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Q2. (Ephesians 4:11a) Do you think there are modern-day apostles? If so, who might they be? If you don’t believe there are modern-day apostles, identify some people who are doing some of the same things that the early apostles did.

  • 3 months later...
On 7/23/2018 at 1:46 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Ephesians 4:11a) Do you think there are modern-day apostles? If so, who might they be? If you don’t believe there are modern-day apostles, identify some people who are doing some of the same things that the early apostles did.

Yes I do think there is Modern -day apostle's, there are ministries(one of which I have been following and been a part of as a partner for over 20 years) who the Lord has blessed and the ministry has grown very much, they lay hands on the sick, they teach they travel all over the world to lay hands on the sick and lead people to Christ. They themselves are lead and only do and say what the Lord enables. There is no other life for them 24/7 living the Word so dedicated, just as the apostles. 

I'm not saying they don't get to enjoy what the Lord has blessed them with, God gives, but they are always in Praise and Thankfulness, so full of Love.

To me that is Apostleship.....maybe not to someone else... I know that when I listen to them..I realize there is so much I want to learn, you just want more of the Lord. 


Do you think there are modern-day apostles?



If so, who might they be?

Those whom God use in the power of the Spirit to plant, water and establish His church in our day until He deems the work to cease.


If you don't believe there are modern-day apostles, identify some people who are doing some of the same things that the early apostles did.

I do believe there are modern-day apostles!  These modern-day apostles just as modern-day prophets have purpose in this dispensation just as the original 12 had purpose.  The purpose is for the furtherance of the Gospel according to the LEADING of the Holy Spirit!

If one were to review the Scripture it would be very difficult not to notice regardless of the translation, version of paraphrase there were others in addition to the original twelve who are explicitly referred to as apostles. 

After Christ ascension Paul is identified as an apostle.

Those after Paul for the sake of not arguing can be deemed as “apostles of the throne“, “apostles of the Lamb” or “ascension-gift apostles.” 

Barnabas–Acts 14:14; Timothy and Silvanus/Silas – 1st Thessalonians 1:1 and 2:6; James, the half-brother of Jesus and leader of the Jerusalem church—Galatians 1:19; Apollos– Corinthians 4:6-9; Epaphroditus–Philippians 2:25. Etc…

Just as there were others identified as apostles after the original 12, there are modern-day apostle in today’s clime and place. 

1st Corinthians 12:28 & Ephesians 4:11







Healings, Miracles


Helps, Governments, Tongues


There are souls being added to the Church daily such as should be saved, if there are adding’s to the Church (not simply the local assembly); it hold true there’s still a need for apostles and the other gifting and or acts of service.




(Ephesians 4:11a) Do you think there are modern-day apostles? If so, who might they be?

Yes, there are modern-day apostles.  Their ministries are similar to apostles in the Old Testament but their qualifications are different.  A modern-day apostle may be anyone the Holy Spirit has given a special gift to help build up the church. 

If you don’t believe there are modern-day apostles, identify some people who are doing some of the same things that the early apostles did.

I do believe there are modern-day apostles.  


Q2. (Ephesians 4:11a) Do you think there are modern-day apostles? If so, who might they be? If you don't believe there are modern-day apostles, identify some people who are doing some of the same things that the early apostles did.

Yes, I believe there are modern-day apostles. I believe that many people in the missionary type of work fit this title quite readily. I knew a person who used to travel many miles a day on a small motorcycle between towns in Guatemala. He then went on to working with the Chinese people and part of his work involved the smuggling of Bibles into the country and then to the people in mountainous areas. In many parts of the world where Christianity is still being found out about it is the healings and other miracles which convince people of the power of God.


I do not believe there are modern day Apostles. People in out times do not have the requirements as Peter outlined in the book of Acts. However the sense of the word an apostle is someone who is sent to do a job or to bring about moral reform through presenting the Word of God. 

There are missionaries carrying on the work of apostles as well as some of the TV evangelists. 


