Pastor Ralph Posted July 23, 2018 Report Posted July 23, 2018 Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:11) What are lessons do you learn from verse 11? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts? Quote
Travis81 Posted November 5, 2018 Report Posted November 5, 2018 What are lessons do you learn from verse 11? The reaffirmations from 1st Corinthians 12:11 for me is plainly stated within the Verse: 1st Corinthians 12:11 - But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as He will. "All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as He determines." The Spirit gives the gifts, we decide if we will use the gift carnally, and/or of we will follow the leading of the Spirit’s anointed guidance. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts? The Holy Spirit roles in spiritual gifts as well as He Himself being a gift unto the Believer is to empower us to administer abundant living as God deems appropriate for purpose, His purpose. He is not only the Author of spiritual gifts/ability, He is the gift/ability Giver. He gives this anointing to Believers so that we may function as the body of Christ on this side of heaven. So that as legs, feet, arms, hands, etc.… we may be His ambassadors, His agents showing forth to the world His love, His grace, His mercy as we glorify and reverence Him. When we chose to use the gifts according to our own carnality we seek glory for ourselves and dishonor Him, and misrepresent His character, His Love. Quote
blezed Posted November 6, 2018 Report Posted November 6, 2018 (1 Corinthians 12:11) What are lessons do you learn from verse 11? Lessons learn from verse 11 is the the Holy Spirit (a) empowers the gifts, (b) gives at least one gift to every person, and (c) distributes the gifts according to his own will and plan. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts? Every believer has at least one gift. The role of the Holy Spirit is to help empower us to use that gift for the upbuilding of the church. Quote
Rev. Michael Posted November 7, 2018 Report Posted November 7, 2018 The Holy Spirit owns the gifts and gives them to people. We all have at least one gift that the Holy Spirit empowers us with to build up the church. We also use the gifts given us to glorify God. Others see the gifts at work within us and it blesses others. We can use our gifts together within the church. Since we don't have the same gifts, we can compliment each other as we use our gifts. Quote
Eilen Posted November 7, 2018 Report Posted November 7, 2018 The lessons learned are that the gifts given by the Holy Spirit are not according to our power or will. These gifts are bestowed on individuals so that they can continue to build His church as a place of healing and proclaiming knowledge of His word. The Holy Spirit empowers and distributes spiritual gifts individually according to His own will and plan. Quote
Karen11 Posted November 8, 2018 Report Posted November 8, 2018 On 7/23/2018 at 1:52 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:11) What are lessons do you learn from verse 11? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts? That we all have a spiritual gift, we need to learn to use our spiritual gift or we will be unfulfilled. Distributes the gifts according to his own will and plan. It is not our plan but God's. Quote
Mutsa Posted November 9, 2018 Report Posted November 9, 2018 QUESTION 3_LESSON 9 (1 Corinthians 12:11) What are lessons do you learn from verse 11? Verse 11 informs us that the message of wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing miraculous powers, prophecy, distinguishing between spirits, speaking in tongues and the interpretation of tongues are the work of the same Spirit. By virtue of these gifts being allocated to us by the same Spirit we should not boast or feel that one gift is superior to the other. These gifts complement each other and verse 7 confirms this stating that the gifts are “given for the common good.” What is the role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts? The role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts is ü to empower the gifts before allocating them ü to determine which spiritual gift or gifts to give to ü to give each and every believer in Christ Jesus at least a single gift. Believers are therefore passive receivers of spiritual gifts ü to distribute the gifts individually not in groups or pairs ü to distribute the gifts according the Holy Spirit’s will and plan Quote
Godswriter Posted November 9, 2018 Report Posted November 9, 2018 Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:11) What are lessons do you learn from verse 11? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts? For verse 11; it informs me that all gifts are equal no matter what they are. For God creating them all and His Spirit distributes them at His Will not ours. We need to learn what our gifts are and use them accordingly and not boast in them. The role of the Holy Spirit is as follows: distributes them empowers them Gives one gift to at least every person distributes gifts individually distributes them according to His own will and plan. Quote
Lottie Posted November 9, 2018 Report Posted November 9, 2018 Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:11) What are lessons do you learn from verse 11? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts? That the Holy Spirit is in charge of deciding what gifts we have and how we should use them not ourselves. That all gifts are necessary for the body of Christ. That they are given so that we may use them to glorify God and build others up and bring people to Christ. The Holy Spirit is the one who empowers the gifts, not believers. The Holy Spirit is the one who distributes the gifts to each believer. We do not pick what ones we want. The Holy Spirit gives at least one gift to each believer. The Holy Spirit gives the gifts to each individual, not to a bunch of people at once. And the Holy Spirit distributes the gifts according to God's will and plan for each person. Quote
