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Q1. (Romans 8:9-11; John 14:23) Do people who aren’t Christians have Christ living within them? In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us? What should you do to make them feel “at home” in you? How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy. How might it differ? How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life? Your witness to others? Your spiritual power?

  • 2 months later...

No one who has yet to come to faith in Christ (with repentance of sin and trust in the salvation He has provided) has the Spirit of Christ living within them. When any individual confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord and believes in the heart that God raised Him from the dead, s/he is saved from sin (Romans 10:9). Then Christ and the Father make their home within that believer in the Person of the Holy Spirit (John 14:23).

What should I do to make God feel “at home” in me? For me, the “simple” answer is to love Him with all my heart, soul, strength, and mind (Matthew 22:37-38). This love will lead me to reflect His presence by showing love to others (1John 4:7-8). It will lead me to present my body in an act of worship as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God (Romans 12:1-2), to put off my old nature with repentant humility and be transformed by the renewal of my mind to discern the righteous mind of Christ (Ephesians 4:22-23). I will be motivated by my love for Christ to obey what He has commanded (John 14:15). My desire in all I do will be His glory (1Peter 4:10-11).  I think this is an environment where He will feel welcome and at home. Just like you and me, He wants to live in a place where He is loved.  This profound thought has hit me hard.  I certainly have a lot of work to do.

A home is where one resides. The tabernacle (later, the permanent temple) was originally established as the place where God came to dwell among His people (Exodus 25:8). So they are similar analogies. But He was never a permanent resident “at home” in this temple made by earthly hands (Mark 14:58: Acts 7:48; 17:24). Now, through Christ, the Spirit of God comes to live within believers as He literally makes us His eternal holy dwelling place (1Corinthians 3:17; 6:19). He has moved out of the temporary confines of an inferior earthly building into the hearts of a living, breathing Temple built of believers (Ephesians 2:21-22).

The essence of Christ’s character is holiness. The Spirit of God living within me is always at work to develop that spiritual character in me. Apart from Him within me, there is absolutely no possibility of holiness in my life, understanding of truth, or power for victory over sin. His presence in my life is the only source of spiritual power and direction. It’s my responsibility to choose either co-operation or resistance with His work. Evidence of spiritual growth will always include growth of holiness in thoughts and conduct (1Peter 1:15). Choosing Him and dying to self (Galatians 5:24) will be evidenced in the way I live, the things I most desire, the level of my obedience to be salt and light to others as a living testimony of His glory (Matthew 6:13-16). I am so thankful for the promise of Philippians 1:6 – I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

  On 7/23/2018 at 5:19 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Romans 8:9-11; John 14:23) Do people who aren’t Christians have Christ living within them? In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us? What should you do to make them feel “at home” in you? How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy. How might it differ? How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life? Your witness to others? Your spiritual power?


a. No, If a person has not surrendered to the Lord, the Holy Spirit does not reside in them. Romans 8-9b Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.

b. Christ and the Father make their home in us in the Person of the Holy Spirit.

c. To spend time in their presence in praise, worship and communion with them sharing your innermost thoughts.

d. They are both a dwelling place for the Spirit of God.  Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

e. I am not to sure about how it might differ.  In my thinking, we carry the Temple (A house - building or tent) in our body, the outward place - the outer court; Our Spirit (A Home, a place of warmth and love) - the Holy of Holies,  a place where the Spirit of God dwells.

f. The Spirit in us causes us to love and obey and changes us from glory to glory.   "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him." (John 14:23)

g. Your consciousness and fellowship of Christ in you empowers you to witness to others.

h. I have no spiritual power, except by the Spirit of God empowering me.



(Romans 8:9-11; John 14:23) Do people who aren’t Christians have Christ living within them?

No, you must have acknowledge Christ as your Lord.  A Christian is anyone that has the spirit of Christ living in him.  

In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us?

We, Christ and the Father.

What should you do to make them feel “at home” in you?

Live a life as he has directed.

How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy. How might it differ?

