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Day 12 Meditation (Revelation 13:7-8). What is the significance that a person’s name is recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life? When is that name written, according to Revelation 13:7-8? John wrote these words to encourage the persecuted church. How do these words reassure you?

  • 3 weeks later...

The significance that my name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life is that when I depart from this world I will be able to enter the New Jerusalem. My name was written before I was ever born. I wish I understood this but I don’t. All I care about is that assurance that I am in the Book.


I got curious about the meaning of this and discovered what I think is a good explanation of this passage..What do you think?

"The dwellers on earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world will marvel to see the beast, because it was and is not and is to come." (Revelation 17:8b)

Another interpretation, which we think seems best, is to apply the beast's past, present, and future tenses to the Roman empire that collapsed in the past, experienced a time of non-existence, and which will emerge in the tribulation as the Revived Roman Empire, finally destroyed when Jesus returns to earth. 

According to Revelation 17:8 the whole world, with the exception of believers, will be astonished at the beast's revived presence and power.


Day 12 Meditation (Revelation 13:7-8).

Q. What is the significance that a person's name is recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life?

A. This guarantees one that he will be in heaven with the Lord and not in hell fire at end of life here on earth .

Q. When is that name written, according to Revelation 13:7-8?

A. From creation. Wonderful!!!

Q. John wrote these words to encourage the persecuted church. How do these words reassure you?

A. Inspite of challenges, persecution or even death that we may face here on earth, we have life eternal awaiting us in heaven with our Lord. Hallelujah. This is exciting and amazing indeed.

Posted (edited)

The book of life is our assurance of the hope we have to be with almighty God that we are given by the blood of Jesus. If the name of a citizen in the census/passport of Ethiopia, USA...is assurance of being a national of these countries with all privileges of being citizen, how much is this assurance when our name is found written in the book of life of the Lamb who opened the seals in front of the throne in the temple of God! Thank you Jesus for enabling me,my wife, children and my brothers and sisters in Jesus to get this priceless gift for free.

I believe what is written by those saints telling me that my name is written in the book of life before the foundation of the world/time. I am reassured, time and again and now and then, by the word of God on my hopes with Him! This is what makes my enemy furious but he cannot defeat me-because he cannot kill my soul. I escaped many dangers-forest fire, lost in lions forest in mid-night, car-wrecks many times...here I am with the grace of God. God has time for me-He is the one who decides when I should be with Him.

Again and again thank you Jesus, who am I to be worthy of this magnificent right-eternal right to be with you in heaven. In Jesus name, Amen.

Edited by Menberu Adane
spelling and additions

Those whose names are written in the book of life are those who belong to God, those who have attained eternal life. My name was written in the Lamb's Book of Life at the creation of the world. I caught up with God's established purpose for my life in the Spring of 1988. Praise God's Holy Name! Because my name is written in His Book: "Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of His glory with great joy..." Jude 24

Rejoice that your names are written in heaven. Luke 10:20



Day 12 Meditation (Revelation 13:7-8).

What is the significance that a person’s name is recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life? When is that name written, according to Revelation 13:7-8?

He will be with the Lord forever in heaven, saved from the eternal fire of hell and it is written before foundation of the earth.

John wrote these words to encourage the persecuted church. How do these words reassure you?

Nothing can separate me from the love of God. Whatever challenges I am facing here is only temporal. 

8 hours ago, Wayne Hall said:

because it was and is not and is to come." (Revelation 17:8b)

This is a type of resurrection, then. I understand that it refers to the Roman Empire, but this could be said of the nation of Israel. It was, then for a couple thousand years it was not, and now it is. In any case, God knows what is going on, and understanding is not essential,; worshipping the Lamb (who is a "beast" too, interestingly.) 


