Kim E. Posted April 28, 2004 Report Posted April 28, 2004 Obviously people who are promoting themselves and their gifts are not viewing their gift properly. Our gifts are given to us directly by the Spirit of God. It is critical that we understand this. We do not generate the gifts ourselves. Because we have been gifted by God, we can not think highly enough of ourselves to have confidence in carrying out the ministry He has given us. But we also know that we should not think to highly of ourselves because the Spirit of God is the source of our gift. Spiritual gifts should elevate us and keep us humble at the same time. There is that juggling of several different principals that I find in the Christian life, as always. Self-worth, humility, realism, and maturity should come from God. In mature Christians you can see that they know where their worth comes from. They know that all gifts are for the common good. When you think in terms of everyone who is a Christian, has received a spiritual gift to discover and exercise, you should realize that God is equiping His church to influence the world. The glory is to God. As for my gifts, I believe there may still be some to be discovered. You never know. I sing in the choir, help out with the children and try to give and work where ever I can. I think that some gifts given and used by God I may not realize. I believe my abilities that help me make a living are a blessing to many people I help out. I don't always do what I do for a living, for money. Some people just don't have the money to pay for what I do. I try to help someone out doing pro bono work or making a barter exchange of something easy for them to give. A lot of times it is their time. If someone asks for help or I see a need I try to be there for them or help them. It could be helping with dinner, cleaning, etc. Like I said, you never know what little thing you do could be a gift from God. God is endlessly creative. Quote
PressThrough Posted June 23, 2004 Report Posted June 23, 2004 Q4. (4:10-11) If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, what does that say about them? Their sense of self-worth? Their maturity? Their realism? Their humility? What spiritual gifts has God given you, and how are you using them to his glory? In all things we are to give God the Glory for; as it is God who gave it to us. Quote
spclk22 Posted July 8, 2004 Report Posted July 8, 2004 They should not be promoting themselves but rather God and his wroking through them to lead others to serve him. I am not clear as to exactly what gifts he has given. But there maybe some gifts that he has given that we are never clear on and that we do our everyday things that help to serve him in ways that we can never comprehend or know about. Like if youwere to help someone who was less off than you and it was like second nature. Youdid not realize that God was working through you and how greatful that person was to have you to help them. Quote
peggysue Posted July 24, 2004 Report Posted July 24, 2004 God gives us gifts to be used for him and His glory,but He wants us to be humble towards Him and not proud and boastful as He has different plans and uses for all of us Quote
heatherdills Posted August 5, 2004 Report Posted August 5, 2004 If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, this says about them that they are looking for the respect of men rather than God. Their sense of self-worth is distorted. Their maturity has not developed. Their realism is off-center. Their humility is not evident. The spiritual gifts has God given me are music and discernment and I am learning to use them for His glory. Quote
peggysue Posted August 7, 2004 Report Posted August 7, 2004 we need to have a humble heart and gratitude towards Jesus,he has given us the gifts and uses different people in different ways Quote
steve.c Posted July 18, 2006 Report Posted July 18, 2006 If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, what does that say about them? Their sense of self-worth? Their maturity? Their realism? Their humility? What spiritual gifts has God given you, and how are you using them to his glory? If you promote yourself and take personal credit for your gifts and talents, you are failing to acknowledge their source which is from God to give glory to Him. God does not use our gifts. He does not need them. In thankfulness we should use them for Him. Someone who promotes himself or herself and not God shows an inflated idea of their worth which is completely misplaced. It means they have not taken to heart the teachings of Jesus and the ways of the kingdom of heaven which encourages meekness, humility, service and putting onesself last. God has given me so many gifts, including gifts of speaking and service. I try to witness as effectively as I can and at every opportunity but I know I could be more effective. This requires further mediation, prayer and study so that I can be prepared for every eventuality and, as a consequence, more effective. I volunteer my time to church fund raisings and other events but I know I could do much more. When I slack at whatever I am doing at work or at home (and I am afraid I do) I know that I am falling below the standards God has set me. In everything I do I must do it for the Lord; that is to my utmost. Quote
Jewell Posted June 25, 2007 Report Posted June 25, 2007 It says that their focus is on themselves, not on God. They are insecure and immature in their relationship with Christ. Quote
Craig Posted July 24, 2007 Report Posted July 24, 2007 Self promotion does not glorify God. It reveals a lack of spiritual maturity and lack of understanding regarding Christian humility and service. All for Jesus Christ should be the Christian's motto. God has given me the gifts of administration; teaching (all ages) and preaching. He has given me tenacity and determination in completing the assignments He has given me. He has blessed me in many other areas also. I use the talents and gifts God has given me to in being a Pastor (Grace Community Church of Live Oak, FL); to be a jail Pastor/teacher; to work with children with Christian Missions in Action in providing a free summer day camp and feeding program to the community; nursing home ministry; bread ministry/food pantry (working Love, INC.) and whatever the Lord brings my way. Quote
