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Q4. (Ephesians 2:13-15; Galatians 6:16) In what sense are believers in the Messiah the “New Israel”? Who makes believing Gentiles one with believing Jews? Who makes believing Protestants one with believing Catholics?

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (Ephesians 2:13-15; Galatians 6:16) In what sense are believers in the Messiah the "New Israel"?

Genesis 32:22-32 (Verse 28) it has been said on occasion there are times when God mentions Jacob as a representing the People as a whole, He does so in reference to Jacobs character prior to Jacobs conversion. Likewise on occasions when God reference the name Israel with the character of the Hebrews as a whole, He does so with the character reflecting Jacobs newness of life after his conversion.  

Galatians 6:16 - And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God

There is a great deal of controversy in what I am going to say; my prayers are that I do not place my belief above what the intent of the Word actually says.  


It is my understanding the New Israel i.e. the Israel of God are those living according to John 3:16 (Verses 3-21 ) and those passages of Scripture that aligns with John 3:16




Who makes believing Gentiles one with believing Jews? 

Christ/The Holy Spirit/God

Who makes believing Protestants one with believing Catholics?

Christ/The Holy Spirit/God




Q4. (Ephesians 2:13-15; Galatians 6:16) In what sense are believers in the Messiah the "New Israel"? Who makes believing Gentiles one with believing Jews? Who makes believing Protestants one with believing Catholics?
The New Israel isn't a geographically-bound land ruled by a body of elected human politicians. It is the community of believers who are united by their faith in Christ. I don't know whether 'New Israel' refers to the spiritual kingdom all believers populate today or whether it refers to a kingdom that God will set up after the second coming. I do know that through our belief in Christ we are all citizens of New Israel. We are united whether we are Gentiles or Jews, Protestants or Catholics. Our faith in Jesus is what makes us one body and our adherence to Jesus' commands—to love God and each other—is what binds us closer.


The new believers in the Messiah is the New Israel as we see in Ephesians 2:13-15 and Galatians 6:16. The new believers are the people of God who are now United in Christ brought near to Jesus by His blood. Jesus has broken down the wall of hostility by His sacrifice on the Cross and they are a new creation in Christ,the New Israel who are transformed no longer bound to the law.

It is Jesus through His Holy Spirit makes one the believing Gentiles with the believing Jews.

In my opinion,Catholics and Protestants are denominations made by man. True disciples of Jesus were called Christians first in Antioch. All true believers who believe in Jesus and worship Him in Spirit and truth are true worshippers United in Christ by the Holy Spirit. 



In what sense are believers in the Messiah the “New Israel”?

Both believing Jews and believing Gentiles become a New Israel based in the Messiah, and become one in Jesus (Ephesians 2:13-15; Galatians 6:16). We are one with all believers, and should demonstrate our unity with them.

Who makes believing Gentiles one with believing Jews? Who makes believing Protestants one with believing Catholics?

Christ is our unity.

On 8/28/2019 at 10:31 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Ephesians 2:13-15; Galatians 6:16) In what sense are believers in the Messiah the “New Israel”? Who makes believing Gentiles one with believing Jews? Who makes believing Protestants one with believing Catholics?

1. They are those who have been saved by grace through the death and priceless blood of Jesus on the cross and His Resurrection! (The old Israel is still in existence today but are going to be given another opportunity to become part of God's family, in these last days, and the door has always been open to them.

2. Now there is neither Jew nor Gentile, slave nor free, for we are all one in Christ Jesus. Gal 3:28

3. The same Jesus Who makes there be "no Jew nor Gentile, slave nor free". His blood unites every believer regardless of sex, race, nationality, age or denomination. (I loved seeing the entire choir at a Kathryn Kuhlman crusade years ago, was Catholic nuns"...and where I had obeyed the Lord and invited my Catholic friend, after much arguing with Him that she wouldn't understand because she is Catholic.....and she received Christ that afternoon, much to my joy....and HIS.


Q4. (Ephesians 2:13-15; Galatians 6:16) In what sense are believers in the Messiah the "New Israel"?

The Believers in a sense are in the Messiah the “New Israel” according to Ephesian 2:13-15 AND Galatian 6:16. This Israel of God is made up of the true Jews and they are those who accept this rule alone with the Gentile. “ but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God.” Romans 2:29; 9:6 But it is not that the word of God has taken no effect. For they are not all Israel who are of Israel.  Man can come to Christ by way of the cross.