hanks Posted November 10, 2018 Report Posted November 10, 2018 Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:11) What are lessons do you learn from verse 11? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts? This verse teaches us that there is a rich variety of spiritual gifts of a particular kind which the Spirit of God makes freely available to every local church. All these are the work of one and the same Holy Spirit who distributes them to each one just as He determines. Each and every believer receives a spiritual gift, no one is excluded, at the same time He decides which is best suited to each believer. The gifts we receive are the ones God has seen fit to give us, and we should seek to discover and use them to His glory, and the building up of His church. Even though there is great diversity in the gifts it still is the work of the Holy Spirit, and it is only He who can sustain such variety in unity – only He knows the best way for the body of Christ to be built up and grow into maturity. Quote
rosegarden Posted November 10, 2018 Report Posted November 10, 2018 On 7/23/2018 at 1:52 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:11) What are lessons do you learn from verse 11? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts? "All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines." (1 Corinthians 12:11) a. The gifts are given to us by the Holy Spirit, we all get at least one gift and they are given to us as is fitting to us, as He determines. b. The role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts is that: He empowers them, He distributes them, He gives at least one gift to every person, He gifts us individually as are suited to us, as we yield to Him, He distributes them according to His own will and plan for us. Quote
Uncle Dave Posted November 10, 2018 Report Posted November 10, 2018 Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:11) What are lessons do you learn from verse 11? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts? Verse 11, like most verses in the Bible teach us a wealth of information. The verse in question tells us that it is the Holy Spirit who empowers these gifts. The empowering of any of the gifts must be “activated” by the Holy Spirit, there being no strength of energy of a human user involved. Although every true believer receives a gift from the Holy Spirit, it is not up to the believer to choose which gift he/she will get. This is all decided by the Holy Spirit. This is because He knows better than us what best, in what way, etc., we could put to good use in the fulfilling of God’s purpose. What we need to remember is that all gifts come from one Spirit and all work for the same body. That is, each and every gift given out by the Spirit serves a purpose for the betterment of the body (the church), as a whole. Quote
Philippians1.2 Posted November 11, 2018 Report Posted November 11, 2018 Q9.3 What are lessons do you learn from verse 11? GOD does not make junk ! Each and every one of us have a purpose in GOD's economy. That being said GOD will also supply all our needs according to HIS riches in Christ Jesus through the HOLY SPIRIT. Each gets at least one 'spiritual gift'....... and just as with the story of the talents , GOD tests us to see our worthiness and will reward us proportionately to our faithfulness. Regardless of where we are put or what we are given to do the HOLY SPIRIT will always supply the appropriate gift or gifts to each person as needed. * What is the role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts? (1 Corinthians 12:11) The HOLY SPIRIT is liken unto The General of the Army of GOD, we sometimes may think we know what GOD wants us to do and individually may not see the 'Big Picture" that GOD desires. The Holy Spirit sees all and fills the needs accordingly , for the benefit of the entire body , not just locally but world wide. None of us knows the ripple effect of our lives and actions BUT GOD. Discerning the Holy Spirit , daily, is the key to victory in every Christians life. True Teamwork !!! "All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines." (1 Corinthians 12:11) Quote
Debra Grant Posted November 13, 2018 Report Posted November 13, 2018 Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:11) What are lessons do you learn from verse 11? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts? 1. God is one spirit dividing to every man severally as he will.”God is one spirit dividing, distributing, and giving each a gift or gifts to be used according to his will. Gifts are to be used to edify the church. 2. Gifts don't operate according to our energy or power, but God's. The use of the gifts are to have a healthy, balanced, powerful Church that is a place of healing and equipping to do Christ's work. Each Christian has at least one spiritual gift. God distributes the gifts according to his own will and plan. Quote
Queen Mc Daniel Posted November 14, 2018 Report Posted November 14, 2018 Q 3. (1 Corinthians 12:11) What are lessons do you learn from verse 11? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts? 3 a. The lessons from verse 11 teaches that there are various gifts but one spirit who distributes them all. 3 b. The role of the Holy Spirit is to gift each person with at least one gift according to God's will and plan. Afterward, its role is to empower the gift or gifts to operate according to the power of God. Quote
RD35 Posted December 5, 2018 Report Posted December 5, 2018 Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:11) What are lessons do you learn from verse 11? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts? The truths we learn from verse 11 are All gifts are given by the Holy Spirit, according to his will for the building up of the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit empowers the gifts; they don't operate according to my energy or power, but God's. The Holy Spirit distributes the gifts. God's purpose with the gifts is to have a healthy, balanced, powerful Church that is a place of healing and equipping to do Christ's work. This requires a wide variety of gifts, not just a couple of popular, crowd-aweing gifts that everybody asks for. The Holy Spirit gives at least one gift to every person. This verse suggests that each Christian has at least one spiritual gift. The Holy Spirit distributes the gifts individually. The Spirit has gifts especially suited to the way to an individual person. The Holy Spirit distributes the gifts according to his own will and plan. It's not my plan, but God's. If I don't take time to discern and learn to use the spiritual gifts God has for me, my life and future will be stunted, unfulfilled. Quote
