Pastor Ralph Posted August 28, 2019 Report Posted August 28, 2019 Q4. (Acts 13:43b) Why is “continuing” or “abiding” in the faith so important? What does Jesus’ Parable of the Sower teach about “continuing” (Matthew 13:5-6, 20-21)? Why do new believers need basic instruction and discipling before the task of evangelism is complete? (Acts 14:21b-22) Quote
JanMary Posted September 22, 2019 Report Posted September 22, 2019 On 8/28/2019 at 10:25 AM, Pastor Ralph said: ,Q4. (Acts 13:43b) Why is “continuing” or “abiding” in the faith so important? What does Jesus’ Parable of the Sower teach about “continuing” (Matthew 13:5-6, 20-21)? Why do new believers need basic instruction and discipling before the task of evangelism is complete? (Acts 14:21b-22) 1. a. Although we can't "lose" our salvation (It's a gift freely given and for which we did nothing to earn it....) we abide and continue in order to bear fruit and to grow in grace as He develops His character in us. (We have an enemy whose sole purpose is to kill, steal and destroy God's work, if possible.) To remain a "baby" Christian, who is apathetic about being discipled or resists renewing the mind with Scripture is to deny our Lord access to bring the Gospel to the unbelievers around us who desperately need to hear through our words and actions, and sets us up to be vulnerable to deception, lies, and confusion. b. Paul Admonished the "foolish" Galatians, (ch 1:6 on) for so quickly deserting Jesus' Gospel of Salvation by Grace, to embrace an "opposition" gospel of going back to live under the law. (Trying to put the old wine of legalism into the new wineskin of salvation by grace, alone). Since Paul's letter to them, there have been dozens (hundreds?) of attempts to pervert the true Gospel, which result in sects, ism's, cults, which embrace some truth but all deny that Jesus is God and faith in Him alone can save us. There is that fallen nature in all of us which wants to take credit for or to earn salvation! (I chuckle when I remember serving in the door to door "I found it" campaign years ago. Bill Bright had a great idea, and it did bear fruit...we led many people to the Lord. One lady asked "Where have you been? The cults have been here frequently at my door but never has a Christian knocked! But it gave the idea that we can take credit for salvation....when in fact He has been hunting us down and chasing after us by His Spirit in hot pursuit of our souls since the day we were born. (I didn't find Him...He found me) Thank you, Jesus. 2. We sow regardless of the soil the "seed" (Gospel) falls on. (Only He knows the condition of the soil) Some sow, some water, some reap the harvest, but our responsibility is to be faithful to sow "in season and out of season" as we have opportunity. I'm grateful that we don't have the responsibility "to save others" That is Holy Spirit's work who empowers our testimony and words to His honor and glory. 3. At first we are like baby birds....until we learn to "feed ourselves" on His Word. We are easily discouraged and easily tempted and distracted needing more mature believers to teach, instruct and encourage us to stand fast, for trials and tribulations surely follow salvation. ( I shared Christ with a lady at our gym who was depressed and needing encouragement, who said "I tried that, and the Baker's corruption on T.V. disillusioned me...I gave money and watched them every day. I'm going to look for something else now" and walked away. She had received Christ, but was turned aside by others failure to live with integrity because she did not know the scriptures. I'm so thankful that an older woman in the church took me under her wing, taught me how to pray, took me to a morning Bible Study group with loving older women in the faith and loved on our children in proxy for our parents who lived out of state. When we planted a young sapling in our yard we hammered a strong stake in the ground next to it, and hooked them together to support it until it could stand on it's own. I saw Hazel as my steadying "stake" until I was well grounded in the word and no longer needed steady encouragement, and could search out answers on my own. I know she continued to pray for us and for our children until she went to Heaven. I have always thanked the Lord for the gift of her life and for her faithfulness to disciple me! Quote
