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Q4. (Acts 20:24b; Ephesians 6:20; 2 Corinthians 5:20) In what sense was Paul an ambassador? In what sense are you an ambassador? Why is sharing your testimony important in your ambassadorship?

  • 2 months later...

Q4. (Acts 20:24b; Ephesians 6:20; 2 Corinthians 5:20) In what sense was Paul an ambassador? In what sense are you an ambassador? Why is sharing your testimony important in your ambassadorship?

Paul is an ambassador to Christ through the fact that God chose Him to serve all people groups. But also because he was a Jew who once persecuted the church and then became a follower of Jesus. I am an ambassador in the fact that God chose to use my past to bring people to Him and also the present as well. It is important because through it I am able to glorify God and also bring people to Him.


Q4. (Acts 20:24b; Ephesians 6:20; 2 Corinthians 5:20) In what sense was Paul an ambassador? In what sense are you an ambassador? Why is sharing your testimony important in your ambassadorship?

Generally speaking, an ambassador is a respected official acting as a representative of a nation. Sent to a foreign land, the ambassador’s role is to reflect the official position of the sovereign body that gave him authority.

Paul is an official representative of Christ, charged with "testifying to the gospel of God's grace"

I too am an ambassador for Christ in the sense, that I have been approved and entrusted by God to represent His kingdom as a believer in Jesus Christ. Empowered by the Holy Spirit I must take the full gospel to the end of the earth, preaching repentance of sin and turning to God, accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and the only way to the Father.  It is my responsibility to reflect His kingdom by being like Jesus in this world  “as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves”


Q4. (Acts 20:24b; Ephesians 6:20; 2 Corinthians 5:20) In what sense was Paul an ambassador?

He is an official representative of Christ, charged with "testifying to the Gospel of God's grace"


In what sense are you an ambassador?

Every Believer should adhere to the charge given upon accepting the charge. Accepting the charge, we acknowledge our lives are no longer our own [The Great Commission Matthew 28:19-20].     

As we live and move and have our being, (in our homes, at the work place, in the vineyard, etc…), we are to witness unto the Lord. Our conversation [Ephesians 4:22, Philippians 1:27, Hebrews 13:5, James 3:13, 1 Peter 1:15-18, 1 Peter 3:1-2, 2 Peter 3:11] should be reflective of Christ.

Colossians 4:6 - Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

The Believer's words are to preserve the message of Christ; what we say should add value to the conversation.


Why is sharing your testimony important in your ambassadorship?

Every Believer in Christ is a Represent of King of King, Lord of Lord, Redeeming Savior/Deliverer therefore we should strive to faithfully as His Ambassador presenting/carrying/delivering/continuing His Message/Guidance/Counsel.

On 8/28/2019 at 11:07 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Acts 20:24b; Ephesians 6:20; 2 Corinthians 5:20) In what sense was Paul an ambassador? In what sense are you an ambassador? Why is sharing your testimony important in your ambassadorship?

1. Paul was sent by God to represent Christ to those who did not know Him, and to teach, train, and encourage and correct when needed, those who had responded with a "yes" to the Gospel.  Paul always making his appeal to be reconciled to God with the Word of God to both Jew (until they refused the Gospel) and then to the Gentiles. 

2. I've been "sent" or commissioned to represent Christ to those around me who know me, and to share Him with those I have opportunity to meet. "So we are Christ's ambassadors, God making His appeal through us." 2 Cor 5:20  "Our mouth is open to you (Corinthians or whomever) ….our heart is extended wide for you. (2 Cor 6:11)

3. Sharing my testimony is revealing Who God is, and how He has changed my life...a "witness" to His reality and His power in the world...that He is a personal God, who knows and loves individuals, who invites relationship and reconciliation, and I have the privilege of carrying His love and message. I love the creative ways He "sets up" these opportunities....it makes life an adventure and sharing, a joy rather than a "duty" to be performed.


Acts 20:24b; Ephesians 6:20; 2 Corinthians 5:20 : Paul is an ambassador because he has an assignment from Jesus  to testify to the Gospel of God's grace and is an official representative of Christ and functions as an embassy on behalf of the Kingdom of God. An ambassador for any country is  on an assignment or a mission abroad on behalf of that country. Paul is on an mission ,task or and assignment from Jesus and thus functions as an ambassador for Christ ,on behalf of the Kingdom of God carrying out the task of testifying about Jesus.