The Home Analogy is like the Temple Analogy because both states that the spirit lives within us.  They differ because the Home Analogy, the Spirit lives within our bodies as God does with the temple.  The Temple Analogy, the Spirit lives in us as a person dwells or resides in a house ,

How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life? Your witness to others? Your spiritual power?

You believe that Jesus Christ is Gods Son and eternal life comes through Him.  You will act as Christ has directed.  You will want to serve Him.  We will love and obey his commandments.


Those who do not believe in Christ do not have the Holy Spirit within them. The Holy Spirit is a gift in believing in Jesus Christ. 

In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us?  This Person is the Holy Spirit. They are three-in-one. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God and our Lord Jesus. 

What should you do to make them feel "at home" in you? This reminds me of when someone comes into my home and how I make them feel. I want to be welcoming, letting them know they are wanted in my home. I want to make them feel they can relax and be their true selves in my home. I want them to feel they can say anything and be accepted. I want them to feel they are valued. How do I make the Holy Spirit feel welcomed, wanted, accepted and valued? With intention to express these things and invite him to speak and with the petition to him to help me listen to all he wants to guide me in, convict me in and comfort me in. 

How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy. How might it differ? The Holy Spirit presence was in the physical tabernacle and later the Temple in the Holy of Holies. With believing in Jesus, the Holy Spirit coming to live within us in our home has effectively made us a living, breathing, walking temple of the Holy Spirit. The home is what we are used to but being the temple is new. Only the priests were allowed into the Holy of Holies and only one a year. If we look to the design God gave David for Solomon's Temple we can see how each part of us, body, soul and spirit are represented. The body is the outer wall and the outer courtyard with the five gates that correlate with our five senses. The inner wall and courtyard is the area of our soul. The Sanctuary is elevated so you have to enter by going up the steps and past the two columns of Boaz (in his strength) and Jachin (in his counsel). At the top of the stairs we enter through the doorway that is made of gold and bronze. This place is significant because it is the place where the gold and bronze are blended together. Everything going outward is made of bronze which means in the presence of sin and everything going inward from the door is gold which means in the presence of purity. Our soul has to choose each day to walk the steps up into the Sanctuary and into the presence of God in the Holy of Holies. This is where the Holy Spirit resides. Yes, we are the home of the Holy Spirit and the Temple but we have to actively with intention choose to go into the Sanctuary to have the Spirit-to-spirit connection. Temple Basics.pdf

How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life? Your witness to others? Your spiritual power? The Holy Spirit within us is the connection to The Power Source. Living out the holy and righteous standing the Jesus has given us is empowered by the Holy Spirit. Being a witness to others is because we have been given what we need to do that by the Holy Spirit. All the spiritual power we have to overcome our own tendencies and the temptation and deceptions around us is because of the Holy Spirit and our connection with Him. 


Do people who aren't Christians have Christ living within them?

No, they have a spirit but he/she doesn’t have The Spirit of Christ dwelling within. Hence as stated in the lesson, “Every human being has a human spirit, that which is the essence of that person's physical life (James 2:26) and the root of their personhood”.


In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us?

The Holy Spirit


What should you do to make them feel "at home" in you?

I should  -Surrender/yield, Love, Trust and Obey the guidance/teaching/Word of God.


How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy?

The Holy Spirit dwells within


How might it differ?

Perhaps in the context in which both passages are given:

House Analogy – “The Spirit lives in us as a person dwells or resides in a house (Romans 8:9-11; John 14:23)” -  as the Believer yields to the leading of the Holy Spirit’s counsel, he/she demonstrates loving The Lord thy God ….; he/she demonstrates adherence; he/she demonstrates His indwelling presence.

Born anew - being sanctified, each Believer has within themselves a principle higher and more powerful than his/her on natural desire/carnal desire/the flesh.


Temple Analogy – “The Spirit lives within our bodies as God does within his temple (1st Corinthians 6:19-20)” – as the Believer reverence the Holy Spirit’s presence, he/she demonstrates honoring the Lords vessel; he/she demonstrates His glory; he/she demonstrates His indwelling presence.

