Pastor Ralph Posted July 23, 2018 Report Posted July 23, 2018 Q5. (John 16:12-15) In what sense does the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth? Does this promise apply only to the apostolic age and its task of laying the foundations of the faith? In what sense does it apply to us today? Quote
bwhite2 Posted September 27, 2018 Report Posted September 27, 2018 Q5. (John 16:12-15) In what sense does the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth? The Spirit reveals Christ to us and draws us into a deeper relationship with him.Does this promise apply only to the apostolic age and its task of laying the foundations of the faith? No In what sense does it apply to us today? The Holy Spirit assist us in accurately understanding the Father's words to our hearts. Quote
Travis81 Posted September 28, 2018 Report Posted September 28, 2018 In what sense does the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth? He guided the disciples, the Believers after the disciples and He guides the Believers today into the fulness of truth. Just as He lead the Servants, (Disciples, Apostles, Believers), of the Bible days He does also to the Believers of this day and the days to come. Unto the truth of who Christ is, His Purpose, His Life, His Examples to follow, the truth via the use of His Right Hand, the truth of His witness, the truth of His work, the truth of redeemed relationship. The Holy Spirit guides/ leads the Believer to know Him, into intimacy!Does this promise apply only to the apostolic age and its task of laying the foundations of the faith? No, if the promise only applied to the apostolic age and the laying of the foundation of the faith the promise would not align word upon word, precept upon precept. In what sense does it apply to us today? He yet desires that none should parish, He desires faithful witnesses. Until the day of judgement He has a charge for all of the faith. He desires the Believer to be living instruments/living agents (active). In that charge as we walk in the charge He leads, He comforts, He reminds, He teaches, He empower, etc.… He guides the Believer into all truth necessary to be known edifying the Believer as needed for relationship and for the charge. -- For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Quote
Lottie Posted September 28, 2018 Report Posted September 28, 2018 Q5. (John 16:12-15) In what sense does the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth? Does this promise apply only to the apostolic age and its task of laying the foundations of the faith? In what sense does it apply to us today? The Holy Spirit helps us to understand what the scriptures say and how to apply it to our lives. He teaches us from the Word of God and helps us discern what is true and what is false. He nudges us with the Word and through other people in order to get us to obey God. I believe that this promise is for today topo; especially since we have so many false religions and cults going on. In order to stay close to God, we need to listen to the Spirit and be wary of others who try to tell us something else. I know years ago I was reading a book called Heaven is So Real and I was only in the first or second chapter and I felt a strong warning by the Holy Spirit; that what I was reading was false and not true to the Word at all. I immediately stopped reading it and threw it away instead. I sensed within my own spirit that it was wrong; and that the author was deceived by Satan.So yes I believe the Holy Spirit can still guide and direct us today just like He did with the apostles. Quote
rosegarden Posted September 28, 2018 Report Posted September 28, 2018 On 7/23/2018 at 5:14 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q5. (John 16:12-15) In what sense does the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth? Does this promise apply only to the apostolic age and its task of laying the foundations of the faith? In what sense does it apply to us today? Expand a. The Holy Spirit has come and He now reveals Christ to us. He guides us into all truth because He is the Spirit of Truth. As we have surrendered our life to Christ, He comes to abide in us and helps, guides, teaches, encourages, brings to remembrance the Word of God, and songs of encouragement. b. We may not have the task of the first apostles, who helped lay the doctrinal foundation of the Church, but we still seek to understand the Word of God accurately. c. It applies to us today as the Holy Spirit still teaches and guides us. Both Jesus and the Spirit will speak the Father's words to us. We can hear from God by spending time in His presence (intimacy with God) and spending time in the Word and in doing that we are making ourselves willing and available vessels to hear more accurately. Quote
Karen11 Posted September 28, 2018 Report Posted September 28, 2018 On 7/23/2018 at 5:14 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q5. (John 16:12-15) In what sense does the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth? Does this promise apply only to the apostolic age and its task of laying the foundations of the faith? In what sense does it apply to us today? Expand lead, guide, conduct.. Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better No, it is also for us today. That we don't speak on our own, the spirit gives us the words to say to bring people closer to God. Quote
pickledilly Posted September 28, 2018 Report Posted September 28, 2018 The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth as He leads and assists believers in reaching the knowledge and understanding of what is true. He points the way and opens our understanding when we are exposed to truth from the Father. He brings us to Truth, the Lord Jesus Christ. This applies to the whole span of Christianity. The Spirit guided the apostles to know and be faithful to truth in their task of laying the foundations of the faith. He guides us today to distinguish truth from deception, and to be faithful in living out those foundations of the faith. Quote
