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Day 14 Meditation (Revelation 14:4-5). If you take this verse symbolically, in what sense are the 144,000 described as virgins? Truth-tellers? Blameless? Redeemed? In your life, what would it mean if you were to “follow the Lamb wherever he goes”? What might have to change if you made this pledge?

  • 3 weeks later...

Day 14 Meditation (Revelation 14:4-5).

If you take this verse symbolically, in what sense are the 144,000 described as virgins?  As virgins because they have not defiled themselves with women..

Truth-tellers? The blood-washed servants of God speaks the truth.  They do not tell lies.

Blameless? Their testimony of right-living; having been redeemed, living undefiled, and speaking truth characterize them as blameless.

Redeemed? The have accepted Christ and have been redeemed from mankind as firstfruits for God and the Lamb.

In your life, what would it mean if you were to “follow the Lamb wherever he goes”? To follow the Lamb wherever He goes means to have an ear opened to His leading. Where He leads me I will follow.

What might have to change if you made this pledge? Total submission and walking with my Savior in humility.


Day 14 Meditation (Revelation 14:4-5).

If you take this verse symbolically, in what sense are the 144,000 described as virgins? Truth-tellers? Blameless? Redeemed?

The  144,000 described as virgins is a symbol of spiritual purity, they do not defile themselves in the idolatrous worship to the beasts like others. They remain faithful to speak truth about the Lamb (truth-teller) and obedient to the Lamb presenting themselves blameless before the Lamb until the end. They are redeemed, washed in the blood of the Lamb and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb.

In your life, what would it mean if you were to “follow the Lamb wherever he goes”?

To submit, remain faithful and true to the Lamb of God.

What might have to change if you made this pledge?

My heart attitudes and my thoughts towards people.


In the sense that the 144,000 are described as virgins is that they didn’t bow down to other idols and they tried to follow Jesus. To “follow the Lamb” wherever he goes means that when He puts something on our heart and we follow what He wants us to do. I hope that I have made the changes to follow Jesus.


Day 14 Meditation (Revelation 14:4-5).

Q. If you take this verse symbolically, in what sense are the 144,000 described as virgins? Truth-tellers? Blameless?

A. They have not defiled themselves sexually and are people of integrity whose yes is yes and no is no and cannot be faulted. 

Q. Redeemed?

A. Redeemed, purchased/ bought back by the previous blood of the Lord Jesus Christ from the power/ kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light for the Lord.

Q. In your life, what would it mean if you were to "follow the Lamb wherever he goes"?

A. To be His disciple, following and learning from Him and doing His biddings always and anywhere no matter the cost.

Q. What might have to change if you made this pledge?

A. I have to die to self and the world and be fully surendered to obeying Him throughout my life time. So help me Lord.

Posted (edited)

Dr. Pastor Ralph. Thank you for your teaching. I tried many times to follow you in such forums, this time I succeeded with the help of Jesus.

You said it all and i have nothing to say on the first reflection questions.

Yes you are right, as you said, "It's not the destination that's important; it's the journey. It's the relationship that forms as we walk with Jesus, as we follow him. That is Life!". That is what I pray for myself, my wife and children and to all saints-brothers and sisters in Jesus. To "walk what we talk!". I faced stumbling and were in slumber many times, but grace have been lifting me up. Yes we have Hope in Christ. He finished everything. But as "Life" we have to live it every day. There is this journey that we have to travel till we reach the destination-where the hope giver is-that Jesus said he will prepare for us. As receivers of this hope we have to earnestly and day by day and time and after time, we need to seek Him and grow to Him. 

Hope will be Hope if the receiver of the Hope reaches to the giver of the Hope. There is this space which we need to narrow every day until we reach to our Hope. Grand hope of mankind-given free but needs our "feet of hearts" to walk every day.

Jesus help me as I walk to you-energize me, and your people, with your spirit every day. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Edited by Menberu Adane

Day 14 Meditation (Revelation 14:4-5). If you take this verse symbolically, in what sense are the 144,000 described as virgins?

They kept themselves pure as virgins, not defiling themselves with women, their status as first fruits offered to God and the Lamb.

