Pastor Ralph Posted August 28, 2019 Report Posted August 28, 2019 Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4; John 8:44) What are Satan’s chief tools to keep people under his control? Why is the sharing and preaching of the gospel so threatening to him (John 8:31-32; Romans 1:16)? Why do you think it is so difficult to share your faith or preach in the world outside the church? Quote
Travis81 Posted October 26, 2019 Report Posted October 26, 2019 Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4; John 8:44) What are Satan's chief tools to keep people under his control? Satan has many tools in his tool box, as time progress he simply use the same tools even though they appear differently. The tools he uses still appeal to humans they same way they did with Eve and Adam. They appeal to us via the three temptations of SIN (Self Inflicted/induced Non-godliness) – **** of the flesh, the **** of the eyes, and the pride of life not necessarily in that sequential odder. He will use what ever sequence per the foothold given. Fear, doubt, blindness, deception/lies, misallied Word of God, accusations, signs & wonders, sickness & torment, poverty, worry, comparison/jealousy/envy, worldly influences - busyness - staying busy, B=BEING - U=UNDER - S=SATANS - Y=YOKE Satan knows we can repent and be forgiven, however some may not surrender to be changed/transformed/mature, wherein remain B.U.S.Y. Etc… etc… etc… he will use whatever tool/means to entice and/or get our attention/focus subtly while infecting and/affecting our abiding draw to life. Why is the sharing and preaching of the gospel so threatening to him (John 8:31-32; Romans 1:16)? There sharing and preaching of the Gospel of Christ is threating to him because both in unity are contrary to him, his cause. Demonstrating the kind of love God is pleased with is contrary to the false evidence appearing real that him projects Sharing and preaching the Gospel of Christ not only threatening to him, but it also threatens allegiance unto him and his cause. Why do you think it is so difficult to share your faith or preach in the world outside the church? As for me I do not find great difficulty, however unfortunately there are occasions when I put myself first when I do not adhere to the call. There maybe the prompting from God to move and or simply a prompt from the compassion God has instilled within man and I ignore the prompting due to businesses. For example, I may not choose to be like the Samaritan doing good but instead continue on to my destination due to time and or a sense of urgency more than the prompt from God and/or human compassion. I believe some people find difficulty due to varying reasons, I agree with those mentioned within the lesson, with fear being a primary reason. Satan’s influential guise “makes people feel bad about "proselytizing" and shuts them up with the fear that they'll offend someone and appear "intolerant." Friends, these are lies of the devil, deceptions! We must not let Satan's deceptions keep us quiet!” Quote
RD35 Posted October 27, 2019 Report Posted October 27, 2019 Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4; John 8:44) What are Satan's chief tools to keep people under his control? Why is the sharing and preaching of the gospel so threatening to him (John 8:31-32; Romans 1:16)? Why do you think it is so difficult to share your faith or preach in the world outside the church? Satan's chief tools to keep people under his control is Blinding them to see Gods truth and deception(lies). People think they see clearly, but they don't get it. Their minds seem veiled. They can't comprehend the gospel. It doesn't make sense to them. Instead of seeing in the gospel "the glory of Christ," it seems to them like a mere fairy tale. Satan blinds us by deceiving us. So long as we believe his lies, we remain blind. By sharing and preaching of the gospel people will be able to know the truth and the truth sets us free. Preaching dispels this darkness. That is why Satan opposes sharing and preaching of the gospel so viciously. Satan hates the gospel. He tries anything he can to prevent the spread of the gospel, since the good news of Jesus sets people free from his control. Satan deceives and puts fear in the hearts of people that they'll offend someone and appear "intolerant." and this makes sharing of our faith difficult in the world. But these are lies of the enemy to intimidate us, we must not let Satan's deceptions keep us quiet. It is these lies that have that have kept people in Satan's bondage for so long. We are engaged in spiritual warfare and we must fight with courage and faith in Jesus Christ. Quote
Nandita Posted October 28, 2019 Report Posted October 28, 2019 Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4; John 8:44) What are Satan’s chief tools to keep people under his control? I once heard a pastor say that pride is the sin from which all others stem. I see how that could be true—especially with non-believers. Pride gives people a false sense of self-sufficiency. It tells them they can manage on their own. It tells them that they need to be in control of their own lives. It tells them that if they can't understand something then it isn't possible—that if they can't see something it doesn't exist. Satan uses humankind's pride against it. When people think that surrendering control of their lives is a sign of weakness, Satan prevents them from turning to God. When people think that they can solve their own problems, Satan prevents them from seeking God. When people think that their intelligence is vast or their