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Q4. (4:10-11) If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, what does that say about them? Their sense of self-worth? Their maturity? Their realism? Their humility? What spiritual gifts has God given you, and how are you using them to his glory?

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If people are promoting themselves rather than giving God the glory I would say they are insecure and immature in their faith. We need to pray for them that their service to God will become what God wants it to be. God has given me the gift of serving and I try to do all that I do to the glory of God.

Q4. (4:10-11) If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, what does that say about them? Their sense of self-worth? Their maturity? Their realism? Their humility? What spiritual gifts has God given you, and how are you using them to his glory?

They are not true disciples. When you do what God wants you to do you do not boast or brag about it. It's glorious to do the will of God. Their sense of self-worth is low basically. They want to be known as superior but no one is superior than God. Maturity - not very mature, almost like a child. Realism - not real at all. Humility - no humility whatsoever.

If you are doing what God wants you to do, you are not looking for recognition. Your self-worth, maturity, realism, and humility will be from within and you are going to have a marvelous warm feeling inside.

The spiritual gift God has given to me is to play the organ. Play the wonderous hymns of the Bible, to be loving and compassionate to my fellow man and to have patience.


Q4. (4:10-11) If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, what does that say about them? Their sense of self-worth? Their maturity? Their realism? Their humility? What spiritual gifts has God given you, and how are you using them to his glory?

This is not humility. The person who takes credit for what God has given him/her, or how He uses him/her is showing their pride--their desire to be praised, etc. They are babes in their Christian walk and beliefs, or, worse, have not yet started that walk. Nothing that we can do in our own strength will last or be of value, eternally. Only when we give up our "self-made" image and let God work through us can we be of any value for Him. Whatever we have done in ourselves is just dross. Only what He does is of value!

God gives each of us the gifts He knows His church needs. If we use them to aid His church and His world, they will be of eternal value. If used only to heap praise upon ourselves, they are rubbish. :o

What God has given me in gifts, He will polish and use as He wishes. I feel that too many times I have neglected His gifts within me, so I am ashamed to enumerate them--as though I had anything to do with them. At one time, I felt led to paint "The Potter's Hands", and as long as I let Him hold the brush, it went very well. The moment I began to glory in what I was doing and think of showing it off to friends, glaring mistakes occurred! I could do nothing right until I repented and asked for Him to help me. Then things went well until the next time! Finally, although there still were mistakes in the painting, He plainly told me to let them be--that they would remind me that on my own, I can do nothing! I am convicted each time I see the painting, but know that His forgiveness is all I need to be used by Him again. :D


We are all at different points along this walk with our Lord. Perhaps, God is expecting those who are further down the road to work with who have started to serve, but feel they need the recognition and reinforcement from having others pat them on the back for what they are doing. I try not to judge others, I try to lead by example, and pray in time God's grace will be all the reinforcement these people will need to continue. I praise God every day for the gifts He has given me. I am often told I am so patient and compassionate, (I work with adults with mental retardation). God has led me into this field and has taught me so much from the people He has chosen for me to serve. He is an awesome God. The greatest gift He has given me is a loving family including seven adorable grandchildren. When I feel the love in my heart for each of them, I can finally begin to understand just how much our Father loves us.


These people are dealing often with a high level of insecurity and hurt, some of which may go back a long way. My initial response is to criticize them until I realize I have some of the same qualities in me

My primary spiritual gifts are teaching and administration. I lead the men's ministry for our church, which involves coordinating activities and leading the study on Saturday morning.

4a.) (4:10-11) If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, what does that say about them?

4a.) It would lead me to believe the old self has not completely died. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17

4b.) (4:10-11) Their sense of self-worth?

4b.) Their self worth? I don't think I can speculate on that. All of us have our own baggage. However Paul gives us an example in how we should view our self worth in his letter to the Philippians: "I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Philppians 1:20-21

4c.) (4:10-11) Their maturity?

4c.) Their maturity... "I press on toward the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you." Philippians 3:14-15

4d.) (4:10-11) Their realism?

