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Day 11 Meditation (Revelation 12:11). How does the blood of the Lamb enable us to conquer Satan? How does the word of our testimony show victory over Satan? Why is it necessary to “take up our cross daily” in order to conquer?

  • 3 weeks later...

The blood of the Lamb enables us to conquer Satan because we know we have a leader that will not back down on anything even death. The word of our testimony shows victory over Satan by us telling others what we have been saved from and that they can also be saved. We have to “take us our cross daily” because we have an enemy that will attack us daily.



Father, help us to take up our cross each day, willing to die trusting in the redeeming blood of the Lamb, refusing to be silenced by the world, and thus conquering by the Spirit's power. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Day 11 Meditation (Revelation 12:11). How does the blood of the Lamb enable us to conquer Satan?  Trusting in the redeeming blood of the Lamb

How does the word of our testimony show victory over Satan? refusing to be silenced by the world.. Why is it necessary to "take up our cross daily" in order to conquer? ..conquering by the Spirit's power. In Jesus' name



How does the blood of the Lamb enable us to conquer Satan?

Satan was conquered at the cross. His blood shed for me has freed me from bondage to Satan. I'm not under his rule anymore. I can follow Jesus and obey Him. God's Word is my conquering sword. "Submit yourself therefore  to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you." James 4:7 Jesus is my protector and my strength to resist the enemy. 

How does the word of our testimony show victory over Satan? When I share Christ with others, I share my testimony of losing two sons and how God got me through those hard times. Jesus gets all the glory. I have hope of seeing my sons again.

Why is it necessary to take up my cross daily in order to conquer?

Denying my will, accepting God's will, and following Jesus is an everyday, moment by moment choice. This is the Scripture God gave to me when our youngest son Robert (16) was killed in a motorcycle accident in 1988. "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." Luke 9:23. I had to make the choice to trust Jesus with my son's death and follow Him. I didn't get any answers as to why He allowed it to happen. I just had to trust Jesus' heart and follow Him. It's been almost 32 years now and Jesus has enabled me to continue FOLLOWING HIM AND SERVING HIM. I'd call that conquering faith!

 How does the blood of the Lamb enable us to conquer Satan?
Paul addressed this thought in Rom 8, when he said, "Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies." Since Satan is the accuser, he can accuse us for our weaknesses. But "Christ Jesus, who died-more than that, who was raised to life-is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us." We conques Satan, our accuser, because Christ Jesus is standing up for us. 
 How does the word of our testimony show victory over Satan?
Because we are forgiven, we can talk about our sin. The shame doesn't force us to run and hide anymore. God is good! 
 Why is it necessary to "take up our cross daily" in order to conquer?
Everyday there are new challenges, or old ones that need to be overcome again. So, humble yourself and do what He is leading you to do, remembering the end result is in His hands.

Day 11 Meditation (Revelation 12:11).

Q. How does the blood of the Lamb enable us to conquer Satan?

A. The Lord Jesus conquered Satan by the blood shed on the cross and by His resurrection thereby setting us free from the penalty of sin. We thus have victory in our battles by faith in His victory for us. He is also available to fight and win our battles for us.

Q. How does the word of our testimony show victory over Satan?

A. By standing firm in our faith in Christ no matter the trials is victory for us as we refuse to betray our Lord as desired by the evil one.

Q. Why is it necessary to "take up our cross daily" in order to conquer?

A. To take up our cross daily is to make up our minds daily to stand firm in our faith in Christ no matter the quensiquences even if it means death

On 5/15/2020 at 9:41 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 11 Meditation (Revelation 12:11). How does the blood of the Lamb enable us to conquer Satan? How does the word of our testimony show victory over Satan? Why is it necessary to “take up our cross daily” in order to conquer?

1. How does the blood of the Lamb enable us to conquer Satan?

We are saved (bought back from Satan, who became our "father the devil", when Adam and Eve fell into his temptation). The Blood of Jesus defeated Satan at the Cross and as God's sons and daughters, His blood covers us and we deal with him from the position of his defeat.