Nandita Posted September 23, 2019 Report Posted September 23, 2019 Q4. (Acts 13:43b) Why is “continuing” or “abiding” in the faith so important? What does Jesus’ Parable of the Sower teach about “continuing” (Matthew 13:5-6, 20-21)? Why do new believers need basic instruction and discipling before the task of evangelism is complete? (Acts 14:21b-22) Our faith manifests in the form of our relationship with Christ. Every meaningful relationship is something that is 'alive' and constantly worked upon. If we just say "I'm a Christian" but go our own way that's like marrying someone without ceasing to date other people. We need to keep our faith alive and we do that by talking to God, reading Scripture, and Christian fellowship. Jesus' parable talks about seeds that fell on shallow soil. They blossomed briefly but soon died because there was nothing to keep the seeds alive. People who convert to Christianity but don't make a concentrated effort to deepen their knowledge of God eventually have their faith die. Christianity is radical in so many ways. Its core principles don't come to humans naturally. And if you've lived your entire life believing something very different the sudden shift from being a non-believer to being a Christian can be chaotic. For example, you may now be a new Christian, but you may still be a member of unChristlike clubs. You may still have friends who drag you away from God. New believers don't have all the defence mechanisms or knowledge that other Christians have spent a lifetime developing. That's why it's necessary not just to evangelize but also to teach people and sustain their faith. Christian fellowship also helps keep us all on track and creates a truly Christian family that pleases God. Quote
Travis81 Posted September 23, 2019 Report Posted September 23, 2019 Q4. (Acts 13:43b) Why is "continuing" or "abiding" in the faith so important? In one word “Intimacy” In the natural, using marriage as an example – the wedding was beautiful – both were filled with joy, happiness, ecstatic bliss. If the couple chose not the abide in the crux of the union; if the couple chooses not to continue in faith upon the principle that facilitated the union they will become estranged or worse. In the spirit as it relates to our relationship with Christ Because God/Jesus loves He desire that we become transformed into the likeness of Jesus the Christ. Our growth, our growing, our transformation is important to Him, He wants an intimate relationship as we commune with Him. Acts 13:43b - who, speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God. = fruit John 15:15-17. The apostles spoke to them and encouraged them to keep on living in the grace of God. John 15:1-9; 1st John 2:5-6 “verse 6 - He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked. When the congregation was dismissed, many of the Jews and devout converts to Judaism followed Paul and Barnabas, who talked with them and urged them to continue in the grace of God. I agree with the comment our connection with God is not transactional it is relational. As we abide we reflect His Light; as we continue in His grace we love on Him – we lift Him up. As we lift Him up He draws others unto Him. · "Continue (prosmenō) in the grace of God." (Acts 13:43) · "Remain true (prosmenō) to the Lord." (Acts 11:23) · "Continue (emmenō[116]) in the faith." (Acts 14:22) · "Continue (menō) in him." (1 John 2:28) · "If you continue (menō) in my word, you are truly my disciples." (John 8:31) · "If you continue in (epimenō[117]) your faith." (Colossians 1:23) Hebrews 11:6 And without trusting, it is impossible to be well pleasing to God, because whoever approaches him must trust that he does exist and that he becomes a Rewarder to those who seek him out. Note: Three “fruit” possibilities Fruits of Repentance – Matthew 3:8 Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance. Luke 3:8 (8-14) - Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance (A clause). Repentance and faith have a connection - We are to repent but our repentance is not the ground of our salvation. True faith produces sanctification, beginning with repentance, reckoning with the law, and the gradual mortification (putting to death) of the old man and the making alive of the new (vivification). Sanctification is the fruit of our new life in Christ, the fruit of our justification, and an essential part of our gracious salvation from wrath and sin. The fruit of the Holy Spirit, godly character traits that begin to grow in our character when we yield to the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). It is no compliment when someone says to you, "I didn't know you were a Christian!" How sad! Jesus said, "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven" (Matthew 5:16). Second, there is the result or fruitfulness of our spiritual gifts, the tools that God gives Christians to help build up the Church, the body of Christ. These come in great variety. C. Peter Wagner, in his helpful book Your Spiritual Gifts Can Help Your Church Grow (Regal, 1979), lists 27 gifts, and I expect there are many more besides. If God has given you the gift of teaching, then what is the fruit of teaching? People who learn under your ministry. A teacher who has class after class of