According to the definition of an Apostle : ‘A Christian leader called and spiritually gifted by God to open new spiritual regions for the spreading of the Gospel.  They lay foundations, equip believers and serve as catalysts and coordinators of churches and ministries.’, yes I do think that there are modern-day apostles.  There are people today who fit the description of an apostle and are doing the work of an apostle.  A friend of mine, a Dr. of Divinity gave up being a priest and has been doing missionary work in Africa for years. She saw the need  to plant churches and spread God’s word.  I am also certain that there are many who think and say that they are apostles but are not.   Some people are genuinely great ministers for Christ, and because they have a large ministry or plant churches are they all really apostles?.  



Do you think there are modern-day apostles?

I do believe there are modern-day apostles evidenced by some vibrant churches which are spreading the Word and upholding the principles set by the earlier apostles. They run institutions that include schools, hospitals and orphanages.

If so, who might they be?

In our part of the world I would like to believe that some of the missionaries who came to Africa were apostles. I have Robert Moffat and George Wyndham Hamilton Knight-Bruce. These two between them made a great impact in the spread of the Word in Southern and Central African in the late 19th century.

Below are a couple of quotes from Robert Moffat:

“In the vast plain to the north I have sometimes seen, in the morning sun, the smoke of a thousand villages where no missionary has ever been.”
― Robert Moffat,
The Matabele Journals Of Robert Moffat, 1829 1860


 “I will place no value on anything I have or may possess, except in relation to the kingdom of Christ. If anything will advance the interests of that kingdom, it shall be given away or kept, only as by giving or keeping it I shall most promote the glory of Him to whom I owe all my hopes in time and eternity.”
― Robert Moffat


If you don't believe there are modern-day apostles, identify some people who are doing some of the same things that the early apostles did.

In Zimbabwe there is a proliferation of apostles and prophets. I am sure a large number would not pass the test recommended by St Paul. I however have 2 names of men who are doing some of the same things that the early apostles did. They are Ezekiel Guti of the ZAOGA (Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa) and Samuel Mutendi (late) of the ZCC (the Zion Christian Church).


Q2. (Ephesians 4:11a) Do you think there are modern-day apostles? If so, who might they be? If you don't believe there are modern-day apostles, identify some people who are doing some of the same things that the early apostles did.

 Yes, I do believe there are modern-day apostles.

 Christ-designated messengers given authority to speak for him and to establish and build his church. One of an authoritative sent out to preach the gospel;to be messengers/ambassadors of Jesus Christ.


Q2. (Ephesians 4:11a) Do you think there are modern-day apostles? If so, who might they be? If you don't believe there are modern-day apostles, identify some people who are doing some of the same things that the early apostles did.

I think there are people trained for it but they are not modern day apostles. These people are church builders and missionaries who are out in the field doing the work God has gave them to do like a good friend of mine. 


Q2. (Ephesians 4:11a) 
Do you think there are modern-day apostles? 
If so, who might they be? 

If you don't believe there are modern-day apostles, identify some people who are doing some of the same things that the early apostles did. 
To me, the apostles of Christ were personally chosen and authorised by Jesus, and were also eyewitnesses of the risen Lord. It is for this reason that I believe that the office of apostle is limited to the Twelve and Paul. They were the men, having been taught by Jesus, who laid the doctrinal foundation of the church. Christ is the foundation (1 Cor 3:11), but the apostles laid the foundation in what they taught about the Person and work of the Lord Jesus. Peter had confessed Him as the Christ, the Son of the living God, and Jesus announced that His church would be built on that rock (Mat 16:18). In Rev 21:14 the apostles are associated with the twelve foundations of the holy Jerusalem – this because they first taught the great truths concerning Jesus. They held a unique position, being the first messengers of the gospel after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and as such this specific type of apostle of Christ is not present in the church today. 
The gift of modern-day apostles as mentioned in 1 Cor 12:28 and in Eph 4:11, applies in a general and non-technical sense to one who is a “messenger” or a “sent one”. These are Christians who are sent out into the world as Christ’s servants, ambassadors, and witnesses to share in the mission of the whole church. However, all this work is done through the power of the Holy Spirit. We have to careful of those who seek the office of apostle – we are warned against false apostles (2 Cor 11:13).


