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Q1. (4:12) What's the danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ? Have you ever been distracted by persecution from what you should have been doing? Have you ever observed this in other Christians?

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The danger of avoiding persecution and suffering of Jesus Christ is you will not have the full understanding of why we endure suffering and persecution. You will not understand the meaning of why Jesus Christ endured persecution, suffering and died on the cross for our sins.

I have to honestly say that I have been side tracked due to persecution. The action was so deep and hurtful that I subcomed to it but as I prayed for evildoers (the one's who persecuted me) my strength to overcome was renewed and became stronger.

I have observed this in other Christians. It is truly sad to say that once they subcomed to the persecution some of them stayed in the turmoil and fell from grace.


The danger lies in being disobedient and possibly falling from grace. As Jesus said "they hated me, they will hate you also", which prepares us for what lies ahead for every Christian. If there's no trials then you have to examine yourself. I have been distracted and sought my will, not God's will, to escape. This is dangerous because I'm not learning and growing when I do this. I should have accepted it and remained obedient to God's will. Yes I have observed other Christians sinning as a result of their trials.


Q1. (4:12) What's the danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ? Have you ever been distracted by persecution from what you should have been doing? Have you ever observed this in other Christians?

If we want to live godly lives, we must be prepared to experience persecution. In this time in our country--as in many others--the only group that it is okay to ridicule or treat shamefully is the Christians. One thing is sure: if we are not being persecuted, we are not truly following Him. :(

Yes, I think we all fail at one time or another to follow our Lord as closely as we should! What should we do then? Of course, turn to Him quickly and ask His forgiveness! Then, in His strength--and under His guidance, turn back to the task He gives us--to hold up Christ, no matter the ridicule or persecution!

Q1. (4:12) What's the danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ? Have you ever been distracted by persecution from what you should have been doing? Have you ever observed this in other Christians?

The danger for me is: Disobedience! And forgetfulness, why am I feeling this way? Is it fear that is blocking me from the sunlight of The Spirit? Usually not . . . it is much more sinister than that! It is usually something that I don't want to lose, or something that I might not get. It's all selfish and self-centered.

God Richly Bless You. Love ...Bro. Al






























Q1. (4:12) What's the danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ? Have you ever been distracted by persecution from what you should have been doing? Have you ever observed this in other Christians?

1. I think that we need come to the revelation that this life is not our own. God is in control and promises that all things will work together for the good of the called according to His purpose. What is His purpose? a)The Lord is "... not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." 2Pet 3:9 God will use the persecutions and trials in our lives reach the lost. b)Ephesians 3:10 "To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly [places] might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God" God is building His kingdom using the members of Christs Body as living stones. c)God is working obedience in us Hebrews 5:8 "Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered" He is also working in us the image of Christ and all that entails. The dross is bubbling to the top.

If the above is true, then in essence the attempt to avoid persecution is an attempt to control our own lives. WE find ourselves not working with the purposes of God but working to establish our own will. So then, if we find ourselves, despite our efforts to avoid persecution, experiencing persecution, what protection do we have?

2. Yes unfortunately I have been destracted and deverted because of persecution. I understand why the cowardly cannot not please God Heb11:6 nor will they enter into His rest Heb4:1-11 nor will they be perfected 1Jn4:18. I am guilty of all these things. It has caused me to cast myself upon Him, for all things are possible with God.

3.A person with a beam in his eye as big as mine has no ground to notice this mote in others.


Who really wants to suffer? If we are truthful to ourselves no one really like to suffer. When we think about it as sharing in Christ's suffering puts it in a different light.

Trying to avoid persecution and suffering is impossible, plus it will hinder our maturity in Christ. Living a godly life in Christ, there will be suffering. Christians should rejoice in their suffering. We should not want to continue drinking milk but wanting to diet on meat.

I have been distracted by persecution from what I should have been doing. I was focusing on my situation rather than on God. But I remembered that God is always in control and I can over come this. I have seen others in the same situation and I have seen others that just gave in to satan. We pray for their return to God.


Q1. (4:12) What's the danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ?

If we try to avoid persecution is means that we have stopped being witnesses for Him and have started listening to Satan. Satan is always trying to tell us to take the easy road.

Have you ever been distracted by persecution from what you should have been doing?

When my focus is no longer on Jesus, then I am definitely distracted. It has happened several times, but thankfully I was able to get my focus back where it belongs.

Have you ever observed this in other Christians?

