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Q2. (Acts 19:9-10) How did “all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia” hear God’s word from one apostle, who taught daily in Ephesus and didn’t travel around. What do you think was going on that caused this kind of expansion? Why is it vital to evangelize in our great cities?

  • 1 month later...
On 8/28/2019 at 10:52 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

3AQ2. (Acts 19:9-10) How did “all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia” hear God’s word from one apostle, who taught daily in Ephesus and didn’t travel around. What do you think was going on that caused this kind of expansion? Why is it vital to evangelize in our great cities?

1. As Paul preached and made disciples, then "each one, won one"... exponential multiplication. (1 becomes 2, 2 becomes 4, 4 becomes 8...8 becomes 16... He didn't just lead people to the Lord, he taught them...was available every day for hours of teaching and training so they could be "sent" as well. Paul's ministry was accompanied by powerful signs and wonders which validated that "he was the real deal" as was the Gospel, and was anointed and appointed by God to do this work.

2. Paul had shaken the dust from his feet after the Jews rejected the Gospel, and he was sent to the Gentiles. I believe Holy Spirit was at work through Paul since his time was short, and the appointed time had come for the Gentiles to hear and receive the Gospel in order for it to spread to the known world. No one comes to Christ unless the Father draws them (John 6:44)...and it was their time to be blessed.

3. I believe it's vital to evangelize wherever we live, but in the great cities because there are more people, the multiplication principal (in Q1) intensifies resulting in greater numbers of disciples. Also great cities are very multicultural so that families, relatives and friends in each nation of origin may be reached as well. Great cities are where governments reside....they must be reached as well, for the peace and prosperity and fulfilling of God's purposes for the region, then nation.

I read a statistic that in fact, if "each one wins one" the entire world would  be evangelized, in a very few years, but unfortunately only 2% of believers share their faith with others after the first few years as believers.


Q2. (Acts 19:9-10) How did “all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia” hear God’s word from one apostle, who taught daily in Ephesus and didn’t travel around. What do you think was going on that caused this kind of expansion? Why is it vital to evangelize in our great cities?

I believe it was because that the Jews and Greeks chose to follow Paul and listen to his message and after hearing it they then told their families about it as well. Who told someone else. I would have to say the possible persecution of the church and also the fact that some believers were willing to tell others of the hope of Christ Jesus. It is vital because there is a lot of people who are lost. However to do so you need different approaches for multicultural people. 


Q2. (Acts 19:9-10) How did "all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia" hear God's word from one apostle, who taught daily in Ephesus and didn't travel around? 

Word of mouth – Word of mouth is very powerful it was powerful in Biblical days – it is powerful in the 21st Century.


Acts 9:13 Then Ananias answered, Lord, I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done to thy saints at Jerusalem:

Acts 9:38  And forasmuch as Lydda was nigh to Joppa, and the disciples had heard that Peter was there, they sent unto him two men, desiring him that he would not delay to come to them.

As Paul taught the disciples each thereafter for the two years preached/taught and or told of the gospel in their own cities or as they traveled; although the audiences of the disciples heard God’s Word from the disciples, being the teaching of the Gospel was initially taught by Paul via the Holy Spirit – the audience heard the Gospel as if it were from Paul via the Holy Spirit.    


What do you think was going on that caused this kind of expansion?

The Holy Spirit was working within Paul – within the disciples – and within the hearers of the Gospel as many as were willing to receive. In addition to those that became obstinate and/or rejected the message. People talked about the Gospel message in a positive manner or in a negative manner, whichever manner it was yet a topic of discussion.  Similarly, today in discussion within religious communities there are discussions of beliefs other than the belief held by each religious community


Why is it vital to evangelize in our great cities?

These are just a few reasons

I believe it is vital because God/Christ said the Believer should do so!

I believe it is vital because God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son so that all who received Him may have life.

I believe it is vital because doing so demonstrates our love to/of/for God and that we love our neighbor.


Q2. (Acts 19:9-10) How did “all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia” hear God’s word from one apostle, who taught daily in Ephesus and didn’t travel around. What do you think was going on that caused this kind of expansion? Why is it vital to evangelize in our great cities?

The Word was spoken by Paul in Ephesus and what happened was "discipleship" as many heard the Word and shared it.  So that the Word traveled with the disciples throughout the province of Asia and other areas.  It, the Word, still is shared that way.  As we encounter others and give them what we have received they  in turn bring the message to areas where we do not travel.  

People were believing in the Word which was spoken by Paul.  They found a sense of community and wanted to share it with those that they loved and honored and even those that never heard of Jesus.  They spread the Word by mouth to anyone who would listen.  This "evangelism" spread far and wide despite the opposition.