4d.) Reality?...They may think they are doing the work for Our Father; but, in reality, Our Father is doing His work through us, if we allow Him.

4e.) (4:10-11) Their humility?

4e.) I guess my first thought is how do you show your humility by talking about how humble you are? :blink:

4f.)What spiritual gifts has God given you, and how are you using them to his glory?

4f.) I am too humble to brag... :D But the Lord is stretching me in many directions. I pray that I will continue to be sensitive to His leading where I can glorify the Him.


They are proclaiming themselves as the centre of the goodness. They probably lack maturity and security. They are not proclaiming God as the centre or source of their ability.

My spiritual gifts are not, to many, very significant. However, I try to use the ones I have as best I can. I feel best in the 'back seat' but often find myself in the 'front' , helping to organize or lead. I think by being able to serve my church and community and also family, I am helping to use my gifts to God's glory. By not want to brag, My thirty five years in the classroom was a gift I hope that i was able to share with the children that I came in contact with. The gifts that they passed on to me number in the hundreds. Thank you, Lord, for those wonderful years.


Their focus isn't on God first but on themselves. They're being prideful and not giving God the glory. Their sense of self worth must be low in order to seek to build it up by receiving glory that should have gone to God. Their realism is a bad dream. The reality is that God created us and everything and has full control at all times over His creation. To believe that we are in control is diluded thinking. Humility is not accepting recognition for something. They show no humility but pride. I've take a spiritual gift test and it seems to indicate I have the gift of being a teacher. I have never taught and am not certain that this test is accurate. I am willing to try to teach but have not yet had the opportunity. I do read scripture in front of the congregation and I thoroughly enjoy that because it allows God's word to be heard and I strongly emphasize the areas where His word is the harsh truth to those who are disobedient (myself included). Our pastor doesn't seem to speak the harsh truth afraid the congregation may be too frail and leave. This affords me the opportunity to speak God's full truth to them. I think everyone needs to hear and know the full truth no matter how harsh it may seem. A pastor, is held accountable for the blood of his church and shouldn't care who leaves but rather who's soul will be saved. That's my belief. I am also an artist. I paint still lifes in oil. I will be painting some biblical scenes soon. Wouldn't it be great if a painting could bring just one to Christ? :)

Q4. (4:10-11) If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, what does that say about them? Their sense of self-worth? Their maturity? Their realism? Their humility? What spiritual gifts has God given you, and how are you using them to his glory?

Self-promoting people who are always pointing out how God is using them are generally insecure and want people to like them and think they are worth something. I think we can give them that. Anyway they have their reward. Mt 6:1-8 They are obviously insecure in their own relationship with God, and in their own sense of self-worth. I think that as a person matures in Christ his focus is less on himself and more upon Christ so that "...He must increase, but I [must] decrease." Jn 3:30 From my observation the young in Christ are thrilled that God would speak to them and use them, it's heady stuff and I think that should be thrilled with them. (Even if we have to plug our nose and hold our tongue) God will sort out the attitudes and self-promotion. He does very well at levelling us with a holy 2x4. As they are taught and ministered to and grow they become less self-aggrandizing and more humble.(I feel for them) I might add that sometimes older members of the Body can abet this by putting pressure on young ones to be "doing something" for God. You're somewhat less of a Christian if you're not "doing something". "How is God using YOU? ""What are YOU doing for God?" Please.

2. I love to study God's Word. This is something that has been with me since I came into the kingdom and has only grown. God gives me occasion to share what He shows me. I also love to worship God all day long and have opportunity to help in worship at various fellowships. I think God gifts us to meet the need at hand.


All glory belongs to God. We are only willing servants of the Lord. People that promote themselves usurp the glory that does not belong to them, and so are not true believers. Self important people do not glorify God by their behavior. "important " people don't seem to understand that none of us are worthy of the Kingdom. It is only by the saving grace of Jesus that we may enter. His teaching is that we must be humble servants to each other. Hubris is one of satans favorite stumbling blocks that he likes to put on our path, because he knows that we all want the credit for our deeds.

