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When we try to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ, there is no way the character and life of Jesus can come out. There is no way to display a different attitute or different reaction than other people have. Through your troubles God wants to demonstrate an obvious love, joy and peace about your life that can not be explained in terms of you, but only in terms of God at work in you. It's impossible to grow in Christian maturity when you avoid facing your troubles and problems. It is true that I have seen hard times and made it through and it is true that I have felt the sting of peoples' reations to me and my faith and I'm surviving that. But I do get distracted by my worries. But I should be looking to God for love and comfort instead of worrying. That is where our inner strength and joy and peace comes from, knowing that everything will work out. Brother, if its' happening to me, I know its' happening to other Christians. We need to help each other bear their burdens. These are some words from a testimony I read that I feel are appropriate to this question "Despair is such a waste of time when there is joy, and lack of faith is such a waste of time when there is God."

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One danger of avoiding persecution is being ashamed before Christ. While others are out suffering for the gospel should we be like some of the Corinthians who were smug and self righteous? What do we have that was not given us by God. The persecutions are meant to mature us and aid us in our spiritual growth, draw us closer to Jesus (for I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings Phil. 3:10) and for us to see sin for what it is. Also as others see us bear up under persecution we are a witness for our Lord. If we avoid persecuton we are not walking in His will and what He has planned for us.

Many times I have been distracted from what I should be doing (bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse). Yes I've seen it in others.

Lets pray for each other. None of us is above temptation.

God Bless,


  • 2 months later...
Q1. (4:12) What's the danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ? Have you ever been distracted by persecution from what you should have been doing? Have you ever observed this in other Christians?

The danger is in becoming like that which we are trying to avoid apart from Christ.

Persecution is a very hard word, and I don't think it applies to my life, but suffering Yes. But Distracted by Persecution. No, I think not.

Now our Military men and women over in Iraq; I think fit this question. Now I don't know if those being held captive are Christians, but they are obeying the Government and are being Persecuted as we know Christian have been in the past, by what The Word of God say's, and because they are there trying to help those being Persecuted (The Nation) to be able to live life with out Totalitarian Dictatorship to keep them inline with tolerating abuse and starving to death from and because of their own Government, and even each other because they are afraid.......

Ok, I'll finnish the thought or my heart on it: I think they are afraid, no not going there. I'll say this though, that fear is not of God. If one is afraid then they are walking in the flesh with the concerns of the flesh. I get scared sometimes, for instense, the other day after a call for help messege went across the television screen for people to help find a missing 9 year old boy. I went for a walk to at least cover this area, and I freaked myself out when I thought I saw a hand through a window in a local market. But I worked myself up to be afraid by thoughts of "what if", as I stared into the window to make sure of what I was seeing, for the lighting was dim. I determined that it was not a hand because it didn't even look like one. You see after I first saw in the window I picked it out and then after debating with my self on what it was, the worst thoughts came and I got scared, because "what if" it was the boy, then what? Is someone near by to harm me as well? I completed the walk of the area in which I determined to cover, and never found anything out of order. I also have not heard another word on the boy. I Pray that he was found unharmed.

I think this story does give a good example of the tricks we play on our minds when our minds are not on God and the things of God. I started out with holding The Holy Spirits hand, but ended up letting go and trying to figure it out myself. I was doing a good thing by looking for the boy, but when thought's apart from God came into the picture, I lost it. My composure in the Lord left me.


By avoiding persecution we risk the fear of not spening eternity with God. Also we will not truley understand an ounce of what Jesus endured for us on the cross. Jesus suffered for us so that we may be saved we should be ready to any persecution for him.

  • 1 month later...

The danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ is that we are not putting all of our trust in him. Yes, I have been distracted by persecution from what I should have been doing. Yes, I have observed this in other Christians.

  • 9 months later...

The danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ is that this shows us how "weak" and how uncommitted/unfaithful we are to God. We all will face some type of persecution or suffering for our faith. This is just one of Satan's ways of keeping us from going pressing on.

Yes, lately I have been distracted by persectuion from what i should have been doing or know to do. NO I don't believe I have obsereved this in other Christians.