hanks Posted September 29, 2018 Report Posted September 29, 2018 Q5. (John 16:12-15) In what sense does the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth? Does this promise apply only to the apostolic age and its task of laying the foundations of the faith? In what sense does it apply to us today? For us today, the all truth mentioned, is the Bible - the very inspired Word of God. Remembering that “all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness”, (2 Timothy 3:16). And that “the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart (Hebrews 4:12). The Holy Spirit guides us into these all truths by the teachings of Jesus and the inspired Word of God. For we know Jesus is the truth (John 14:6), the Word is the truth (John 17:17), and the Holy Spirit is the “Spirit of truth” (John 15:26). He will take the truths of God and make them known to us, and at the same time help us to understand and apply them. He will glorify Jesus and continue to reveal what He receives from the Father and the Son. It applied in the apostolic age, when by the moving of the Spirit the Apostles were inspired to write the New Testament. It also applies to us today, for the Holy Spirit will help us discern what is true from the lies and deception of the Devil. I feel that He is more needed than ever in this lost world of ours, as He actively seeks to reveal and glorify Jesus Christ Quote
Rev. Michael Posted September 29, 2018 Report Posted September 29, 2018 God is truth. His Word is truth. As we are open and willing that the Spirit fills us and indwells within us, the Spirit guides us into this truth by opening our heart and minds to the truth. The Spirit leads us and shows us the way. This is not intended to be for one or a number of people. This is intended to be for all those who have accepted Jesus as their personal Savior and live to bring glory to Him in all we do. Quote
Uncle Dave Posted September 30, 2018 Report Posted September 30, 2018 Q5. (John 16:12-15) In what sense does the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth? Does this promise apply only to the apostolic age and its task of laying the foundations of the faith? In what sense does it apply to us today? He explains things to us we don’t understand. You have to listen though, and not be the one doing all the talking. Even the best of teachers takes equal time to listen. He convicts us of sin so that we might get things under control before we come under judgement for it. Also, He encourages us and strengthens us like a great guide/leader would. Without a doubt, from personal experience I will say that this promise was not just for the apostolic age. I have never raised a dead person, in fact there are many things I have not done although I have witnessed more than one miraculous healing and saw prayers answered, not always in the way I expected either but that goes hand in hand with the Spirit praying for me since I don’t really know just exactly what I should pray for all the time except for that which I would like to see accomplished, but it isn’t about “me” either. Quote
blezed Posted September 30, 2018 Report Posted September 30, 2018 (John 16:12-15) In what sense does the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth? Does this promise apply only to the apostolic age and its task of laying the foundations of the faith? The Holy Spirit will tell us about our future, the nature of our mission, opposition we will face and the outcome. More importantly, the Holy Spirit reveals Christ to us and draws us into a deeper relationship with Him. No, this promise applies to all believers. In what sense does it apply to us today? When we seek of understand the Word of God accurately, Jesus and the Holy Spirit will speak the Father's words to us. Quote
Godswriter Posted September 30, 2018 Report Posted September 30, 2018 Q5. (John 16:12-15) In what sense does the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth? Does this promise apply only to the apostolic age and its task of laying the foundations of the faith? In what sense does it apply to us today? All of God’s word is truth because it was written by Him. He will guide us and teach us through our reading of the Word of God. No it applies to us as well. It applies to us because the Spirit is in us as well He teaches us as well the truth of God’s word and what is accurate doctrine and what is not. Quote
Debra Grant Posted October 2, 2018 Report Posted October 2, 2018 Q5. (John 16:12-15) In what sense does the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth? Does this promise apply only to the apostolic age and its task of laying the foundations of the faith? In what sense does it apply to us today? 1. The Holy Spirit assist us in acquiring information or knowledge, lead, guide, and conduct." Brings a person to the point of recognizing wrongdoing. Spiritual truths must be spiritually discerned through the action of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit reveals Christ to us and draws us into a deeper relationship with him. The Holy Spirit will strengthen us with power through his Spirit in our inner being, so that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith. 2. No, we may not have the task of the first apostles, who helped lay the doctrinal foundation of the Church, but we still seek to understand the Word of God accurately. 3. We can call on the Holy Spirit, the Reminder, the Explainer, the Guide into all truth, to assist us in accurately understanding the Father's words to our heart. Quote