God gave me the gift of of being able, and willing, to speak in public. I often try to stimulate conversation in bible study by asking questions. In Sunday School I try to have material ready that compliments the study. The fervent hope here is that all may have an increased understanding of the Word, and be increasingly excited about the Good News!!

I believe that the Father is leading me as a lay speaker to take His Word outside of the comfortable confines of the church, and into the field. Please pray for me that I am doing His will, and that He will hold me up.


People who feel the need to boast about how God is using them are still babes in the christian walk. When we hear this happening we need to pray for them to realize it is not them that get the glory it belongs to the Lord Jesus. We can do nothing in and of ourselves, but only through the workings of the Holy Spirit. Their sense of self worth is either very high or they are using this to build themselves up. The maturity level, I would say is that of a very young christian and they do not yet realize everything should be done to bring glory to God. Humility is not one of their greatest assets, but it is possible to enter in to humility if others are praying for the person who are always promoting themselves and their works. We are told to not let the left hand know what the right hand is doing. To me that means no braging.

The Spiritual gifts that have been given to me are to be used to bring glory to our Lord and Savior. They are gifts to be used and not abused. Serve and be willing to go or do what ever the Holy Spirit leads me to do. Our life in all ways should reflect the love of Jesus. We should always be learning and seeking more wisdom. Hopefully we all are reflecting on the sacrifice made for us by Jesus. With out that we would be lost!!! :rolleyes:


Q4. (4:10-11) If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, what does that say about them? Their sense of self-worth? Their maturity? Their realism? Their humility? What spiritual gifts has God given you, and how are you using them to his glory?

People should not have to promote themselves. God certainly knows how He is using them. If they are promoting themselves it is out of pride instead of love for God.

I am in the middle of facilitating my second adult Bible study. I teach Sunday School to elementary age children. (I don't know if I have a gift for that but we always seem to have urgent needs in that area. I believe firmly our children must not be short changed when it comes to teaching them correct Christian doctrine. Too many churches spend a lot of time and money educating adults and much less on chidren.)


If people are always promoting themselves they are on a very dangerous path, losing sight of the Lord who called them.

Their sense of self-worth is not based on Jesus valuation of them.

Immaturity and ignorance exalt self.

This is not reality based as we are nothing without Jesus. Our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.

They do not understand the concept of humility, which is a very practical thing, not a philosophy.

God has given me emotional healing, which I minister under the authority of Living Hope counselling, and teaching which I use in children's ministry.


The first part of the question

tells me that I must be vigilant

in all my ways and not let pride

get any of my actions.

At all times I must aknoweledge

that is only by the grace of God

that I am able to breathe.

I used to be very insecure and

therefore I always tried to built

myself into something that I never


today I can see how far God has

brought me to serve him and glorify

hiim, worhip him in the Spirit.

I constantly ask God to help me to

discover the talent that he gave me

when I was born, the answer has not

come to me clear, so in the mean time

I stick to the Scripture that is teaching

me a new way of living and for that I am

truly grateful.

May God richly bless you.


(4:10-11) If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, what does that say about them?

They have forgotten where their abilities came from. When they feel they have the right to use their abilities as they please rather than use them to bless others and bring glory to God, they are treading on dangerous ground. Just as God gave those abilities to them, He can also take them away.

Their sense of self-worth? Their maturity?

Their sense of self-worth must be very important to them because they are attempting to show off their talents without having God in the picture at all. I don't think their level of maturity is very high because their pride and ego are standing in the way.

Their realism? Their humility?

They are not being at all realistic to think that they should receive the glory for their abilities rather than give glory to God, where it belongs.

What humility? I think they are so full of pride and self-worth that they don't know the meaning of humility.

What spiritual gifts has God given you, and how are you using them to his glory?

God has allowed me to do so many things in His name, from being Secretary-Treasurer of our little church, to teaching the Senior Adults, among other things. Also, He has given me so much guidance in planning our Ladies Prayer Retreats over the years, and it is always so exciting to know that God is in it.