I do not believe that there are Apostles today. I do believe that there are people the Holy Spirit chooses to possess some of the qualities of those Apostles. These chapters of the bible were written during the building of the church, the kingdom, after Jesus ascended back to heaven. He gave these gifts of the Spirit to his disciples so that they could continue in the work he started and the disciples were to pass these on to those who believed to help build up the church, the kingdom of God.  Once the scriptures were written and each man could read them, faith took over and the need for miracles, signs and wonders were no longer needed because the promise had been fulfilled which was Jesus.  Now the Holy Spirit lives in those of us who have accepted Christ as our personal savior and each one of us is given our own personal gift to edify each other and to do the will of God as is needed to accomplish His purpose which is to draw all men to salvation.  As we live our lives in obedience to Him, when we pray for guidance and assistance as we go through difficulties and as satan is attacking us, we are giving gifts to overcome and the miracles, signs and wonders are performed in our everyday lives, not as they were when Jesus performed them, but spiritual none the less and unexplained, we can testify to the glory of God and all he has done for us.  We are too caught up in trying to justify and explain these gifts.  If we are living according to God's will, men will see our good works and glorify the Father. Why are we looking for them so hard??  If we are heirs, they are there and can be seen.  If we believe in all the word of God tells us and if we are doing his will then our light is shining and the world is seeing and the Holy Spirit and the spiritual gifts are evident in our lives, in our walk and our relationship with God.  The Holy Spirit chooses who gets what gift and instructs us how to use it. Each one who receives a gift will know and will not have to wonder whether we have it or not and what we are suppose to do with it.  the Holy Spirit leads us and guides us in all things spiritual. Let us do what God has required of us, to be obedient to his word, to love one another, to worship and praise Him only, to show the fruits of the spirit everyday and let God do what he has promised to do when we trust and obey.

On 7/23/2018 at 1:46 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Ephesians 4:11a) Do you think there are modern-day apostles? If so, who might they be? If you don’t believe there are modern-day apostles, identify some people who are doing some of the same things that the early apostles did.

a. Yes, I do believe there are modern-day apostles.  They are sent out from a local church. In the 70's, in our church, we had a young man by the name of Norman Holmes who got radically saved and went on to go to Bible school and after that started  churches in the Phillipines, Vietnam and Cambodia and trains Leaders and Pastors, has a Bible School training over 700 Pastors.

b. We also have Missionaries all over the world affiliated with our church - both Local and International who do the work of the ministry.


I think that missionaries who start churches in other countries might be called apostles. In that, they build a founding church and then go from there to build many more. I can think of people from other denominations who have started churches in other countries. I can think of the Mormon church who started churches in this country and the Pentecostals have missionaries all over who start churches in other countries besides here.


Q8.2     Do you think there are modern-day apostles? If so, who might they be? If you don’t believe there are modern-day apostles, identify some people who are doing some of the same things that the early apostles did.                   (Ephesians 4:11a)

The Apostles are the "Generals"  of the Army of the LORD.  I do not believe Christ would leave His army with leaders. Every generation has been blessed with Godly Leaders , the generals of their day, to lead and guide and often regroup and redirect the army of God.  The early disciples were the First Apostles to mobilize God's army of believers . Yes they were trained by Jesus when they were His Disciples, then the Holy Spirit empowered them to bring it all together.  The Holy Spirit has not changed and neither has the role of an Apostle.  

I believe that there are Apostles, ( Generals ), today scattered about this planet and doing great things for the Lord, however a true disciple would not be cherishing that title but  would humbly be about doing what GOD called that person to do,  build and strengthen the body of Christ.

  "It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ." (Ephesians 4:11-13, NIV)


Q2. (Ephesians 4:11) Do you think there are modern-day apostles? If so, who might they be? If you don’t believe there are modern-day apostles, identify some people who are doing some of the same things that the early apostles did.

2a. Yes, I do

2b,c.. I know one and have travel with her. Apostle Winnie Hampton, Apostle to Monrovia, Liberal Africa, and several other area. Apostle Glen Frazier and also several T.V. pastors, minister and ministries are doing some of the same things that the early apostles did.