Truth-tellers?  “No lies was found in their mouths, (b)this make them blameless and morally fit to be redeemed. (c) If I were to “follow the Lamb wherever he goes” would mean I would be more effected and productive in His Service

What might have to change if you made this pledge? I will have to change the way I set my priorities

On 5/15/2020 at 9:46 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 14 Meditation (Revelation 14:4-5). If you take this verse symbolically, in what sense are the 144,000 described as virgins? Truth-tellers? Blameless? Redeemed? In your life, what would it mean if you were to “follow the Lamb wherever he goes”? What might have to change if you made this pledge?

1, If you take this verse symbolically, in what sense are the 144,000 described as virgins? 

I believe:  redeemed. ....newborn babes in Christ in the short time between salvation and being in their glorified bodies with Jesus ...forgiven, blood washed, blood bought, totally faithful and sold out to Jesus, unspoiled,  and the witness for Christ was all Grace, set free from the O.T. regulations of the Law. I imagine them so zealous in their new found faith in the short time they had to evangelize  that they had no time for relationships with women.

2. In your life, what would it mean if you were to "follow the Lamb wherever He goes"?

An Interesting question at this stage of my life! When I surrendered fully to Him years ago, the result has been  that I have followed Him wherever He has led. It has been a wild trail of ups and downs, losses and trials, loneliness at times, upheaval, being misunderstood and judged when my life didn't follow "others expectations." Blessing beyond what I'm able to express adequately, in the spiritual realm and in relationship with Him. And as John Bunyan (Pilgrim's Progress, the ancient book written from his jail cell) tells us, the trail is always leading upward toward our final home. There has been gradual growth in grace and understanding, deeper relationships as He has healed my brokenness and ability to trust. I'm quicker to forgive and let go of worry than in the old days. I'm thankful for this long life and that I still have a destiny to fulfill before my call to come home. Do I have regrets? Some, but every mistake or place of rebellion in the early years served me well in terms of seeking a closer walk with Him, learning about how quick He is to forgive, to trust Him and to know His beautiful heart of love.

3. What might have to change if you made this pledge.

In my answer to #2, I never did make a pledge....I knew I couldn't keep a pledge so at some point along the way I decided His ways are always the best ways and surrendered my will to His, many times at points where we "disagreed" about who was going to "reign" in my life.

On 5/15/2020 at 12:46 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 14 Meditation (Revelation 14:4-5). If you take this verse symbolically, in what sense are the 144,000 described as virgins? Truth-tellers? Blameless? Redeemed? In your life, what would it mean if you were to “follow the Lamb wherever he goes”? What might have to change if you made this pledge?

a. As virgins kept themselves physically, morally and spiritually pure.

b. Truth-tellers -  Did not lie, spoke only the truth.

c. Blameless - Spotless, having their robes washed in the atoning Blood of the Lamb.

d. Redeemed - Ransomed from the earth and mankind, from the world, the flesh and the devil, and now free in Christ Jesus.  We were  bought with a price, not with silver or gold, but with the precious Blood of the Lamb of God, the Lamb without spot or blemish.  

e.  Listening intently I would get a clearer understanding of what it means to seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. 

f.  Spending more time with the Lord and waiting on Him before making decisions.  Reaching out more to others and not fearing being rejected.


Day 14 Meditation (Revelation 14:4-5). If you take this verse symbolically, in what sense are the 144,000 described as virgins?
If this was to encourage persecuted Christians who are expecting Jesus to return, if the 144,000 are those who were following Him "wherever he goes", then "virgins" are like Jesus, focused only on pleasing the Father and not looking for human pleasures.
Again, I think the implication is reflecting Jesus qualities; Jesus did not deceive but told us the truth. Their faith, and ours, has to be based on truth, and when we pass it on, we must be truthful.
Truth-tellers are faultless in their message; blameless is faultless in action. This group had deeds that reflected their faith.
It's almost as if the list is a count down. Redeemed is the first level, where we all enter in our walk with Jesus. Then blameless: actions that reflect our faith in Him. Then Truth-tellers, speaking the truth with others. Finally, virgins, focused on only doing what they see the Father doing.
 In your life, what would it mean if you were to "follow the Lamb wherever he goes"?
I have been trying to do that. I didn't end up where I thought I would. Am I deceiving myself? Am I failing, unable to be or do more because of my weaknesses? Maybe I don't see where the Lamb is going in my life? Anyway, I praise Him for His work in my life... It is God who is at work in you, to will and to do His good pleasure.