Day 12 Meditation (Revelation 13:7-8). What is the significance that a person's name is recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life?
For some reason, those whose names are in His book are not deceived by the beast. Maybe because they recognize worship, and refuse to worship any but the Lamb? There is an echo of Dan 3: worshipping the beast and persecution (13:9,10). There is also a reminder that the Lamb was slain; maybe the Book of Life is a register of the slain? That is why verse 9 reminds the reader that those who are fated to be killed, will be killed. 
When is that name written, according to Revelation 13:7-8? 
Verse 8 says "before the foundation of the world." It seems that the names of those who will not worship the beast are already known to God and the Lamb. So, that means He knows our names from "before the foundation of the world." Or maybe the book was made back then, and names are written now? 
John wrote these words to encourage the persecuted church. How do these words reassure you?
During stressful times, we look for security. Being in captivity or killed does not mean I am not good enough for God to rescue me from trouble. Some things are fated, and my response is acceptance..."patient endurance and faithfulness". He is still for me in my distress. Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ!
On 5/15/2020 at 12:43 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 12 Meditation (Revelation 13:7-8). What is the significance that a person’s name is recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life? When is that name written, according to Revelation 13:7-8? John wrote these words to encourage the persecuted church. How do these words reassure you?

a.  It means that in accepting Jesus sacrifice in payment for my sin,  I now get to spend eternity with Jesus in Heaven.

b. My name was written in the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world.  Amazing!

c. The saints aren't immune from persecution and death, and in that limited sense, the Antichrist "conquers" Christians. Our enemies can kill the body, but not the soul (Matthew 10:28). But the Antichrist's authority doesn't extend to the souls of the believers or martyrs. They are protected. 


What is the significance that a person's name is recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life?

To know that one's name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life is assurance, a guarantee of that one's salvation, and will not ever be blotted out. (We don't "lose our salvation. We didn't earn Salvation) Jesus told the thief on the cross who was dying beside Him "today you will be with me in Paradise" and to each of His lambs, the same promise to be in Heaven. (Because Christianity is not a works based religion, but is based totally on faith in Jesus' death and resurrection, and our "Yes" to Him. Period!  He brought us to Salvation and  He will also bring us to Glorification in eternity with Him.(He always finishes what He starts, unlike many of us)

2. When is that name written, according to Revelation 13:7-8? 

1.The names were recorded in The Book of Life of the Lamb that was slain in sacrifice from the foundation of the world.

And as John said in Ephesians: . (Ephesian 1:3,4: Even in His  love He chose us (the Father), actually picked us out for Himself as His own in Christ before the foundation of the world. He foreordained us, destined us, planned in love for us to be adopted as His own children through Jesus Christ in accordance with the purpose of His will, because it pleased Him and was his kind intent..

John 17:6: I (Jesus) manifested Your Name to the people whom You have given Me out of the world. They were yours and You gave them to Me out of the world. They were Yours and You gave them to Me, and they have obeyed and kept Your word. 

John 17:24: Father, I desire that they also whom You have entrusted to Me as Your gift to Me, may be with Me where I AM, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me. Your love gift to Me; for you loved Me before the foundation of the world.

3. John wrote these words to encourage the persecuted church. How do these words reassure you?

I am His and He is mine...forever, no matter what!  I love that we were chosen then given to Jesus, and He in turn redeemed and saved us, and gave us back to His Father as His love gift. As I said recently to a brother in Christ, we were re-gifted, but not like those unwanted things given away as wedding or shower gifts...we were hand picked!




Day 12 Meditation (Revelation 13:7-8).

What is the significance that a person’s name is recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life?  There is great significance that a person's name is recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life.  The Book of Revelation describes the great separation between those whose names are written in the Book of Life and those who aren't.  In the last days, authority would be given to the Antichrist  to persecute the population on the earth, this includes the Believers who will be among them.  Everyone will be instructed to worship the Antichrist, those whose names are recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life will not worship it and will be persecuted. But the Antichrist's authority doesn't extend to the souls of the believers or martyrs. They are protected and will reign with Christ. Amen!

