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Day 5 Meditation (Revelation 5:7-10). You have been redeemed, purchased by payment of a price. In your own case, what kind of slavery have you been rescued from? Does this inspire you to sing to the Lord, even while darkness still swirls around you? Why do you think Jesus wants you to reign with him in the New Heavens and the New Earth?

  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, I have been redeemed and Jesus made the payment. I have been rescued form the slavery of sin. It does make me sing to the Lord but maybe not a song but a praise what He has done for me. I don’t know why Jesus wants me to reign with him in the New Heavens and New Earth. It doesn’t make sense to me but I know that He does.


Day 5 Meditation (Revelation 5:7-10). You have been redeemed, purchased by payment of a price. In your own case, what kind of slavery have you been rescued from? The bondage of hopelessness and helplessness in the face of GOD's LOVE and righteousness in Christ JESUS..

Does this inspire you to sing to the Lord, even while darkness still swirls around you? YES ..GOD has arranged for many wonderful songs to be written and sung...and I often sing along...AMAZING GRACE being one of my favorites..but I believe this is just a foreshadowing of how wonderfully beautiful the heavenly songs will be..JESUS PAID IT ALL

Why do you think Jesus wants you to reign with him in the New Heavens and the New Earth? LOVE...PURE LOVE...In the original creation GOD said "Let US make man in OUR image"....Prior to the fall, man had dominion over all of GOD's creation..He was GOD's "caretaker"...I believe that will be restored in the New Creation.


Just thinking of what Jesus did to rescue us from our sins makes me want to sing a song of praise and worship.  My voice is not the best now but am thinking God still wants to hear it and one day I think I will have a new singing voice when I stand before Jesus my Kinsman Redeemer.  Jesus paid it all all to Him I owe, sin had left a crimson stain. He washed it white as snow.  God bless you all and keep on singing.



Day 5 Meditation (Revelation 5:7-10).

Q. You have been redeemed, purchased by payment of a price. In your own case, what kind of slavery have you been rescued from?

A. Living in sin doing the biddings of Satan but now I redeemed and live for my Lord

Q. Does this inspire you to sing to the eirdLord, even while darkness still swirls around you?

A. Oh yes it does and I will ever worship and give Him praise for my redemption.

Q. Why do you think Jesus wants you to reign with him in the New Heavens and the New Earth?

A. Because He purchased me and I belong to Him and a joint heir with Him.


Every Sunday, when I was around 6/7 years old may be until age of 12, I used to watch, now I am 49 years old, films in the the American Baptist mission compound near where I was born and brought up. They used to give us colors to paint bible verses and them watched films like may be Jesus, Moses...(with old technology of the then projector). It was fun that time for me as kid to go with my friends, especially for the projector film. I remember the person who translated into Amharic from English, and I always wished to be like him. But after I joined junior and high school, though I went to the same place, it was for different purpose, which is to study in their well equipped library to study. There was no such library as far as I knew as good as this baptist mission library near my village. projector films were stopped and students, especially from high school,  come from all corners of Addis Ababa to get this service. Variety of science and maths and physics books. I knew Jesus by name from that childhood film and painting verses, but never it was seriously taken as my savior and even didn't know what my relationship with God was and let alone knowing what I needed to do to be saved and become child of God in Jesus. After many years, after I joined university and were studying the fifth year agricultural engineering, graduating class,  but in the mean time I was feeling empty and didn't get satisfied even as I approached graduation-already became chain smoker and drinking and doing all the nonsense of youth habits and aspirations, one of my dorm mate in my department got saved and encouraged me to join him-which I started reading the bible as a man and was very impressed by the Message of Hebrew and then the gospels which letter culminated to receiving Jesus and met my King-Jesus. Baptized in the Pentecostal Full Gospel church. putting the long story in short.

After that with all ups and downs, I am now the husband, , last more than 25 years, of one very beautiful  and blessed wife and three children (19, 17 and 10 years old) who are also in Jesus even serving with the youth group, worshiping God in Jesus as family and praying for our neighbors, relatives and those who we happen to meet and know. Being with brothers and sisters..studying in cell groups... What a privilege and reward of life! Thank you Jesus.

