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Day 10 Meditation (Revelation 7:15-17). In what way does the Lamb seek to guide you as a Shepherd? What will this require of you? What do the “springs of living water” represent in your life? Have you exhausted these springs yet – or even really found them? What tears do you need wiped away from your eyes?

  • 3 weeks later...

The way that the Lamb seeks to guide me as a Shepherd is in my daily reading of the bible and this and other daily devotional. This requires me to give my time for doing those things and praying constantly. The “springs of living water” represents Jesus and the afterlife that I am going to enjoy.


The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.  He leads me by still waters and yea though I walk through the valley of death I shall fear no evil.  When my son died at that age of 18 I thought I would never be able to smile again but even then God was my Shepherd and has given me the strength and comfort I needed to keep on following Him. 


On 5/15/2020 at 12:40 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 10 Meditation (Revelation 7:15-17). In what way does the Lamb seek to guide you as a Shepherd? He asks that you follow him to wherever he leads.

What will this require of you?  Trust and faith that the Lamb will provide for you.

What do the “springs of living water” represent in your life? Well the notes indicate this is the foundation of eternal life for which the Lamb will provide for the faithful. 

Have you exhausted these springs yet – or even really found them? Since I am often thirsty, I have not found the springs yet. I don't understand the concept of eternal life because it sounds like you are no longer human. Is this the case?

What tears do you need wiped away from your eyes? I rarely cry but I sobbed my heart out recently thinking about my niece who was attacked and injured. 



Day 10 Meditation (Revelation 7:15-17).

Q. In what way does the Lamb seek to guide you as a Shepherd?

A. He leads and provides my needs physical (nourishment) and spiritually (feeding me with His word); He also protects me by being with me and leading me away from trouble/ being with me even in the valley of the shadow of death where I will fear no evil.

Q. What will this require of you?

A. It will require that I obey Him completely less I stray away into danger

Q. What do the "springs of living water" represent in your life?

A. Life with Him through His Sprit providing teaching, counseling, opening our hearts to His word that nourishes unto eternal life etc

Q. Have you exhausted these springs yet -- or even really found them?

A. One cannot exhaust His nourishment and quenching  of our thirst for His living water while still here on earth. We have to avail ourselves to continue to drink from His streams of Living water to be fully nourished.

Q. What tears do you need wiped away from your eyes?

A. Perhaps tears due to unmet needs, failure, losses of material things or loved ones, injustice etc

2 hours ago, MosesSole said:

 I rarely cry but I sobbed my heart out recently thinking about my niece who was attacked and catastrophically injured by a known pedophile. I think crimes against children are the absolute worst and most unforgivable crimes off all. 

Dear Brother,

I pray that the peace Jesus spoke about will flood your heart...peace I give you...(John 14:27)

As a child of a pedophile, I have had to walk with my God through the pain and shame. Keep turning to Him in your anger.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding...(Proverbs 3:5)


46 minutes ago, Mecco said:

Thank you. It's hard to find inner peace but I try. Love and strength to you,



46 minutes ago, Mecco said:



Dear Brother,

I pray that the peace Jesus spoke about will flood your heart...peace I give you...(John 14:27)

As a child of a pedophile, I have had to walk with my God through the pain and shame. Keep turning to Him in your anger.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding...(Proverbs 3:5)



On 5/15/2020 at 12:40 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 10 Meditation (Revelation 7:15-17). In what way does the Lamb seek to guide you as a Shepherd? What will this require of you? What do the “springs of living water” represent in your life? Have you exhausted these springs yet – or even really found them? What tears do you need wiped away from your eyes?

a. When I surrendered my life to Jesus he gave me His Holy Spirit to live inside me to lead me and guide me, He cares for me, Provides for me, feeds me with His Word, ministers to me, picks me up when I am down, lets me know when I about to do something wrong, puts a song in my heart when I need it, brings other sheep for me to fellowship with, keeps me, heals my wounds and hurts, loves me.

b. Trusting Him, Listening for Him, believing His Word and Receiving His Promises.

c.  The Springs of Living Water represent His Holy Spirit bubbling up from me, giving Words of life to me and to others around me. 

d.  No, as long as I live his Word says, He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. John 7:38

e.  I need the tears and sadness of what has happened in our Nation this week to be wiped away.  In my scripture reading this morning, this one stuck out to me:                   Psalm 119:136  Rivers of tears gush from my eyes because people disobey your instructions.

