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Q2. (5:2) What's wrong with the common practice in churches of "twisting a person's arm" to get him or her to serve as a church leader. What damage does this do to the church? What kind of leader does it produce?

If you have to twist somebodies arm to do something, then their heart won't be in it, which will reflect on the body of the church, and that person wouldn't be a leader because they didn't want to be.

Now they could end up liking the position after trying it, and turn out to be a fine leader, and who ever twisted their arm was doing so because they recognized something in that person, and had to give em a little push to get them started.

So it goes either way. If the prompting to twist somebodies arm was of the Holy Spirit, then you know it's going to work out.

  • 1 month later...
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What's wrong with the common practice in churches of "twisting a person's arm" to get him or her to serve as a church leader is that they are being forced into a position by man, not the will of God. The church will suffer because there is not a vision in the house, just a puppet doing what the majority wants. The kind of leader it produces is weak, ineffective, and spiritually bankrupt.

  • 9 months later...

We want "leaders" who have been "called" by God. We need to leave people alone adn let them decide for themselves which direction God is leading them. We need to quit takin over Gods job and pray about everything.

The "leader" may just end up becoming resengul of his duties/the church. He/She may become stressed out and overwhelmed by all these responsibilities, hence becoming ineffective in their work with fellow believers in the church. Having a bad attitude/heart grieves the Holy Spirit adn it stops God from working in that place or maybe I should say it stops that "anointing"/blessing that God wants to bestow down upone this church and His people.

  • 1 year later...
What's wrong with the common practice in churches of "twisting a person's arm" to get him or her to serve as a church leader. What damage does this do to the church? What kind of leader does it produce?

Peter makes it clear that elders should be willing to act in this capacity, not because there is any gain in it, but because they should be eager to serve and the rewards come from serving the Lord. Clearly, if an elder has to be coerced into acting, any sense of joy in service is lost. The activity becames a chore. This cannot produce the enthusiasm and the care that the church should demand in it leaders. The sense of duty rather than giving is likely to permeate everything in their work. Having said that, I will put in a small word for the reluctant elder. Arm twisting can be the consquence of humility, rather than reluctance. For example, in the British Parliament, the Speaker of the House by tradition is dragged to his elevated seat in the House of Commons. The ritual of reluctance has not diminished the enthusiasm and dedication with which many speakers have approached their work having been selected by members of parliament. So there is 'arm twisting' (a feinted humility) and 'arm twisting' ( a real reluctance to give time and effort to the church). Clearly the latter is to be deplored.

  • 5 months later...

:) First of all, it is wrong to twist anyone's arm to make them do something. God, Himself does not force us to do anything. Whatever we do, should be done from a position of love for God and His people. As true servants of God, whatever we do for His people should be because we want to.

Jesus did not come to save us because He was forced or convienced against His will, but because of His love for us, therefore, we should become like Him in whatever we do. We must always be willing and obedient.

  • 6 months later...

When someone is conjoled into serving, they are not doing it for the right reasons or with the desire and need to serve Christ. It gives others the wrong idea of how important it is and produces a leader that is half willing, giving minimal effort.

  • 2 weeks later...

The harm in twisting a person's arm in getting him/her to serve is that you have to twist their arm. If I love Jesus Christ and the brethren, I want to serve them both. My arm doesn't have to be twisted. I am looking for service opportunities to utilize the gifts and talents that God has given me.

The damage it does to the church is that you have leadership that doesn't really want the role and often times performs their jobs without care, concern, quality, love, etc. Others pick up on this very easily and is a bad witness. It produces a very poor leader most times.

  • 9 months later...

Coersion is wrong because a leader must be willing to serve. The damage would be that the person would do the job half-heartedly. This produces a leader dangerous to the church because Christ said he would prefer we were cold or hot rather than lukewarm or he would spew us out of his mouth. This type of service would not produce fruits or honor God.

  • 2 months later...
Q2. (5:2) What's wrong with the common practice in churches of "twisting a person's arm" to get him or her to serve as a church leader. What damage does this do to the church? What kind of leader does it produce?

The position that is open does not always fit the call. Just because there is a vacancy in a position in a church no matter what it is does not mean it is for you. I have seen people take a leadership roll out of pride with the attitude of being in charge of a position and they lord it over those under them, if they don't receive the respect they expect they become resentful or sometimes puffed up with the attitude of look at me. A person in leadership should always have an attitude of humility and a loving attitude of submitting to Christ and the people that you are overseers of.