This is Jesus for me and I long to see him. Now I know that His plan for me, my family and brothers and sisters in Him is everlasting communion in love as children and Father. 


Day 5 Meditation (Revelation 5:7-10).

You have been redeemed, purchased by payment of a price. In your own case, what kind of slavery have you been rescued from?  I accepted Jesus as my Savior at 12 years old soon after my parents divorced. I ended up with strongholds of bondage of my own making that Jesus broke down over the years. The first one was based on a lie that the enemy deceived me into believing was the truth. I believed my abortions were not sin because it is legal to do so. My high  need for love and affection led me down a road of promiscuity seeking the love I so needed. I had the love all along but didn't see it. Jesus set me free from deception and lies into the freedom of the truth. 

Does this inspire you to sing to the Lord, even while darkness still swirls around you? Yes. Yes. Yes. I recently got some headphones and started walking around my house singing with my not that great singing voice. My daughter and husband who are very introverted look at me strangely. It's a look of I don't understand how she can sing out loud for all to hear. Because the only thing that matters is expressing my adoration for the one who saved me from the lies, the fear, the anger, the need for control. 

Why do you think Jesus wants you to reign with him in the New Heavens and the New Earth? Because he loves me that much. His love brings purpose. 

Day 5 Meditation (Revelation 5:7-10). You have been redeemed, purchased by payment of a price. In your own case, what kind of slavery have you been rescued from? 
Jesus paid the price so I could call God my Father, and enter His presence without fear. I tend to be afraid, and foolish. He has helped me many times and in various ways to overcome situations that I could not handle. 
Does this inspire you to sing to the Lord, even while darkness still swirls around you? 
A poem came to me one time, and has encouraged me when darkness swirled around me...
Do not be discouraged 
Do not be dismayed.
For God Almighty is with you,
Even in the pain,
He will never leave you.
He won't let you fall.
God Almighty is with you!
Trust Him through it all.
Last Friday a new song came to me...
Great is
Great is
Your grace and Your mercy
Great is
Great is
Your wisdom and love
More than
More than
Our sin and weakness!
We look to You,
our Savior above.
Why do you think Jesus wants you to reign with him in the New Heavens and the New Earth?
I don't think He wants me to reign with Him; I think I am more of a priest-type. Why would He want His followers to reign with Him? Maybe instead of the "powers of this dark world" and " the spiritual forces of evil" that the world has now, when Jesus reigns, He will have His followers be powers for good.

Day 5 Meditation (Revelation 5:7-10).

You have been redeemed, purchased by payment of a price. In your own case, what kind of slavery have you been rescued from?

Rescued me from the slavery of fears, ( power of darkness) condemnation of sin and guilt.

Does this inspire you to sing to the Lord, even while darkness still swirls around you?

Yes! I can live victoriously because of what he had done on the CROSS!

Why do you think Jesus wants you to reign with him in the New Heavens and the New Earth?

To enjoy the presence of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit ( the love relationship)like what was meant to be when God created Adam and Eve in the beginning.

On 5/15/2020 at 12:34 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 5 Meditation (Revelation 5:7-10). You have been redeemed, purchased by payment of a price. In your own case, what kind of slavery have you been rescued from? Does this inspire you to sing to the Lord, even while darkness still swirls around you? Why do you think Jesus wants you to reign with him in the New Heavens and the New Earth?

a. God was not a reality to me.  I kept praying, there has got to be more to life than this.  I married out of fear.  God rescued me from an abusive marriage.  Someone told me about the Lord and I just knelt and prayed and said to God:  Lord, my life is a mess,  I give you my life, my husband,  my children, do with it what you will.  God honored that prayer and showed up and my life has never been the same.  Fear was gone, I had peace and I knew that He was with me.

b.  Yes, my heart rejoices in His presence.  Just knowing He lives in me and I can know Him, read and study His Word and be strong in Him.  Listening to worship songs and getting them in my spirit to burst out at anytime. Upon arising the enemy wants to fill me with lies and untruths.  I immediately start shouting the opposite saying what God says about me:  I am the healed of the Lord, The Lord is my helper, I am the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world, I am more than an conqueror, In Him I live and move and have my being, my body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost.   I should start making songs of these scriptures.  

c.  Because He loves me, redeemed me and wants me to rule and reign with Him.  