knowledgeable pupils is considered successful, fruitful. If your gift is pastoring or shepherding, then the fruit will be a well-cared-for flock. If it is administration, the fruit is a well-set-up, well-run organization of people all working toward the same goal. You get the idea. Sometimes people think that fruit means "souls" we have won to Christ. Certainly new believers are the natural result of witnessing and sharing the Good News. All Christians are called to do that. But some, those with a special gift of evangelism, will have many "souls" as a result of their ministry, because that is their particular spiritual gift. We don't have to be someone we are not, but we are to seek God for what he calls US to do, and then seek to be fruitful and effective in that to which he calls us. What does Jesus' Parable of the Sower teach about "continuing" (Matthew 13:5-6, 20-21)? There is nothing wrong with the seed (The seed represents God’s Word). The Sower (God) sows His Word & the lands on four different types of soil: hard, shallow, weedy, and good (hearts/minds). The trecption of the Word/seed is dependent on the soil/heart/mind state. All hear God’s Word the regenerated and even the non-regenerated (Romans 1:19-31), for He speaks in many ways. The people who hear Jesus’ message, take it to heart, and live by it their hearts/minds are interpreted as “Good soil” - This soil represents people whose hearts are receptive to the word of God and who continue on in the faith despite temptations, trials, and difficulties. As we continue as we abide in Him we will receive Him/His Word (Psalm 91:1 [ Safety of Abiding in the Presence of God ] He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.) Why do new believers need basic instruction and discipling before the task of evangelism is complete? (Acts 14:21b-22) New Believers need basis instructions and discipling just as in the natural, babies must learn the fundamentals as they grow and move from stages of life step by step in growth to maturity. Quote
jesus Posted September 25, 2019 Report Posted September 25, 2019 Continuing and abiding in faith is very important otherwise we will fall away. We live in a fallen world and the enemy prowls like a roaring lion. We need to guard our souls everyday and to live as a victorious Christian we need to abide in Jesus in prayer and meditation of His word. If we do not continue in faith we will not last long . The Parable of the Sower demonstrates to us the importance of continuing in faith. We see the seed of Gods word is sown in our hearts. But if we dont take care to nurture that seed in us,quickly the cares and worries of this world will choke it and prevent us from continuing in faith. ONLY when we abide in the presence of God and His Word we will be be fruit bearing Christians used by God and we produce a harvest by winning many souls to Jesus. New believers need basic instructions and discipling as they need to truly understand about God and how to continue living in faith as Christians. New believers are just like new born babies who require lot of care and nourishment till they grow into spiritually mature adults. They need to be strengthened in their new faith before evangelism takes place. Quote
t-c Posted September 25, 2019 Report Posted September 25, 2019 Q4. (Acts 13:43b) Why is "continuing" or "abiding" in the faith so important? What does Jesus' Parable of the Sower teach about "continuing" (Matthew 13:5-6, 20-21)? Why do new believers need basic instruction and discipling before the task of evangelism is complete? (Acts 14:21b-22) As Paul has said, we must run the race and we must finish the race strong. He understood this as he was "urging them to continue in the grace of God." It teaches us that if our faith is not cultivated and watered and tended to continually, that it is possible for it to wither away and die out altogether. Everyone needs strengthening, encouragement, as well as instruction to continue on in faith. No one faith walk in static; I am convinced that you are either moving forward or sliding back. Paul, when the Lord took him to Arabia, I'm sure he received much instruction, strengthening as well as encouragement before he came back to Damascus. And was ready to serve as God's missionary. Quote