powers of reasoning are supreme, Satan prevents them from believing in God. There's a reason why meekness and humility are qualities God appreciates. Satan may also use fear and worry to weaken a believer's relationship with God. When we give in to fear we often lash out, act on our own, doubt God, or behave selfishly in order to protect ourselves. That's the sort of behaviour that turns us away from God's protection and pulls us into Satan's domain. Why is the sharing and preaching of the gospel so threatening to him (John 8:31-32; Romans 1:16)? Light drives away darkness. When people learn about the light that is God and Jesus, they recognise Satan for the darkness he is. Understanding the love and goodness of God and feeling that love and goodness makes people want to please God. You can't experience a shaft of God's powerful love and not want to live in him. Satan knows that. He keeps people away from God because he knows that when they go to him they won't leave. They may fall, struggle, and sin, but they will know that through repentance, forgiveness, and God's great love they can always come back. They know this because that's what the gospel teaches—and they've heard the gospel.Why do you think it is so difficult to share your faith or preach in the world outside the church? Sometimes it's as simple as a lack of opportunity. People are in a hurry. They don't want to stop and listen to a stranger. Sometimes it's fear. In my case it's fear of laughter and rejection (which is ridiculous considering that many Christians preach and practice their faith on pain of torture or death). Sometimes it's because I don't have the right words. Ours is a simple message. But the questions people raise can be very difficult to answer. I'm working on all three. I've begun looking for opportunities to share my faith, trusting that God will lead me to the right person and at the right time. I've realised that I'd rather be laughed at than discover that my reticence is the reason someone is perishing in hell. And I've begun researching the answers to the questions that non-believers typically raise. Most of all, I'm asking the Holy Spirit to fortify me and power me through these encounters. If I think I can do it with my own courage, willpower, and knowledge, I will probably fail. Quote
haar Posted October 28, 2019 Report Posted October 28, 2019 Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4; John 8:44) Q. What are Satan's chief tools to keep people under his control? A. Fear is one tool satan uses. He can also cause fellow human beings to intimidate the children of God to deter them from declaring the Word of God. Q. Why is the sharing and preaching of the gospel so threatening to him (John 8:31-32; Romans 1:16)? A. Because he does not want the truth of the Gospel that leads eternal to be known as this will make him looses hold on them in his kingdom. Q. Why do you think it is so difficult to share your faith or preach in the world outside the church? A. Fear of rejection and or getting persecuted in the process. Quote
Queen Mc Daniel Posted October 29, 2019 Report Posted October 29, 2019 Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4; John 8:44) What are Satan's chief tools to keep people under his control? By blinding the minds of unbeliever so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God. He also uses intimidation, deception and intolerant. Why is the sharing and preaching of the gospel so threatening to him (John 8:31-32; Romans 1:16)? Because of Its power to change the heart of man. The foundation of setting one free is preaching the gospel of truth. Faith come by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. How can they hear except they be sent? We must not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it’s the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believe. Why do you think it is so difficult to share your faith or preach in the world outside the church? I have no problem in sharing my faith. Quote
garymerkel Posted October 29, 2019 Report Posted October 29, 2019 All of Satan's tools start with deception, lying, very smooth, slick lying, convincing lying, truth mixed in but a lie none the less. This hasn't changed since the garden of Eden, it just comes in different masks. Trace how Adam and Eve were deceived and the process hasn't changed. Somehow God is holding out, wants to remove the fun of life, doesn't really care or He would change your situation, your spouse, your job, whatever. The Gospel is the power of God because the Gospel is Jesus. Preaching Jesus is preaching the Truth that sets people free when they believe/trust/place faith in Jesus. Personally, I have had no problem sharing my faith since I received Christ at age 11. Some blame shyness, inabilities...all are fabricated lies of the enemy. We have NO excuses in sharing the gospel. "I don't know what to say" - "I'll say the wrong thing", etc are all cons of the devil. And here's the best, "I don't want to drive them away from God". They are already going to hell, how much farther away from God can they be? If Jesus is truly in your life, all fear is gone. All doubt is gone. The blind man said, "Before I was blind, now I see." My testimony is no different. I don't have to explain everything and I don't have to answer every question. I simply tell Who Jesus is in my life as Savior and Lord and how He cleansed my soul and made me acceptable to God by faith. There's no need to complicate it. And yes, it is that simple. Be honest, open, transparent, while depending on the Holy Spirit. It will knock the socks of the enemy. Quote