Because our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, God Himself lives within us. Meaning we afforded to us the strength, the power over the sins of the flesh living within us.


How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life?

Affect/move/influence holiness in my life - In every instance of my life I believe the Spirit is speaking (within the four walls {church}, outside the four wall, in the vineyard {workplace}, during my leisure time, during consecrated time, in the midst of havoc/chaos, in simple and complex moments, etc.…), when I am attentive, when I am quite and my hearing is sensitive to hear His voice I adhere to His will.

As I abide holiness in my life service the Lord and others, when I do not abide holiness eludes my life during those moments, sadly influencing others adversely.


Your witness to others?

As I die to my own ungodly desires and adhere to The Spirit I demonstrate His Will wherein the sanctity my living has the potential to plant or water according to His Will.  My acts/actions/behavior has a greater opportunity to bless:


If/as I yield to His Leading - He brings to remembrance His teaching (Beatitudes).

John 14:26 -But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit — the Father will send Him in My name — will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you”

If/as I abide in Him, I’ll be cognizant of His personal witness (WWJD).

John 15:26 -  When the Counselor comes, the One I will send to you from the Father — the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father — He will testify about Me.

If/as I adhere to His Guidance - He convicts me of sin (repentance /forgiveness).

John 16:8 - When He comes, He will convict the world about sin, righteousness, and judgment”

If/as I am quite/rest at His feet - He guides me to/thru truth (walk in the abundance of Him).

John 16:13 - When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth. For He will not speak on His own, but He will speak whatever He hears. He will also declare to you what is to come. 


Your spiritual power?

My spiritual power lies in surrender to Him according to His Will.



Do people who aren't Christians have Christ living within them?

Anyone who loves Jesus and obeys his teaching, His Father will love that person and they would come to dwell in that person. This is the gist of what we find in (John 14:23) This basically means that those who do not obey Christ’s teaching are not Christians and Christ will not invite his Father to dwell in that person. (Romans 8:9b) defines who is a Christian

In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us?

They will make their home in us in the Person of the Spirit.

What should you do to make them feel "at home" in you?

As the host of the Most High and His son Jesus I would be guided by (Galatians 5:22-23) to be seen with, “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness gentleness and self-control.”

How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy?

They are both dwelling places with rooms or areas for special use.

How might it differ?

Not every home will be found with a room set aside for the Ark. The alter for incense and the bronze alter found in the temple cannot be a feature in every home.

How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life?           

The Spirit will dull the senses that yearn for sensual pleasures and this will inevitably raise the degree of holiness through devotions and regular prayers.

Your witness to others?

As the Spirit convicts sin I will bear witness boldly and with great conviction of my changed person and new experience of a sinless life, convince those still blind to obey the word of Jesus Christ.

Your spiritual power?

With the guidance from the Spirit I am bound to realise powers of a spiritual nature that I did not possess in the past as well as being certain of the required behavior or action in any situation no matter how challenging.


The person who has not accepted Christ as their personal Savior does not have Jesus or the Holy Spirit living in them, rather they have evil dwelling in them.

The Holy Spirit is the one who fills us and lives within us. That way Jesus lives in and through us.

We must surrender daily to the Spirit of God. As we do that, they are at home within us.

The Spirit living in me allows me to be used for Gods purpose to bring glory to Him, as the Spirit lives in me as a dwelling place. 

My spiritual power is the demonstration fruit of the Spirit in my life

  On 7/23/2018 at 5:19 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Romans 8:9-11; John 14:23) Do people who aren’t Christians have Christ living within them? In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us? What should you do to make them feel “at home” in you? How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy. How might it differ? How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life? Your witness to others? Your spiritual power?


No, Until you aspect Jesus as your savior the spirit will not live with in you.

The spirit will, God and Jesus will make a home within us.

By fellowshipping with them through the Word.Obey his teaching.