  • 1 year later...
What's the danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ? Have you ever been distracted by persecution from what you should have been doing? Have you ever observed this in other Christians?

The danger of avoiding persecution (or more accurately confrontation in the present age) is that we compromise our beliefs. We make accommodations to unbelievers and we are drawn towards their values or lack of them. Peter of all people should know this as he denied Jesus three times in circumstances when it would have been dangerous or compromising to have stood up for Him. Yes, I have been distracted by the prospect of confrontation in what I should be doing. When born again Christians are the subject of criticism and insult I have sometimes tried to blend into the background, rather than standing up for what I believe. My cowardice has often resulted in my missing an excellent opportunity to witness. Jesus never missed such an opportunity. From the Gospels He was so often hounded by the Pharisees. Yet He confronted them and used their hatred and fear of Him to great effect. This should be an object lesson to us. I should stand up and exclaim my belief in Jesus and salvation through Himparticularly in confrontational circumstances. I think many Christians are like me try to avoid this kind of exposure. Instead they blend into the materialistic landscape in which we live. It is the easier option.

Thankfully through the great courage of earlier Christians we are no longer persecuted and Christian values of love and through it tolerance have become the norm in the Western world. However, freedom from danger should not make us complacent. We should put ourselves out for Christ and endure hardships as a result.

  • 5 months later...
:) The danager of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ, may cause you to quit what God has called you to do. And it will definitely cause you to fore-fit the glory and the joy that knowing you are suffering for Christ's sake. What greater joy than to be found among the worthy.
  • 7 months later...

The danger of avoiding persecution and suffering for Christ is that we would stop serving Him. Yes, I have been distracted by persecution from what God had me doing and I have observed this in other Christians as well.

By the the grace of God, today I will not permit persecution or the threat of persecution to stop me from proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed.

  • 9 months later...

The danger of trying to avoid persecution is not living for God. We also miss out on rewards and blessings. Yes, I have been distracted from what I should be doing, but I pray to God for forgiveness, and to quickly get me back on track. I have observed this in other Christians. I think it's difficult for anyone to experience suffering.

  • 2 months later...
Q1. (4:12) What's the danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ? Have you ever been distracted by persecution from what you should have been doing? Have you ever observed this in other Christians?

(1Peter 4:12 ) ""Dear Friends, do no be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you."

The NAS I believe has a closer literal translation from the Greek when it says., " Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you:

What Peter is saying is that some of these trials you're experiencing, for representing Christ, are meant to test you and prove your faith and in the process glorify God who gives you the strength to go through such a test.

That's why Peter says don't be surprised at such fiery ordeals because it's part of the normal process of sanctifcation to help you mature in Christ. It's designed by God Himself to make you the kind of servant who is able to stand firm when the heat's turned up.

In fact Peter starts this letter in just this way when he says in ( 1st Peter 1:3 ) " Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

The kind of gospel that's often preached today is given in such a way that it excludes all normal activity in life that is designed by God to help you grow. That kind of gospel which excludes the reality of life, being used by God to mold us in the image of Christ, is more akin to the surreal world of Alice in Wonderland.

But Trials are always meant by God to be used to strengthen our faith, not tear it down unless we allow such trials to tear us down as we look away from God to the trial instead.

Our Joy doesn't rest primarily in this present life. Rather our joy is found in the hope we have in Christ and the reality that we will spend eternity with Him and also knowing that He is with us today to enable us to live the rest of this life for the will of God.

  • 2 weeks later...

The danger is that we will compromise the teachings and commands of Christ. It is very easy in this day and age to justify our unrighteous behaviour when even the little mistakes are argued as being acceptable. It makes us uncomfortable to be persecuted and to suffer in any form. However, we need to realise that if it is for Christ's sake, and if we glorify Him through this suffering, we will be blessed.

Many times I have denied in word and deed what I knew I should have been doing to avoid the condemnation and disapproval of others. Not speaking out in disapproval when Christ's name is profaned is but one example.

