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Day 19 Meditation (Revelation 21:9-10). Why do you think the New Jerusalem is compared to a Bride adorned for her wedding. What is the significance of the Bride descending down to earth? What might be God’s plan for this New Earth that has been cleansed by fire and recreated?

  • 4 weeks later...

I think the New Jerusalem is compared to a Bride adorned for her wedding because a bride goes all out for her wedding she has done everything to look as beautiful as she can. She is the one that stands out at the wedding and this new earth will be like that. The significance of the Bride descending down to earth might be us returning after the resurrection. God’s plan for this New Earth is going to be one of utopia. It will be so beautiful and perfect that we can’t even image what it will be like.


The PERFECT  basis for a marriage as GOD intended it is LOVE. The FATHER's LOVE for the SON, the SON's LOVE for HIS Church.From the very beginning in Genesis to the very end in Revelation, "Let us make man in OUR IMAGE"....The Garden of Eden was the beginning, the new heavens and new earth are the end ("world without end"...AMEN)...MISSION ACCOMPLISHED..

"Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is. And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure." (1 John 3:2-3)


Day 19 Meditation (Revelation 21:9-10).

Q. Why do you think the New Jerusalem eeis compared to a Bride adorned for her wedding. What is the significance of the Bride descending down to earth?

A. I think it is the beauty of the city that is depicted to enable us visualise the magnitude of the beauty given our knowledge of bride's beauty.

The significant of the bride descending down to earth is an indication that we will dwell in the new earth down here with the Bridegroom.

Q. What might be God's plan for this New Earth that has been cleansed by fire and recreated?

A. We the redeemed of the Lord, the bride, will dwell in the new earth with the Bridegroom.


Day 19 Meditation (Revelation 21:9-10). Why do you think the New Jerusalem is compared to a Bride adorned for her wedding. What is the significance of the Bride descending down to earth? What might be God’s plan for this New Earth that has been cleansed by fire and recreated?

Could it be that as Jerusalem has been restored, (resurrected) much as God's children were whose names were in the Lamb's book of life. It is now God's Holy city is all its glory and splendor. A perfect capital of God's new earth. A perfect home for the redeemed of Christ to share with Him as He rules there forever. Both God's redeemed and His holy city resurrected in holiness and splendor as His bride.

Not sure of the significance of this marvelous spectical. But it reminds me Jesus descending from Heaven to meet us in the sky. It will be a sight so otherworldly and magnificent that all we will be able to do is stare in awe at the power and majesty of God.

We will live with God and be His people.All things have been restored and made right.

"What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him"  1 Corinthians 2:9


Day 19 Meditation (Revelation 21:9-10).

Why do you think the New Jerusalem is compared to a Bride adorned for her wedding. What is the significance of the Bride descending down to earth?

The New Jerusalem will be an exceptionally beautiful, magnificent and holy city filled with angels, saints of old and the people of God. The significance of the Bridge descending down to earth, I think that is the original plan of God when the earth was created, all were beautiful and perfect until sin came into the world. Mankind cannot build a city that is perfect only God can do so. 

What might be God’s plan for this New Earth that has been cleansed by fire and recreated?

A place that is called the Holy City of God where everything is make new, an eternal home for His people to dwell with Him and His Son, Jesus with holiness.


I think it is expression of joy and excitement and jubilation as turning point of eternal bond symbolized by wedding adoration as given to Jesus and His people, where those redeemed by the His blood/the lamb, who are also symbolized as temple of God and collectively referred as bride for christ, come for worship and reverence.

Descending of the new jerusalem/the bride is the completion of God's promise and confirmation of His being the only creator and His generosity and love to give those whom He love,  not what exists/stale but new and fresh start.

His plan is, therefore, that His people whom he delivered by the humility and obedience of His begotten Son, to live in eternal righteousness and joy and heavenly and Absolute worship and knowledge of their Ceeator God. What a privilege, thanks God forever and ever, in the name of Jesus.

On 5/15/2020 at 12:53 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 19 Meditation (Revelation 21:9-10). Why do you think the New Jerusalem is compared to a Bride adorned for her wedding. What is the significance of the Bride descending down to earth? What might be God’s plan for this New Earth that has been cleansed by fire and recreated?

a.  The New Jerusalem is - new, holy, pure, precious, transparent where there is no sin or evil is compared to a Bride adorned for her wedding.  A Bride wears white, a virgin, cleansed of sin - Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.  (2 Cor. 5:17) O Lord, we have passed through your fire; like precious metal made pure, you’ve proved us, perfected us, and made us holy.(Ps. 66:10)

b. We being the Bride of Christ descending down to earth, a new earth, pure and holy wherein righteousness abounds. Everything New.

c. The Lord our Husband has provided in the new earth beauty, beyond anything we could ever think or imagine (beyond the Garden of Paradise). I love flowers and garden and it would such joy to see all the different flowers God has created from every different country and people from every nation and culture and everyone truly loving one another.  Who can comprehend that!  Everyone loving the Lord and all people loving each other! No bugs and disease destroying flowers and trees.   And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.  To be loved by God and Jesus throughout eternity. (Rev. 21:4)  Whatever God has planned, it has got to be the Greatest!

On 5/15/2020 at 12:53 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 19 Meditation (Revelation 21:9-10). Why do you think the New Jerusalem is compared to a Bride adorned for her wedding.  It probably means that Jerusalem was made new, purified in the way Christ's human bride might be. It's an unusual allegory.