The Holy Sprit lives in us as.....As God does in his Temple

The Holy Spirit affects everything,He gives me the the boldness, the spiritual power to use his name, and the righteousness of God.



Q1. (Romans 8:9-11; John 14:23) Do people who aren't Christians have Christ living within them? In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us? What should you do to make them feel "at home" in you? How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy. How might it differ? How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life? Your witness to others? Your spiritual power?


1. No "And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ." (Romans 8:9b) 

Without the Holy Spirit we are "without hope and without God in the world" (Ephesians 2:13).


2. We have to have God's Spirit living within us!


3. Love God and obey his teaching.  


4. The spirit lives in or dwells in you just as in a temple when worshiping him.


5. The phrase "lives in you" or "dwells in you is spiritual" "to reside." "The spirit can dwell in a house" or "a temple which is inside a building." The spirit can dwell in both. 


6. With the Spirit we can plumb the depths of God and know the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:10-16).We have a relationship with God by obeying him and worshiping him.


7. They can see the God in you by the way you live and carry yourself as an example. You can be lead and guided by Christ when to and how to plant or water which allows God to give the increase.


8. You will experience an overflowing of the Spirit.

Posted (edited)

Q1. (Romans 8:9-11; John 14:23) Do people who aren't Christians have Christ living within them? In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us? What should you do to make them feel "at home" in you? How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy. How might it differ? How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life? Your witness to others? Your spiritual power? 

You can’t be a non-Christian and expect to have Christ living in you. Tis either/or according to the Bible. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. (Romans 8:9). Christ is what being a Christian is all about, or should I say to be like Christ is what being a Christian is all about. Christ and our Father make their home in us by way of the Holy Spirit. You should make them feel at home by striving to be perfect, even as Christ is, living a holy life, searching out the lost and preaching/teaching the gospel to all, showing kindness and compassion to all, including our enemies, praying constantly and most of all, exhibiting a spirit of love. The Home Analogy is like the Jewish Tabernacle and Temple in that while God made His home in the Holy of Holies, He now makes it inside of His followers. The Spirit has a profound effect on a Christian’s holiness of life in that He empowers you to be holy. He will tell you what to say when witnessing to others because witnessing is not a textbook scenario where everyone is approached in the same manner even though the core of the message must never change.


When I made the above post, it was late at night and I wasn’t completely awake and although I’m not changing what I said, I feel the need to append something very important that I missed. This morning as I was briefing down through the lesson I stopped at the picture depicting the tabernacle complex and suddenly realized just how much God has placed in us when He gave us the Holy Spirit. It was such an overwhelming feeling when I realized that we represent the Holy of Holies in us. How special is that? It gave me a whole new outlook on what Christianity is all about. Visions of the tabernacle and temple raced through my head, thinking about the prophets who were selected to enter this area and how esteemed was that honor. And to think God has placed all of that in us!


Edited by Uncle Dave
I was tired and 1/2 asleep when I made the original post. I kept the original but appened it. The addon is a different colot.

Q1. (Romans 8:9-11; John 14:23) 
Do people who aren't Christians have Christ living within them? 
In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us? 
What should you do to make them feel "at home" in you? 
How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy? 
How might it differ? 
How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life? 
Your witness to others? 
Your spiritual power? 