Once I accept the Lord Jesus Christ my life is not my own but His and I also am an ambassador because I have to carry on the tasks of Jesus of testifying and being a witness to His grace and share the Gospel to the others.

Sharing one's testimony is very important in ambassadorship because we testify from our own life the grace of God ,how he saved us, what Jesus has done and doing for us which  encourages others to know about Jesus and believe in Him. We become witnesses to the Lord's grace and favor upon our lives as we share our testimony and draw others to Jesus. 

Q4. (Acts 20:24b; Ephesians 6:20; 2 Corinthians 5:20) In what sense was Paul an ambassador?
An ambassador is a high-ranking diplomat accredited to represent one country to another. That certainly describes Paul well. He was entrusted with the task of representing the Kingdom of Jesus to the Gentiles. He was accredited by Jesus himself. And he carried out his responsibilities perfectly. He carried Christ's message wherever he went and spoke to whomever he could. He tailored his message for each audience and put an incredible amount of thought, effort, and passion into representing Christ to people.
In what sense are you an ambassador?   
Every Christian is entrusted with the same task—to bring others to Christ. I have a few family members that I'm trying to bring to Christ and I've discovered that it takes more than Biblical knowledge for them to turn towards Jesus. They already know what the message is. What makes them move towards belief is the testimony of someone they know. They see God at work in my life even if they don't always accept that it was him. I tell them about promptings God gives me, prayers he answers, and occasionally share Bible verses or Christian articles God asks me to. Every time I show them God's fingerprints on my life I make it easier for them to turn to Christ in their hour of need.
Why is sharing your testimony important in your ambassadorship?  
Sharing one's testimony is what makes the message real for other people. It also shows people that God cares for and interacts with each one of us individually—on a personal, intimate level. Unbelievers are notorious for the number of tricky questions they can ask. Having experiences we can cite, miracles we can cling to, and personal proof that we can share may not answer questions or dispel doubts outright. It is, however, a crucial first step—a nugget of information that you've now transferred from your life into a non-believer's mind. 
If you can tell people that you've experienced what you believe in—that you're arguing not just from a point of knowledge but experience—you can a stronger case than they do. Your stance—"I believe because I've experienced it"—has more weight than their stance—"I disbelieve because I have no proof yet".
Posted (edited)

Q4. (Acts 20:24b; Ephesians 6:20; 2 Corinthians 5:20)

Q. In what sense was Paul an ambassador?

A. He was appointed by Christ to represent Him to nations and tribes. To take the message of salvation that comes only through the Lord Jesus Christ to the wold, his constituency.

Q. In what sense are you an ambassador?

A. I am an ambassador for Christ as the name on my computer profile carries.  I am represent Christ in my conduct my neighbourhood, my work place, the church and wherever I may find myself. But regrettably, I have not been an effective ambassador like Paul. So help me Lord God.

Q. Why is sharing your testimony important in your ambassadorship?

A. Doing so will convince my constituency to accept the message of salvation quickly.


Edited by haar
to correct grammar that makes meaning of sentence clearer

Q4. (Acts 20:24b; Ephesians 6:20; 2 Corinthians 5:20) In what sense was Paul an ambassador?

   He’s an ambassador: that belong to the one who sent him out, who was commission, who exist for God’s purpose, who possesses the authority and power of the one who sent him, sent forth and with the message of God.  

In what sense are you an ambassador?

Commissions by the one who saved me, sent, declaring the message of the gospel of Christ Jesus to all. I have been an ambassador abroad, in my community and the congregation I attend. There is no place I go that I’m not an ambassador.

 Why is sharing your testimony important in your ambassadorship?

The important of sharing my ambassadorship is let others know who i represent My testimony is through precept and example


Paul is here on earth to teach us about Jesus and to stand up to Jesus’s teachings. We need to share our testimony because we need to let other people know that there is  place much better than this and the only way to get there is through Jesus Christ.


Q4. (Acts 20:24b; Ephesians 6:20; 2 Corinthians 5:20) 
In what sense was Paul an ambassador? 
In what sense are you an ambassador? 
Why is sharing your testimony important in your ambassadorship?

