Rosesam Posted March 19, 2019 Report Posted March 19, 2019 Q1. (Romans 7:7-25) What does Paul mean by "the sinful nature" (NIV) or "the flesh" (ESV, KJV)? Is this ever eradicated? Can there ever be victory over temptation? Adam was created in the image of God. But when he sinned, the image of God in him was marred and he inherited the sin nature. This sin nature, he passed on to his children. So all humanity has this sin nature, where the flesh takes dominance over the mind. Basically, sin nature is rebellion against God. We are not sinners because we sin. But because we are sinners we sin. Sin is part of every fiber of our being. When we are born again, we inherit a new nature from God. Bible says we are new creatures in Christ. But we do not lose our sin nature. As long as the combination of flesh, world system and satan remains, we will have the tendencies to sin. That is as long as we are in this body, in this world and satan is not bound, we will have to battle against this sin nature. When we are born again, we become a spiritual man. But there are still tendencies of flesh prevailing in him, that he would be called a carnal Christian, not a spiritual Christian. This battle between carnality and spirituality will continue till we are out of this body. An example of carnal Christian and spiritual Christian can be seen in Jacob. Jacob means heel snatcher or deceiver or supplanter. But God changed his named to Israel, meaning governed by God or ruled by God. When he exhibits fleshly tendencies, scriptures refer to him as Jacob, even after his name change. But when he is ruled by the Spirit, he is called as Israel. The same man, called by two names, depending on character he exhibits. When we receive Christ into our lives, we have the Holy Spirit taking residence in our lives. As long as we allow Him to dictate to our soul and the Spirit is in control, there is victory over sin. His cross brought us justification when He paid the penalty for our sin. As we renew our minds and present ourselves as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, we are being sanctified and this is an ongoing process in this present life. But thank God that Jesus gives us power over sin. So as long as we allow to be led by the Spirit of God, there is victory over temptation. Jesus lived a life of victory over temptation throughout in His earthly days because of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in His life. But He will ultimately remove the presence of sin, when He will give us our glorified bodies, no longer tainted by sin. Quote
av4Jesus Posted April 8, 2019 Report Posted April 8, 2019 On 7/23/2018 at 5:34 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Romans 7:7-25) What does Paul mean by “the sinful nature” (NIV) or “the flesh” (ESV, KJV)? Is this ever eradicated? Can there ever be victory over temptation? Expand Paul says that the "sinful nature" or "the flesh" is of Satan and is a human's tendency to sin. Satan tries to control us by tempting us and taking over bodily desires. But Jesus died for us so that we would be delivered from it. While living on the earth, it is not completely eradicated but rather "God replaces the old "operating system" (the sinful nature, the flesh), with a new "operating system," the Holy Spirit." By yielding to the Holy Spirit, we can be victorious over sin. Quote
MyRockOfAges Posted April 29, 2019 Report Posted April 29, 2019 The sinful nature or the flesh which is in rebel with God and is convicted contrary to the Spirit man. Sin works death in us as wges of sin is death. Before we are born again, we are led by the flesh to enjoy the pleasures of sin. Once we are born again, there is a constant battle between flesh and Spirit, and if the flesh is strong, we are tempted to sin. If Spirit man is strong, then we overcome the temptation just as Jesus did (as He was tempted in every way like us, but overcame sin). Till we live in this flesh (body), we will continue in this battle of flesh and Sprirt. As we yield to His Spirit and abide in His word, we overcome the sin and have victory over it. Quote
Queen Mc Daniel Posted January 14, 2020 Report Posted January 14, 2020 Q1. (Romans 7: 7-25) What does Paul means by “the sinful nature” or “the flesh” (ESV, KJV)? Is this ever eradicated? Can there be victory over temptation? Q1a. Paul is referring to our corrupt human nature that’s dominated by our sin and rebellion against God. It was our unregenerate spirit apart from God that seek to live and be right in his own eye apart from God. In our sinful nature we were the epitome of Ephesians 2:1-3. Q1b. The law bought forth sin, but through Christ came the Holy Spirit. Paul tell us that "the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death" It's the Holy Spirit that change me so I can have victory over sin. Q1c. Yes, there can be victory over temptation through, “law of the Spirit of Life set me free from the law of sin and death” (Roman 8:2). I also recall “ No temptation has overtaken except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13) Quote
Tholang Posted November 29, 2020 Report Posted November 29, 2020 The Principle or the Our Foundation is, we were born free without sin because we shall die. We had life until the fall of man, where law led us to death.Here God's instruction was clear, do not eat here for you shall die and the opposite happened, violation. The law, is perfect but it also act as a stimulus to sin. By accepting and walking in the Spirit, we allow Christ to be formed in us, as a new stimulant or " operating system" to empower us from the list of sin. The sinful nature is from the fall of man and always in doubt, doing what we do not want to do. The Spirit makes us free from this. Quote