No, it is only when they become Christians that they have Christ via the Holy Spirit living in them. It is when they have sincerely put their trust in Christ for their salvation and acknowledge Him as Lord that the Holy Spirit comes to live within them and they become believers/Christians.
Jesus Christ and the Father make their home in the Holy Spirit that lives in us – it is the means by which they are in us. 
It is through our obedience to the Father that we make them feel at home. Loving obedience brings about a deepening relationship with our Lord Jesus. Jesus Himself said that if we love Him we will obey Him, and it is this obedience that brings about a deepening quality of intimate fellowship.
Our bodies are the temple – the Holy Spirit comes to live in us; every believer is indwelt by the Spirit of God. Our bodies were bought at a price – the precious blood of our Lord Jesus. This makes me realise that because of His great love and sacrifice, I owe it to Jesus not to abuse my body, but to use it to glorify God, to the One to which it belongs.
For God’s temple is holy and we (collectively) are that temple (1 Cor 3:17).
The Holy Spirit makes us spiritually live, and we are excited about all things spiritual. It’s exciting to be seeking our Lord, His Word, and worshipping Him; at the same time, we spend more time in prayer and in our relationship with Jesus. There is a peace that has overcome us. Now we focus more on things eternal, and less and less on satisfying our previous corrupt nature.
The fruit of the Spirit becomes more and more visible in us as we become more and more like Jesus. This has a positive impact on unbelievers as they desire these same characteristics. The Holy Spirit gives us the confidence and the words to witness to others.
The Holy Spirit still works in and through believers to accomplish His will, and His power leads us, convicts us, teaches us, and equips us to do His work and spread the gospel. The Holy Spirit’s indwelling is a powerful force that we have not always acknowledged, or made use of.


No. Christ, through the Holy Spirit, indwells only in believers.

Christ and the Father make their home in us through the Holy Spirit.

One must continue to have faith, teach God’s words to unbelievers, and continue Jesus’ work.

Just as our body and our spirit within dwell in a house, God, through  the Holy Spirit, indwells in and guides believers.

The Spirit living within us enables us to know what is in God’s heart that is what He desires of us.  This thus makes  us more like Jesus’s disciples as we spread God’s  word, care for the poor, the suffering, the sick, work towards making the word a better place.

My witness to others is that God exists and only through Him can we have that eternal life once we believe in Him.


Q1. (Romans 8:9-11; John 14:23) Do people who aren't Christians have Christ living within them? In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us? What should you do to make them feel "at home" in you? How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy. How might it differ? How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life? Your witness to others? Your spiritual power?

No. people who are not Christians do not have Christ living in them. Only people who know Christ have the Spirit in them. Only the ones who have accepted the gift of salvation have the Spirit dwelling in them.

Christ and the Father make their home in us by the Spirit that comes to dwell in us. It is the Spirit who gives us life and helps us understand what god has written to us in His word. It is the Spirit who brings us to God and who teaches us. It is the Spirit who gives the power to live a godly life.

I believe that to make the Spirit at home in me I need to spend more time reading and studying and memorizing bible passages. I need to spend more time praying to God and then listening to what He has to say. I need to be more careful in what I say and do because I reflect Christ to the world. I need to learn what it really means to have a gentle and quiet or humble spirit like He did. I need to learn how to love others regardless whether they love me in return. And I need to focus on reaching out to others and witnessing more.

The home analogy is that God dwells among His people in their temples or bodies. Because the body is the house for the spirit and soul of man like the Jewish temple or tabernacle contained the holy of holies. Because we have been saved and accepted the gift we have the Spirit dwelling within our souls or spirits. We have Him within our inner dwelling place like the tabernacle held the holy of holies.

The only way it differs is that with the tabernacle only the priests could go into the inner chamber not the regular people. But with the Spirit living in us we can communicate with God anytime we want to because of what Christ has done for us. Jesus is our priest and mediator before God and He paid the full price, so we could freely come before God, the Father.

It affects me when I do something I am not supposed to, and I feel guilty. It affects me when I hurt someone dear to me and I am made uncomfortable until I make amends. It affects me in my dealings with other Christians and keeps me from saying things that might offend them. It causes me to try and reach out to others in the body more.

Unfortunately, my spiritual power is not what it should be now. I do not spend enough time with God and His Word to get all I need. I fail a lot of times to act like I should. I fail to always show Christian love and I struggle with doubt, fears and insecurities a lot. I struggle to believe that He will come through for me. I spend too much time on other things sometimes and not enough time with Him. I am barely holding on right now.

As far as witnessing I have not done much of that lately. People who I talk to on a senior van do not really want to hear about God. So, I just pray for them instead. And some people who take me for rides are Christians but have issues in their lives too. I sometimes try to talk to them and try to help them without offending them. I do not see many people to talk to about it.