jesus Posted October 29, 2019 Report Posted October 29, 2019 ( 2 Corinthians 4:3-4; John 8:44) The chief tools of Satan keeping people under control is firstly he has blinded the minds of the unbelievers so that they cannot see the glorious light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God. He also uses lies and deception as his tools against the unbelievers. Sharing and preaching of the Gospel is so threatening to satan because he the good news of Jesus will set free people from his control and destroy his works..Once you hear the good news of Christ you come out of his authority and come into the Kingdom of God. Therefore preaching the Gospel is a threat to him. It becomes difficult to preach the Gospel in the world because the enemy makes us feel bad about "proselytizing" and shuts us up with fear that we will offend someone and appear "intolerant'. This fear keeps us off or makes it difficult to spread the good news of Jesus. Quote
Old Jerry Posted October 29, 2019 Report Posted October 29, 2019 One of Satan’s chief tools to keep people under his control is to prevent us from spreading the gospel. The spreading of the gospel is so threatening to him because we will be able to see the light. We will be able to see his lies. I think that it is so difficult to share my faith to our outside world because we are trained not to offend others but others don’t mind offending us. Quote
Uncle Dave Posted October 29, 2019 Report Posted October 29, 2019 Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4; John 8:44) 1. What are Satan's chief tools to keep people under his control? Keeping people under his control means a tightening of the binders on one’s vision to make sure they stay blinded to the truth. Lies on top of lies. Keep someone believing they are doing the right thing when in truth, they are headed in the opposite direction. As it is written, “wide is the road to destruction.” Anyone who had ever followed a deer trail on a steep mountain knows it is easier to walk down a road where you don’t have to watch where every step lands. Though it may appear easier on the wide road, the snares are many and often set with hair triggers. The vanity shows along the road are many and appealing to the eyes. We need to remember that we are talking about maintaining control which, with time becomes easier because everything that is wrong becomes common place and acceptable. While the dedicated believer on that narrow path would think it wrong to take so much as a paper clip and not even think about doing so, the one under Satan’s control, having no sense or right or wrong might (and often does) go for the contents of the company safe. Greed, **** of the flesh & eyes, and pride used by themselves or in combination becomes a way of life. It is when such a person begins to see the error of their ways that Satan will up the ante, and use things like fear, blackmail, or even something which isn’t sinful like getting a pay raise to take the person’s mind off of trying to straighten out his path. Once Satan gets a person in his grasp it is usually much easier holding on than it was getting the person in the first place, regardless of how easy that was. That is a totally different question though. 2. Why is the sharing and preaching of the gospel so threatening to him (John 8:31-32; Romans 1:16)? Speaking the Word of God is a threat to what Satan thinks is his. He stands to lose control of people when they start hearing the gospel and the truth about true peace of mind. Think of when the Allies invaded Normandy during WWII what Hitler must have been thinking. He began losing his troops and property that was wrongly taken. Another example, and one I’m sure we could all related to is when we were little children and got caught doing something we weren’t supposed to be doing. This part might depend on your current age (new laws in place), or what it was you did, but when I was young teachers used paddles, parents used switches, and the feeling one gets when their number is up is an unforgettable experience. If it is something you are determined to continue in the punishment becomes a threat to your actions. The same with preaching or sharing the gospel, the idea of losing followers is a grave threat to what Satan figures belongs to him. 3. Why do you think it is so difficult to share your faith or preach in the world outside the church? This is something that is always on my mind. I was talking to a man I met on the street the other night who was playing a recording of someone preaching on the Satanic evil behind the holiday, Halloween. He said something that tore into me like a sword when he mentioned that before he began doing what he was doing, he was in the “lukewarm” phase. That is, one foot in the world while trying to be a Christian at the same time, something that just doesn’t work. Such a life is looking at Revelations 3:16 “…I will spit you out of my mouth…” one day becoming a reality. The thought of losing the comforts of the world will stop us from making every attempt at spreading the gospel. When I say comforts of the world, I’m including getting beat up, cut up, locked up, or even killed because once you start there is no stopping, but few get to that point. That is alarming to me because that man was describing me. Quote