Philippians1.2 Posted October 3, 2018 Report Posted October 3, 2018 Q5. (John 16:12-15) In what sense does the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth? Whatever GOD says is Truth !!! Whatever HE says happens . The HOLY SPIRIT is speaking to us what HE hears the Father and the Son say. Jesus told us what the Father said and about the Kingdom of GOD, now the Holy Spirit tells us what Jesus would have us know and understand. He is the Spirit of Truth ( John 15:26) ; as we listen and follow the Holy Spirit we will be walking in truth as well. "The Holy Spirit guides us into these all truths by the teachings of Jesus and the inspired Word of God. For we know Jesus is the truth" (John 14:6), Does this promise apply only to the apostolic age and its task of laying the foundations of the faith? The first apostles had Jesus teach them of things to come. Then the Holy Spirit indeed guided them to give birth to the first church by laying strong foundations that were based on the promises in the Old Covenant and seeing them fulfilled. Seeing God fulfilling those promises gave them that hope and faith that God would do all that was promised and now revealed by the Holy Spirit to them. Sadly some of those promises had painful consequences but the Holy Spirit blessed them with whatever it took to see it through. In what sense does it apply to us today? God's Word is not only Truth , it is alive and active in those willing to receive it. The Truth will set us free as it reveals whatever sin is present ; The Holy Spirit is the one who gets our heart to open , to receive and to change. He also blesses us with 'discernment' - what is truth and what are the lies of the Evil one. “the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart (Hebrews 4:12). Quote
David W Donnelly Posted October 5, 2018 Report Posted October 5, 2018 The primary method used by the Spirit is to work in our consciences, sensitizing us to what is right and what is wrong. He can help us when we are under fire, or witnessing by putting words in our mouth. On a few occasions he will actually tell us things. I was perfectly happy as an evolutionist, thinking that this was the way God worked. It was the Spirit who first told me that this was wrong thinking, and, of course over many years of study I can see all the holes in the so-called theory. Another time He told me about my ancestry things which I could never have learned before the internet. Most remarkably, He told me that our coming child was a son, that he would be perfectly formed, but his name was not to be Niall, as was my intention, but Daniel. Another area in which He operated is praise and worship - we pray "O Lord open Thou our lips that our mouths shall show forth Thy praise. The more we rely on Him and listen to Him, the more He will help us. Quote
Mutsa Posted October 5, 2018 Report Posted October 5, 2018 Q5. (John 16:12-15) In what sense does the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth? Does this promise apply only to the apostolic age and its task of laying the foundations of the faith? In what sense does it apply to us today? In what sense does the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth? Spiritually we can gradually be led by the Holy Spirit to understand the ways of God and of Jesus and in understanding realise what is required of us and how to tap the powers of the almighty and minister with the authority of the Most High through Jesus Christ who is the same yesterday today and forever. Does this promise apply only to the apostolic age and its task of laying the foundations of the faith? This promise is valid for all generations as God’s purpose cannot be stalled or made to pause. In what sense does it apply to us today? Where there are believers today we are equally eligible to the promise. We must keep the commandment symbolically, “not to leave Jerusalem” being rooted and established in love and to have enough faith and humility to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. We must allow the Holy Spirit to work on us and allow Him to live in us by being presentable and shunning evil through prayer and living according to how Jesus taught us. Quote
Queen Mc Daniel Posted October 6, 2018 Report Posted October 6, 2018 Q5. (John 16:12-15) In what sense does the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth? Does this promise apply only to the apostolic age and its task of laying the foundations of the faith? In what sense does it apply to us today? a. The Holy Spirt guide into all truth when, “He will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment.” b. Not at all, although the apostles laid the teaching foundation by the Holy Spirit, we need to understand these foundational scriptures to be led by them. c. It apply to us today but we much seek the Holy Spirit for Spiritual discernment, wisdom and revelation. Quote
Stanley Tavaziva Posted October 7, 2018 Report Posted October 7, 2018 The truth into which the Holy Spirit guides us is the truth about Christ. The Spirit also helps us through patient practice to discern right from wrong In his last moments with his disciples, Jesus (1) warned them about further persecution, (2) told them where, when, and why he was going, and (3) assured them that they would not be left alone, but that the Spirit would come. Jesus knew what lay ahead, and he did not want the disciples’ faith shaken or destroyed. God wants us to know that we are not alone. We have the Holy Spirit to comfort us, teach us the truth, and help us Quote
MICHELLE OXLEY Posted October 9, 2018 Report Posted October 9, 2018 The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament.docx Quote
Zilka Posted October 9, 2018 Report Posted October 9, 2018 On 7/23/2018 at 5:14 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q5. (John 16:12-15) In what sense does the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth? - All that belong to the Father is mine. Does this promise apply only to the apostolic age and its task of laying the foundations of the faith? In what sense does it apply to us today? - No, Expand Quote