Q1. (Romans 8:9-11; John 14:23) Do people who aren't Christians have Christ living within them? In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us? What should you do to make them feel "at home" in you? How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy. How might it differ? How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life? Your witness to others? Your spiritual power?


People who aren’t Christians don’t have Christ living in them because they have not accepted Him into their lives at all. The person that Christ and the Father make their home in us is the Holy Spirit. More time with Him, more time in prayer, less time focusing on worry, less time focusing on my two addictions. Less time fighting with mom and more time learning to be peaceful. Less time swearing, more time spent memorizing scripture. The home analogy is like the temple analogy because our body is the the temple of the Holy Spirit. It is also the home for it as well. It is different in the fact that the temple the High Priests could only go into the Holy of Holies to talk to God once a year and offer an atonement for the sins of the people each year. With us we can talk to God any time because the Holy Spirit lives in us and Jesus is our high priest so we have the ability to talk to the Lord anytime without offering a sin offering. It causes you to want to live a life of holiness. It will inspire you to witness to anyone who is in your path when God asks you to talk about Him. When the Spirit is in you; you are empowered to do whatever work God has for you.



Q 1 (Romans 8:9)-11; John 14:23) Do people who aren’t Christians have Christ living within them? In what person do Christ and the Father make their home in us? What should you do to make them feel “at home” in you? How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy? How might it differ? How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life? Your witness to others? Your spiritual power?

1 If the person is not a Christian, he does not have the Holy Spirit living within .

2. From John 14:23 “,..;and  we will come to him and make our home with him” reference to God’s Holy Spirit.

3. I  should honor God' Spirit with my whole body

4. In the Old Testament, the Jewish Tabernacle and later temple, held the holy of holiest that contained an ark, it represents the throne of God in the mist of his people. Thus, Paul, contrast this analogy God's Spirit now “indwelling within” a person

5.The  different is,   God no longer dwell in Tabernacle or temples, He now, dwell in man through the Holy Spirit. 

6. It affect my holiness of life knowing that this precious gift, opens benefits to searching the dept of his Word. With out the Holy Spirit we are “without hope and without God in the world” (Ephesians 2:13) With the Holy Spirit, He will teach us how to witness to other.

7. My spiritual power, Is the Holy Spirit dwelling in me. All i am or hope to be is in him. 


Q1. (Romans 8:9-11; John 14:23) Do people who aren't Christians have Christ living within them?

ALL people are born with a 'spot' in them that GOD has reserved for Himself. It is a place of hunger that people can spend their whole life trying to fill to feel satisfied but to no avail until they invite the 'Spirit of GOD' into their heart. When we focus on that spot and treat it like a Temple then 'Christ' will come to dwell in it and then the spirit of this sinful world moves out. 

In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us?

The Holy Spirit is the resident that represents The Father and the Son living within those that invite 'Them' in. 

What should you do to make them feel "at home" in you?

When the 'Spirit of Truth is invited in 'He' will tell and show you how to live righteously , just listen and obey and surrender your heart to Him.

How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy. How might it differ?

The Temple is a place where GOD will meet with His people, a place of Holiness where you visit ; but your home ( that 'GOD SPOT') is His place to dwell where there is a full time relationship and conversation with the Holy Trinity, within each surrendered heart.

How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life?            Your witness to others?             Your spiritual power?

As the Holy Spirit resides within an individual , your love for God overrides your desire for the things of this world and your spirit becomes anew and alive because of His Righteousness ;  which in turn will be a witness to others that there has been a change ( for the better ) that they will see and feel in you that prayerfully gives them a hunger to have that same JOY living in them.

You will have a power to overcome and deny the ways of this world as you surrender your heart more and more to the HOLY Spirit,  then the Gifts and Fruit of the Spirit take over, it is then that GOD can really use you to do some pretty wonderful things for the Kingdom of GOD.

" You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ.10  But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness." "And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living (oikeōin you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in (enoikeōyou. (Romans 8:9-11)

"If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him." (John 14:23)

  • 2 weeks later...