Who makes believing Gentiles one with believing Jews?

God the father, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit

Who makes believing Protestants one with believing Catholics?

  “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.  And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. Galatians 3:28-29 (NKJV)


God grafted in Gentiles even in the O.T.: Ruth, Rahab, etc.  God cut off some of the Israelite branches but grafted in some Gentiles.  Paul clearly states that circucision of the flesh avails nothing if there is not circumcision of the heart.  We are one IN Christ.  HE is the One Who brings us together into one body and we are members of one another.  By the work of the Holy Spirit we are regenerated and brought into the family of God regardless of ethnic background or heritage.


Q4. (Ephesians 2:13-15; Galatians 6:16) In what sense are believers in the Messiah the "New Israel"? The believers in Messiah Jews and Gentiles are all made new as one new People. The people who were not God’s are made His by His grace, the unbelieving Jews who reject Jesus are broken off and the ones who believe are grafted into the roots of Christ, thus forming a New Israel.

Who makes believing Gentiles one with believing Jews? Paul in his preaching and teaching of what Jesus has revealed to him. The Council of Jerusalem that understand the major shift of how they see the people of God as one and at the same time not obligating them to certain laws. The prophets of the Old Testament also have written of the salvation of the Gentiles. All done by the leading of the Holy Spirit according  God’s plan and purpose.

Who makes believing Protestants one with believing Catholics. Christ unites all Christians.


The sense that believers in the Messiah the “New Israel” is that we all believe in the Son of God. He has called us all and not just the Jew. It is God who makes the believing Gentiles with the believing Jews. And it is God that makes believing Protestants one with believing Catholics.


Q4. (Ephesians 2:13-15; Galatians 6:16) In what sense are believers in the Messiah the "New Israel"? Who makes believing Gentiles one with believing Jews? Who makes believing Protestants one with believing Catholics?

Romans 11:17 …and you, although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root[b] of the olive tree,. Once not part of God’s people, many were gathered up and grafted into the vine. God look upon as equally now. I believe it was also a fulfilling of Daniel’s 70-week prophecy which was actually a 490-year period which began when Artaxeres issued the decree to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem. 70 weeks were given to the Jews to repent, which in prophecy it would equal 490 years—1 day equaling a year. When you count it out on a calendar, Jesus was baptized at the beginning of the last week and halfway through the week He was crucified. At that time the Jews were still God’s chosen people, and although Jesus reached out to Gentiles as well as Jews, He would tell His disciples to go out and preach to the Jews. It wasn’t till sometime later, when Peter had the vision that led to the Gospel going out to the Gentiles, and also Saul/Paul, when he was blinded going to Damascus was told how much he must suffer taking the gospel out to the Gentiles. Although I have no proof, I’m thinking it might have been at the end of that week (3 ½ year period) the word went out to the Gentiles. After all, it was 70 weeks given to the Jews. It was the time when the “new” members could be “grafted” into that vine. It was definitely a new day for the Gentiles.

This “oneness” between Jews and Gentiles is a result of what one man did for all of mankind on Calvary. That man was Jesus Christ.

It is the love of Jesus who joins his flock together, that is all the believers. We might be from different places, have different colors of skin, but it is the faith held in what Jesus did for us that holds the believers together. Although I consider myself to be non-denominational because it seems each one has “their” own doctrine and they’re all different and put together resembles a wrench in the transmission gears. Jesus’s flock, although I’m sure consists of more involved with denominations it must be remembered to base one’s life in love. Without it, you/me are nothing.



Q4. (Ephesians 2:13-15; Galatians 6:16) In what sense are believers in the Messiah the "New Israel"? Who makes believing Gentiles one with believing Jews? Who makes believing Protestants one with believing Catholics?

a. Jesus established a new covenant of grace that replaced the old covenant of the Law. This new covenant includes both Jews and Gentile, together, in equal standing under the Lord. There is no separation or preference between Jew and Gentile. So now all who trust in, rely upon and cling to Jesus as their Lord and savior are the New Israel.

 b. Jesus

  c. Jesus


Q4. (Ephesians 2:13-15; Galatians 6:16) 
In what sense are believers in the Messiah the "New Israel"? 
Who makes believing Gentiles one with believing Jews? 
Who makes believing Protestants one with believing Catholics?

