to the Promised Land. The people were restless, did not understand that the manna they received every morning was indeed a blessing from God. They were sick of it, perhaps, and not in contact with God. Moses was called to go up the mountain to talk to God, who was swathed by a thick fog. He went and received the gift of the Holy Spirit and, when he rejoined his people in the plain, he spoke to them of God and the blessings they were receiving from Him. Quote
rosegarden Posted September 11, 2018 Report Posted September 11, 2018 On 7/23/2018 at 12:40 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (1 Samuel 16:13; Psalm 51:11) What is the primary purpose of God putting his Spirit upon selected individuals in the Old Testament? What effect does the Spirit seem to have upon their relationship with God? a. God put His Spirit upon them, as he was enabling them to do what he called them to do - the work of God giving them talents, abilities, to lead, guide, deliver, prophesy. b. It brings intimacy and draws them closer to God, with them knowing that it is the Spirit of God doing the work in them. Quote
alouise9815 Posted September 12, 2018 Report Posted September 12, 2018 The purpose of God putting His Holy Spirit upon the individuals in the (Old Testament & the New) was that they could do the things he had called them to do. Quote
Travis81 Posted September 12, 2018 Report Posted September 12, 2018 What is the primary purpose of God putting his Spirit upon selected individuals in the Old Testament? Although there's a difference between upon/on and in; in my humble belief the primary purpose of the Holy Spirit in relation to man, (selective individuals, OT, NT, Presently = to those in/of the Faith), is the same. He (The Spirit) empowers the vessel and as the vessel adheres/inclines to The Spirit he/she is in the Will of God. As he/she inclines/adheres to The Spirit he/she carries out "Thus Say The Lord". What effect does the Spirit seem to have upon their relationship with God? As the individual adheres/inclines to The Spirit's leading the relationship with God is being edified intimately. Quote
LissaR Posted September 12, 2018 Report Posted September 12, 2018 Very generally, God poured out His Spirit upon individuals to speak for Him (Moses, Isaiah), to serve Him (David) and to "work" for Him (craftsmen for the Temple). In the case of the prophets, God's visitation struck them with awe and wonder, and then caused them to realize they were inadequate, making them humble. In the case of everyone, they all performed their service for God with a sense of duty, wonder, and humility. Quote
Zilka Posted September 12, 2018 Report Posted September 12, 2018 Q1. (1 Samuel 16:13; Psalm 51:11) What is the primary purpose of God putting his Spirit upon selected individuals in the Old Testament? In the old Testament tell us spirit of God or Christs spirit or Holy spirit and this spirit is activ in many ways. God seeks somebody to understand God of spirit, as follower of God who works in Israel and all over the world. We know from bible has many People believe in Holy spirit. For example Story from king David. He wrote for all Christen what is Holy Spirit in him all Situation. What effect does the Spirit seem to have upon their relationship with God? Not all of them believed in Holy spirit intimately, they used also another God to have Spirit. I think effect from Spiritual is communication within God to help all situations. Quote
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