I was at one time asked to be an Associate Pastor, It was good at first, but I began to resent the Pastor's control over me and I no longer felt the freedom of serving the people and doing the work, as I was constantly being critized for everything I did. Also the jealously of the giftings that God had placed within me. So I resigned. After resigning I had the release in my Spirit to do what I was called to do. When we are strong armed into doing something with out praying to see if that is where God want us there is no joy. Jesus is the Chief Shepard and overseer, He will place you if you listen carefully and it will Glorify Him with a right attitude and flow in the spirit of peace in the church.

I also have seen new Christians take a position because they are so anxious to be used in the church, later they become resentful and overwhelmed becuase they were not ready or had not matured enough for the position..

  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (5:2) What's wrong with the common practice in churches of "twisting a person's arm" to get him or her to serve as a church leader. What damage does this do to the church? What kind of leader does it produce?


We serve God in love and truth and this should be the attitude for serving God as a Church leader. The 'body of Christ', His Church, should be bound together in love, and this starts with the Senior Minister and then all the elders. I'm quite sure that in the days of Paul of Tarsus, as he planted Churches, the elders he appointed were believers who willingly were happy to take on that responsibility. And so the Church grew and grew.

Otherwise there is dissension and infighting as the leaders vie for positions of power and strength in the Church. This was clearly shown in the jealousy and fear that the Pharisees and leaders of the Church had in Christ's day. They were threatened in their positions of power they had, as they lost converts to 'THE WAY', and they eventually took radical steps to try and avert what was happening. Legalistic, closed minded, authoritarian leaders with little love were the result.

  • 1 month later...

When a person has to have their arm twisted to work in the church or have to be made to feel guilty about not working in the church is very wrong. It causes the person to resent being a member of the church after awhile. The work won't be done to the best of that person's ability and it won't be done to honor God. The church will get a bad reputation for forcing people to do the work of God, and a person trained under that kind of pressure will treat the members the same way and in some cases chase new members away from the church and sometimes chase them away from any other church.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q2. (5:2) What's wrong with the common practice in churches of "twisting a person's arm" to get him or her to serve as a church leader. What damage does this do to the church? What kind of leader does it produce?

God says that we must be willing,wanting to serve. If one is forced into service his heart won't be in it. He won't do a good job he won't really care about whats happening in the church he'll just do what little he needs to to get by. You need a person who is willing,enthusiastic. One who wants to be there and do the best job he can to make the church grow and spread the Gospel. When these are done in away not honoring God this could bring the demise of the church.

  • 3 weeks later...
Q2. (5:2) What's wrong with the common practice in churches of "twisting a person's arm" to get him or her to serve as a church leader. What damage does this do to the church? What kind of leader does it produce?

The problem is a shortage of helpers in the Church and I think we need to define twisting a persons' arm.

We do outreach in my Church. I help out only because we are so short of help. In obeying God and supporting my Church, I actually recieve more than I give. I am not so much arm-twisted as reluctant. Sometimes someone may be reluctant and need a push because they don't recognise their gifts or feel that they are not good enough or have anything worth offering.

If someone is truly arm-twisted then it is bullying. If bullying goes on in a Church, then they need to question whether God really exists in their Church.

We all have different gifts and abilities, hence the Bible verses that talk about the parts of the Body. Each individual is tailored by God to fit together as a whole within the Church to work for His glory and the promotion of His Kingdom.

  • 8 months later...

Q2. (5:2) What's wrong with the common practice in churches of "twisting a person's arm" to get him or her to serve as a church leader. What damage does this do to the church? What kind of leader does it produce?

I believe the problem to be two fold in this instance, firstly it can cause great damage to the one being pushed or cajoled into a situation of responsibilities that they might not yet be ready to fulfil. It can emotionally affect the person and in cases cause great spiritual damage sometimes beyond repair. Secondly there is the integrity of the church and the leadership, that can be brought into disrepute and ultimately lead to division within the church.

For those interested in my testimony

Check out my blog @ http://kzed-kensblog.blogspot.com/

Q2. (5:2) What's wrong with the common practice in churches of "twisting a person's arm" to get him or her to serve as a church leader. What damage does this do to the church? What kind of leader does it produce?

If we are twisting a person's arem they are not doing it willingly, from the heart. It will not benefit the church or the person. The damage it does to the church will be the church will not grow and the Spirit won't be able to move. I don't think it will produce a leader. The so called leader would be man m,ade. They will not have the leading of the Holy Spirit.

  • 10 months later...

Q2. (5:2)

What's wrong with the common practice in churches of "twisting a person's arm" to get him or her to serve as a church leader?

What damage does this do to the church?