What is the significance of the Bride descending down to earth? It's unclear but it sounds like earth will be made new in the way that Jerusalem was, and that could mean that the New Jerusalem on earth will be home for Christ?  It's hard to find joy in this because the notes do say everyone was burned up and dissolved.  

What might be God’s plan for this New Earth that has been cleansed by fire and recreated? He could be wanting to start a new Heaven and new Earth with Jesus reigning supreme. 


On 5/15/2020 at 9:53 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 19 Meditation (Revelation 21:9-10). Why do you think the New Jerusalem is compared to a Bride adorned for her wedding. What is the significance of the Bride descending down to earth? What might be God’s plan for this New Earth that has been cleansed by fire and recreated?

1. Why do you think the New Jerusalem is compared to a Bride adorned for her wedding?

It is beautiful, flawless, pure, "virginal".... the original design of His intended habitation for His Bride, before sin and corruption entered into it.  It is Holy, Hallowed, consecrated, pure, undefiled in any way, since it has been created in Heaven's courts.

2. What is the significance of the Bride descending down to earth?

Just as a bride often descends down a staircase to her groom, this Bride will be descending to our Groom and seeing the forever home we have heard and read about, and is now reality,  prepared for her during the years of betrothal while she has been cleansed and maturing for this intimate eternal marriage. She has been in Heaven, untouched by any uncleanness, so she brings only virginal purity  to the marriage.

3. What might be God's plan for this New Earth that has been cleansed by fire and recreated?

The old, corrupted earth has been destroyed and cleansed by fire, and  is now the perfect forever home for His holy, pure bride, and the intimate relationship our God envisioned in the first place. Since He didn't want robots for children all of the thousands of years of sin and destruction had to transpire in order to achieve through His blood, and without manipulation, the forever bride of His heart that He sought, and to prepare this fitting place "clothed with His Glory". 




Day 19 Meditation (Revelation 21:9-10). 
Why do you think the New Jerusalem is compared to a Bride adorned for her wedding? 
What is the significance of the Bride descending down to earth? 
What might be God's plan for this New Earth that has been cleansed by fire and recreated? 

The New Jerusalem, the glorious heavenly city, is a picture of the perfected church; spotless, blameless, without sin.
The Bride of the Lamb, the elected from all the ages, who have been redeemed; spotless, blameless, without sin.  
The Bride descending down to earth depicts the elect going to live in the New Jerusalem, to be in the presence of God, for "the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall worship Him" (Rev 22:3). 
God’s plan for the New Earth is that it will be a "holy city" (21:2), a place "prepared as a bride adorned for her husband" (21:2). In that place "death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more" (21:4). We shall see His face (22:4) and will come to know perfect love, peace, and joy, and to know truth and justice, holiness and wisdom, goodness and power, and glory and beauty. We will know more fully than ever before that "in Your presence there is fullness of joy, at Your right hand are pleasures for evermore" (Ps. 16:11).  


The New Jerusalem is the heavenly city coming down to earth. It is a picture of the Lamb, Jesus, and His bride the church.

The Bride is the City in the same way that the Church is the temple of God. Here the redeemed will reside with the one who redeemed them and made them spotless. Here nothing that is sinful or defiled shall enter the gates. The Bride, the church, is finally coming down to be united with her husband, Jesus Christ. This is the place that He will create for her to live with Him. A place where there is no more sadness, pain, death or tears anymore or sickness or evil. 

God's plan is for all the redeemed ones to be with Him in heaven. in this heavenly Jerusalem.



Day 19 Meditation (Revelation 21:9-10).

Why do you think the New Jerusalem is compared to a Bride adorned for her wedding.  I think the New Jerusalem is compared to a Bride adorned for her wedding because as a Bride goes through a period of preparation for her wedding day, and is pure awaiting her marriage, so is the New Jerusalem, now in preparation of purity and full of righteousness also for the marriage of the Son and His Bride.

What is the significance of the Bride descending down to earth?  The significance of the Bride descending to earth is that she is coming from a place of holiness, untainted by the filth of this world.

What might be God’s plan for this New Earth that has been cleansed by fire and recreated? This New Earth, cleansed by fire and recreated might be a sanctuary, a placewhere the saints gather and fellowship.


Day 19 Meditation (Revelation 21:9-10). Why do you think the New Jerusalem is compared to a Bride adorned for her wedding? What is the significance of the Bride descending down to earth?

New Jerusalem is compared to a Bride adored for her wedding because New Jerusalem is the bride and the wife of the Lamb is the Holy City both refers to the church (the believer, 19:7-8) and the new Jerusalem

 What might be God's plan for this New Earth that has been cleansed by fire and recreated?
 God's plan for this New Earth has been cleansed by fire and recreated for the future, glorious dwelling place of the believers

  • 3 weeks later...

Day 19 Meditation (Revelation 21:9-10). Why do you think the New Jerusalem is compared to a Bride adorned for her wedding. What is the significance of the Bride descending down to earth? What might be God’s plan for this New Earth that has been cleansed by fire and recreated?

I believe it is because the city of Jerusalem, is being prepared for the Lord which is the Messianic believers who have chosen to believe in the Lord Jesus as their Savior. This means that for the New Jerusalem to the Lord had to prepare her enough for the milennial reign and also for the Lamb's supper as well. I believe the the plan for the New Earth is that there will be no more sin or the effects of it on it. 

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