Queen Mc Daniel Posted September 25, 2019 Report Posted September 25, 2019 Q4. (Acts 13:43b) Why is "continuing" or "abiding" in the faith so important? “Continuing” or “abiding” in the faith is important to receive the spirit and influence needed to bring forth the fruit of the spirit. What does Jesus' Parable of the Sower teach about "continuing" (Matthew 13:5-6, 20-21)? It is vital important that a new convert need follow -up with teaching and discipleship to help with their transitional new life style. I too stress, to form disciples to live as Christians, I must do my part by being an “example, teaching and exhortation”. Why do new believers need basic instruction and discipling before the task of evangelism is complete? (Acts 14:21b-22) A new believer needs basic instruction in being a Christian. Some studies will include what evangelism endure for the cause of Christ. From milk to solid food via the word of God. thus, it's important to continue disciplining the new convert. Acts 14:21-22 (NKJV) Says it all. 21 And when they had preached the gospel to that city and made many disciples, they returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch,22 strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying, "We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God." Quote
garymerkel Posted September 26, 2019 Report Posted September 26, 2019 Scripture is repleat with verses about abiding, obeying, enduring, overcoming, but never to earn or deserve salvation, but as a result OF salvation. "Work out your salvation with trembling and fear". "The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who DO His commandments; His praise endures forever." Ps. 111:10. How would it be possible for the HOLY Spirit live within someone and the person live a lifestyle of sin? Darkness has NO fellowship with light. We are not talking "snapshots" when a person sins, but a lifestyle. One of the questions concerns King David: How long did he live in sin (sexual, moral) before Psalm 51 was prayed? How long can someone live in sin without the conviction of the Holy Spirit? Were Ananias and Sapphira Christians? Never should the question be: How far toward the edge can I live, but How close to the mountain can I live? There is a rightful place for a wholesome, awe-filled, reverential fear of God because on the other side of the coin is God's love. Why would I want to violate God's love? What are the advantages of "abiding"? What are the horrible consequences of not "abiding"? If I have any understanding of Jesus and the gospel, I WANT to abide in Christ, in His Word. The end of Judges states a tragic state of Israel when it says, "There was no fear of God before their eyes." NOT abiding sets a person up for failure, discouragement, despair, defeat, and so much regret and shame. Nothing is worth those kind of feelings. It is why Paul said, "For me to live is CHRIST, to die is gain." Quote
Preistina11 Posted September 26, 2019 Report Posted September 26, 2019 Why is "continuing" or "abiding" in the faith so important? It is so important because John 15:4-5 says “Remain in Me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.” I believe whether as a new believer or a matured believer of Jesus, we need to stay connected to Him throughout our journey. What does Jesus' Parable of the Sower teach about "continuing"?The Parable talks about the news of the Kingdom as seeds being sowed into the believer and the difficulties faced for it to bear fruit. If the heart is like the road, the seed just gets plucked off from its surface. If the heart of the believer is like the gravel with no soil of character and when difficulties comes it wears off. The heart that has much weeds in it such weeds of wanting and getting so much that leads to performance using own strength leads to frustration and burn out. But the seed that is cast on the good earth is the heart that continues in faith, stays connected and abides even through hardship and tribulations will surely bear fruit. It transforms one into a matured believer of Christ. Romans 5; 3-5 “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us” Why do new believers need basic instruction and discipling before the task of evangelism is complete? So that they not only become a believer in the outer man but in the inner man as well. It is needed to make them strong in the Lord and to teach them to stay and fight the good fight of faith .It is needed to make them understand that it is not easy to attain the Kingdom of God. Quote
Old Jerry Posted September 26, 2019 Report Posted September 26, 2019 “Continuing” or “abiding” in the faith is so important because unless you do it all the time you will forget what your faith is all about. Jesus’ Parable of the Sower teaches us that unless our roots run deep in Christ we will be deceived and want to turn away from our first love. The new believes have just learned about Jesus but then need to know why and how to be a good follower of Him. Quote