Day 14 Meditation (Revelation 14:4-5). 
If you take this verse symbolically, in what sense are the 144,000 described as virgins? 
In your life, what would it mean if you were to "follow the Lamb wherever He goes"? 
What might have to change if you made this pledge? 

The 144k are symbolically all the elect of God. His church comprising all Christians through the ages. Mentioned here is their purity, loyalty, and commitment to Christ. In 2 Cor 11:2 we read, “I promised you to one husband, to Christ, so that I present you as a pure virgin to Him.” Also, in Revelation 21 we see the church pictured as a bride of Christ. Again, we read in Eph 1:4, “He chose us in Him before creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight”. Summing up, they are Truth-tellers, they are blameless, and they are redeemed. This is the outcome and final result of the cleansing and sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit upon the elect. And, this is the church as she will be in heaven. 
To follow the Lamb wherever He goes means trusting Him (John 3:16), walking in His footsteps (1Pet 2:21), and obeying His commands (John 15:14). Jesus Himself said, “My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me (John 10:27). We recognise Jesus’ voice as He speaks to us through the Bible. This requires carefully studying the Word and meditating on it. One of my favourite verses is Psalm 119:11, “I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You.” For starters one must have a personal relationship with Jesus, and this is only possible if one truly knows Him, not only knows about Him. There must be total dependence on Him alone for our salvation - remembering that our best deeds are still only like dirty rags to our Lord. Of course, this is not possible without the help of the Holy Spirit. 
At my age I can honestly say I have followed Jesus most of my life. Jesus is my anchor in life. I live in a country with so much evil going on - corruption is rife, and so many murders and rapes every day! I cling to verses like Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6). Also, John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27). I feel that without holding on to these verses one will never have any inner peace or security. However, I know I have not done nearly as much as I could have done, and have sinned not only by the things I have done, but also by the things I have not done. 


Day 14 Meditation (Revelation 14:4-5). 
If you take this verse symbolically, in what sense are the 144,000 described as virgins? They are virgins in that they either abstain from fornication, physical and spiritual adultery. In that they stay true to Jesus and what He has told them. They do not follow after other pagan religions or philosophies and do mix the truth with lies. 
Truth-tellers? They believed in telling the truth because they knew he was the truth itself and they wanted to be like Him.
Blameless? They were made blameless or spotless when they were washed in the blood of the Lamb.
Redeemed? They were bought with the precious blood of Jesus who died for them.
In your life, what would it mean if you were to "follow the Lamb wherever He goes"? It would mean learning to speak up for ones who are wronged. Learning to use my gifts more for Him. 
What might have to change if you made this pledge? I might have to spend more time with Him in prayer and surrender everything to Him. I might have to learn to use my time more wisely and become more bold and courageous. Being unafraid of what others might think of me.


Day 14 Meditation (Revelation 14:4-5). If you take this verse symbolically, in what sense are the 144,000 described as virgins? Truth-tellers? Blameless? Redeemed? In your life, what would it mean if you were to “follow the Lamb wherever he goes”? What might have to change if you made this pledge?

They chose to abstain from fornication, idolatry, adultery, and anything else that would cause them become impure and non virginal.Truth-tellers they choose to tell only the truth about God's word and nothing else and about people in general. Blameless they are without blemish and spot because they don't sin. Redeemed - through the blood of Jesus. It would mean learning to be honest no matter what the cost and how hard it is for me. Also learning to obey the voice of the Lord even when the world mocks me and don't understand me and thinks I am crazy. My desire to serve self.


The Lamb shows us the true state of the church and what that state is.  We are meant to have life and have it abundantly.  But to do that , to follow the Lamb, you must be aware of all the times and reasons when and why you aren't  following him.  Following the Lamb is a verb, a state of being, an action word.  We need a statement of action- a plan.  For if you make a plan it is easier to find and follow him.  



  • 2 weeks later...

Washed, pure and spotless in the blood of Jesus.

Follow Him to physical place(work, church, gathering s, etc) but also spiritual elements of my thoughts, words and attitudes.

Fear and love God more than to fear men and this world system.

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