JanMary Posted October 30, 2019 Report Posted October 30, 2019 On 8/28/2019 at 10:57 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4; John 8:44) What are Satan’s chief tools to keep people under his control? Why is the sharing and preaching of the gospel so threatening to him (John 8:31-32; Romans 1:16)? Why do you think it is so difficult to share your faith or preach in the world outside the church? 1. Satan is a deceiver filled with hatred toward God and all that He created. He's a clever liar who can twist words to serve his purposes to those who don't know the truth. (for instance he says "God helps those who help themselves"...which sounds like scripture, and encourages independence from God's ever present help! We hear that lie frequently from both non believers and believers who have heard the lie and believe it.) He has the ability and craftiness to blind eyes and minds to keep them in a stupor and distracted in many ways from seeking after God and living a life of surrender. And just as he said to Eve to confuse her "Did God say..." (I find it interesting that God spoke to Adam about not eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, ( Gen 2:16) before Eve was created Gen 2:21-,23) so that what she heard was Adam repeating what God had told him.) But in any case she added: and not touch it, so Satan knew he had her!) Satan is a distractor who presses in with busyness and pleasure to keep many from time with God, or unbelievers from seeking God. He knows scripture better than many of us, and knows how to twist and use it against those who don't know the Word. He uses fear to keep many from coming close to God as Father. He's a seducer, and uses what God intends for our good, for his evil purposes. He knows our weaknesses: The lu-st of the flesh, the lu-st of the eyes and the pride of life, to ensnare and destroy lives. (He lures through the flesh) He uses guilt and deception to maintain control of many. 2. The Gospel is God's power unto salvation....and the truth will set men and women free! 3. Satan strives to keep men and women in darkness and under his deceptive opposition is always present to hinder the work of God. He also knows our weaknesses and tries to exploit them to keep us quiet, such as fear of rejection, or insecurities, or the lie that we don't know enough of the Word to share our testimony of God's goodness to us, and so on. Quote
Lottie Posted November 2, 2019 Report Posted November 2, 2019 Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4; John 8:44) What are Satan's chief tools to keep people under his control? Why is the sharing and preaching of the gospel so threatening to him (John 8:31-32; Romans 1:16)? Why do you think it is so difficult to share your faith or preach in the world outside the church? Satan blinds people to the truth of the gospel. They cannot understand ti and they think it is foolishness. They think that the gospel and the Bible are just fairy tales made up by mere men. He deceives us with lies and makes us blind to the truth. He has people believing that they do not need God at all; that they can believe in whatever they want to get to heaven, That any road will take you to heaven. That Christians are narrow minded and prejudice against others. He points fingers at ones who fell and tells people that they are fake. Sharing and preaching the gospel is important because it has power to change lives and set people free. It has power to heal the sick and lame and the brokenhearted. It has power to open people's eyes to the truth. It is difficult because Satan does not like when we attack his dominion and he attacks us by causing us to be fearful. He makes us afraid of talking to people about the gospel. He makes people come against us when we try to reach others for the Lord. He causes problems in our relationships at times or in our jobs to deter us from doing it.. Quote
Preistina11 Posted November 2, 2019 Report Posted November 2, 2019 Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4; John 8:44) What are Satan's chief tools to keep people under his control? Lies and deceptions. Why is the sharing and preaching of the gospel so threatening to him (John 8:31-32; Romans 1:16)? Since the gospel has the raw power to change lives,satan does not like that. Because the gospel sets people free and satan is afraid that he won’t have people under his control anymore.It is so threatening to him because his dominion is under attack and naturally he wants to counterattack. Why do you think it is so difficult to share your faith or preach in the world outside the church? It is difficult because of the right opportunity. Where I come from it is a sensitive issue because we cannot preach to all. But my husband and I are waiting for the right time because we know the Lord is certainly at work in my Nation. But at the same time we do share with family and our Buddhist and Hindu friends the best we can. There certainly is spiritual warfare but we believe God can work through any darkness.Amen. Quote
Godswriter Posted November 2, 2019 Report Posted November 2, 2019 Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4; John 8:44) What are Satan’s chief tools to keep people under his control? Why is the sharing and preaching of the gospel so threatening to him (John 8:31-32; Romans 1:16)? Why do you think it is so difficult to share your faith or preach in the world outside the church? Satan's chief tools consist of blinding people to the gospel, using his demons to blind them in their faith that is the same thing as I said before but it is somewhat different in the fact that religion is protected by them and no one can reach them because of it. Doubt is yet another tool that he uses. He has many tools that he uses to blind people. Sharing and preaching the gospel is threatening to him because of the fact it is the power of Christ crucified and that alone defeats him. Because I am homebound and don't drive. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted November 2, 2019 Report Posted November 2, 2019 On 8/28/2019 at 12:57 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4; John 8:44) What are Satan’s chief tools to keep people under his control? Why is the sharing and preaching of the gospel so threatening to him (John 8:31-32; Romans 1:16)? Why do you think it is so difficult to share your faith or preach in the world outside the church? The chief tools that Satan uses to keep people under his control are: temptations by gratifying the cravings of the flesh , addictions being physical and mental, totally searing the conscience to sin, but most of all complete blindness to the truth of the gospel. Sharing and preaching of the gospel are a threat to Satan because it brings the truth and repentance to people, totally releasing them from his control. It is most difficult to share your faith and preach the the gospel to the outside world because most have never been to church, they are comfortable living their lives under their own control in the sinful world. Most do not want to even hear of the gospel and they are blind to the truth. Quote
rosegarden Posted November 3, 2019 Report Posted November 3, 2019 On 8/28/2019 at 1:57 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4; John 8:44) What are Satan’s chief tools to keep people under his control? Why is the sharing and preaching of the gospel so threatening to him (John 8:31-32; Romans 1:16)? Why do you think it is so difficult to share your faith or preach in the world outside the church? a. Satans tools are Lies, and deception and tempting people with lusts to keep them in bondage to sin and keeping them in fear that there is no way out. b. Because preaching the Gospel dispels darkness and the good news of Jesus sets people free from his control. Satan hates the gospel. He tries anything he can to prevent the spread of the gospel. c. Fear of rejection, bad experiences, or not stepping out in faith, depending on yourself, not wanting to engage in spiritual warfare or suffer persecution. Quote
hanks Posted November 3, 2019 Report Posted November 3, 2019 Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4; John 8:44) What are Satan's chief tools to keep people under his control? Why is the sharing and preaching of the gospel so threatening to him (John 8:31-32; Romans 1:16)? Why do you think it is so difficult to share your faith or preach in the world outside the church? Satan uses the attraction of money, power, and pleasure to blind people to the light of the gospel. He also places barriers between unbelievers and God. These may be pride, rebellion, self-righteousness, or any one of a hundred different things. This is like having a veil over the minds of unbelievers keeping them in perpetual darkness, and as long as he keeps people believing his lies, they remain blind. We see this in our world today. People are lost, they do not know where to turn or where the answers lie. They do not know where we are going. They are utterly blind, like men staggering around in a dark room, groping and feeling and trying to find their way through the course of history. This sense of lostness pervades our society. Two thousand years later we can see the truth of Jesus' words. He tells us the problem, "Because," He says, "they are under the power of Satan." Behind the darkness is the great enemy of mankind, who is twisting and distorting the thinking of men, clouding their eyes, and spreading abroad widespread delusions. He has loosed into this world a great flood of lying propaganda. And everywhere today men and women have believed these delusions and lies. Sharing and preaching the Word dispels this blindness – opens the eyes of unbelievers. Before they knew the truth they were in the bondage of ignorance, sin, and superstition. The gospel has the power to turn people from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to the power of God. The moment they get to know the Lord Jesus Himself, they are delivered from sin, walk in the light, and are led by the Holy Spirit. This is all so threatening to Satan as this exposes him for what he really is. He is a liar and the father of lies – there is no truth in him. He brings death to the whole human race. Satan keeps us focusing on our own inadequacy and we become ashamed or embarrassed to share our faith. We need to keep our minds focused on our Lord Jesus Christ and on what He is doing in the world today. Quote
blezed Posted November 4, 2019 Report Posted November 4, 2019 John 8:44) What are Satan’s chief tools to keep people under his control? Satan blinds us by deceiving us so we can't grasp the truth of the gospel. Why is the sharing and preaching of the gospel so threatening to him (John 8:31-32; Romans 1:16)? Preaching the gospel exposes Satan's lies. Why do you think it is so difficult to share your faith or preach in the world outside the church? Sometimes we have concerned as to how we will be received. We may have a little fear in explaining God's word. Quote