Paul represented Jesus Christ here on earth. He was a spokesman for God; spreading His message of reconciliation. In the same way, as believers, we should be representing Jesus – acting like His ambassadors here on earth. We can and should be taking all opportunities to tell all in our area about our Lord Jesus and His saving grace. It’s up to us as Jesus’ ambassadors to tell the world that they must be reconciled to God – repent and put their trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. 


Paul is an ambassador in that he has been sent as a representative of Christ charged with testifying to the gospel of God's grace.  Even though I may not be an apostle, I too have a message to carry and share testifying to the gospel of God's grace.  I may be the only Bible some people will ever read therefore I should make sure that people do not see me but the Jesus that is in me.  My walk and my talk must be in alignment.  

Sharing my testimony is important in my ambassadorship because when spoken thru the power of God and the Holy Spirit it could cause other to believe in God and repent of their sins.


Q4. (Acts 20:24b; Ephesians 6:20; 2 Corinthians 5:20)

1.     In what sense was Paul an ambassador?

Paul is an ambassador in that he was used of the Kingdom of God to preach the message of the kingdom taking it to the gentiles.  

2.     In what sense are you an ambassador?

While our being an ambassador is not the load Paul carried it is just as important in that we are the ones chosen to share the Good News of the coming kingdom to those we know or come in contact with.

3.     Why is sharing your testimony important in your ambassadorship?

Our testimony is important because people will see us for what we are and if our testimony isn’t good, people will see it and it hurts the credibility of the message we are trying to share.

On 8/28/2019 at 2:07 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Acts 20:24b; Ephesians 6:20; 2 Corinthians 5:20) In what sense was Paul an ambassador? In what sense are you an ambassador? Why is sharing your testimony important in your ambassadorship?

a. An Ambassador is an accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country.  Paul was an ambassador in that sense that he was sent by Christ on behalf of the Kingdom of God to testify of the Gospel of God's Grace.

b. I have been sent by God as Jesus Ambassador to be His witness to my friends, neighbors, workplace, relatives, church and community.  Telling them of God's love, mercy and grace. So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” (2 Cor. 5:20) NLT

c. Sharing my testimony is important in that it is a reality in what Christ has done for me and He is no respecter of persons.   He is a personal God who knows all about you and will meet you at your need and make himself real to you in a way that you will know that you know it is God who has really done it.    Making you open to the Gospel.


Paul was part of God's kingdom and thus a spokesman for His king, empowered by his King, and obedient to his King.  He represented God's kingdom to the world.  We, as believers are no less ambassadors of the Most High King of Heaven doing His bidding as we are empowered by His Spirit.

In the power of the Spirit Paul testified of his King and his King's right to rule in every heart and every nation and why it was eternally best for all.  His testimony was about Jesus, his King, and Jesus' work on his behalf, Jesus call on his life, and his honor to represent the King of kings.  It is the same with us.  It is an honor to represent our Coming King to the world and proclaim His life transforming message.  If Christ had done nothing IN me, I would have no interest in telling others about Him, but since He lives IN me, has saved me, and empowers me to preach His deliverance, I cannot help, like the disciples, but to speak of the things I have seen, heard, and experienced and I want every person possible to know this Jesus, my Savior, Lord, Friend, and King.  God can use me and He does and He uses the witness HE put deep within my soul, for His glory and the saving of many.


Q4. (Acts 20:24b; Ephesians 6:20; 2 Corinthians 5:20) In what sense was Paul an ambassador? In what sense are you an ambassador? Why is sharing your testimony important in your ambassadorship?

Paul was an ambassador because he was an official representative for Christ. He had a message to tell others about what Jesus had done for Him. He had a mission to go and tell the Jews and Greeks about the grace of God. 

I am an ambassador in my neighborhood, church and with the people I know. I have the same message to tell them; how he saved me and how He is working in my life.


Q4. (Acts 20:24b; Ephesians 6:20; 2 Corinthians 5:20)

 In what sense was Paul an ambassador? He was an ambassador for Christ. He was moving around from one place to another, getting people together, connecting the body of Christ and brings the gospel of Jesus  

In what sense are you an ambassador? In my small way, not in the broad sense I am an ambassador for Christ too. I try my best to share Jesus whenever there is an opportunity. While in this task as I get in touch with the various ministry and also people of other faiths I practice the kingdom culture and share Christ.