Previously God’s people were only the Jews, but now the Gentiles are also His people – combined, all true believers in Jesus Christ, make up the “New Israel”. Salvation was to be for all nations, and it was to be through the nation Israel, that the whole world would come to know Jesus as the Messiah. Our Lord broke the barrier that existed between Jews and Gentiles, so that the believing Jews and the believing Gentiles are made one in Christ. Our Saviour created His Church for all believers.  Being a new creation, the church has a distinct calling and a distinct destiny, occupying a unique place in the purposes of God. The human created distinctions are all nailed to the Cross, so that believing Protestants and believing Catholics are made one in Christ. The cross is God's answer to racial discrimination, segregation, anti-Semitism, bigotry, and every form of strife between men. 

On 8/28/2019 at 1:31 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Ephesians 2:13-15; Galatians 6:16) In what sense are believers in the Messiah the “New Israel”? Who makes believing Gentiles one with believing Jews? Who makes believing Protestants one with believing Catholics?

1. At one time being Gentiles and Jews we were separate, we are now made one by the blood of Christ.  He is our peace and has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of partition between us; And all believers in Christ are not two but one.  We are the New Israel of God.

2. Jesus.  The unity is in Christ himself

3. Jesus. The unity is in Christ himself.  We are not to judge.  Christ will judge, we must love.  Jesus looks on the heart, we tend to look on the outward.  We are one in Christ and we all have a part to add to one another.






Q4. (Ephesians 2:13-15; Galatians 6:16) In what sense are believers in the Messiah the "New Israel"? Who makes believing Gentiles one with believing Jews? Who makes believing Protestants one with believing Catholics?

Believers in the Messiah are a "New Israel" because they worship God and follow after Jesus. They are the ones that do not glory in their own flesh but in God. 

It is Jesus who makes believing Gentiles one with the Jews and makes Protestant and Catholics one body. In Him we are bonded together because of what He did on the cross. In Him we have our life and our strength; regardless of our differences we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.


Q4. (Ephesians 2:13-15; Galatians 6:16) In what sense are believers in the Messiah the “New Israel”? Who makes believing Gentiles one with believing Jews? Who makes believing Protestants one with believing Catholics?

Believers in the Yeshuah, the Messiah are grafted into the olive tree which the Israelites are a part of and should have been a part of to begin with. However they chose to reject Him and crucify Him and by doing so He chose the Gentiles to graft in as the New Israel. They choose to worship God and follow Jesus. It's the Lord who makes believing Gentiles one with Jews and makes Protestants and Catholics one body because of His blood. It is Him we have unity. 


Q4. (Ephesians 2:13-15; Galatians 6:16)

Q. In what sense are believers in the Messiah the "New Israel"?

A. New Israel comes about by the extension of God's grace to include the gentiles to His original children through faith in Jesus Christ

Q. Who makes believing Gentiles one with believing Jews? Who makes believing Protestants one with believing Catholics?

A. God by grace through the saving faith in Jesus Christ


 An understanding of God's pure grace fits together with ides of predestination in that the Bible tells us that our lives are pre-determined by God before we were born.  It also tells us that no one come to Jesus Christ unless the Father draws him.  Since God has predestined our lives and no one can come to Jesus unless the Father draws him then God must need to provide us the faith need to accept the grace given by His son Jesus Christ. A belief in predestination might makes us lazy with regards to evangelism because we may conclude that all our efforts are in vain without God's intervention.  If God supplies both grace and faith what is there for us to do.  Our job is to spread the good news. Yes we are needed.  Our job is to explain the plan of salvation not execute it.  We are to be His mouth piece here in the earth.  Roms.10:13-14a "For whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.  How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?"


Pious Jews considered all non-Jews (Gentiles) ceremonially unclean. In the new Israel the thought of ourselves as pure and clean because of their national heritage and religious ceremonies is not it. Paul pointed out that Jews and Gentiles alike were unclean before God and needed to be cleansed by Christ. In order to realize how great a gift salvation is, we need to remember our former natural, unclean condition. 

Paul’s letter to the Galatians boldly declares the freedom of the Christian. Doubtless these early Christians in Galatia wanted to grow in the Christian life, but they were being misled by those who said this could be done only by keeping certain Jewish laws. How strange it would be for a prisoner who had been set free to walk back into his or her cell and refuse to leave! How strange for an animal, released from a trap, to go back inside it! How sad for a believer to be freed from the bondage of sin, only to return to rigid conformity to a set of rules and regulations! If you believe in Jesus Christ, you have been set free. Instead of going back into some form of slavery, whether to legalism or to sin, use your freedom to live for Christ and serve him as he desires.