On 5/15/2020 at 9:40 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 10 Meditation (Revelation 7:15-17). In what way does the Lamb seek to guide you as a Shepherd? What will this require of you? What do the “springs of living water” represent in your life? Have you exhausted these springs yet – or even really found them? What tears do you need wiped away from your eyes?

1. In what way does the Lamb seek to guide you as a Shepherd?

At the moment I believe it is to the promise given to me in 1988....which would have been easy (for us) at that time (and I'm sure for Him, as nothing is too hard for Him) but we've put down deep roots and are much older now. He's always seeking my willingness to follow without excuses or resistance.

2. What will this require of you?

It will require totally relying on Him. (Oh, I just "got" that! Why would I ever think it would be otherwise. I will never be able to rely on myself/will)

3. What do the "spring of living water" represent in your life?

For me, He is my spring of living water.....His washing me in His Word every morning, and Holy Spirit's nudges and encouragement and enlightenment and answers during the day, and the times I climb into our Father's lap to snuggle and to hear "You are my beloved daughter in whom I'm well pleased"....all glory to Jesus for rescuing me from the slimy miry pit all of those years ago when death seemed the only way out of misery and pain.

4. Have you exhausted these springs yet-- or even really found them?

His springs are living, alive,....fresh every morning and whenever I come to "drink" of Him. How I thank and praise our Shepherd for taking me by the hand and leading me out of the darkness,  and into the Light....Himself..

5. What tears do you need wiped away from your eyes?

Tears for our brother MosesSole who just shared about the horrific crime/injury to his beloved niece. My prayers this morning are for her, for him for their family, that our Comforter will hold them all in His strong and loving care, and in agreement with Rosegarden's heart and tears for our broken nation, for the burdens on our beloved President and other leaders. But tears of joy and relief yesterday as I watched the successful launch of our astronauts into space, recalling the one which broke our hearts.

Oops! I was trying to do something else and this wasn't it!!!!  I apologize!



Day 10 Meditation (Revelation 7:15-17).

In what way does the Lamb seek to guide you as a Shepherd? The Lamb seeks to guide us as a Shepherd in protecting, providing and sheltering us from harm and danger.

What will this require of you? This requires me to submit to His sovereignty.  To rest in the knowledge that He will and has my best interest at heart.  His best for me is greater than I can ever imagine. 

What do the “springs of living water” represent in your life? The "springs of living water" represents a place of spiritual refreshing,  a place of spiritual strengthening, a place that addresses any and all spiritual need.  It is like the hospital's intravenouse fluid drips that delivers formulas that are specifically blended to address the specific health need of the patient.

Have you exhausted these springs yet – or even really found them?  Yes, I've had ocassion to seek out and found, springs of living water.  No, I have not exhausted these springs and I do not believe that God would remove "springs of living water" so that I am left without.

What tears do you need wiped away from your eyes?  Two of the times that I need to wipe away tears from my eyes are tears of grieving, and tears of contrition when I am before God in prayer.


Day 10 Meditation (Revelation 7:15-17). 
In what way does the Lamb seek to guide you as a Shepherd? 
What will this require of you? 
What do the "springs of living water" represent in your life? 
Have you exhausted these springs yet - or even really found them? 
What tears do you need wiped away from your eyes? 

Jesus as the Shepherd supplies all my needs, and looks after me in every way imaginable. He expects me to obey His commands and to listen to His prompting. Since becoming a Christian in 1981, Jesus has always been there for me through thick and thin. I’ve been disciplined when disobedient but on looking back I can only thank Him for my spiritual growth and perseverance. To me He is the True Shepherd who guards His sheep, and the Good Shepherd who gives His life for them. He is forever out in front of the sheep as their Saviour, as their Guide, and as their Example. If we are true sheep of Christ, we will follow Him. Besides, He does not ask us to go anywhere that He Himself has not gone before. He is the One who gives salvation, the One who offers access to heaven – the only One. Jesus is the Way and the Truth and the Life. No-one comes to the Father except through Him (John 14:6).
In my life the “springs of living water” represents my salvation and the blessings of eternal life – a life spent with my Saviour Jesus Christ! The fact that the Lord Jesus Christ leads me 'to springs of living water' tells me that in heaven I shall be at the very source of this water. The water Jesus is speaking about is not literal water but the spiritual water that He gives to those who put their trust in Him. I can’t help comparing earthly water with the earthly pleasures we are constantly seeking, but which will never quench our thirst. The more we have the more we want – the heart of man is never satisfied. Unlike literal water, the “living water” that Jesus gives truly satisfies – it is all the blessings which come to the human soul through faith in Him. 
I will never exhaust these springs of water, since I know that whoever drinks of Christ's blessings and mercies will never thirst again. It is constantly overflowing, not only in this life but in eternity as well.
I have been so fortunate in having been truly blessed in life. I’m forever grateful to my Heavenly Father!! All the glory to Him! Praise Him! 
Praise the LORD. Praise the LORD from the heavens, praise Him in the heights above. 
Praise Him, all His angels, praise Him, all His heavenly hosts. 
Praise Him, sun and moon, praise Him, all you shining stars. 
Praise Him, you highest heavens and you waters above the skies. Psalm 148:1-4 (ANIV)
Thank You Lord Jesus!