On 5/15/2020 at 9:34 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 5 Meditation (Revelation 5:7-10). You have been redeemed, purchased by payment of a price. In your own case, what kind of slavery have you been rescued from? Does this inspire you to sing to the Lord, even while darkness still swirls around you? Why do you think Jesus wants you to reign with him in the New Heavens and the New Earth?

1. He has  been painfully, but gloriously rescuing me from the trauma and fears instilled in me in an abusive and violent childhood home. He is such a gentle teacher and healer, that He considers each step of healing when he deems one is ready and able to face the past and to go through the process of healing and deliverance. As a result Isaiah 45:3 "I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places that you may know that it is I the Lord Who calls you by your name" has become my song! I used to wonder when I read that verse what the treasures could possibly be....but in these many long years of being led out of the darkness into the healing and cleansing power of His love and light and grace, I discovered that He is my treasure, and the hidden riches of the secret places are where I fell into His arms and in love with my Savior and God.

2. I do sing to Him, but I also delight in every moment I spend in His Presence, I find joy in His amazing creation and creatures. When I learned to smile and to laugh He showed me that is music to His ears and Heart. Darkness still may swirl around me but I've never been alone in those places since He's healed the terror and nightmares and PTSD episodes....He is with me holding my hand. I will forever praise and thank Him.

3. It's difficult to imagine "reigning" with Him, and I can't imagine what that will entail, but I think the reason must be that each of us, trophies of His love, grace, deliverance, and training, then "being like Him" in love and wisdom and character will  have a special assignment which we have been fitted for in this life of trials and being transformed into His image. (Romans 8:28, 29: And we know that all things work together for good, etc, v  29 that we may be conformed into the image of Christ.) short version.


Day 5 Meditation (Revelation 5:7-10).

You have been redeemed, purchased by payment of a price. In your own case, what kind of slavery have you been rescued from? Thank God, I have been redeemed, freed from the shackles of sin.  Freed from addictions, from ****, from idol worship, from death.  Christ purchased life for me.  Amen!

Does this inspire you to sing to the Lord, even while darkness still swirls around you?  Even while darkness still swirls around me I can sing to the Lord because He has sealed my future in Him.  Singing praises to Him, removes me from the present circumstances and I focus on Him.  I can look to the day when I am at home with Him in Glory, never again to face life's troubles.

Why do you think Jesus wants you to reign with him in the New Heavens and the New Earth? Jesus wants all the redeemed to reign with Him in the New Heavens and the New Earth as a reward for accepting His gift of redemption.


Day 5 Meditation (Revelation 5:7-10). 
You have been redeemed, purchased by payment of a price. 
In your own case, what kind of slavery have you been rescued from? 
Does this inspire you to sing to the Lord, even while darkness still swirls around you? 
Why do you think Jesus wants you to reign with Him in the New Heavens and the New Earth? 

I was a sinner, a slave to sin, and condemned to eternal separation from God. 
Jesus through His mercy and grace purchased my freedom from sin and the clutches of Satan with His blood. I realise I have been purchased at a tremendous cost, and I now belong to Jesus. My sins are forgiven, I will share in His inheritance, and will reign with Him in His eternal kingdom.
Yes, this does inspire me to sing a new song to my Saviour Jesus Christ. For my heart is full of joy for what He has done. He has triumphed over death, over the power of Satan and his allies, and over the godless and rebellious realm of this world. It was on the cross that the Lord Jesus, the slain Lamb, bought me with His own blood, purchased me for God and gave me a destiny in His new kingdom. A kingdom where I can serve Him and have the honour of access to His presence. Enough inspiration to sing a new song to my Lord!
Jesus wants me to reign with Him since I have been truly united with Him, and will live and reign with Him forever (2 Tim. 2:11–13). Sin no longer has dominion over me, and I may fulfil the royal law of liberty in serving my Creator (1 Peter 2:16; James 1:25). Remembering that God made us to have dominion over creation, to rule it for His glory (Gen. 1:26–31).  