A person who has not accepted Christ as their personal Savior, who has not been born again, who has not been washed in the blood of the lamb. who have not confess and repented of their sins and who does not believe that God raised Jesus from the dead is not a Christian.  We are Christians because we have done all of the above which are the requirements demanded by God.  Once we have done these things then we are added to His church by Him and are no longer sinners, but Christians.  We have decided to follow Jesus and walk in holiness and righteousness.  We may not be perfect at all times, but when we repent we are forgiven and are still covered by grace and mercy.  The Spirit of God can not live in a sinful body for God hates sin and can not dwell in a sinful soul.  God knows the heart of man and as man walks with God it must be in the beauty of holiness. As Christians, we live our lives according to His purpose and His purpose is for us to do good works and glorify Him in all things righteous and holy.  If we are not living as such than He is not in us. God and Christ live in the hearts of those who are obeying and walking in the word and the Holy Spirit also lives in those who are called according to His purposed.  Every man has the choice to a be Christian but every man is not a Christian.  They have not chosen to live a Christian life. It is not according to how we want to live it but how God has required us to live it.  It is His will that matters, not ours.

  On 7/23/2018 at 5:19 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Romans 8:9-11; John 14:23) Do people who aren’t Christians have Christ living within them? In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us? What should you do to make them feel “at home” in you? How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy. How might it differ? How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life? Your witness to others? Your spiritual power?


No they don’t, because they are denying Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  The people that have a personal relationship with God and Jesus Christ with the Holy Ghost as well.  Be kindhearted, teach them about God and His love.  Pray for them, love them.  They both bring us closer to God.  The temple is a sacred place and God takes His temple very serious.  It guides us through life through the easy times and the hard times, it refines us.  We have to set examples to other believers.  It shows the world that we belong to Christ and God.


Q1. (Romans 8:9-11; John 14:23)

Do people who aren't Christians have Christ living within them?


In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us?

In the person of God the Holy Spirit

What should you do to make them feel "at home" in you?

We must obey God's word and keep ourselves clean from sin.

How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy. How might it differ?

How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life? Your witness to others? Your spiritual power?

With the Spirit we can plumb the depths of God and know the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:10-16). Without the Holy Spirit we are "without hope and without God in the world" (Ephesians 2:13).



Q1. (Romans 8:9-11; John 14:23) Do people who aren’t Christians have Christ living within them? In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us? What should you do to make them feel “at home” in you? How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy. How might it differ? Your witness to others? Your spiritual power?

a.(Romans 8:9-11; John 14:23) Do people who aren’t Christians have Christ living within them?

Whoever does not have the belief or faith in Christ does not have Christ living in them ,When Christ lives in a person ,the spirit of Christ is in him and he is right with father God.

b.In Holy Spirit ,the third  person  of Trinity 

c.What should you do to make them feel “at home” in you?

Whoever loves me will obey my teaching (Obedience to the commandments through Faith)My Father will come to him ,My Father and I will come and live with him .John 14/23

d. How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy. How might it differ?

Temple is the abode of God and our body becomes the place of living God ,

It differs in that a physical temple is made of bricks and building ,but our body itself is a creation and living temple .

e.My witness to others is the Hope and Joy of the Messiahs in the the worldly life ,

f.Your spiritual power?

My Spiritual power is fruits of the spirit

Patience ,over-comers in strife ,(forbearance) ,joy ,peace ,hope ,Godly wisdom and discernment , ,understanding of word and commandments ,,fortified ,counsel .self control .long suffering ,gentleness .chastity .piety ,etc 


  On 7/23/2018 at 5:19 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Romans 8:9-11; John 14:23) Do people who aren’t Christians have Christ living within them? In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us? What should you do to make them feel “at home” in you? How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy. How might it differ? How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life? Your witness to others? Your spiritual power?