On 8/28/2019 at 12:31 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Ephesians 2:13-15; Galatians 6:16) In what sense are believers in the Messiah the “New Israel”? Who makes believing Gentiles one with believing Jews? Who makes believing Protestants one with believing Catholics?

Because Israel has rejected their Messiah, we the Gentiles have temporarily taken their place because of our faith in Jesus Christ. However, God has not forgotten Israel, they will one day return to the Lord and except Christ as their savior.

Believing Gentiles and those believing Jews are one in the Lord, both believe what Christ has done for us.

Believing Protestants and believing Catholics are one in the Lord, however not everyone in these denominations are not saved. They cling to legalism and church doctrines to get them to the heavenly Kingdom.  

  • 4 weeks later...

Israel was God's chosen people, according to the covenant made with Abraham, and reiterated throughout the Old Testament.   Jesus came to fulfill the prophesies of the Messiah who would come to save God's people.   Therefore, everyone who believed in Him and in His redemptive work was the new Israel.  The old covenant, with its laws, had been fulfilled, and the new covenant in Jesus included all believers, both Jewish and Gentiles.

We are all united in Christ, who has made us one, and came to "break down the dividing wall of hostility."   (Eph. 2:14).   No longer is our salvation dependent on obeying the Jewish Law, but we are uited in our love of Christ and  in our belief in His sacrifice for our salvation

Both Protestants and Catholics are united  in their belief in the saving grace of God and in our salvation through the sacrifice of His Son on the Cross.

  • 2 years later...

re: 1 PE 2:9-11

10Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.d

11Beloved, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from the desires of the flesh, which war against your soul. 

  • 1 month later...

(Ephesians 2:8-9) What is a simple definition of "grace"?

Grace is neither earned or deserved. It is unmerited favour. 

Why aren't legalism and "works" to please God compatible with grace?

Nothing that we do from ourselves will grant us our salvation. It is a free Gift from God which we do not deserve but just need to accept. Legalism puts in place all sorts of rules and regulations to follow, which can then be looked at as "works" that are done. That is not Christ's way, it is not GRACE. Grace is free. Nothing that I do. 

What part does our faith have to do with our salvation?

It is by GRACE you are saved through FAITH. 

If I could give an illustration, I would say that SALVATION is wrapped up as a GIFT. It is there for me/us to accept. Without that step of accepting it, it stays there but FAITH is that accepting of that awesome GIFT OF SALVATION. 


Ephesians 2:13-15; Galatians 6:16) In what sense are believers in the Messiah the "New Israel"? Who makes believing Gentiles one with believing Jews? Who makes believing Protestants one with believing Catholics?

The people/nations are to be seen as neither Jew nor Greek. We are to be seen as one people. 

From that one people, all who are believers in the Messiah, are the "New Israel." Christ death on the cross was for all. 

Gentiles who accept this GIFT are one with Jews who accept this GIFT. Exactly the same Protestants and Catholics who accept this GIFT are one people. They all are believers in the Messiah, they are part if the "NEW ISRAEL"  

  • 1 year later...

In what sense are believers in the Messiah the “New Israel”?

It is my understanding that the phrase "The New Israel" refers only to believing Jews, not to Gentile converts -- Messianiac Jews. Other believers in the Messiah who are not ethnically jewish are not included in this phrase ... or so I think.

Who makes believing Gentiles one with believing Jews?

The Messiah. We both are saved by the Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Who makes believing Protestants one with believing Catholics?

Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants worship the same God and His Son. 

Many 'universalists' believe that all people of all faiths worship the same God -- "just in different ways." Christians draw the line between the church and non-church. Non-church does not only include atheists but believers in other faiths.

And that's where it gets dangerous, in my experience. Do we put unbelieving Jews in a different category, because of their ethnicity and ancient covenant, than, say, unbelieving Hindus? The implication in this study is that we categorize Jews who have rejected the Messiah differently than we categorize the rest who do not believe. 

I'm sorting through this and do not have clear answers, but if there is only one way to God through belief in Jesus, then it really doesn't matter if you are an unbelieving Jew or Muslim or animist. The only thing that condemns you is your unbelief.

Essentially, I can only see two options:

First, God is binary. He categorizes us as either believers or unbelievers, saved or damned, chosen or unchosen. 

Second, God is not binary. In fact, He has three categories: 1) believers who are saved; 2) unbelievers who are Jews (and maybe saved?); 3) unbelievers who are unsaved and hell-bound.





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