Eldress Posted November 5, 2019 Report Posted November 5, 2019 What are Satan's chief tools to keep people under his control? He blinds the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel of Christ. They can not comprehend the gospel therefore it doesn't make sense to them. He deceives them with lies because he is a lair and the father of lies. Roaring like a lion he instills fear in the hearts of the unbelievers. Why is sharing and preaching of the gospel so threatening to him? Because Satan understands that when the gospel is sharing under the power of God and the Holy Ghost the truth of the gospel will free the people from their sins and from his authority. It will dispel the darkness and the lies that keep people in bondage thus freeing them from his authority. Why do you think it is so difficult to share you faith or preach the word outside the church? Because we are not wrestling with flesh and blood but against the powers of this dark sinful world and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms; unseen forces to which we are no match without the power of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. Quote
Eldress Posted November 5, 2019 Report Posted November 5, 2019 How do you think anger and unforgiveness give Satan an opportunity to damage you? Forgiveness is a spiritual weapon against Satan. When we fail to forgive Satan use our unforgiveness bind us up in anger so that we become spiritually cripple and unable to pray as we ought. Paul warns us not to give the devil a foothold in our life by holding on to anger, grudges, hurts, and wrongs done to us for when we do we give Satan the internal platform from which to operate. He can continually operate from within because our heart in filled with unforgiveness. The most difficult person for me to forgive is me. My unforgiveness is my damaging to me than the person who hurt me because it hinders my relationship with God. The scripture tells us that God will not dwell in an unclean temple so if unforgiveness (sin) is present God's spirit is not and neither is the Holy Spirit. Quote
Eldress Posted November 5, 2019 Report Posted November 5, 2019 What does praise and thankfulness have to do we faith? Praise and thankfulness is the language of faith. When we deliberately offer praise and give thanks in the midst of our circumstances instead of worrying it show that we have faith in God's word and are standing on His promises. Sadness and anxiety can not co-exist with praise and thankfulness. When the world sees us giving forth praise and thanksgiving in the midst of life's storm it signifies that their is something different about us. Praise and thankfulness are powerful weapons in our warfare because not only do they get God's attention but they confuse Satan. Quote
Maggz Posted December 10, 2019 Report Posted December 10, 2019 Satan is the master of deception - his tools are lies and half-truths, often so close to the truth that we can be misled. When the Gospel is proclaimed, the truth shines forth and Satan loses his power. We are afraid of ridicule, argument and disbelief. We are not confident of our abilities, and forget that God is in control. Quote
Irmela Posted March 22, 2022 Report Posted March 22, 2022 2 Corinthians 4:3-4; John 8:44) What are Satan's chief tools to keep people under his control? He blinds a peeson. Almost like keeping them in a fog and then only part truth is visible. So lies are deceptive and veiling of truth and reality. Satan is indeed the "father of lies", there is no truth in him. Why is the sharing and preaching of the gospel so threatening to him (John 8:31-32; Romans 1:16)? The Gospel brings out the TRUTH, unveiling the lies and deception , for what they are. The Gospel brings forth deliverance from death. Satan is wanting our "death" and by hearing and accepting the GOSPEL, the TRUTH, we escape that death and get ETERNAL LIFE. Why do you think it is so difficult to share your faith or preach in the world outside the church? I personally think if it is in/at the 'church', you seem to have someone watching over your shoulder all the time. Whereas when in the "wild" you are more free to depend on and hearken to the Spirit's leading. Quote
Krissi Posted December 31, 2023 Report Posted December 31, 2023 Satan's chief tool to keep people under control is DOUBT. Doubt is the fertile soil in which deception takes root. Doubt makes us pull away in fear or anger when circumstances or ideas challenge our notion of a good God. Then, Satan has deceived us. Sharing and preaching the gospel threatens Satan because through our words or evangelism, new converts are made. The Holy Spirit has a lot to do with salvation -- a person's salvation is not wholly contingent on us, but when we share with words, God can choose to use to pull a person to Him. I think of Satan as the prince over a third of angels in a tough battle against the other two-thirds. Perhaps God can create new angels so the proportions are incorrect. It's clear, though, that Satan is on the losing/shrinking team. Now, this occurs in the heavenlies. On the earth, the battle continues. Somehow we're brought into it. We, too, engage in spiritual warfare as the heavenly battle is fought simultaneously on earth. Like all battles, the bigger, smarter and best equipped army usually wins. In this battle, this is God's army. Every convert makes His army a bit stronger or at least bigger. This directly threatens Satan. In Western secular culture, sharing faith can destroy a career, cause a Christian to lose friends and be personally costly in other ways. Thus, we count the cost before talking to others about Christ. Because of the negative blowback that can occur when evangelizing, Christian tend to huddle together in like-minded groups and ignore the command to evangelize. There are many situations, however, in which a Christian can evangelize freely. When we meet people in odd circumstances or feel a compulsion to talk to someone, that's often the Spirit prompting us to share the gospel. Quote
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