We see this in other Christians a lot. It is far easier to be a 'cultural' Christian than a 'Biblical' Christian. The name alone means very little, as it is our actions and deeds that are really important.

  • 1 month later...

The danger of avoiding persecution is having guilt that you should have stood your ground for Christ. I was distracted once because I was doing what I was called to do and I allowed others who lied on me to run me away. Yes I have seen people who don't want God's program to go on and they would start up things to distract the person assigned to the task by causing problems.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q1. (4:12) What's the danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ? Have you ever been distracted by persecution from what you should have been doing? Have you ever observed this in other Christians?

The danger would be that you would move away from God. They are part of being one of God's children. These trials and ordeals will make us stronger in Christ.

We sometimes try to avoid the painful things but it usually doesn't work. Were afraid we will be ridiculed or mocked.

  • 2 weeks later...
Q1. (4:12) What's the danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ? Have you ever been distracted by persecution from what you should have been doing? Have you ever observed this in other Christians?

Generally trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ means that you compromise your faith and blend in with what the world wants.

I have often being side tracked by persecution and given in for the sake of an easier life. I am slowly doing it less and less, yet even as I type, I have broken a promise for the sake of a nicer day out. I know my sin, I know what I should do, but the lure of a nice day out is still very strong for me esp as life is really tough at this moment.

I am learning not to be interested in other christian's behaviour as what I will be judged on is what I do not others.

  • 6 months later...

Q1. (4:12) What's the danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ? Have you ever been distracted by persecution from what you should have been doing? Have you ever observed this in other Christians?

The danger is sin. We are to take up our cross daily and follow Jesus. With every distraction that we do not find direction from God's word we may see temptation. Running after God requires an abondendment of our soul to His. When we avoid persecution and suffering we might be saying, I will, not God's will. Thus, we sin.

Q1. (4:12) What's the danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ? Have you ever been distracted by persecution from what you should have been doing? Have you ever observed this in other Christians?

When I was very young, I avoided confrontation with sharing the gospel after peer pressure. This led to sinning and much of that derived from feelings of shamefulness due to not being bolder. Consequences included were that others did not see a testimony worthy of consideration and others were not convicted of their own, "lukewarmness". As I grew older, God taught me that persecution was a spiritual battle with great consequences when avoiding spiritual principles. I began to put on the armour of God. I became a stronger Chrisitan, yet, now as the years roll by, I see how weak I am, and how strong and dependable He is. It is better to suffer because their is gain in obedience for the Kingdom of God and for our own souls. It is sad to grieve the Holy spirit. Other souls depend on our testimony.

  • 1 month later...

Q1. (4:12) What's the danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ? Have you ever been distracted by persecution from what you should have been doing? Have you ever observed this in other Christians?

I think one of the biggest dangers of avoiding persecution and suffering for Christ is that you will find yourself rejecting Him in this moment, this puts your faith in jeopardy, and Gods name is more often than not bought into disrepute.Often Satan will lead Christians astray by using persecution to distract them from completing their tasks for Gods glory, and those looking on will become judgmental and doubt the sincerity or morals of the person. This leads to what started out as perhaps a honest testimony for the Lord being looked at us no more than a mockery.

Q1. (4:12) What's the danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ? Have you ever been distracted by persecution from what you should have been doing? Have you ever observed this in other Christians?

The danger of avoiding our fiery trials is we will lose our closeness and relationship with God. We will not grow to understand why we suffer. Troubles and afflictions are the inevitable experience of faithful believers in an ungodly world controlled by Satan and opposed to the gospel. We Christians who are committed to Jesus Christ with a devoted and loyal faith, who walk after the Spirit, and who love the truth of the gospel will experience trouble and sorrow. Suffering for the righteousness of God is evidence of the genuineness of our devotion to Christ. It will accompany the warfare of our faith against sin, the ungodly world, and Satan. Through fiery trials God allows us to share in His suffering and forms within us the quality of character He desires. When we suffer and remain faithful to Christ, we are blessed. Yes, I have been distracted. Yes, I have observed it in other Christians.

  • 10 months later...

Q1. (4:12)

What's the danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ?