  • 4 weeks later...
On ‎7‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 10:46 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Ephesians 4:11a) Do you think there are modern-day apostles? If so who might they be? If you don’t believe there are modern-day apostles, identify some people who are doing some of the2 same things that the early apostles did.

Q2 a.  Yes, I definitely do believe there are, but I can't think of specific names at the moment.


  • 1 month later...

I think that we have apostles today. One of the most recent one might be Mr. Billy Graham. He brought a multitude of people to know Jesus Christ with his simple messages on his crusades. Another might be Mother Teresa who was able to take care of poor.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (Ephesians 4:11a)

Q. Do you think there are modern-day apostles? 

A. By the definition of apostles, yes there are apostles today but they may not necessarily operate exactly the same way the first apostles did.

Q. If so, who might they be?

A. In Nigeria there are men of God who have established churches within and outside the country. The churches are growing in size and spiritually as the founders administer, teach and perform miracles showing the presence of the power of the Holy Spirit at work in them. 

Q. If you don't believe there are modern-day apostles, identify some people who are doing some of the same things that the early apostles did.

A. I do.


  • 1 month later...

Q2. (Ephesians 4:11a) Do you think there are modern-day apostles? If so, who might they be? If you don’t believe there are modern-day apostles, identify some people who are doing some of the same things that the early apostles did.

Yes, I think there are modern-day apostles. The word apostle means “sent one”. Apostles have a governing ministry. We see in the Bible each Person in the Trinity sending someone. Father sent His Son. Hebrews 3:1 says, Consider Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession. Jesus chose and sent the twelve apostles. Then in the book of Acts, we see the Holy Spirit choosing and sending people. In this era, where we see the work of the Holy Spirit in manifestation, there would be many of His disciples who are sent by the Holy Spirit to pioneer and to plant churches and in the beginning stages of the church to function as prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers and to raise up leaders to oversee the congregation.  

  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/23/2018 at 9:46 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Ephesians 4:11a) Do you think there are modern-day apostles? If so, who might they be? If you don’t believe there are modern-day apostles, identify some people who are doing some of the same things that the early apostles did.

Yes there are modern day apostles who are sent to preach the gospel to all who would listen. There are non-profit organizations that specialize in sending out people to bring others to God. God Himself also sends out His chosen people to preach the Word.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q2. (Ephesians 4:11a) Do you think there are modern-day apostles? If so, who might they be? If you don't believe there are modern-day apostles, identify some people who are doing some of the same things that the early apostles did.

Apostles - one of the gifts of the five fold ministry. Yes, there are modern-day apostles today though they have not physically been with Jesus. They are there today mainly used by God and his gifting to plant churches, oversee them and advance the kingdom of God. Ministries like Assembly of God, New Life Fellowship, Bethel, and many more across the world have apostles who have pioneered to build and plant churches and equip the believers for His ministry. I have grown under such an apostle and grateful to God for such privilege. Apostles have unique gifting to find ways and opportunities in planting a church while others find it tough even to start the work. This is an amazing gift of God and thank God for apostles using their gifts and advancing His kingdom.

  • 8 months later...

Q2. (Ephesians 4:11a) Do you think there are modern-day apostles?

Yes, I do, I am a continuationism.

 If so, who might they be?

They are those sent and those with spiritual gifts similar to those in the early church but not the qualification.

If you don't believe there are modern-day apostles, identify some people who are doing some of the same things that the early apostles did.
Creflo Dollar, Winnie Hampton, R.A. Verner and Joyce Meyer

  • 10 months later...

The first answer is No.

The second is subjective and will differ according to country specific and experience.

The world is in turmoil because of absence of the Apostles. Racism throughout the world as seen in the US where Black Lives do not matter and elsewhere, greed, corruption. Wars in Syria, Yemen etc. No God messengers to intercede.

  • 1 month later...

Yes i believe there are modern day Apostles.

These are those who have similar ministries to the Apostles in the first century although not with the same qualifications( they haven't witnessed the resurrection of Jesus and are no longer writing scripture to the established church) They move in the power of the Holy Spirit, signs, wonders and miracles follow them. These are the things that marks an Apostle according to Paul in 1 Corinthians 9: 2.

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