Our large cities are centers of moral and ethical  development.  To bring the Word and to evangelize the people of the cities can and will create a new outlook on who they are and who it is that can bring peace and wisdom.  It can make a major difference in the environment and culture   Christ said to make disciples of all nation...Would that be a good reason to start in the large cities so that it would tinkle outward to the areas beyond their limits.  



Q2. (Acts 19:9-10) How did "all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia" hear God's word from one apostle, who taught daily in Ephesus and didn't travel around. What do you think was going on that caused this kind of expansion?

They heard it through Paul’s faithful teaching in Tyrannus lecture hall for two years. Paul used the time of their culture; their activity was early morning and rest from” eleven extending into far into afternoon.”  Paul used this time to spread God’s Word.Those he taught spreading the message. God's word empowered  by the Holy Spirit is an activator.

Why is it vital to evangelize in our great cities?

It is a mandate that we spread the gospel where we are, as we never know when hearts are open or if prevenient Grace is at work in a non-Christian life. Time is short and we must plant or water where we are believing God will give the increase.


1. People love to come see a fire and Paul was on fire with the gospel.

2. The process of evangelism included discipleship as part of evangelism not separate from it.

3. Persecution helps spread the gospel.  We, as a whole, are complacent and apathetic in America.

4. The fear of God was real.  Paul says in II Cor that because of the terror of the Lord he persuaded men and then a couple verses later, "the love of Christ compels me".

5. The greatest news of all the world had come, Jesus, the prophesied Messiah.  The proximity to Jesus' death helped, but the passion imputed by the Holy Spirit should cause the same zeal as Paul and the early disciples.

6. The early church movement had missionary zeal and people realized the privilege of hearing the gospel.

7. It was also a very difficult time since people would be ostracized from their family for receiving Christ.

8. We have the same mandate, but as a whole, the American church is asleep and there are multitudes of fake Christians.  Narrow is the way and FEW there be that find it.

9. We are obligated and responsible for sharing the gospel.  None of us can save anyone, only God can, but we MUST share the gospel, send the gospel, go with the gospel, and live the gospel wherever we are.  It must be a driving passion and we must pray for that passion to be infused to other believers.


The Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard God’s word because the disciples that were being taught by Paul was then going out and spreading the word. The people were receptive to the teaching of the word. Just like in Paul’s day if we don’t evangelize then the people will not hear the word of God.


Q.(Acts 19:9-10) Q. How did "all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia" hear God's word from one apostle, who taught daily in Ephesus and didn't travel around. What do you think was going on that caused this kind of expansion? 

A. He- Paul was at one place where he trained others, and discipled them; and they in turn took the word to all over the other locations. This then resulted to the wide spread of the word that could not have been done by one person.

Q. Why is it vital to evangelize in our great cities?

A. Why this important is so that disciples who will go over the suburb areas to spread the word of God will be generated.



Q2. (Acts 19:9-10) How did "all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia" hear God's word from one apostle, who taught daily in Ephesus and didn't travel around. What do you think was going on that caused this kind of expansion? Why is it vital to evangelize in our great cities?

In Ephesus is a teacher named Tyrannus who owns a lecture hall. It seems that Paul would rent the hall every afternoon and teach classes there. Morning was the normal time for activity in Greek cities; they were in the habit of taking a siesta beginning about 11 am that extended far into the afternoon. The Western Text of the Greek New Testament indicates that Paul had use of the lecture hall from 11 am to 4 pm -- the time when most Ephesians were resting. So it seems that Paul's students would forgo their siesta each day to sit under Paul's ministry. "This went on for two years, so that all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord." (Acts 19:10)

Paul was not evangelizing in the Roman province of Asia. He is teaching daily. Rather his students, the missionaries he is training in his school of missions, are learning from Paul and then spreading the gospel over the entire province. 

Instead of deserting the great inner cities, we must work to have a powerful Christian witness there, for cities influence a large region around them.


(Acts 19:9-10) Paul rented a lecture  hall from a teacher named Tyrannus and every afternoon he would teach classes there  beginning from 11 a.m to 4.pm. Pauls students would forgo a siesta each day to sit under Paul's ministry. It was these students ,the missionaries who were learning from Paul spread the Gospel over the entire province. This went on for two years and all the Jews and the Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard God's word from one apostle who taught daily in Ephesus and did not travel around.

It is very vital to evangelize in our great cities because everyone needs to hear God's word and great cities can be very influential in evangelizing others. People from these great cities can go to areas where the Gospel needs to be preached.


Q2. (Acts 19:9-10)

1.     How did "all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia" hear God's word from one apostle, who taught daily in Ephesus and didn't travel around?

As fast as Paul was making disciples for Christ, they were themselves busy preaching to everyone.