hanks Posted September 27, 2019 Report Posted September 27, 2019 Q4. (Acts 13:43b) Why is "continuing" or "abiding" in the faith so important? What does Jesus' Parable of the Sower teach about "continuing" (Matthew 13:5-6, 20-21)? Why do new believers need basic instruction and discipling before the task of evangelism is complete? (Acts 14:21b-22) Jesus speaks about those that hear the Word and respond with joy, but with the first trial they lose interest, or they are too involved with the busyness of life and haven’t time. Finally there is those who truly believe and have received the God given hunger for the Word. They want to continue in the faith and are willing to study and meditate on the Scriptures. This reminds me of Joshua 1:8, “Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” They do this to get to know their Heavenly Father better, so that they are careful to live in obedience to Him. Those who are truly born again will persevere until the end. Jesus says, “I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me; and this is the will of Him who sent Me, that I should lose nothing of all that He has given Me, but raise it up at the last day. For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him should have eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.” (John 6:38-40). Quote
haar Posted September 27, 2019 Report Posted September 27, 2019 Q4. (Acts 13:43b) Q. Why is "continuing" or "abiding" in the faith so important? A. Salvation is by faith and not by works and thus Paul urges the converts to continue to trust and believe in Jesus for salvation and not to work out their salvation by observing Jewish rules such as need to be circumcised. Q. What does Jesus' Parable of the Sower teach about "continuing" (Matthew 13:5-6, 20-21)? Why do new believers need basic instruction and discipling before the task of evangelism is complete? (Acts 14:21b-22) A. The parable of the seed that falls on the rock represents coverts who hear the word and accept with excitement and joy but because they are not well rooted in the word, they easily backslide. It is thus necessary for a convert to continue to hear the word through discipleship to sustain his faith so as not to backslide. Quote
Uncle Dave Posted September 28, 2019 Report Posted September 28, 2019 Q4. (Acts 13:43b) Why is "continuing" or "abiding" in the faith so important? What does Jesus' Parable of the Sower teach about "continuing" (Matthew 13:5-6, 20-21)? Why do new believers need basic instruction and discipling before the task of evangelism is complete? (Acts 14:21b-22) We are to continue abiding in the faith because there is one out there who will attempt to con you out of it with promises of this and that but when it comes to Jesus saying either “enter”, or “I never knew you”, it needs to be remembered that those who he says “I never knew you” to, they will be thrown into the furnace and miss out on eternal life. In the Parable of the Sower, Jesus talks about those who don’t continue. A person who does not continue in the faith, is headed back to his/her old way of life which ends up in death. If one only tells someone about Jesus and leaves them without at-least a good resource for guidance and fine tuning, the time spent telling them about Jesus stands a good chance of being wasted. If a person is receptive to the word and is willing to pursue it would be like owning a gold mine with no way to get the gold out. I didn’t mean for that to sound so worldly, giving wealth in this life (which has ruined many) of a big importance, but mainly the concept. The Word of God is worth more that any gold mine, or even all the gold in the world but just like when Philip met the eunuch on the road from Jerusalem to Gaza who was reading from the Bible but had no idea because he had nobody to teach him what it meant. So it is with everybody. Sure, beginning to study on your own as much as you can is great but there are some things of primary importance that need explained. But, be careful not to give a misleading answer, it is at this time one might believe anything you tell them and take it as an absolute. If you don’t know, say so. Don’t let pride prevent you from being honest. Many have been exposed to preaching where they hear what someone learned from man, based on a personal agenda. The only reward you should look forward to is knowing one has been saved from eternal destruction and after being properly discipled, will be able to help gather more into the flock. Quote
rosegarden Posted September 28, 2019 Report Posted September 28, 2019 On 8/28/2019 at 1:25 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (Acts 13:43b) Why is “continuing” or “abiding” in the faith so important? What does Jesus’ Parable of the Sower teach about “continuing” (Matthew 13:5-6, 20-21)? Why do new believers need basic instruction and discipling before the task of evangelism is complete? (Acts 14:21b-22) 1. We are to continue in the grace of God, in faith, and abiding in Christ. John 15:5 I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. 2. We need to be rooted and grounded in the Word and in faith in order to continue. If we are not when persecution or tribulation comes we cannot stand and be strong. The Word nourishes our spirit the way food nourishes our body. 3. So they will not fall or backslide. They need a good foundation, relationship with Jesus Christ, knowledge of the word, water baptized and filled with the Spirit. Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; John 8:31 Quote