JanMary Posted December 11, 2018 Report Posted December 11, 2018 On 7/23/2018 at 10:52 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:11) What are lessons do you learn from verse 11? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts? 3a. All of the gifts, abilities and achievements are inspired by the Holy Spirit who apportions to each person individually exactly as He chooses. This implies that no one is left "gift-less" and that we don't pick and choose which gift or gifts we'd like to be given. He determines which gift or gifts suit our individual personality and temperament and talents (which He also gives to us). Since each of us have been chosen and called, the gifts facilitate our fulfilling that calling. (For we are God's own handiwork, recreated in Christ Jesus that we may do the good works which God predestined (planned beforehand, prepared ahead of time) that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10 amplified.) Because He apportions the gifts and who receives them, we are not to desire or be envious of others gifts or to feel prideful or superior over which gift (s) He has chosen for us! b. Holy Spirit provides the gifts, motivates the gifts, empowers the timing and implementation of the gifts.....He gives the "unction to function" I like to say. Quote
Old Jerry Posted February 6, 2019 Report Posted February 6, 2019 I have learned that everybody has a spiritual gift and they are not all the same. It is the Holy Spirit that determines what gift that we get. Quote
haar Posted February 12, 2019 Report Posted February 12, 2019 Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:11) Q. What are lessons do you learn from verse 11? A. God gives the different gifts of the spirit to individuals as He deems fit for the edification of the church Q. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts? A. He (the Holy Spirit) conveys certain abilities to individuals to perform certain functions for the benefit of the church, the body of Christ. Quote
Rosesam Posted April 7, 2019 Report Posted April 7, 2019 Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:11) What are lessons do you learn from verse 11? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts? God created us for His pleasure. He “wired” us and knows what gifts would satisfy our purpose in this life, which is to pleasure Him. So He gives those gifts and everyone is given at least a gift. We cannot pick and choose our gifts and we cannot use the gifts given to us according to our whims and fancies. It is Holy Spirit who empowers the gifts. The gifts that He has given is for the common good and not for personal benefit. So it is to equip the Body of Christ for the purpose of His work. We cannot be envious of the gifts of others, nor look down at the gifts that He has entrusted to us. If we use the gifts that He has entrusted into us we can function in the full measure of what He has intended for us, else our function will be stunted and unfulfilled. It is the Holy Spirit who empowers, distributes to each one, and brings the results through the gifts. It is all about Him. We are only vessels in His hands for the gifts to flow. Quote
av4Jesus Posted May 16, 2019 Report Posted May 16, 2019 On 7/23/2018 at 9:52 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:11) What are lessons do you learn from verse 11? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts? We learn that every believer is given a gift. God gives us gifts according to what He thinks is best for us. We can't choose our own gifts because God divides it to us equally. The role of the Holy Spirit is to determine which gift we get and empowers and distributes the gifts. Quote
MyRockOfAges Posted May 26, 2019 Report Posted May 26, 2019 Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:11) What are lessons do you learn from verse 11? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts? Spirit of wisdom, Spirit of knowledge, gift of faith, gift of healings, working of miracles , gift of prophecy, discerning of spirits, gift of speaking in different tongues and gift of interpretations of tongues. All these gifts are from the Holy Spirit to the body of Christ to equip, build, grow His church. Jesus operated in all these gifts and has bestowed upon His church the same. This demonstrates the power of the Holy Spirit and not man. Demonstrates the power of God and glorifies God. These gifts are empowered by the Holy Spirit. These gifts are for every believer in Christ who are willing and available for Him to be used in His kingdom. Holy Spirit distributes gifts to individuals and varies from person to person. The gifts are operated by the Spirit as per His plan and will. It is the demonstration of His Spirit and power to His people and the world around that He and He alone is God. Quote
Queen Mc Daniel Posted January 29, 2020 Report Posted January 29, 2020 Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:11) What are lessons do you learn from verse 11? All spiritual gifts are given by the same Spirit. Spiritual gifts cannot be earned, merited, or work for. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts? The Holy Spirit role is to:, gives at least one gift to every person and distributes the gifts according to his own will and plan; also, the role is to empower the gift or gifts to operate as needed in the body according to his plan , Quote
Tholang Posted December 19, 2020 Report Posted December 19, 2020 We have different talents or gifts. The Holy Spirit distributes the gifts according to own gift from God Quote
Nana Karlsson Posted January 20, 2021 Report Posted January 20, 2021 All the gifts are the work of one and the same Spirit. The Holy Spirit distributes the gifts individually just as He determines. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit with the gifts, the gifts do not operate according to the believer's energy or power. Every believer has at least one gift and as the believer yield to God, he/ she can minister the gifts with power. The believer must take time to discern and learn to use the spiritual gifts they received from God so that his/ her life and future will be fulfilled. The role of the Holy Spirit in Spiritual gifts is to empower the believer with the gifts so that God's purpose for a healthy, balanced powerful equipped church for healing, deliverance, salvation and building of the church will be fulfilled. Quote
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