2.     What do you think was going on that caused this kind of expansion?

Personally, I would tend to attribute this to more than just the people going out and preaching what they were taught. I would have to think that much prayer was involved, that is, time on the knees. Another thing I can’t help but wonder is signs and wonders. It seems signs and wonders were more a part of the day as compared to current times. It is sad that it is being taught that signs and wonders ended based on 1 Corinthians 13:10. To one who knows better, signs should not be necessary but to the unknowing it helps.

3.     Why is it vital to evangelize in our great cities?

Because they are not learning about Jesus, plain and simple. Television preachers talk about how many they reach with the air waves but while there might be some good messages going out, the average person has something else in mind when they turn the set on. People need to know the blessing and consequences of knowing Jesus & Jesus know you as compared to the opposite.



Q2. (Acts 19:9-10) How did "all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia" hear God's word from one apostle, who taught daily in Ephesus and didn't travel around. What do you think was going on that caused this kind of expansion? Why is it vital to evangelize in our great cities?

All the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the Word of God from Paul's disciples who sat under him each day. His missionaries are spreading the good news throughout the city and causing people to turn to the Lord.

It is vital to evangelize in bigger cities so that more people can hear the gospel; be saved and then go and tell others they know. One person cannot reach a whole city but disciples can do it. They can tell their families, neighbors and friends and it can spread that way.

On 8/28/2019 at 1:52 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

2. (Acts 19:9-10) How did “all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia” hear God’s word from one apostle, who taught daily in Ephesus and didn’t travel around. What do you think was going on that caused this kind of expansion? Why is it vital to evangelize in our great cities?

a.  Paul was into multiplication.  He did not evangelize but taught daily his students to be missionaries and to spread the truth of the Gospel over the province of Asia, thus multiplying his efforts.  

b. In teaching his disciples for two years, their going out in the power of the Spirit, all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord, and they in turn spread the Gospel to all that would hear.

c. It is vital to evangelize in large cities, because that is where the needs are and people may be more responsive to the Gospel.  People need to know Jesus loves them and is not mad at them but calls them to the Himself who saves, delivers and heals.


Q2. (Acts 19:9-10) 
How did "all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia" hear God's Word from one apostle, who taught daily in Ephesus and didn't travel around?
What do you think was going on that caused this kind of expansion? 
Why is it vital to evangelize in our great cities?

As in Corinth, most of the Jewish people rejected the good news, and as a direct result of this stubborn opposition in the synagogue, Paul left them, taking the disciples with him. But the closed door again led to an open door of opportunity. Our Lord provided a lecture hall from which Paul would preach, Christ and the kingdom of God, daily for about 2 years, until every Jew and Gentile in Asia had heard the Lord's message. On his own Paul could never have travelled the whole province in two years, instead, by preaching daily, many became Christians and of course this multiplied his ministry. 
These new believers must have been filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit and they could not stop talking about what had happened to them – the result is that all of Asia Minor heard about Christ through them. What an impact Paul’s teaching had on an entire province with all the cities! There is power in the Word of God!
With the high concentration of people, the loneliness, the poverty, and the crime that this all brings, there is an urgent need to evangelize in the large cities. Apparently our great cities can grow to double their size soon, bringing with it all the problems that will be exponentially worse. 

On 8/28/2019 at 12:52 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Acts 19:9-10) How did “all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia” hear God’s word from one apostle, who taught daily in Ephesus and didn’t travel around. What do you think was going on that caused this kind of expansion? Why is it vital to evangelize in our great cities?

Jews and Greeks in the surrounding areas of Asia heard the gospel not from just one apostle but from the believers who were discipled and sent out to other cities or towns to proclaim the gospel. Also those who were dispersed because of Christian persecution introduced the gospel to those in their new areas of settlement.

Because of the persecution of Christians in area of Asia most all fled to the surrounding cities and areas of the Roman empire. Most non-believing Jews and Greeks would accuse the apostles and believers of disrupting the culture and business in their cities, thus these non-believers incited riots in order to get the local government to kick them out of the area. 

It is necessary to evangelize in our local cities because most know nothing of the word of God. The younger generation usually end up in gangs where they are abused sexually or physically.  



How did “all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia” hear God’s word from one apostle, who taught daily in Ephesus and didn’t travel around. What do you think was going on that caused this kind of expansion?

Paul's faithful two-year public teaching in Ephesus, the leading city of the province, results in evangelization of the entire province of Asia

Why is it vital to evangelize in our great cities?

Instead of deserting the great inner cities, we must work to have a powerful Christian witness there, for cities influence a large region around them.