When is that name written, according to Revelation 13:7-8?  The names were written in the Lamb's Book of Life, according to Revelation 13:7-8,  before the foundation of the world.

John wrote these words to encourage the persecuted church. How do these words reassure you? Even as John wrote these words to encourage the persecuted church, the church must be well grounded in the Word of God and cultivate and maintain a strong relationship with God so that in the times of persecution they will stand.

On 5/15/2020 at 12:43 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 12 Meditation (Revelation 13:7-8). What is the significance that a person’s name is recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life?  It means that we will be allowed join Jesus in God's Kingdom.

When is that name written, according to Revelation 13:7-8? John wrote these words to encourage the persecuted church. How do these words reassure you?According to the notes, our names were written into the book before time itself. It's amazing that God knew from the time before recorded time, that I would be saved. It's a tremendous honor.




Day 12 Meditation (Revelation 13:7-8). 
What is the significance that a person's name is recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life? 
When is that name written, according to Revelation 13:7-8? 
John wrote these words to encourage the persecuted church. 
How do these words reassure you? 

All who have been washed by the Blood of the Lamb will have their names in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Before creation all God’s elect have their names recorded, never to be erased. They will be redeemed and have eternal life. All I can say is a big thank You for writing my name in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
I know I’m not worthy. It is only through the mercy and grace of my Lord that I’m saved to spend eternity with Him. Thank You Lord Jesus.
I fully trust God and His promises. I have given my life to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and know I have eternal life, “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. (1 John 5:13). Further assurance, “...the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23). I have gratefully accepted this free gift, and have put all my faith in Jesus, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Eph 2:8-9). Also, I have come to Christ in repentance and faith. He has promised me forgiveness of sins and eternal life with God. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16). 

14 hours ago, Mecco said:

This is a type of resurrection, then. I understand that it refers to the Roman Empire, but this could be said of the nation of Israel. It was, then for a couple thousand years it was not, and now it is. In any case, God knows what is going on, and understanding is not essential,; worshipping the Lamb (who is a "beast" too, interestingly.) 

Very good point about Israel, Mecco..I had not thought about that...Many things that GOD has done, satan tries to counterfeit...even with the antichrist "standing in the temple and declaring himself god"


A persons' name being recorded means that they are citiizens of heaven. Their names are written down because they were washed in the blood of the Lamb. It is a census book of all who will be in heaven.

The names were written down before the earth was even created and before people populated it.

It reassures me in that I know my name is written there too. I know because I accepted Jesus as my Savior and He knew that I would beforehand. It means that one day I will be reunited with loved ones and see the one who died.


Day 12 Meditation (Revelation 13:7-8). What is the significance that a person's name is recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life?

The Lamb’s Book of Life is a census book that records the names of those who have repented from their sins and have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. In other word you must be born again.

 When is that name written, according to Revelation 13:7-8?

It was written before the foundation of the world, or before the world was made.

John wrote these words to encourage the persecuted church. How do these words reassure you?
it reassures me because His promises are true. Thank God for His redeeming Grace.   "I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me,
for my Father has given them to me, and he is more powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from the Father’s hand.   The Father and I are one.” John 10:28-30 (NLT2)  


Day 12 Meditation (Revelation 13:7-8). What is the significance that a person’s name is recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life? When is that name written, according to Revelation 13:7-8? John wrote these words to encourage the persecuted church. How do these words reassure you?

The significance of it is that all names that are written in that book are the ones that accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and they were chosen by the Lord even before time began. It tells me that the Lord loves me enough to remember me and write my name in His book.


Is your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life?  If not, you will be thrown into the lake of fire.  To be in the Book of Life means to be considered righteous before God and inherit eternal life if you remain faithful to the end.

  • 2 weeks later...

The one whose name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life is eternally saved!

Written before the foundations of the world were laid. Before creation.

My salvation is not dependent on what I do or don't do, but on God's choice of me. I am reassured because God has saved me! I haven't saved myself! He is strong, perfect and capable' I am not.

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