Day 10 Meditation (Revelation 7:15-17).

In what way does the Lamb seek to guide you as a Shepherd?

My faithful commitment to the work that he called me to.

What will this require of you?

To rely on Him, trust not on my own understanding and humble myself in prayer. 

What do the “springs of living water” represent in your life?

The word of God and the Holy Spirit.

Have you exhausted these springs yet – or even really found them?

These springs of living water shall not exhaust as long as I remain in Him and in His word, obey Him and believe in His love.

What tears do you need wiped away from your eyes?

My son and daughter's spiritual growth and the next generation to increase in desire for Christ. 



Every day in my work, family life, relationships, the way I talk, decide, see people ...is led by my shepherd. I only need to follow as he leads. I am now settled and stopped roaming, I am content by what I have and I don't crave beyond my needs. That is because I already got the spring, as I have much change in the way I live, behave and relate..., yet strive in the grace of God to be abundant and overfowing for others to drink from it. I have tears for my relatives, brothers and sisters, country and it's people and leaders to get at peace with Jesus, and rest in Him as I do.


He is guiding me in how I spend the money He has entrusted to me. When i am tempted to buy what I do not need; I feel the Spirit restraining me.He is guiding me in my relations with others in my church and elsewhere and keeping me from saying things I should not. He is leading me to use my time more wisely than I have been and to learn how to give to help others in need.

It will require a willing and obedient heart. A willingness to listen to what He has to say and giving up my rights and serving Him with everything I have.

His Word, THe Holy Spirit and spiritual songs that lift me up.

No I have not; I have only begun to taste them and be refreshed.;

I need tears that I wept when my friends left me, my mother's death and my husband's.



The Shepherd guides me in my life's purpose, how and what to pray and understanding of the scriptures.  And all this requires absolute trust in Him.  

The springs of living water represent to me worship and I will never exhaust them.

The only tears I need wiped from these eyes are my failure as a parent to raise my son in a proper way.  Don't know if I can ever forgive myself for doing such a lousy job.  



Day 10 Meditation (Revelation 7:15-17). In what way does the Lamb seek to guide you as a Shepherd?

These are the following ways the Lamb want to guide me as a shepherd: Overseer of my soul 1 Peter 2:25, to lead and guide me through the Holy Spirit daily, to teach and preach His word. This will require me to have a relationship with him. The “Springs of living water” represent in my life the Holy Spirit within me overflowing and spilling out on those I come in contact with. I must say I have not exhausted these springs yet because  this living within me will never cease, it will never run dry because it’s attached to His promise. The fountain of life. (Psalm 36:6)

What tears do you need wiped away from your eyes?  Tears of a mother I never knew, she died when I was a baby.


Day 10 Meditation (Revelation 7:15-17). In what way does the Lamb seek to guide you as a Shepherd? What will this require of you? What do the “springs of living water” represent in your life? Have you exhausted these springs yet – or even really found them? What tears do you need wiped away from your eyes?

 He seeks to guide me into all truth and teach me all there is to know about Him and His ministry so I can continue my ministry. Complete surrender and obedience to Him. The "springs of living waters" represent in mine His Holy Spirit that He has given me. The tears that I need wiped away are the ones from the saying goodbye to a best friend, two grand mothers, a father, three dogs and a cat. 


Leads me beside still waters. Even through the valley of the shadow of death. With protection and abundance.

This will require obedience.

Springs represent joy, endurance, peace and favor to experience His love and ability to follow Him

No. When I get discouraged it is because i"ve strayed from the waters' edge.

Tears of discouragement, loss of loved ones, regret at unbelief and sin. Missed opportunities.

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