"warfare only takes place between 2 undefeated enemies. Once an enemy has been conquered, the war is over. Satan is a defeated enemy".

2. How does the word of our testimony show victory over Satan?

Our testimony of Jesus in us, flies in the face of Satan, the accuser of the brethren who was defeated, defanged, de-clawed at the cross. We deal with his attacks with the authority we've been given in Christ using the Word of God, the Sword of the Spirit, as Jesus did in the wilderness when He was being attacked and tempted.

3. Why is it necessary to "take up our cross daily" in order to conquer?

Our loving Father gives us a fresh start, a new beginning every morning. (I'm so thankful for this gift...no matter what the day before brought or we wish we'd done differently, it's over and buried in the deepest part of the sea.( Micah 7:19. Corrie Ten Boom said "and God puts out a no fishing sign" so we don't keep dredging it up) We wake up, put on HIs armor (Eph 6: 11-18) and go forward into whatever the new day's trials, tribulations, sorrows, joys or battles are in store, surrendered to Jesus (a daily and sometimes hourly choice)  His Presence,  wisdom and strength help us to stand up under trials.



The blood of the Lamb saves us to the uttermost and redeems us. Once we were in darkness and enslaved by sin and under the devil but now we are free. Greater is He who is in us then He who is in the world. Jesus has already defeated him. All we have to do is follow the Lord and we will win.

It is necessary to take up our cross daily because we are sinful people and often put other things before the Lord. We need to crucify self every day and be surrendered. We need to spend time with Him every day in order to do this.

On 5/15/2020 at 12:41 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 11 Meditation (Revelation 12:11). How does the blood of the Lamb enable us to conquer Satan? How does the word of our testimony show victory over Satan? Why is it necessary to “take up our cross daily” in order to conquer?

a. Because of Christ's Victory on the cross when he shed His blood for us, died, was buried and rose again and won the victory, Satan was already conquered and being God's children we are in Christ, covered by the blood and now walk in His Victory.

b.  How we win the victory over Satan by the word of our testimony:  We now to say what God Word says about us:   I am more than a Conquerer in Christ, I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me, Greater is He than is in me than he that is in the world, I am the Righteousness of God in Christ, in Him I live and move and have my being.  This should be my testimony and to speak it out loud.  As we are saying these things we win the victory!  Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Prov. 18:21  We are to say what God says, not what the enemy whispers in our ears.  He has also given us weapons to use:  We have the armor of God: His Salvation, His Righteousness, His Faith, His Sword of the Spirit, His Truth and His Gospel.

c.  Taking up our cross daily is to not let our flesh control us. I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the **** of the flesh. Galatians 5:16  And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Galatians 5:24   In denying myself,  I can say before doing something:  Lord, is this your will, or is it mine?


Day 11 Meditation (Revelation 12:11). 
How does the blood of the Lamb enable us to conquer Satan? 
How does the word of our testimony show victory over Satan? 
Why is it necessary to "take up our cross daily" in order to conquer? 

The wages of sin, we know is death (Rom 6:23). But we read in 1Peter 2:22a, that He (Jesus) committed no sin, and since Jesus was sinless, death has no power over Him. So, the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect (1 Peter 1:19), spilt at the Cross, paid in full the debt of sin we owe to God. Death has been defeated, and we have hope beyond the grave – the blood of the Lamb has enabled us to conquer Satan. By His blood we are new creations in Christ (2 Cor 5:17), free from sin and enabled to serve Him, glorify Him, and enjoy Him forever. 
We show victory over Satan by proclaiming and teaching the gospel, that is, the Word of our testimony. Having received the gospel we pass it on, this being our testimony on behalf of Jesus. We spread the Good News throughout the whole world always adhering to the truth even in great sufferings. All Satan’s efforts to drive the Word from the world by persecution will not be successful, giving us the victory!
Taking up our cross daily involves denying self and following Jesus whatever the consequences. It means giving Christ authority over every area of our life, and obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit. It may involve enmity from loved ones, being prepared to proclaim the Word in a hostile world, suffering for righteousness’ sake, loneliness, even death to self and to the world. We need to do this to ensure victory of good over evil in this world today.  


Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, because he is the only one who defeated our enemy in humility sheding His Blood for us, so our faith in him makes us defeat satan because it makes us walk in humility and grace with Holyspirit. But this faith becomes complete when we finish the race through walking with Jesus everyday until we reach our hope. This includes heralding our victory in Jesus and showing out light around us which is our testimony. 


Day 11 Meditation (Revelation 12:11).

How does the blood of the Lamb enable us to conquer Satan?  The blood of the Lamb enables  us to conquer Satan, Jesus shed His blood for our sins and on the cross He sealed it by saying, "It is finished."  What was finished was the shed blood of the ultimate sacrificial lamb for the sins of the whole world.  Jesus conquered Satan and passed on to us the opportunity for, the gift of eternal life.  We are saved by trusting that Jesus died on the cross for our sins.   When we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior we are saved by His shed blood. We too, conquer Satan.

How does the word of our testimony show victory over Satan?  The word of our testimony show victory over Satan as we are witnesses of the goodness of God. It was God's design for our salvation.  Jesus died on the cross for our sins, bringing us salvation and eternal life.  We conquer Satan by our testimony.

Why is it necessary to “take up our cross daily” in order to conquer?  It is necessary to "take upour cross daily" in order to conquer because it gives us overcoming power.  When we "take up our cross" we are strengthen and embolden in the face of temptation and come out victorious.


Day 11 Meditation (Revelation 12:11). 
How does the blood of the Lamb enable us to conquer Satan? How does the word of our testimony show victory over Satan? 

In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.(Hebrews 9:22)

Anyone who believe Jesus in their heart and confess Him as the Lord is cleansed by the blood of the Lamb(Jesus)and belong to God. Believer is clothed with the righteousness of Christ and the testimony of believer in Christ has power over Satan. This is true because Christ, the perfect Lamb of God has overcome the world.
Why is it necessary to "take up our cross daily" in order to conquer? 

Take up our cross daily is an attitude of humbling ourselves before God, acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus in our lives. By doing so, we submit our will, desire, and weakness to God, dying to self that we may live.

To live is Christ, to die is gain.(Philippians 1:21)


Day 11 Meditation (Revelation 12:11). How does the blood of the Lamb enable us to conquer Satan?

By believing in Christ’s death on the cross, resurrection and ascension I am saved from condemnation and by grace it’s the Lamb ‘s blood that enable us to conquer Satan.

 How does the word of our testimony show victory over Satan?

It’s the word of our testimony and our example we gain victory over Satan.

 Why is it necessary to "take up our cross daily" in order to conquer?

Jesus said, “ If any man come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow me.”( Luke 9:23)  It's an pub lice show to the world of your faith that for God I live and if I must i die. Paul said, " “  For I fully expect and hope that I will never be ashamed, but that I will continue to be bold for Christ, as I have been in the past. And I trust that my life will bring honor to Christ, whether I live or die. 21  For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better. ) Philippians 1:20-21 (NLT2),


We need to take up our Cross and prevent our belief from becoming not zealous but more of a habit/  The relationship between Christ and iourselves is our responsibility.  Satan can exert his influence but Christ has more power.  Christ warns us about Satan.

  • 3 weeks later...

Christ's blood cleanses us from sin. When freed from sin, we are free from guilt, shame , fear of death, and the power of Satan.

Our faithful and obedient loving testimony shows the devil doesn't control us.

We have to make a conscious decision to daily obey, resisting sin, our flesh and the devil.

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