Q 1a. Unbelievers are still "dead" in that their spirit has not been reborn or regenerated through saving faith in Jesus Christ. So "no" they do not have the Holy Spirit living within them.

b. The Holy Spirit is the Person who comes to dwell in us after we have placed our trust in Jesus, God's Son.

c. We welcome those we love with affection and love. We welcome Holy spirit in the same way and with honor, respect and gratitude. We listen to those we love, and is another way we welcome Holy Spirit....ears tuned to His voice for whatever He wants to say to us and to then obey or act upon His words. The way we choose to live is a welcoming to Him, in that we don't expose His "eyes" to unseemly movies, books, conversation, habits, addictions,  conversation or behavior...those things which grieve Him.  "We are to walk and conduct ourselves as Jesus walked and conducted Himself." I John 1:6. (impossible to do on our own....He is our conscience and helper)

d. When the Israelites were living in the wilderness, our God came down and dwelt with them in a "mobile home" or tabernacle covered with animal skins to conceal the beauty and holiness within. (How like Him to long to be with us,  and now to be at home in us!) The tabernacle was a picture or "type and shadow" of Jesus so that they would recognize Him when He came....clothed in human skin looking weak and fallible like everyone else, and which concealed His" God-ness" and Holy beauty within. Likewise the temple...finally in a permanent place built of stone and covered in gold to distinguish it from all other man made structures. To them it was God's "permanent" home among them and the place where they went to be taught and to seek forgiveness and reconciliation. "God's Home" on earth, which they no longer had to carry on their shoulders.

The Temple differed from a home  in that they could not just walk in unannounced as one would with family or at any time they felt like "a visit". They had to be represented by the High Priest and could not come empty handed, but with an appropriate sacrifice of an animal without blemish, or a bird, or grain depending upon the need. They were not allowed into the Holy of Holies where the Ark resided, containing the elements which symbolized man's rebellion against God, (The tablet of the 10 Commandments (Law), a golden pot of manna, and Aaron's rod that budded), but covered with the mercy seat of gold on which sat the two cherubim, and upon which blood was sprinkled. (Sacrificial rituals had to be observed without exception.) It was a fearful place rather than a true home to them. It was a place of fire and blood being spilled.  God's wrath was poured out upon Jesus for our sins, when Jesus' sinless blood was poured out for us, and He is  no longer to be feared, but rather to be in Awe and amazed at His grace and mercy toward us. (I John 4:18)

e.: Because Jesus is my Savior, Holy Spirit lives in me permanently until I'm called to my eternal and REAL HOME! His blood cleanses me daily from all sin and  unrighteousness.  His Word says: "As Jesus is in Heaven, so am I on earth" ( I John 4:17), seated with Him at the right hand of the Father, in a permanent place of His love, acceptance, and conferred Holiness. For whatever is born of God is victorious over the world" I John 5:4  "Anyone who confesses and "owns" that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides and makes His home in him and he abides, makes his home in God" I John 4:15.

f: Holy Spirit leads me to those who don't yet know Him, inspires my words and empowers them to the hearer, pours His love through me so that the hearer desires to know and become one of God's sons or daughters. He is a gentleman and gives me wisdom in sharing without defensiveness if one disagrees.  

g.: He has given me gifts (as He does according to His will to each of His children) which He "operates" through me to impact the lives of others. I'm never alone or on my own...He is always "awake" and on "duty".  He gives me the "Unction to function" I John 2:20

  • 1 month later...

Q1. (Romans 8:9-11; John 14:23)

Q. Do people who aren't Christians have Christ living within them?

A. No

Q. In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us?

A. Those that have received the Lord Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit

Q. What should you do to make them feel "at home" in you?

A. Love and obey them 

Q. How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy.

A. Just as the presence of the Lord God was present in the Temple so is the presence of the Holy Trinity present in our bodies (heart)

Q. How might it differ?

A. The difference is that our bodies and living temples (homes) for God

Q. How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life?

A. He empowers me to know and do the right thing

Q. Your witness to others?

A. Makes me effective

Q. Your spiritual power?

A. Great

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