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People who aren’t Christians do not have Christ living within them. The person that Christ and the Father make their homes in us is through the Spirit. In order to make them feel at home within us we should recognize that the Spirit is living within us and welcome him in to our body. We should live the way that we are guided by the Spirit. The home analogy is the Spirit is living in us and the Temple Analogy the Spirit is living in temple. The Spirit living within me affect me in a way that I want to live a life for Christ.

  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/24/2018 at 1:19 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Romans 8:9-11; John 14:23) Do people who aren’t Christians have Christ living within them? In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us? What should you do to make them feel “at home” in you? How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy. How might it differ? How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life? Your witness to others? Your spiritual power?

In Biblical terminology, non-Christians do NOT have Christ living within them. Of course, the Father can still draw such a person to come to Christ (John 6:65), but technically he doesn't yet have Christ living in him.

Christ and the Father comes to dwell in him in the Person of the Holy Spirit. He is "the other" Paraclete.

Since Christ is without sin and God the Father is holy, I should also live a holy life, if I want them to feel at home in me.

Both Home and Temple give the idea of something housing someone, so that it has the presence of that someone. I'm not sure if there's a difference. If I must propose a difference, it is that Temple emphasizes holiness and reverence, whereas home emphasizes warmth, relationship and rest.

The Spirit of holiness will convict me of sin, give me desire to pursue holiness, and give me power to do so. He also gives me the boldness and words to witness to others. He gives me spiritual power to do the works of God.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q1. (Romans 8:9-11; John 14:23) Do people who aren’t Christians have Christ living within them? In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us? What should you do to make them feel “at home” in you? How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy. How might it differ? How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life? Your witness to others? Your spiritual power?

People who aren't Christians do not have Christ living within them.  The word "Christian" implies that one is affiliated with Christ in relationship, and our relationship with Christ starts with confessing that He is Lord and believing in our heart that God raised Him from the dead.  We confess Jesus as Lord and at that moment, the Spirit enters and lives in the believer.  (Lesson 2)  Christ and the Father make their home in us through the Spirit because the Spirit, the Son and the Father are One, Three-in-One.

To make them feel "at home" in me, I should live a life of holiness.  I should keep a clean slate by regularly confessing my sin, and live a surrendered life so that I make the Lord's will supreme to my own.  By doing this, I will have the right attitude toward living for Him, and God will be able to use me for kingdom purposes.  

My heart is Christ's home and the home for the Spirit to live.  Just as the temple was the dwelling place for God, our body is the dwelling place for the Spirit, but the two aren't the same.  In the temple, the presence of God is only found in the Holy of Holies and can only be accessed by the priest at specific times.  We have access to the Holy Spirit 24/7 and don't have to go through an elaborate ceremony, but we experience the presence of the Holy Spirit best when we aren't engaged in sin.  Because I want the Spirit to guide me every day and fill me, I strive to live a life of holiness so that I don't quench his work in me.  The Spirit helps me make right choices, He gives me wisdom in dealing with people, insight to understand difficult situations.  This makes relationships more solid and fulfilling.  It also makes others wonder at the kind of person I am and why I'm that kind of person.

There was a point in time when I realized I wasn't experiencing the depth of the Spirit's power that I was meant to have.  I wasn't aware that Holy Spirit was more than just a tag line on the title of the Trinity "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."  I was at a retreat one May during college and I went out alone on a hillside after a particularly rich time of worship.  I looked up at the heavens and declared to God, "If there is more of you that you have for me, I will receive it!"  At that moment, I was overcome by a sense of God's presence that filled me with joy and spiritual ecstasy, the likes I had never felt before in my life.  I felt a longing to follow Him, serve and obey Him above every other earthly desire.  One of the biggest evidences that I experienced an overflowing of the Spirit was a new ability and desire to forgive my mother for emotional hurt that she'd inflicted on my during years that she chose her career over her children.  It was a freeing, liberating, and exhilarating event that changed my life forever! 

  • 2 weeks later...

Christ does not dwell in those who have not accepted Him as their Savior.  