Robin D Posted April 25, 2008 Report Posted April 25, 2008 People who promote themselves often seek attention. They want others to validate how good they are. I believe God has given me the gift of teaching. Currently, I teach an elementary Sunday School class at church. I also believe God has given me the gift of encouraging others. I try to serve others by sending notes, cards, or making phone calls to check on others. Quote
Tabatha Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 Q4. (4:10-11) If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, what does that say about them? Their sense of self-worth? Their maturity? Their realism? Their humility? What spiritual gifts has God given you, and how are you using them to his glory? People who promote them selves and pointing to how God is using them, are usually lifing them selves up and taking the Glory from God. To me that says they are prideful, insecure, an want to be noticed for themselves. "THe word says to humble yourselves before Him and He will exault you in due season." They have very little self worth and on the flip side of the coin their self-worth is about themself. They are very imature. Very little humility. For these kind of people the hard part is understanding that our lives are to be used by God for His will, not ours. Peter is saying that the pruning process will make us better christian servants to bear the kind of fruit God wants from us. Many Christians brag about the gifts they have, the gifts are not theirs, they are for the body of Christ you are just the vessel the holy Spirit flows through to minister to the body, also out side of the walls of the church. Above all no matter how you think or feel you are to be a servant of the Lord to Glorify Him not your self. Personally I believe we should pray for the fruit of the Spirit before trying to move in the Spiritual gifts. With out the Love of Jesus they can be very prideful. God has given much but much He requires from me. Sometimes it scares me when He uses me becasue I don't want to make a mistake and mislead any one in the prophetic counseling or pray counseling becasue I am accountable for that soul if I send that person in the wrong direction. I always pray accuracy and that God will be seen and Glorified through what ever I do. I want God to trust me in the giftings He has put in me. I want Jesus to be seen not me. My heart is to serve Him and the people He puts in my path. That is my joy, to please Him. Quote
John Weir Posted July 17, 2008 Report Posted July 17, 2008 Q4. (4:10-11) If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, what does that say about them? Their sense of self-worth? Their maturity? Their realism? Their humility? What spiritual gifts has God given you, and how are you using them to his glory?;f=40&t=180 Sounds like a problem of pride. Proud to be used by God. And self-centred, not giving the Glory to God. They are obviously important in their own eyes and want others to know it. As one matures in the Christian faith, one learns to be objective about giving the glory for one's Spiritual and other gifts to God. Humility is not trying to elevate oneself, but being subservient in most situations. A quiet, reserved Spirit is what God wants of us, as we use our talents and gifts for Him. God has blessed me with the gift of speech, to encourage and uplift those around me. I revel in the joy of being a friend and help to others. Quote
Mrstoler Posted September 15, 2008 Report Posted September 15, 2008 It means they are pretending to be modest. They are "uncover" boasting. They are not really be mature. Well God has given me a few, but I am not using all of them. I was in church today and the Minister spoke about hiding and not using what God has given me and now I have come to this part of the study and the same thing is being said. I admit that I have been hiding and making excuses because of something that happen to my at another church. Quote
smurf1948 Posted October 1, 2008 Report Posted October 1, 2008 Q4. (4:10-11) If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, what does that say about them? Their sense of self-worth? Their maturity? Their realism? Their humility? What spiritual gifts has God given you, and how are you using them to his glory? I would say they are self serving. Wanting all the glory for themselves instead of giving it to God. Their self worth is probably very low and their trying to boost their ego. Their immature Christians and not humble but prideful. I'm still trying to learn what God has for me but he does have in a position as a Deacon working in the church. Quote
Rosie1Rose Posted October 16, 2008 Report Posted October 16, 2008 Q4. (4:10-11) If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, what does that say about them? Their sense of self-worth? Their maturity? Their realism? Their humility? What spiritual gifts has God given you, and how are you using them to his glory? My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Gal 2:20 Quote