I just give Him the praise and glory for anything He enables me to do in order to serve Him and those around me, whatever that might be. :)


Pastor Ralph, I am going to finish the lessons later. We have had a funeral and moving to do this past week. I am behind on my lessons. I hope to finish later. Please send me the rest of the class lessons. Thanks so much. I've enjoyed it and learned a lot. Sincerely, Suzzanne


:o The " I, I, I" peole are very self-centered even if they are in the ministry. They are still not mature in the Lord, they should humble themselves and should ask for Holy Spirit guidance in what they speak and claim.

God has given me the gift of organising and have used it in Sunday school, Youth activities and church activities. But I also got into troubles because of this either due my own foolishness and lack indepth knowledge of God's word as well as the satan's influence on the people I had to interact with. However God has blessed me with enough of maturity, now. :D





To me, when people promote themselves; they are giving attention to themselves, maybe they have pride or want to boast about the work they did. This may show the what kind of person they are. It shows that they have some maturity.

God has given me spiritual gifts, He has given me to speak in different kinds of tongues, and the gift of prophecy. Both of these, God is teaching me how to operate in these gifts, in a deeper way.


Q4. (4:10-11) If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, what does that say about them? Their sense of self-worth? Their maturity? Their realism? Their humility? What spiritual gifts has God given you, and how are you using them to his glory?

When people point to themselves as being God's instruments, they are correct. But in the process, if they gain extra mileage for themselves and try to cash in on the popularity, then they are grossly in the wrong. Many are this generations' healers and counsellors who demand a certain fixed sum of money for performing for God. They don't think for a second about the consequences, because their minds are full of money, money, and money. We can spot these kind of people from a mile. All the big names (most of them) that are constantly in the limelight are big frauds, playing on the emotions of people. Its very rampant in India, where I live. They do everything according to the rule book, scriptures, but only with a price tag. Its a pity because they don't think about the effect they are having on the Christians in general. It shows how immature they are in the spiritual realm, though they give high sounding sermons. They are not at all realistic, otherwise they will not stoop to such low levels. Their humility? Miles away from it. They are perched on top of their popularity and they certainly look down from there on common people. Its not criticism, but a fervent appeal for prayer for these kinds of christians who bring a slur on Christianity and Christians in general.

I praise God for the natural talents of music that He has given to me. I never had any formal education in music but I am able to play the keyboards and guitar and lead the english choir of my church since the past 25 years. My choir is united and sincere in its service. I praise God for each of the 30 voices in my choir. No the church has given me additional responsibilites as Bible study and Prayer cell leader. Previously I never used to speak in front of a crowd. But now, with the power of the Holy Spirit, I am able to teach the Word and lead many friends in this circle. I really wonder at God's wonder working power being manifest in and through me.


:P NIV> Some people,well aware of their abilities believe that they have the right to use their abilities as they please.Others feel that they have no special talents at all.Peter addresses both:everyone has some gifts.find yours and use them.God is praised when we use our abilities.

I like helping the poor through our Food Pantry at church.We all have some sort of gift that is called "Helps".We all can help our neighdor.

"Let your light shine before men,that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven Matt:5:16 Amen


When people promote themselves, it says one of two things: they are either very proud and high minded, or they have problems with their self worth and need the constant support of others. Both of these are scripturally wrong and need to be dealt with. Unfortunately, it has been my experience that this is a very prevelant sin in the church. Yes even among ministers and leadership. This problem tends to push others down or out of the way and breeds competition among God's people. I think it behooves every christian to examine themselves and see if they are doing this or not. If so, go to the Cross and nail it there and let the humble spirit of Christ pervade our lives.

Many may not agree with me, but when ask what my gift is I can only answer that it is what the Holy Spirit wants me to have at any given moment. I believe that all the gifts are in the Holy Ghost and if I am submissive to Him he will manifest that gift thru me when and where it is most needed. There are natural talents that each of us have and we should use them for the work of the Kingdom. But the gifts of God are supernatural and they will enable me to do many things for the Master if He so desires.

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