av4Jesus Posted March 30, 2019 Report Posted March 30, 2019 On 7/23/2018 at 9:21 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (1 Corinthians 2:10-16) What are the implications of having access through the Spirit to the “mind of Christ”? How does this Holy Spirit connection explain spiritual gifts such as prophecy, teaching, healing, etc.? We cannot in and of ourselves understand the mind of Christ, so it is the Holy Spirit who connects us to the timeless and unlimited thoughts of God and reveals to us little by little truths. Through the Holy Spirit we can know the plans Jesus has for us and the Spirit lets us know what God's will for us is. Since God communicates to us through His Spirit, the Holy Spirit is the intermediate for God and us. Spiritual gifts are given to us by God through the Spirit for Him to work through us. Quote
MyRockOfAges Posted April 22, 2019 Report Posted April 22, 2019 When the Holy Spirit quickens our spirit and makes us alive and mediates our communication with God. Reveals to us His word and the things which are freely given to us of God. We are assured that we are His sons and daughters and that He is our Abba, Daddy, our Father. There is a deep assurance and affirmation in us from His Spirit that we are His and His alone and He is ours. We will know the mind of Christ and learn to do what Christ wants us to do. That we may know Him and imitate Him. When we begin to move in what He wants to do, the power of the Holy Spirit operates in us. Then the fruit of the Spirit will operate in us to assure the work of the Holy Spirit through us like prophecy, healing, teaching etc. which is enabled by His Spirit to fully equip the body of Christ. this is to display His kingdom not only in words but also in power. Quote
Queen Mc Daniel Posted January 2, 2020 Report Posted January 2, 2020 Q2. (1 Corinthians 2:10-16) What are the implications of having access through the Spirit to the "mind of Christ"? Our human spirit connects with the spirit oh God and this help us to know the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:10-16) How does this Holy Spirit connection explain spiritual gifts such as prophecy, teaching, healing, etc.? The Holy Spirit connection explain the spiritual gifts, there are many spiritual gifts given by the same spirit. 1 Corinthian 12:4-114 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.5 And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will. Quote
Tholang Posted November 21, 2020 Report Posted November 21, 2020 It is a Relationship. The Holy Spirit, through the relationship with the human spirit, searches inner us, the heart, thoughts and everything. The Holy Spirit has power over us and can heal us. Quote
Celia P Posted December 30, 2020 Report Posted December 30, 2020 What are the implications of having access through the Spirit to the "mind of Christ"? We become set apart, seperated from the world. We now know the will, the thoughts of Our Heavenly Father. Our thoughts, and actions are now based upon His will. The Spirit directs us in His will. That our minds, characters will be changed, and Our Fathers business will become priority over worldly business, of which our families and friends may not understand or accept, therefore move away from us, become ashamed of us, and maybe even persecuted us, and cast us out. Our purpose in life changes, we now work for the Kingdom cause, trying to direct the lost sheep back to the shepherd, helping the vulnerable and needy, in all that we do, it is to bring glory to Abba, Father, because we love Him so.How does this Holy Spirit connection explain spiritual gifts such as prophecy, teaching, healing, etc.? The Spirit knows the mind of the Father therefore knows Fathers future plans not only for our lives, but also for the lives of others, so if it is Fathers will that we prophesie over someone, or an event, the Spirit will reveal what we need to know and say. When talking to, counselling worldly people, especially those close to us we can easily get caught up in their emotions around the issues that they face, and in return end up giving worldly advice. The Spirit convicts us, and brings to rememberence what we have been taught, therefore enables us to retract worldly advice, and replace it with sound, spiritual, scriptural counsel, which is, as I have found not always welcomed, but Father keeps sending them back for more???? The same Spirit that covered Jesus is now in us, therefore all miracles, healings that Jesus did, when He walked on earth, we are now also able to do, we just need a little faith. Love and Blessings to you all.. xx Quote
Nana Karlsson Posted December 30, 2020 Report Posted December 30, 2020 The Holy Spirit makes alive our spiritually dead human spirits connects us to God Himself, enabling us to know and experience "the mind of Christ" and thus to have a deep relationship with God Himself. The Spirit speaks only what He hears and takes what is Jesus's and makes it known to us, hence the spiritual gifts given to us as a manifestation of God's power for service in the body of Christ, (the Church.) Like Jesus said " He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears.. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why i said the Spirit will take from What is mine and make it known to you (John 16 : 13b, 15). Quote
Krissi Posted September 29, 2021 Report Posted September 29, 2021 What are the implications of having access through the Spirit to the “mind of Christ”? I learned much through this lesson -- thank you. I never knew that the primary function of the Holy Spirit is to connect me to God. Frankly, I never thought I had a human spirit outside the HS, just some sort of human "essentialness." So, I learned today that the HS is like a powerline or a phoneline between me and God. Through God's Spirit I hear His voice and receive His power. I'm still confused with the persons and unity of God, but it seems this conundrum will never be solved. Somehow, God connects me to Himself via the Holy Spirit, who is the same as God. I need more Holy Spirit. Is this called an anointing? How does this Holy Spirit connection explain spiritual gifts such as prophecy, teaching, healing, etc.? The Corinthians verse you quoted says the HS helps me "understand what God has freely given me/us." I suppose this could refer to salvation, but it could also refer to God's ideas or wisdom OR to the gifts, such as prophecy. The HS helps me "accept the things that come from God..." These gifts, of the spirit, obviously come from God. Though there are false prophets, teachers and healers, the true ones originate with Him. Quote
Anne coffey Posted August 19, 2022 Report Posted August 19, 2022 It is through having the Holy Spirit within us that Jesus is able to enlighten and guide us as to what fields of service He would .like us to participate in. Quote
Katy Posted May 5, 2023 Report Posted May 5, 2023 Q2. The implications to having access to the mind of Christ through the Holy Spirit are enormous. It means we can know everything about God that He wants us to know. We can discern all thing’s spiritual. It also gives us thee huge privilege of being able to have a personal relationship with Him. The more we know Christ the more we can emulate Him and His ways. It helps us understand how God inspired His writers to write the Bible. We also have access to the great power of God. The connection with God through the Holy Spirit makes it easier to understand the gifts given to some followers of Christ such as Teaching, healing and prophecy. With the connection via the Holy Spirit to Christ and to individuals these gifts can be transmitted from Christ to the Holy Spirit to the individual. It also helps me understand how Pastors and Elders get the right words to say to us every Sunday morning. I know a lot of study, prayer and research goes into every sermon, but I imagine Christ honing their thoughts and words to what He wants us to hear. Quote
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