Why is sharing your testimony important in your ambassadorship? It is important as it encourages the believers as well the non believers. It enhances the body of Christ.Testimony is a very important part of a Christian.


In what sense was Paul an ambassador? In what sense are you an ambassador?

Paul was an ambassador in the sense that he was a representative for Christ charged with "testifying to the gospel of God's grace"  I am an ambassador in the sense that I witness to those in my neighborhood, church, or workplace.  I am also a dedicated servant in my church.

Why is sharing your testimony important in your ambassadorship?

I share my testimony of the goodness of the Lord and all that He has done for me so that others may know he will do the same for them.

  • 1 month later...

An ambassador is one who represents his country and speaks on its behalf in a foreign land.   In this way, Paul is a representative of God, sent out among unbelievers, to speak for Him.   The same applies to us.   Through our speech and our actions, we show God and His love to those around us who may not yet have met Him.  This also means that, just as an ambassador is well-versed in his country's policies, and able to make decisions and  speak on its behalf, so we also must understand our faith and know what it is that we believe in, so that we are able to share our testimony, since the spread of the Gospel depends on each individual being an ambassador in this way.

  • 2 years later...

Acts 20:24b; Ephesians 6:20; 2 Corinthians 5:20) In what sense was Paul an ambassador?

In what sense are you an ambassador?

Why is sharing your testimony important in your ambassadorship?

Paul was an ambassador in the sense that he lived and shared Christ with both Jews and Gentiles, whom he met along the way wherever he went. Along his life's journey he never stopped sharing Christ, whether it meant acceptance of the msg. or being beaten and chased away. 

I too am an ambassador. This is not my permanent home. That is with Christ. So my life needs to portray Christ wherever I am and also in whatever circumstance I find myself in. (It is not I that liveth but Christ that liveth in me). 

Sharing my testimony is important because it could just encourage someone who is going through a similar situation. It could just remind them that it is worth holding on. Also my life ought to be different than someone's who is not following Christ. 

  • 1 year later...

Pastor Ralph gives two meanings for the word that's here translated ambassador. The first meaning has to do with service, that by serving others we are ambassadors (or mirrors) of Christ. The second meaning seems richer because it has to do with being sent away as Christ's representative. I'm not certain, but it seems that being sent involves going to places or people not your own. It's not what you do in your house (that could include the first meaning) but what you do publicly, in front of others, that makes one an ambassador of Christ. 

In this second meaning, an ambassador is much like a missionary. He/she is sent somewhere. He/she is on display or is in the public eye. He/she is self-consciously highly aware that behavior and words re-present the authority that sent, that is, Christ Himself. Pastor Ralph says this second meaning is what Paul intends, here.

There are several words that could be translated ambassador in the NT.

In a sense, we're all called to be ambassadors. The great commission of Jesus commands us to tell others about Christ's salvation. But, within the great commission there are subsets and one of these is being an ambassador, in the second meaning. When we are among seculars, we are among "foreign" people even if they are family or old friends. At this time, we are ambassadors. When we are among superficial Christians, particularly those who are unlike the believers we know at home, we are also ambassadors.

We are called to serve. To love. To speak words of comfort and healing. To teach. To evangelize. To ... whatever. Being an ambassador isn't a verb but a noun. It's who we are as we do these verbs.

  • 10 months later...

Q4. (Acts 20:24b; Ephesians 6:20; 2 Corinthians 5:20)

  1. In what sense was Paul an ambassador? He was sent as an emissary of Christ to the gentile peoples.
  2. In what sense are you an ambassador? It is my assignment to carry the good news that Christ paid the price for removing all enmity between your self and God. Which, if you caaeptvthevprice paid, have access as an adopted child into the Kingdom of God which shall last forever into forever.
  3. Why is sharing your testimony important in your ambassadorship? I have lived through it myself. I felt it’s joys and pains. I walked through its troubles. I brought that “me” to Christ and recieved my deliverance from death before me. Life support at 60 liters of Oxygen per minute lost me into Code Blue seven times in one day. If God did that for the old me, surely he will do as much or more for others who will cry out to him.

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