paulcrf Posted November 26, 2008 Report Posted November 26, 2008 Q4. (4:10-11) If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, what does that say about them? Their sense of self-worth? Their maturity? Their realism? Their humility? What spiritual gifts has God given you, and how are you using them to his glory? If his intention is to gain recognition from others for his personal glory then that is self-righteousness which is like a filthy rag to God. If his intention is to give glory to God through his testimony, then I believe it will be pleasing to God. God will surely bless him. God made us for a purpose. Whatever we do, it should give glory to God. We are worth the life of Christ. We don't need the recognition or appreciation of others for the work we do for God. Immature believer usually seeks personal recognition for their efforts. But when we do something with the presence of the Holy Spirit in our heart, everything we do gives glory to God. The Holy Spirit in us keeps us humble because it is God whom we want to please and not man. I am still trying to discover my spiritual gift. I don't feel I excel in one area. But I always try to make myself available for any service which will glorify God. As of now, I handle cell group, my wife and me handles bible studies to two couples, I also conduct bible study during my lunch break to some of my students, and other church activities. I am happy doing this things for the glory of God. But above all, I always give glory to the Holy Spirit which gives me boldness and confidence in doing this things because with out the Holy Spirit, this task are quite difficult to handle. Quote
servant for Christ Posted June 24, 2009 Report Posted June 24, 2009 Q4. (4:10-11) If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, what does that say about them? Their sense of self-worth? Their maturity? Their realism? Their humility? What spiritual gifts has God given you, and how are you using them to his glory? They are boasting about themselves, leaving out God completely. They think they are doing it in their own power. They are self-pleasing. They are not very mature. They realism is very dim. They have no humility. The Lord has given me the gift of mercy. He has given me a compassion for people. I am also a servant for Christ. I reach out to people who are hurting and need healing. I love to serve people in any way I can. While I am doing this work, I give God the praise and glory for the work He does. I try to be the witness for him that he wants me to be. Quote
kenny Posted June 27, 2009 Report Posted June 27, 2009 Q4. (4:10-11) If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, what does that say about them? Their sense of self-worth? Their maturity? Their realism? Their humility? What spiritual gifts has God given you, and how are you using them to his glory? I think there are two case scenarios when looking at this subject. Firstly when a new christian starts to exercise his gifts and talents he may find himself or herself constantly trying to affirm their works for the Lord by telling others. In many of these cases I believe it is simply a sign of immaturity and a means of fitting in and feeling important.At this stage in their walk with Christ they may think it the normal thing to do. On the other hand their are those who we might classify as "mature Christians". who for for their own promotion,be that self worth or even in some cases financial gain. These people tend to publicly want to display all that they are doing.I think they lack real maturity and need to go back to the word of God and pray that they may experience revival in their hearts. For many years I asked God to reveal to me what my gifts were, always thinking of them in terms of the supernatural, like the gift of healing, talking in tongues, prophesy or some gift that would set me apart.Well let me tell all of you that are here or might ever get to this point, Stop! you may miss all the amazing gifts that God intended for you to use to glorify His name. My gifts are many, the most important to me is the ability to love others, to the point of loving even those who persecute or ridicule you.I am always greatly blessed when using the gift to teach others all the abilities that the Lord bestowed upon me namely, all aspects of building, electrical, plumbing, carpentry,as well as sharing Gods word whenever the opportunity arises,and let me say it does every day.So if anyone feels they have not yet discovered their gifts,stop! think of what you do everyday and prayer that the Spirit will guide you how to use your God given talents to glorify His name. Amen. Quote
Gann Posted February 26, 2010 Report Posted February 26, 2010 Q4. (4:10-11) If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, what does that say about them? When a person is only looking and promoting himself and how God is using him then he has allowed pride to slip in and take control of his mind, instead of giving Christ the Glory for all things because we cannot do anything without Christ that strengthens us. Their sense of self-worth? They are taking to much credit for what Christ is doing. It's good to allow Christ to work through us but we can never take credit for it. Their maturity? This person still has a lot of growing to do, and drawing closer to Christ Jesus for a closer revelation of Him. Their realism? They have not excepted the realism of the truth that every thing we do is about and because of Christ Jesus. Their humility? There is still need of repentance and humbling themselves before the Lord. What spiritual gifts has God given you, and how are you using them to his glory? The Lord has giving me a ministry through prison ministry and an opportunity to pastor a church and now He is even giving me an opportunity to go on a mission trip to Greece, I pray that some how the Lord will use me some how over there to glorify Him and His kingdom. And that I will always stay humble and recognize Him as Lord in my life in every thing I do. Quote