The Father and Son make their home in us through the Holy Spirit. He makes his home in us when we invite him in by Loving God and obeying his teachings as we learn more about him.

In ancient times a deity dwelt in a temple but by human hands to honor him.  The temple is not ours it is His.  In the same way our body is not ours it belongs to God, but there is nothing we can do "deeds" to bring the Holy Sprit to us other than accept Christ.

For Him to make a HOME in us we must love him.  The temple had any restrictions and regulations to enter.  The only thing needed for the Holy Spirit to enter us is our acceptance of Christ.  For him to dwell we need to love God.

Having the Holy Spirit dwell in me makes a constant yearning that can't be filled by anything but knowing God personally and coming to him daily.  This yearning let's things I used to hold as important fall to the wayside so I can focus on His Kingdom rather than earthly desires.  

I try to allow the spirit to guide me when it comes to witnessing- timing, the words to say, - it is no longer me operating on my own strength but on His.  

I am still uncertain about the spiritual power within me other than the ability to lean on Christ.


Q1. (Romans 8:9-11; John 14:23) Do people who aren’t Christians have Christ living within them? In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us? What should you do to make them feel “at home” in you? How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy. How might it differ? How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life? Your witness to others? Your spiritual power?

A person who is so sure of his spiritual lineage that he belongs in the kingdom of God is the one in whose life Christ lives in. How can we ensure our spiritual lineage, that we are indeed a child of God? In Romans 8:16, we read that the Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. In other words the Spirit of God tells us that we are His. A person who believes  in His sacrificial death will  have Christ living in him and not otherwise. So those who aren’t Christians, I the sense they haven’t received Christ in their lives will not have Christ living in them. 

A person who loves Jesus and keeps His words and trust Him for his/her salvation , that person is loved by the Father and both the Father and Christ will make Their home in him/her in the person of the Holy Spirit. When that happens we belong to His kingdom and become the children of God. 

When the Holy Spirit dwells in our hearts, we have the Lord in our lives. But the question is does the Lord have us. We should be so yielded to His Holy Spirit that we hear His instructions and make Him feel at home in our lives. He becomes the authority of our lives. It’s no longer me but it becomes all about Him. So often we want to do be in the driver’s seat of our lives and make Him sit behind. It’s as though, yes I have the Lord in my life, but I will decide how my life is to be lived out. That “I” has to surrender. To make Him feel at home I have to allow Him to steer my life in the way He wants to, and set myself behind Him, trusting Him, knowing that He loves me and will bring me to an expected end. I wish that would be the case always in my life. That I would adopt the posture of a humble servant before the Lord, knowing that my life is to be lived out to, pleasing to Him. 

The Temple is the place of God’s habitation. Even if it’s men who built it, it is called as God’s temple.  A home is for our habitation. But when we become His, He chooses to come and dwell in our lives. In that sense the temple analogy is similar to home analogy. Once we are born again, I become His place of habitation and the temple of God, where God dwells. 

It differs in the sense, home is where a friend could just barge in, even uninvited. There is more accessibility to the home than the temple. In the temple only priests were allowed to enter in to the Holy Place. Into the Most Holy Place where the shekinah glory of the Lord dwelt, only the High Priest was allowed access and that too only once a year with appropriate sacrifices.  But thank God, as we become His temple, He even elevated us to become “priests” and kings unto Him. As a priest we minister to Him and serve Him and that’s a high and holy calling that He has given us. And we have a great High Priest, Jesus Christ, who has torn down the veil of separation to the Most Holy Place and declares it is open house and we have the privilege to enter in with boldness into the Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus our Lord. And as priests we are to approach Him moment by moment to receive instruction and direction from Him, so that our lives may be pleasing to Him always. 

