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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Q2. Rejoicing

Pastor Ralph

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Acts 16:25; Philippians 4:4; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) Why do you think we are commanded to "Rejoice always"?

When we rejoice in adverse circumstances or others then we tend to keep our vision off the immediate and keep our eyes focused on Christ. 

What is our natural tendency when we're under stress?

Our natural tendency when under stress is to worry about the outcome. 

What does rejoicing and thanking have to do with faith?

It goes hand in hand with faith. It is like thanking in spite of the circumstances and so we get to believe that we are not alone in the bad times but Christ is indeed with us. We tend to overcome easier and have faith that God will see us through the difficult part. 

In what circumstance do you find difficulty praising God?

I do try at all times to praise God in spite of whatever. 

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Why are we commanded to rejoice always? We have the potential to rejoice in all circumstances because the Holy Spirit is within us. Without the Spirit, we wouldn't have the ability to rejoice. Even with the Spirit, it's difficult to rejoice at certain times. In the darkest times of life ... when the pain is so intense it's overwhelming, only the most mature Christian can rejoice.

Rejoicing is a consequence of hope. (Perhaps it's the other way around?) No one would rejoice unless they believed the future would be less painful than the present. Those who lose hope, who have waited and waited to be plucked out of a horrible situation yet find that His divine rescue never comes, have difficulty rejoicing, but those who cling to a fading hope that God will "show up" will naturally rejoice in anticipation. 

The "old man" within us doesn't hope or trust God to rescue him or her -- the "new man," who has the Spirit within, can hope and trust God to be rescued.

All of these qualities start to blur in my mind: hope, faith, thanksgiving, rejoicing, etc. I believe they're connected (faith is the substance of things hoped for ...).  It's impossible to have one without some amount of the others. One could not rejoice without faith and hope. One could not praise and thank God (a form of rejoicing) without faith and hope. Also, a person with a strong faith and unflagging hope cannot help but feel positive in a horrible situation and rejoice.

I have found it very difficult to praise God during the past few months which, frankly, have been the worst of my life. I'm emerging from the other side of it now. I can see light ... feel hope. But there were many times a few months ago when the anxiety, anger and panic were so overwhelming that I internalized my fears ... and had to have my gall bladder removed because it had nearly burst. Physical ailments often result from faithlessness. 


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