hanks Posted May 5, 2010 Report Posted May 5, 2010 Q4. (4:10-11) If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, what does that say about them? Their sense of self-worth? Their maturity? Their realism? Their humility? What spiritual gifts has God given you, and how are you using them to his glory? By promoting themselves, they perhaps, do not realize that the gift/s they have did not originate by their own effort, but was given to them by our Lord. We have to give God all the glory and recognition, acknowledging that it is God who empowers us. All the glory belongs to God. We should never become proud no matter how highly gifted we are. We have to remember that the gift did not originate with our effort. In fact everything, that means everything, we have comes from Him. I like to think I have the gift of discernment, hospitality and to serve Him. I definitely have not got the gift of teaching. I am actively involved in my church serving Him in various capacities; all background activities. I do this to serve Him and am grateful for the opportunities given to me by our Lord. Amen. Quote
Old Jerry Posted June 20, 2011 Report Posted June 20, 2011 If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, this says that they are self-absorbed. Their self-worth, maturity, realism and their humility is all about them and not about God. The spiritual gift and God has give me is that of being a servant and try to serve whenever I can. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted September 9, 2011 Report Posted September 9, 2011 Q4. (4:10-11) If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, what does that say about them? Their sense of self-worth? Their maturity? Their realism? Their humility? There's pride at work there if people are always going on about how much God is using them. That's a round about way of saying how good you are, even if you give token credit to God. Jesus told his disciples to keep to themselves how much they give to and help others so that even their best friends don't really know. OK, it's good to share with others when God has used us mightily but giving the Glory to God is hard to do without puffing our own chests up as well. What spiritual gifts has God given you, and how are you using them to his glory? Well, I'm a good listener and people tend to tell me things they don't often tell others. I don't consider myself a counsellor, just a good listener. Of course there is also my musical ability. I don't really consider myself gifted in that area. I just do my practice and the more I practice the more gifted I get. I used to play in Christian bands and solo as well, but these days I play in mainstream venues. I try to be a good ambassador for Christ, but often fail. Quote
wifee Posted December 5, 2012 Report Posted December 5, 2012 4a)If people are seeking to give selves glory rather than God,they are probably insecure in themselvesand their relationship with God,immature in their faith, have lower self esteem and lacking in humility of heart, and even awareness of self.They need our prayers, that they would realise who they are in Christ and realise their potential gifts to be used to serve the Lord. B)People say I’m a Barnabus, seeking to do God’s will. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted December 4, 2015 Report Posted December 4, 2015 Q4. (4:10-11) If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, what does that say about them? Their sense of self-worth? Their maturity? Their realism? Their humility? What spiritual gifts has God given you, and how are you using them to his glory? People who promote themselves because God uses them for the gifts he has bestowed on them, they are drawing attention to themselves instead of giving God the for the gift. The glory is to go to God not ourselves, these people who promote themselves, are boasting about their self worth, but without God giving them the gifts through his grace, they indeed would be nothing People who boast in their gifts are truly immature, drawing attention on to themselves, with little or no humility at all. They should humble themselves and give God all the glory for without him we are worthless and powerless. The spiritual gifts God has given me is raising a second family in my retired years. This, I know is a gift the Lord has given to me because without patience I could never do this. My second gift is visions, I still to this day fail to share what the Lord has shown me. The visions usually come to pass the same day or within a week or two. They are exactly detailed as they were revealed to me. I felt sorry for not disclosing my last vision, which happened three days after being revealed to me. In praying to the Lord, about my reason for visions and not revealing what God has revealed, a small quite voice came to me saying "how will anyone know that I'am the Lord, if you don't tell anyone". For me, point taken on the answer to my prayer. Quote
Joe_Applegarth Posted June 17, 2016 Report Posted June 17, 2016 If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, what does that say about them? That tells me clearly that they are a show horse in nature. They do things to glorify themselves and give back none of the glory to whom it belongs. That (whom) is God! Their sense of self-worth? Their maturity? Their realism? Their humility? “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” If you’re promoting self before God, that’s certainly not humility and should be seen as such. Without humility, you need work because you are certainly not a mature Christian. Allow me to rephrase Jesus' words; render unto God what is God’s, the rest belongs to you. If you indeed give all praise to the Lord God there’s nothing left and you are a humble, mature servant. What spiritual gifts has God given you, and how are you using them to his glory? He’s blessed me with the gift of language and service to others and I thank Him every time He gives me an opportunity to use them. I ardently strive to use both of these gifts for the glory of God every single day. Every word that I say and/or write has been gifted to me to share with others for His glory. I strive to do just that and I pray that’s the way God sees it when my time comes. Quote
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