KenBoy Posted October 18, 2018 Report Posted October 18, 2018 Q5. (John 16:12-15) In what sense does the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth? Does this promise apply only to the apostolic age and its task of laying the foundations of the faith? In what sense does it apply to us today? Q-(John 16:12-15) In what sense does the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth? Holy Spirit guides us into the Truth of Yahweh through Son Jesus Christ.The work of Christ the Savior is enabled in laymen through Holy Spirit soon after he ascended to heaven . The promise of Christ is carried in his beloved followers of today through the Holy Spirit as the Friend , advocate ,counselor and comforter.It is freely available to all those who seek Christian walk and eternal life .It is true that His(Father's) eyes are on all of the people .He knocks and hearts be opened to convict us of sins ,repentance and salvation. .Q-Does this promise apply only to the apostolic age and its task of laying the foundations of the faith? After the laying of the foundation of Faith ,the application of the persona and gifts of Holy Spirit are continued . (Ephesians 3-/18)May have Power together with all the saints to grasp how wide and long and how high and deep is the love of Jesus Christ .. Q-In what sense does it apply to us today? Holy Spirit helps us know the Word accurately ,not only as an intellectual activity ,but directs hearts be transformed by the renewal in Holy Spirit ,until the heart finds its abode in Christ .Holy Spirit leads the believer to eternal life in Christ .Who the Son sets Free is Free Indeed Quote
David W Donnelly Posted October 20, 2018 Report Posted October 20, 2018 I know for a fact that the Spirit of God is still teaches us today. On several occasions I have been told things I could not possibly have known at the time, though invariably I have found by later research that they were absolutely correct. These involved, inter alia, evolution, my ancestry, and the real story of the Exodus. When you pray for knowledge, or how to handle a situation or problem, God usually responds through his Spirit. Quote
JanMary Posted October 29, 2018 Report Posted October 29, 2018 On 7/23/2018 at 5:14 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q5. (John 16:12-15) In what sense does the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth? Does this promise apply only to the apostolic age and its task of laying the foundations of the faith? In what sense does it apply to us today? Expand Q5a. When we first come into relationship with Holy Spirit through faith in Jesus, our minds are darkened with humanistic thinking, having belonged to "our father the devil", as Jesus Himself declared of unbelievers. We know no truth and do not understand truth when we hear it! Holy Spirit enters at salvation and our dead spirit is reborn and able to grasp truth as He teaches and trains us. First He reveals the truth that we are sinners, saved by Grace, are forgiven and that we are new creatures in Christ as well as having inherited eternal life and we are now joint heirs with Jesus. Further, He leads us to acquire and to read Scripture and to have fellowship and access to sound teaching and preaching. He disciples and pours life and light into every darkened corner of our minds, renewing and replacing our unregenerate thinking to "have the mind of Christ, and to hold His feelings, thoughts and purposes of His heart" (I Cor 2:16 b) Gradually as our minds are renewed, our actions begin to follow, and we desire to share our new life saving truth with others still in darkness. b. This promise began to be fulfilled with the very first believers and will continue until the last individual has said "Yes!" to Jesus' gift of salvation! Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth and He will never leave us nor forsake us, and He remains available to all who desire to know the truth and to be set free! (And is at work softening the hearts of those whom God has chosen and called before the foundation of the earth was He worked in my heart!) c. For all who are born again, He will continue to lead into all truth, until we depart this earth for our home in Heaven! We are to be ever learning and growing in knowledge of Him and in relationship with Him and to be equipped and willing to share His truth with those He brings into our lives. Quote
RD35 Posted November 4, 2018 Report Posted November 4, 2018 Q5. (John 16:12-15) In what sense does the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth? Does this promise apply only to the apostolic age and its task of laying the foundations of the faith? In what sense does it apply to us today? The Spirit, Jesus explains to us, won't be teaching us new doctrines. Rather he will be reminding his disciples of what Jesus has already taught them (John 14:26). The Spirit will listen to Jesus and relay this to us, just as Jesus listened to the Father and relayed that to his disciples (John 5:30), and only spoke what the Father told him to say (John 12:49). No this promise does not apply only to the apostolic age. We may not have the task of the first apostles, who helped lay the doctrinal foundation of the Church, but we still seek to understand the Word of God accurately. The Holy Spirit Guide to all truth, he assists me in accurately understanding the Father's words. Bible study should not be merely an intellectual exercise, but also a heart's search for truth. Quote
haar Posted December 26, 2018 Report Posted December 26, 2018 Q5. (John 16:12-15) Q. In what sense does the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth? A. He empowers us to understand the Word of God as against the false interpretation of it by false prophets Q. Does this promise apply only to the apostolic age and its task of laying the foundations of the faith? In what sense does it apply to us today? A. It applies to our own generation and the generation to come Quote
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