Yes I have seen this in other Christians . The temptations of the world are to great for them to avoid, and they give in to their sinful nature. :rolleyes:


Trying to avoid persecution leads to compromise and falling away. Having said that, I can't say I have ever really been persecuted (not like Christians in China or other oppressed countries). I've taken some flack for being a Christian, but never any real persecution. Living in the United States makes me appreciate even more the religious freedom we have. I have friends and relatives who have worked in "closed" countries where persecution is real. The examples of faithfulness they talk about are encouraging and challenging.


The danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ is one that I haven't had to deal with like people in forgein lands. Mine has been rather mild in comparison. My husband and I have received some remarks, but those we can handle through Christ. On our own we could not do as well. When you let the remarks, or out right persecution get to you it is best to spend time in prayer and talking to fellow believers. (If available). Distractions come when I take my eyes off of Jesus and my walk with him and is not usually done by persecution. I have been slandered and it did cause me to lose time and fellowship with fellow believers. I still spent time with the Lord, but it kept me from spreading the word and serving others during that period of time in my life. That time did cause me to grow more spiritually and and closer to the Lord and grow deeper in knowledge of Him. I am sure other christians suffer as much or more than some, we are to call upon the Lord in times of trouble and He will see us through. If we have no pain how we know when all is well. If we only have sunshine how will we grow without rain. If we do not go through the valley how will we know we have made it to the top of the mountain. We all grow through trials or at least we should. Praise the Lord we do not have to do everything perfect.


(4:12) What's the danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ?

We will get lazy and take the easy way out of things instead of relying on Christ for strength and determination to get through the suffering. We should be so thankful that we have a Savior we can depend on who will never leave us nor forsake us. When suffering or persecution comes our way and we take a bold stand for Christ, then the world can see that whatever happens, we are still in His hands.

Have you ever been distracted by persecution from what you should have been doing?

Yes, unfortunately. When something happened in our church several years ago, some of the folks tried to make me feel that I was part of the problem, and I left the church for about a year or so. During that time, I visited other churches, but was not actively serving the Lord as I had done in our little church. Finally, the Lord led me back to the church, and I have been faithlully serving Him ever since.

Have you ever observed this in other Christians?

Yes, and I can relate to some of them, having gone through a bit of persecution from other church members. It's sad to think that more persecution comes from your church family than from outside church. But, I pray for these Christians who have been hurt by people in the church and hope they will keep their focus on the Lord, who will give them the strength and boldness to get through any situation.


To avoid persecution and suffering means that Christians won't pass the test and grow up. Our faith won't strengthen. We will stop serving Jesus.

I can't remember when I was distracted totally. I do know that sometimes I will temporary forget who I am and be lost in the persecution. But Jesus always reminds me that He is right next to me when I am in a trial that is real deep.

There are a few christians that I have observed that I thought they wouldn't make it. But I pray for them and God takes care of them.


Q1. (4:12) What's the danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ? Have you ever been distracted by persecution from what you should have been doing? Have you ever observed this in other Christians?

If we are avoiding persecution and suffering for the sake of the Cross, then we are denying the Cross and the atonement work on the cross that Jesus did. In effect, we are denying the Lord, just as Peter did. When the Lord looked at Peter after the **** crowed thrice, the agony Peter suffered must be terrible. If we put ourselves in Peter's place, then we will be able to face any trials without denying the Lord. So far I have not had any persecutions for the Lord's sake. But given the circumstances, I will earnestly pray that the Lord would give me enough strength to bear it. I have observed Christians suffer for His name's sake but they were all the more driven to do more for His name's sake. No slack or denial. I praise God for such wonderfu servants of God.


The danger is that one is taking more notice of (paying more attention to) the world than to Jesus Christ. This way we can lose our first love very fast, then we could go right back into the world and even lose our salvation.

1a). (4:12) What's the danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ?

1a.) Jesus tells us in John 15:18-19 "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world." If you are in a right relationship with God, you will be the recipient of persecution, insult, and attack by those who are of the world..

1b). (4:12) Have you ever been distracted by persecution from what you should have been doing?

1b.) Yes. You know as I continue to receive email updates from Gospel for Asia, and Voice of the Martyrs...and see the persecution that saints are suffering around the world, many paying with their very lives...I am embarrassed to admit my reluctance at times to tesitfy because of the verbal retort I might receive. :(

1c). (4:12) Have you ever observed this in other Christians?