Have you ever been distracted by persecution from what you should have been doing?

Have you ever observed this in other Christians?

The danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ is that we try to blend in with society and thereby do not stand up for Jesus. The unbelieving world hates His followers. And as true Christians, and not hypocrites, we have to defend Jesus against attack or criticism, even if it means being ridiculed. Sometimes we need to be tested

  • 1 year later...

The danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ is that we will be entering in sin because we will be following those who are sinning. I have been distracted by persecution from what I should have been doing when God calls me to go on a mission trip and I think that it is too dangerous. I have observed this in other Christians when I ask them to go on mission trips.

  • 2 months later...

Q1. (4:12) What's the danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ?

If we try too hard to dodge persecution we could also be dodging our God-given mission.

Have you ever been distracted by persecution from what you should have been doing?

Persecution cost me my ministry back in the 1980s. The enemy had a major win over me there. I was also picked on at work by my bosses because they knew I wouldn't fight back.

Have you ever observed this in other Christians?

To some degree yes. In our western culture we're not as subjected to persecution as people in other countries but when you're undergoing it, it seems serious enough.

  • 1 year later...

1a)If we seek to avoid persecution &suffering to God’s will,we are avoiding these opportunities to stretch our faith and grow in Christ Jesus.We cannot grow unless we have this meaty diet of suffering.Satan wants us to be put off track by trials,he works in our sinful nature at these times &wants us to give into temptation in pain,loss &opposition of all kinds. Christ wants us to move through them with his help giving Him the glory, and use our experiences as part of God’s mission.

B)Yes when in pain, needed my fellow christians to help encourage me,keep me on track leaning on Christ alone&gaining His strength to fight it, focusing on Christ ¬ self will power alone.c)Seen some good people fall away when sought comfort &strength from sources out of God’s will for them.

c)We don't have as much persecution in West, but is tough for those that do.

  • 6 months later...

The dangers of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ include our compromising/changing our beliefs in order to avoid suffering, our disobeying God, our leaving God to worship a false god as a result of our changing our beliefs, and our denying that Jesus is the Son of God as Peter did before the rooster crowed.


Our compromising our faith to avoid suffering shows that our faith in Jesus is/was not genuine, or immature, or based on faulty doctrine, or based on affection and (mystical/sensual) experiences instead of on agape-love and the truth of God revealed in the Bible.


So far, I have not chosen to disobey God in order to avoid persecution;  since I live in the US, I have not yet been persecuted for my faith in Jesus or for obeying God against the demands of my community.  I pray and hope that I will stand firm and faithful to Jesus to the end and that I will obey God if and when I am threatened with persecution and suffering if I don't do something God has commanded me not to do.  That time may come sooner than we think, and indeed, some in the US have already lost their jobs, been sued, and had their businesses boycotted for opposing abortion and same-sex marriage.


I personally am not aware that any Christian I know has compromised his beliefs or denied Christ in order to avoid persecution.  However, I have heard that several denominations have changed their stance from homosexual behavior is a sin to it is acceptable and approved behavior,  because 1) the "gay lobby" within their denomination has actively and agressively pushed for the change while those who oppose it have not been active or assertive, 2) they have re-interpreted the Bible to not teach that homosexual behavior is a sin or to teach that it is only a sin when performed by same-sex temple-prostitute/worshipper couples; 3) they are afraid the younger people will leave the church, and so, as the number of members drops, the financial situation of the congregations will deteriorate to the point that  they will lose their property and cease to exist. 


Better the congregations should remain faithful to the truth of God and die numerically and financially than that we should change our beliefs to a lie and continue to exist as a functioning institution in this world!!

  • 1 month later...

Q1. (4:12) What's the danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ? Have you ever been distracted by persecution from what you should have been doing? Have you ever observed this in other Christians?          


The danger of avoiding persecution and suffering for Christ is that you stop living, serving, and witnessing for Him.  You stop impacting the satanic world order for Christ.  You stop blessing those around you because of fear.


At times persecution has made me uncomfortable and fearful, but I worked my way through it through prayer and God's Word.

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