Tholang Posted December 6, 2020 Report Posted December 6, 2020 *By sinful nature, Paul means the lists of the flesh that keep us as captives even when we wish to do good, we are unable because we live a sinful life, which has become our nature, behaviour or norm, but difficult to break away from. *Yes, this temptation can be broken or done away with, if we allow the Holy Spirit to work in us, accept Jesus Christ as our saviour and walk in the Spirit only. Quote
Nana Karlsson Posted January 4, 2021 Report Posted January 4, 2021 The "sinful nature" is the corrupted human nature dominated by sin and rebellion against God, the unregenerate personality of man apart from God, controlled by self seeking whims and desires. It is a character which influences man to live as a god to himself and is unconciously led around by satan. No, it is not eradicated, it is still there as our imperfect and broken being. Yes: we can have victory over tempation through God's indwelling Spirit who replaces the "sinful nature "as long as we walk in obedience and yield more and more to Him. He helps us to be free from our slavery to the " sinful nature." Quote
Celia P Posted January 9, 2021 Report Posted January 9, 2021 What does Paul mean by "the sinful nature" (NIV) or "the flesh" (ESV, KJV)? The part of us that does the things that we should not do. The part of us that goes against Fathers will, Law, commandments. The part of us that by itself does not have the capability, strength and power, to turn away from doing wrong. The part of us that justifies, glorifies doing wrong. The part of us that seeks self pleasure, and self desire. The part of us that has no regard for others.Is this ever eradicated? Some things are eradicated immediately, and some still have a stronghold on us and get removed overtime, as we grow, pray, and study The Word. After being filled with the Holy Spirit, I was healed from uveitus, and bronchitis. I immediately stopped smoking cigarettes and marijuana. I was on the verge of alcoholism, immediately I stopped drinking, but certain lusts of the flesh, took a while to overcome. But by the power of the Holy Spirit, in a series of fallen events, I overcame that too. Hallelujah, thank you Father Depression also took a while to disappear, it was not the same depression that was there before being saved. I was depressed because I had now been found, but left here on earth, a severe feeling of home sickness, I just wanted to be with my Father, where He is, which was blocking the joy, but He assured me that He would never leave me nor forsake me, and joy eventually appeared. I still feel homesick, and tears stream as I type, but I am where He wants me to be, for His plan, glory, purpose and pleasure. Hallelujah. Can there ever be victory over temptation? Yes most certainly. If you die to self, temptation has no power. Love and Blessings to you all. Xx This is what Father said to me during a sorrowful episode. Xx TIMES ARE GETTING TOUGH Times are getting tough my dear Times are getting tough I know you think the things you do Are nowhere near enough But I have plans for you my dear Do I have plans for you My plans are not to hinder you dear They are plans to get you through Love to the world my dear Give My love to the world Until My plan is revealed my dear Until your path is told Stress not your soul my dear Stress not your soul For your time comes not yet my dear So stay close to the fold I feel all your desires my dear I feel them with great joy I see the tears you cry my dear Could float an ocean buoy Although tears of sorrow my dear Soon to be tears of joy Because you know I AM coming for you my dear Hail Jesus - Clouds Ahoy(Message from Father 2014) Quote
Zibuyile Posted August 9, 2021 Report Posted August 9, 2021 Q1. What does Paul mean by sinful nature? When we were born, we were born in sin and its li e within us. Only when we accept Jesus Christ that get birn again and our sins cleansed Is this ever eradicated? Sin is something that will ever be present, but it up to us as Christians not to give in to it and learn to repent 3.Can ever be victory over temptations? Yes we are victorious when we choose not to be tempted by sin no matter how beautifully dressed it is Quote
Krissi Posted October 8, 2021 Report Posted October 8, 2021 What does Paul mean by "the sinful nature" (NIV) or "the flesh" (ESV, KJV)? Is this ever eradicated? Paul's idea, as I conceive it, is that the old nature is not removed but our sins are erased from the ledger. The problem, of course, is that we still sin, which is proof that the old nature still exists. But now, we have within us, another nature. Dueling natures, so to speak. This is the nature we nurture and expand during our life in the process of sanctification. Can there ever be victory over temptation? Of course, there can be victories over particular temptations, but I don't think, in real life, that all temptations are overcome. That's perfection. I can say, in my own life, that particular weaknesses of the past are not as powerful as they used to be, that the power of the Holy Spirit in me has permitted me to overcome some of these temptations. What this means is the sinful nature has been contained, or lessened in some regards. Quote
Katy Posted May 9, 2023 Report Posted May 9, 2023 Q1. Because of the sin of Adam we have all inherited a sinful nature. This nature is dead to God and wants to gratify the desires of its heart. It is purely selfish. The sinful nature will never be eradicated but with the power of the Holy Spirit we can overcome this sinful nature. There will be time when we commit sin but “If we confess our sins , He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1John 1 v9. The closer we are to the Holy Spirit the less lightly we are to sin. He will at all times give us the power to overcome sin and temptation. Quote
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