Lottie Posted September 29, 2019 Report Posted September 29, 2019 Q4. (Acts 13:43b) Why is "continuing" or "abiding" in the faith so important? What does Jesus' Parable of the Sower teach about "continuing" (Matthew 13:5-6, 20-21)? Why do new believers need basic instruction and discipling before the task of evangelism is complete? (Acts 14:21b-22) It is important because when people first come to Jesus they have a lot of problems to deal with and they need help. They need to learn the basics of the faith and they need to be discipled so they do not go back to their former lifestyles. They need to know what the Bible teaches on certain subjects so they can stay faithful and be holy. These new converts do not know where to look for answers. it is up to the ones who led them to Jesus to teach them all these things; so they are well grounded in the faith. That is the job of evangelists, pastors and teachers. Jesus teaches that people who do not have good roots or foundations will fall away from the faith. That people who do not understand what they read will become confused, discouraged and give up; without someone there to teach them the truth. That the ones who do not have deep roots feel joyful only when things are going good and when things get bad they decide it is not worth it. New believers need instruction because they have come from different lifestyles and cultures and need to be instructed with what the word says about things, They need to discipled in the faith so they grow and mature and can bring others to Christ. They need to be able to withstand trials and persecutions and not cave under. They need to be found faithful and be able to take over when their leaders leave, They need to withstand what this world says about them and be strong and not swayed by every doctrine that comes along. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted September 30, 2019 Report Posted September 30, 2019 On 8/28/2019 at 12:25 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (Acts 13:43b) Why is “continuing” or “abiding” in the faith so important? What does Jesus’ Parable of the Sower teach about “continuing” (Matthew 13:5-6, 20-21)? Why do new believers need basic instruction and discipling before the task of evangelism is complete? (Acts 14:21b-22) Continuing or abiding in the faith is very important to a Christen because, if not we would drift back into the very pagan life style we had before we were saved by our Lord. Jesus parable of the Sower teaches us that His word must fall on furtil ground in our hearts where his word can take deep root and flourish, keeping strong in the faith. If not the cares of this world will over come his word and we will forget all we have heard and never flourish. New believers need instruction and disciplining or they will never grow in the faith and may even lose it. Evangelism is only complete when the new believer can stand on his own when he has learned the word of God and His purpose for the grace and salvation he has provided. We should not try to push more knowledge on them than they can understand at anyone time. Sanctification is a life long process. Quote
RD35 Posted September 30, 2019 Report Posted September 30, 2019 Q4. (Acts 13:43b) Why is "continuing" or "abiding" in the faith so important? What does Jesus' Parable of the Sower teach about "continuing" (Matthew 13:5-6, 20-21)? Why do new believers need basic instruction and discipling before the task of evangelism is complete? (Acts 14:21b-22) Continuing or abiding in the faith is important because our connection with God is not transactional -- we believe, pray the sinner's prayer, and we are "in" (as some teach). It is, rather, dynamic, continuous, relational. Yes, salvation comes instantaneously and completely; we "pass from death to life" (John 5:24). Yet, faith is a relationship. We are "kept by the power of God through faith" (1 Peter 1:5). If we say we are disciples, but don't "continue in the grace of God," we deceive ourselves and others. Jesus parable of the sower teaches us that if we do not continue to abide in God then we will be like the seeds which fell on rocky soil, they wither in the face of persecutions because they have no root. New believers need basic instruction and discipling because they come from various backgrounds and are new to the Christian faith. There are chances that persecutions thrown by satan will discourage them and they may tend to go back to their old ways. They need to be taken care of like babies till they become mature in faith and start sharing their faith with others. Quote