What kind of leader does it produce?

Unfortunately I have seen this happen too often. Besides coercing someone to become a leader, I

  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

Q2. (5:2) What's wrong with the common practice in churches of "twisting a person's arm" to get him or her to serve as a church leader.

You end up with people whose hearts aren't really in serving the body of Christ. To serve as a deacon or elder purely out of a sense of duty isn't the way Jesus wants the people who hold those offices to serve.

What damage does this do to the church?

You could very well have an entire church leadership team comprised of people who don't really want to be doing the jobs they've been assigned to do. You WILL also burn out the people who serve out of a sense of duty because they'll feel they need to take on every job that comes up, whether they really have time to do a good job or not. That happened to a friend of mine. He craved acceptance and the diaconate were quick to seize on his sense of duty and loaded him up with more work than all the rest of the deacons combined! He was busy every night of the week doing something for the church and the last straw came when they needed to replace a coach for the women's netball team. He took on the job despite knowing nothing about netball . . . just because no one else would do it. This was on top of running the church's PA system, preparing the sanctuary for Sunday worship morning and evening, mowing the church's lawns, and other stuff I can't remember right now. The poor fool didn't know how to say no.

What kind of leader does it produce?

At best, a reluctant leader . . . at worst, someone who'll only ever do the bare minimum. Either way, they'll be serving man and not God.

  • 1 year later...

2a)If someone has to be persuaded to fulfil a role, they do not serve with an attitude of willingness and eagerness, and may serve for the wrong reasons, to appease others,feeling out to, not to please and serve God.The fruits of the Spirit is not seen, and resentment sinful motives may develop.The church does not grow &flourish

B)Leader is ineffective, not setting example of serving others out of love and obedience to God, but rather worldly example that is no difference from secular business.

  • 8 months later...

Q2. (5:2) What's wrong with the common practice in churches of "twisting a person's arm" to get him or her to serve as a church leader. What damage does this do to the church? What kind of leader does it produce?          


The problem with twisting a person's arm to get them to serve as a church leader is that their heart usually is not in it.  The position they serve suffers and God is not honored.  Placing people into leadership positions they don't want nor are called by God to fill only creates problems for the church and the pastor.  You want people who are Holy Spirit filled and excited about serving God to fill leadership roles and positions within the church.  God is honored and the needs of the congregation are cared for in a loving way.  They are a blessing to their pastor.


This method of recruiting church leaders produces mediocre and passionless leaders.  The church suffers for lack of example and inspiration.  Again, God is not honored and the church does not get the care it needs.

  • 2 years later...

Q2. (5:2) What's wrong with the common practice in churches of "twisting a person's arm" to get him or her to serve as a church leader. What damage does this do to the church? What kind of leader does it produce?

In most churches today, twisting a person's arm to serve as a church leader is that this person may really not want to serve because they are not fully qualified or not willing to put their best into the job.

The damage this can cause the church is that they may lead the people into the wrong direction and not getting the full meaning of the word of God.

These people who are forced or arm twisted to fill a job could cause these people to become greedy and trying to overlord the people with their ideas or rules. 

  • 1 year later...

Q2. (5:2) What's wrong with the common practice in churches of "twisting a person's arm" to get him or her to serve as a church leader. What damage does this do to the church? What kind of leader does it produce?

Appointing inappropriate people to eldership is a big mistake which has the potential to wreck a church. An elder must be called to his role by God and must serve both willingly and sacrificially.

Motives are most important. If the candidate for eldership is hungry for power and loves the limelight, or is looking for financial gain, he disqualifies himself. He must love the sheep he serves and be willing to spend sleepless nights on their behalf. An elder is not a committee man. He is a committed man. He has courage and will put his life on the line for the sheep that God has places under his care.

  • 3 months later...

2. (5:2) What's wrong with the common practice in churches of "twisting a person's arm" to get him or her to serve as a church leader. What damage does this do to the church? What kind of leader does it produce?

--Not portrayed as a Leader.

-- Mistrust will creep in, Unhappiness between people,

--It produces a weak leader,who does not fully know God.

  • 1 month later...
On 4/18/2004 at 4:12 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (5:2) What's wrong with the common practice in churches of "twisting a person's arm" to get him or her to serve as a church leader. What damage does this do to the church? What kind of leader does it produce?

What's wrong with the common practice in the churches of twisting a person's arm as church leader is manipulated by guilt or duty because it's not willingly service. It caused the church a great damage because there will less interest depreciating the growth of the church spiritually, physically and morally. Its will produce irresponsible and unreliable leaders.

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