The Coronavirus slavery that is happening everywhere.  Businesses re facing bankruptcy and people are losing jobs.  The employment slavery has not allowed people or businesses to develop or implement worker well-being policies.  The role of businesses in the Coronavirus outbreaks and pandemic are not only wreaking havoc on the unemployed but the essential business workers are putting their lives on the forefront to provide services to us.  Not just that, but the lack of workers may e creating a need for real slavery in different parts of the world.

We must protect workers from exposure and then allow for social distancing at places of employment.

On 5/15/2020 at 12:34 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 5 Meditation (Revelation 5:7-10). You have been redeemed, purchased by payment of a price. In your own case, what kind of slavery have you been rescued from?  I've been getting trafficked for almost two years after I was illegally locked out of my home. The person who initiated the lock out did it under false pretense and I've been living out of hotels and Airbnb spots ever since. I have not been rescued from this slavery. Every shelter I go to is managed by the same guy that locked me out and the people are hostile and nasty. He locked me out bec I reported him for rape.

Does this inspire you to sing to the Lord, even while darkness still swirls around you?  Since I have not been rescued, I am not inspired to do anything but pray for rescue. Darkness can swirl but I still remain hopeful. 

Why do you think Jesus wants you to reign with him in the New Heavens and the New Earth?  Maybe we are the new disciples that'll help spread God's love upon the weary.  Since I'm new to the faith, and I can't imagine being asked to reign anything. 


Day 5 Meditation (Revelation 5:7-10). You have been redeemed, purchased by payment of a price. In your own case, what kind of slavery have you been rescued from?

I was rescued from watching horror movies, soap opera and dancing

Does this inspire you to sing to the Lord, even while darkness still swirls around you?

I love singing, especially when I am trouble

Why do you think Jesus wants you to reign with him in the New Heavens and the New Earth?

To fulfill the scripture Revelation 20:6 (NKJV)
 Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years.



I was rescued from drinking, and from perverseness in my personal life. I am daily being changed from being more concerned for others than for myself. 

Yes at times I sing out loud to Him when I hear songs that move me.

Because Jesus wants us to share in the glory that He will have because He loves us. He wants us to be with Him forever.


You have been redeemed, purchased by payment of a price. In your own case, what kind of slavery have you been rescued from?

Yes, Jesus paid the price for me to be rescued from my sins.  Thank God for His goodness and mercy!

Does this inspire you to sing to the Lord, even while darkness still swirls around you?

I find singing is the best form of lifting my spirits when I am troubled. 

Why do you think Jesus wants you to reign with him in the New Heavens and the New Earth?

 Jesus loves me so much so that he gave His life for me.  I belong to Him.  He is looking forward to me reuniting with Him.


  • 2 weeks later...

Day 5 Meditation (Revelation 5:7-10). You have been redeemed, purchased by payment of a price. In your own case, what kind of slavery have you been rescued from? Does this inspire you to sing to the Lord, even while darkness still swirls around you? Why do you think Jesus wants you to reign with him in the New Heavens and the New Earth?

The slavery of idolatry to food and materialism, worry, fear, sexual sin, discouragement, jealousy, emotional wounds, doubt, anxiety, trauma from my past, abuse, insecurity, anger, bitterness, resentments and stress. Yes because I know the Lord wants me to be emotionally whole and spiritually whole as well. I believe He wants me there because He died for me and also because I am His beloved and He is mine. 

  • 3 months later...

"Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound; they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy ountenance." Psalm 89:15

May we all "know the joyful sound" of the Spirit's new song of the Lamb sung each morning. Ad Dr Wilson stated, "it is a more joyful song"!!! Praise King Jesus forevermore!!! ❤

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