Q2. (Acts 19:9-10) How did "all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia" hear God's word from one apostle, who taught daily in Ephesus and didn't travel around. What do you think was going on that caused this kind of expansion? Why is it vital to evangelize in our great cities?

a. Paul withdrew from the synagogue in Ephesus and new believers followed him. He began to reason the gospel of Jesus Christ in the school of Tyrannus. He remained there teaching for two years. The gospel spread from there throughout Asia as believers traveling through other areas shared the gospel they had heard with others they encountered in their travels. It was an act of the Holy Spirit.


b. It was an act of the Holy Spirit.


c. Because they are composed of large numbers of people groups. They are also the centers of business and commerce; as well they attract people from many different countries. People hear the gospel and spread the "good news" around the world.  

  • 1 month later...

It was inevitable that new converts, excited by hearing about "The Way" would not only bring friends to Paul's meetings, but would also spread the news among their friends, and talk to all they met, whether in Ephesus or on the road

The Spirit was working in the new disciples, empowering and enabling them to speak boldly to all with whom they came in contact.   A subsidiary reason was the Pax Romana - the peace that the Romans had brought to their provinces, which made travel between the cities safer than before.  The Romans had also built a network of roads, which meant that people were able to travel in greater comfort.

In cities, one has the greatest concentration of people and therefore the chance to spread the word more quickly.

  • 2 years later...

Acts 19:9-10) How did "all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia" hear God's word from one apostle, who taught daily in Ephesus and didn't travel around.

What do you think was going on that caused this kind of expansion?

Why is it vital to evangelize in our great cities?

As Paul was accustomed to, he first preached in the synagogue. Those who were ready to accept the teaching sided with Paul, when he left the synagogue. Then Paul continued teaching in the hall, on a daily basis. 

His mornings were occupied in secular work. Then those who chose to hear him, did so in their usual resting time. (they meant business). These same disciples then went back and spread the word. That is how it expanded and many heard and turned to follow Christ. 

The great cities is where lots of immorality, fighting, etc., goes on. That is also where there is a metropolis of different cultures meeting together. 

  • 1 year later...

How did “all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia” hear God’s word from one apostle, who taught daily in Ephesus and didn’t travel around.

The Bible doesn't answer this question, Pastor Ralph. We are trying to fill in the blanks of the historical record using logic, historical and cultural knowledge, etc. Paul seems to be teaching a few hours daily in a building that is probably centrally located in an urban environment (I'm not sure of this.) That's a long chunk of teaching!!

Here's a personal anecdote: For about twenty years -- until I quit -- I was a professor at a state university in a big city. Since I was poor at that time and would get extra pay for every 40 students beyond the minimum, I tried to teach the biggest classes, often hundreds of students in a lecture hall. Obviously, I  had almost zero interaction with these students. I performed more than interacted. The students, though, felt as if they knew me. Such "relationships" can be strangely lopsided.

During this time and even years later, when I walked about the city, students would came up to me to thank me for the class. It was amazing how many students recalled bits of what was taught. When they approached me to introduce themselves, they were often with friends or family who had not taken the class. In this way, I met more and more people in that city, that is, through former students who wanted to talk in front of people they knew. 

Thus, I don't doubt that Paul had a huge impact in that city. He taught for HOURS daily. With a lecture that long, students probably flowed in and out of the room. Since it was an open forum, or seems to be, Paul's students probably brought co-workers, friends and family and would then discuss what had transpired.

What do you think was going on that caused this kind of expansion? Why is it vital to evangelize in our great cities?

Word of mouth is the strongest, most potent form of spreading any news, particularly the Good News. That's what causes expansion. It's the one-on-one conversations between believers that pushes the gospel into new areas and into the minds of more people.

In the age of the Internet, evangelizing in great cities isn't quite as important as it used to be. Still, I believe, that one-on-one evangelizing is most effective, that is, evangelizing in what my son disgustingly calls "meat space."

  • 10 months later...

Q2. (Acts 19:9-10)

1. How did "all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia" hear God's word from one apostle, who taught daily in Ephesus and didn't travel around. Paul raised up the necessary gifts to spread the gospel throughout Asia. And they went out and completed the working.

2.  What do you think was going on that caused this kind of expansion? I see a hint of God’s purpose in having Paul avoid Asia. He spread the gospel elsewhere along the trading routes of the day. So the trade traffic would spread the news toward and from the greatest cities. Then having heard for years there was a gospel from a God that cared for people and their needs they were ready to hear once Paul was sent.

3. Why is it vital to evangelize in our great cities? They are the hubs of trade and therefore travel. We have the UPS International Air hub, and 2 hours north the same for Fed Ex. The primary North South interstate connector between I-40 and I-80 runs through us. We have  more than one million people within a 31 mile radius. Army Recruiting Command and Personnel Command. It is the connections and the constant flow of people connecting other places and communication between. Cities are centers of capital. Able to finance mission outreach. Great harvest potential.

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