We do not the ability in us to live out that high calling by ourselves. But we have been given the Holy Spirit who is the power source and from whom we can draw from. Christ’s life was characterized by His holiness and it was possible for Him because of His obedience to the direction and guidance to the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in His life. The same Spirit has been given to us and even we have the ability to live out that holy life. To witness to others as I ought to. To live a victorious life in the way Jesus lived. But my problem is I do not depend on the Holy Spirit as Jesus did. It is the Holy Spirit who searches the deep things of God (1 Corinthians 2:10), it is the Spirit who will teach us how to understand the word. Not  only does the Spirit tells us what to do, but He empowers us to do it. And I realize there is a lot of surrender that has to happen in my life. There are many areas where I fail and thanking God for the provision of His blood which cleanses me from all unrighteousness. So grateful to God for the provision of the blood of Jesus that takes care of my failures and for the Holy Spirit who is the provision for my success in Him. He who began a good work in me is faithful to complete it and the day I see Him I shall be like Him, fully transformed and come to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. 


People who aren't Christians does not have the Holy Spirit.

Christ and the Father make their home in people who are save and ask for the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Your body is the temple of God where the Spirit dwell.

The spirit empower you to witness to others and empower you to  use the gift/gifts that he has given you.


  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/23/2018 at 9:19 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Romans 8:9-11; John 14:23) Do people who aren’t Christians have Christ living within them? In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us? What should you do to make them feel “at home” in you? How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy. How might it differ? How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life? Your witness to others? Your spiritual power?

No, they don't. "And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ." (Romans 8:9b)

The Father and Christ make their home in us through the Holy Spirit Who is sent to dwell in us.

We should love the teachings of God. "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home[87] with him." (John 14:23)

The Home Analogy is like the Temple Analogy in that God dwelt in the temple in the Most Holiest of Holies and our bodies are a temple unto God so in the same way he dwelt in the temple, He will dwell in us.

It is different in that our bodies are a living temples unto God and God no longer dwells in temples but dwells in us through His Spirit.

The Spirit living in us affects our holiness of life in that He cleanses us from sin and lets us know what God desires of us. He empowers us and strengthens us and it shows when we witness to others.

  • 4 weeks later...

Christian means Christ like or identifies with Christ in all of His teachings, His life and His way. If they are not Christians, means that Christ does not live in them. if they do not have Holy Spirit in them, they are not of Christ.

When you invite Jesus into your life and surrender, He will come and dwell in us. When the believer starts to obey all His word and teachings, Jesus and the Father will come and have a dwelling in him.

As a believer, Jesus Christ is his Lord. The believer will love, obey and follow all that is taught by Jesus , the Father will love him and Christ also will love him and dwell with Him. This is what pleases the Lord of the house. The believer must do all that will please the Lord. We must give Him the highest place in our home and acknowledge Him. As God dwells in the temple and those who come to Him offer sacrifice for the atonement of their sin and to be right with God. Similarly, believer will offer his life to Christ and live a life worthy of His calling. God dwelling in temple is His temple, a place made for Him. While today, He dwells within us making us as His temple. We serve a mighty God.

The believer is controlled by the Spirit of God and not sin. You are dead to sin and spirit is alive to righteousness, because Christ is in you. The walk with Him led by the Holy Spirit will keep us from sin and always be willing to witness of Him who saved us and gave us a life everlasting. Our continuous walk with hm makes us strong in the Lord to keep us away from all temptations and to be filled with His Spirit to accomplish His kingdom purposes.

  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...

Q1. (Romans 8:9-11; John 14:23) Do people who aren't Christians have Christ living within them?

No "And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ." (Romans 8:9b)

In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us?

Both the Father and Christ dwell in the believer in the person of the Holy Spirit John 14:16-17.26)

What should you do to make them feel "at home" in you?

" will obey my teaching. " (John 14:23) In addition: feeding our mind with His word, prayer, giving praise through singing songs, hymns and spiritual songs. 

How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy? How might it differ?

My body is the  Temple of the Holy Spirit and my body  also is my House, where the Holy Spirit dwells He  controls  by action instead of the flesh. They do not differ. “The Holy Spirit now is in control of our sinful nature.    

 How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life? Your witness to others? Your spiritual power?

The Holy Spirit living within me affect s my daily life. Through  witness to others, teaching, preaching, visiting the sick, encouragement of faith to  others to Christ Jesus  who have the power to heal, deliver and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. My spiritual power are the gifts given to me to use to draw others to Christ. 