LarryMac Posted October 2, 2019 Report Posted October 2, 2019 Q4. (Acts 13:43b) Why is "continuing" or "abiding" in the faith so important? Satan will attempt to pull the new believe back into the old lifesyle. A new believer will be tempted by others who new them before their conversion to live the old life. What does Jesus' Parable of the Sower teach about "continuing" (Matthew 13:5-6, 20-21)? There will be some who are the rocky soil, who will be quick to believe but will not have estimated the cost, who will not continue in the faith they were quick to receive. Why do new believers need basic instruction and discipling before the task of evangelism is complete? (Acts 14:21b-22) they don’t know what they don’t know! Quote
Godswriter Posted October 3, 2019 Report Posted October 3, 2019 Q4. (Acts 13:43b) Why is “continuing” or “abiding” in the faith so important? What does Jesus’ Parable of the Sower teach about “continuing” (Matthew 13:5-6, 20-21)? Why do new believers need basic instruction and discipling before the task of evangelism is complete? (Acts 14:21b-22) It is so important because new believers will be pulled in multiple directions at once upon becoming a believer as well. Their former friends will pull them in the way of the world as will the enemy. There are those believers who jump into the fold not realizing the cost of being disciple of Jesus at all and when trials come they run the other way. They need basic training because without it they can't know the basics of the gospel. Quote
Stanley Tavaziva Posted October 15, 2019 Report Posted October 15, 2019 The Jewish leaders undoubtedly brought theological arguments against Paul and Barnabas, but the real reason for their hostility was that “they were jealous.” When we see others succeeding where we haven’t or receiving the affirmation we crave, it is hard to rejoice with them. Jealousy is our natural reaction. But how tragic it is when our own jealous feelings make us try to stop God’s work. If a work is God’s work, rejoice in it—no matter who is doing it. Paul and Barnabas returned to visit the believers in all the cities where they had recently been threatened and physically attacked. These men knew the dangers they faced, yet they believed that they had a responsibility to encourage the new believers. No matter how inconvenient or uncomfortable the task may seem, we must always support new believers who need our help and encouragement. It was not convenient or comfortable for Jesus to go to the cross for us! Quote
Maggz Posted November 7, 2019 Report Posted November 7, 2019 A conversion is often a dramatic event, when the new disciple is swept up by the emotion of the moment. But this is not lasting - there may be a "downside" when faced with the cold light of the next day, and, like the shallow-rooted seed, the new faith will wither and die. A strong belief, founded on knowledge and understanding, is necessary when trouble or persecution come, or even when our faith is opposed by a non-believer. If we have not studied our faith and made the beliefs our own, we have no answer for others. Therefore, we need basic instruction, so that we ourselves can search for the truth and make it part of our own lives. Quote
rigorodgers Posted February 9, 2022 Report Posted February 9, 2022 Q4. (Acts 13:43b) Why is "continuing" or "abiding" in the faith so important? What does Jesus' Parable of the Sower teach about "continuing" (Matthew 13:5-6, 20-21)? Why do new believers need basic instruction and discipling before the task of evangelism is complete? (Acts 14:21b-22) Because the most essential card to the new life in Jesus Christ is faith. For one with no faith can never achieve eternity,how can you achieve what you don't believe for Christ is the way to eternity.By remaining in faith nothing can ever slip you off from Christ. The seeds that grew up to the point of fruiting were in fertile soil but also those that never made it to that point had the capabiy of growing if at all helped and support in different ways like those that fell in the thorns .So following up new converts helps in taking away the thorns that would kill the planted seed from producing fruits. This helps them to get to know in details how to handle different issues in life but according to the rules and regulations of the new life in Jesus and also gives one space to do away with their old ways. Quote