1c.) Yes..but I have nothing to talk about or any right to judge or accuse.


Trying to ignore the problems confronting us causes us to be preoccupied with our trouble, rather than letting us focus on living the way Jesus instructed us. It is by facing up to our tribulations that we can glorify God.

In my life I have been distracted by persecution in various forms. When I have not properly addressed these issues, there remained bitterness and the tendancy to hold grudges against my adversaries. I have to continually remind myself of the mission I am embarked on, and constantly ask Jesus to help me through (I finally learned that I cannot stand against the constant assault without the full armor of God).

I have seen family, friends, and fellow church members avoid grappling with the real issues that threaten them and their faith. Although, in the end, each of us must make our own way, prayer for those in need and a willing ear can make much difference in the lives of those that travel in our small sphere of existance.


Q1. (4:12) What's the danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ? Have you ever been distracted by persecution from what you should have been doing? Have you ever observed this in other Christians?

Avoiding persecution and suffering for Christ is not much different than denying Him. Enduring persecution is a way to strengthen faith. It is a means of being sanctified.

Persecution comes in various forms. In this country, the most likely form is psychological. People can be ostracized. I have not observed this person but the Voice of the Martyrs organization has plenty of examples. (www.persecution.com)

:lol: In the realm of serving Jesus Christ and spreading of his teachings - sufferings and persecution are unaviodable. Beacuse this is a fight between good and evil. We know we are on the side of victorious Jesu Christ. However in this world, sometimes we succumb to the pressures as the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. If we try and avoid these persecutions we may loose the very prize for which we have taken-up this yoke.I was many a time subject to such persecutions and tried to avoid them, but by the timely help of the holy spirit, was able to stand firm for the calling I have in Jesus. In my life, I have witnessed and observed many follwers of Christ standing firm for HIM in non-christian country, in the face of severe persecution and adversities and also those falling easily.

As Christians,have we not commited ourselves to God?Have we not excepted our calling?.Have we not excepted the gifts God has given us.We must be faithful to our calling.Thankful for the gifts God has given us.We must use our abilities and gifts God has given us to glorify His holy name.To bring in the lost that do not know Jesus.We must spend time in prayer seeking God.What are we suffering from?We must examine ourselves,see what our problem is.Seek Gods guidance to help us.Are we really suffering for God or are we getting out of control and seeking worldly happiness which could be a stumbling block,instead of doing for God.We must keep on doing right for God regardless of the suffering it might bring.You also could be suffering because you are running from God.You may have a calling that you dont understand,why must I do this,its not what "I" want to do.!!Some say its hard to do,but we must put God first.Praise God for what He has done for us.Never forget the "Cross".Look to God for our strength.God told us ,He will supply all our needs.So keep pressing in.We will accomplish whar God wants us to do.Some may suffer more or some less,but it all come down to.How much do we love God?.WE KNOW HOW MUCH HE LOVES US!!. AMEN.


In trying to avoid persecution and suffering others will not see Jesus in you and you will not fully mature spiritually for you will not let your faith be tested and strenghened and come to know your heart.


Then I am moving away from Christ. I am going to a level where Satan is at work. I will not fully understand what it is to suffer as Jesus has for me. I must believe in what I am doing and by following christ I can. Yes many times I am pulled towards doing things I don't want to do and by leaning on God I can pull myself back on hte correct path Yes. I have observed this in other Christ. By Facing the persuction and wrath of others can often make you a much stronger person as your Belief and faith will grow stronger.


If you live for Christ you can not avoid these trials.It goes with living the Christian life because Satan can't stand to have you live for Christ. When you least expect it, is when he will persecute you. When you let your guard down is when Satan will hit hardest so always put on the whole armor of God. Through these trials GOD allows you to share His suffering and forms a quality of character that HE desires. You will be considered Blessed!


The danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ is that it weakens our faith. By willing to endure persecution,we show God that our commitment to follow Jesus is real.

There have been times when I had an oppurtunity to declare my faith in Jesus, but I didn't say anything because I was afraid of what the reaction of others would be. :(


What's the danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ? Have you ever been distracted by persecution from what you should have been doing? Have you ever observed this in other Christians?

The danger is that we will compromise and let down our standards in order to avoid any sufering for Christ. When and if persecution comes, it is easy to take the road of no compromise so we will not have to sufer.There are many who have fallen by the wayside because instead of drawing close to the Lord and continuing to do His will, they have let the persecution they were suffering cause them to take the easy road.

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