  • 10 months later...

No, because they do not have the Holy Spirit in them.

The Holy Spirit gives us what Jesus says to it which is from the Father.

Accept the Holy Spirit which connects with the God.

The body is the temple of God where the Holy Spirit lives. 

With the Holy Spirit, a bridge of our human spirit to God, we become of Christ or sonship to to God

  • 1 month later...

Do people who aren't Christians have Christ living within them?

No they do not have Him within them,

In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us?

The person they choose to make their home in.

A person who has heard the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who has believed that Jesus died for their sins. Who believes that after Jesus died and was buried, that God Our Father raised Him back to life. The person who accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour and understands what He did and why.
A person who has been humbled and realises just how sinful, how wretched they are, a person with a soft, contrite heart, a person ready to receive.
A person who realises that they would have been destroyed just like the people of Sodom and Gomorrah if Jesus did not sacrifice His life on the cross for them. The person who realises that they have been given another chance at life, to live it in a Godly way, and accepts it.

What should you do to make them feel "at home" in you?

Totally submit myself to the them. Form and maintain an intimate relationship with them. Be obedient, obey the teachings of Jesus Christ, keep my temple, body, clean from sin.

How is the Home Analogy like the
Temple Analogy. How might it differ?

In the Old Testament Fathers power dwelt on the Arc, in the temple He instructed to be made, so that He could dwell with mankind on earth. Only a priest brought up to be holy, who was set apart, could enter the Holies of Holies and stand before Fathers throne.

Jesus bore our sins with His body and covered us with His blood, we are now sons and daughters of the Most High, set aside, a Holy priesthood. Our bodies are now The Temple, where our Father dwells with us.

How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life?

I feel truly blessed to know that I have been set apart. I want to please my Father in all that I say and do. I honour Father with my body, strive for righteousness, and righteous living, with the help of the Spirit who is able to convict me of wrong doings, and calls me to repentance. The Spirit strengthens me in removing sin from my life.

Your witness to others?

They see the visual change in me and the way I now live my life for Christ Jesus.

Because the Holy Spirit has helped me to overcome certain situations in my life, I can testify with certainty, and surety, to others, that He exists. I can testify just how great our Heavenly Father is for sending His son to save those who believe, and how great Jesus is for His sacrifice, which enables us to reconciled back to the Father.

Your spiritual power?

The ability to decern, to heal, to prophesie. The ability to love my enemies, to put others first. The compassion I feel towards others who are suffering, and the support I am able to give through the strength of the Holy Spirit. The power seen in my prayer life, where I see prayers answered. On a numerous occasions I have prayed for someone and that prayer has been answered immediately.

The peace I feel in the presence of chaos. Thank you Father. ????

Love and Blessings to you all.. xx


No, people who aren't christians do not have Christ living in them.

Christ and the Father make their home in any individual that has accepted Christ as his Lord and saviour and is saved through repentance of sin, believes in his heart that God raised Him from the dead and confesses with their mouth then Christ and the Father makes their home in them in the person of the Holy Spirit.

To love the Lord with all my heart, mind, soul and Strength living a holy life in obedience, submission, putting God first in everything i do and doing the will of God.

The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20 "do you not know that your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit whom you have received from God ? Therefore honour God with your body. In the old testament God the tabernacle later the temple had a Holy of Holies that contained the ark, seen to represent the very throne of God that is to be the dwelling place of God amongst His people. Today God lives in our bodies by His Spirit through Christ in a similar way He is understood to dwell in a Temple. The difference is the Temple today being our bodies is not a temple to us, it belongs to God.

The Spirit living within me helps me  all the time to maintain a holy life by helping me through conviction, correction, direction, empowering me to overcome the things of the flesh and sin.

Having the Spirit of God living  empowers me to boldly witness about Jesus to people.  With the Spirit in me i can plumb the depths of God and know the mind of Christ. The power of God manifests in me through the Spirit of God living in me. My character and how i interact with people also bears witness of having the Spirit of God living in me.