Irmela Posted March 10, 2022 Report Posted March 10, 2022 Acts 13:43b) Why is "continuing" or "abiding" in the faith so important? It is important to keep the faith by abiding in the faith. Not giving up when it is hard going but keep on holding on. What does Jesus' Parable of the Sower teach about "continuing" (Matthew 13:5-6, 20-21)? Seed springs up quickly and withers in persecution but if you continue with follow-up time of teaching and "rooring" then the plant gets stronger. So it would be continuing in the faith. Why do new believers need basic instruction and discipling before the task of evangelism is complete? (Acts 14:21b-22) If they have just become believers in the evangelism campaign, and know nothing more of the Gospel, it is vital that follow-up work is done. They need examples to follow (genuine ones). They need more teaching and repeated exhortation. It is easy to become discouraged Quote
Krissi Posted December 9, 2023 Report Posted December 9, 2023 Why is "continuing" or "abiding" in the faith so important? A Christian, newly converted or not, chooses to grow in faith, stagnate, or fall backward into old patterns of thinking. Most of us have done them all at different times of life, but hopefully, the net trajectory is one of growth. Growth is another way of describing continuing/abiding. It's the slow grind forward, the putting off of the old man and becoming the new. What does Jesus' Parable of the Sower teach about "continuing"? To me, the parable speaks to the fragility of faith; how important it is to immerse ourselves in fertile soil -- Pastor Ralph's studies are a part of this soil. We also have to mentor other strugglers. That parable is usually interpreted as a description of what happens to a new convert, but it can also be seen as what happens to old, seasoned Christians. Even those of us who have been "around the block a few times" in faith can recall times when we didn't thrive, grow or take root. The Christian life is more of a sine-wave than a slow, even trajectory ... maybe i'm just speaking for myself! Continuing isn't sexy. It's slow, methodical and quiet. It's the time we spent studying and in prayer. In darkness, we put down little pale roots that no one sees except God. These pale, fragile roots represent the grind of faith, pressing toward the mark without ever reaching it, our painfully slow transformation. Most of the Christian life is hidden. It's continuing. Abiding. Waiting. Why do new believers need basic instruction and discipling before the task of evangelism is complete? ...because they have no idea what's going on, and very little idea of what to do next. In the West, there is no common Christian culture anymore, no ability to draw on shared verses or even ethical norms such as the Ten Commandments. People come to faith straight out of secularity. We must start mentoring them with basics, then. As the culture coarsens and events happen that change people's perspective, the gospel has to meet-and-beat those strong forces and ways of thinking. For examples, no one would have predicted the constant obsession with social media in the 1950s -- no one would have predicted the wars of the 2020s. Yet this is what new converts have in common. They share events. Ways of looking at life. Technological advances. When we bring a very old -- yet eternally consistent -- gospel to them, we have to help them replace some of their old thinking with new. To do so, we have to understand how they think. Discipling, then, it taking them where they are at and moving them to where they can be in Christ, helping them re-think deeply buried presuppositions, helping them end engrained behaviors. A seed needs space to grow. Mental space. Much if not all growth is accomplished by the Spirit. Perhaps it's done in conjunction with our efforts, or perhaps we just imagine that we're helping others. I've soemtimes wondered if my feeble efforts to help others mature in Christ are more for me than for them -- if the Spirit is the one who causes growth as well as is the focus of growth, what is my role? Quote
George L Posted October 13, 2024 Report Posted October 13, 2024 Q4. (Acts 13:43b) Why is "continuing" or "abiding" in the faith so important? Faith is a seed, it requires care, watering with word and guidance through testing. For learning of God’s ways the believer gains confidence from personal experience. The longer we grow the more we know of scriptural promises by experience. What does Jesus' Parable of the Sower teach about "continuing" (Matthew 13:5-6, 20-21)? There are seasons, and their are types of crops. Some seed is grass and grain, fruit trees lake longer. All require their seasons in order and obedience to their care. Why do new believers need basic instruction and discipling before the task of evangelism is complete? (Acts 14:21b-22) Habits must be built, understanding by application of the word and prayer to the valleys in our walk are needed to build believers staying power. Having done all to stand. Then they too can evangelist knowing the gospel is true. Quote
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