Having the Spirit of God dwelling in us we are empowered to live life and change the world for the Kingdom of God.






  • 6 months later...

Q1. Do people who are not Christians have Christ living in them? No the don't 

In what person does father and Christ make home in us? 

Those who accepted Christ as Lird and saviour and had their sins washed in the blood

What should you do to make them feel at home with us. 

Show them love and witness the love of Jesus for them

How does Holy Spirit living in you affect holiness of life. 

By Him being my guide and counsel every step of the way and me yielding to His presence 

How does home analogy like  temple analogy? 

In the OT God lived in temple and nowadays He is within us. Bible says our bodies are the temple of God


  • 2 months later...

Do people who aren’t Christians have Christ living within them?

I often feel like the contrarian on this site. Sigh. :)  

First, God move non-Christians to do His will through the spirit, who changes their hearts so that they desire to do whatever God wishes them to do. I see the Spirit as a power in the all world, not just in Christians. Even evil people can be made to do God's will.  God, and His Holy Spirit, are omnipresent.

Secondly, what is general grace if not some sort of spiritual residue in all of us. 

In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us? What should you do to make them feel “at home” in you? 

The Holy Spirit was left by Jesus to dwell in our hearts. We have to invite Him in. Make space. Listen. Submit.

How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy. How might it differ?

Both are metaphors for indwelling, or the reality of the Holy Spirit in us.  Just because the Spirit is in other people, or in the world, or pushing world history toward it's closure, does not mean He's not in me.

What I do not understand are the jumps in spirit-fullness. It seems that non-Christians have a residue of the HS, some Christians have less of Him, and other Christians have more of the Holy Spirit, because they have had what is often referred to as a second baptism. Is it the case that the "amount" of spirit grows as we grow spiritually? Can I increase my quota by being highly sensitive and inviting to the Holy Spirit?

How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life? Your witness to others? Your spiritual power?

Without the spirit, there would be no holiness. The reason why non-Christians can do any good at all, and they do do/act good, is that the spirit is in them in a limited, constrained manner. It is the Spirit that pulls people to faith, that tugs at their hearts. Without the spirit, no one would become Christian.

I cringe at saying I'm holy, because I sin often, though subtly, so to the degree that I am like Christ, it is because the Spirit has prompted my conscience and heart. 

I'm the only Christian in my family. My ex-husband was an atheistic Jew. My kids and parents are secular. I see my everyday behaviour and speech as an indirect witness, but more importantly, the actual words I say about Him are a direct witness to His power to save. I do feel prompted by the HS to speak, at times, that is to witness. 

The spiritual power I have is bestowed by the HS. Without Him, I'd have nothing..  

  • 10 months later...

Develop a relationship with the Holy Spirit  ,a time of quiet reflection and conversation in His presence,( apart from actual prayer) enables the relationship to grow and will enlighten you and guide you   concerning  His will for you and  His purposes.

  • 8 months later...

Q1. People who have not become Christian’s do not have Christ living in them. It is only when we give our lives to Jesus, and repent of our sins , and recognise that Jesus’s work on the cross is the only hope of salvation that we have that the Holy Spirit comes to live within us. It is in the person of the Holy Spirit that the Father and Son come to live within us. This is only possible because of the Holy Trinity, three distinct persons in one. 
To make them feel welcome we should be aware of their presence, love them and obey them. 
The Jewish nation knew that God dwelt in the temple. A part of the temple was the Holy of Holies, and within this area God dwelt in the midst of His people. God lives in our bodies in a similar way. Our bodies are a living temple, unlike the temple of old made of stone. 
The presence of the Holy Spirit gives me the courage to face and do things I would’nt otherwise do. The Holy Spirit also makes us spiritually aware, all things to do with God are interesting and He gives us the desire to be involved. He convicts us of sins, He guides us to do the right thing in situations that maybe are not straightforward. He gives us peace even in the middle of chaos. He helps us to be more like Jesus. He gives us the desire to see others saved and we are bolder in our approach to others. 

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