Pastor Ralph Posted May 15, 2020 Report Posted May 15, 2020 Day 22 Meditation (Revelation 21:23-25). Why are we sometimes afraid of being fully exposed by God’s searching light? In what sense do you think John is telling us that the New Jerusalem’s light is the Lamb? In what ways do you need the Lamb to bring his light to some of your dark places? Quote
haar Posted June 12, 2020 Report Posted June 12, 2020 Day 22 Meditation (Revelation 21:23-25). Why are we sometimes afraid of being fully exposed by God's searching light? A. Because we do not want our dark life style, sin, bad and evil activities/ thoughts/ plans to be exposed and be known by others. Q. In what sense do you think John is telling us that the New Jerusalem's light is the Lamb? A. Jesus is Light. He and the Father are in the new city. Their presence brings light everywhere. Thus the Lamb that is Light shines and thus is the Lamp that gives light in the city. Q. In what ways do you need the Lamb to bring his light to some of your dark places? A. In every way, the way I think, my relationship, attitude and everything about me so that I will walk and work in His light and impack others with His light in me. Quote
Old Jerry Posted June 12, 2020 Report Posted June 12, 2020 I think that sometimes we are afraid of being fully exposed by God’s searching light because we have still got somethings to hide. We know that we are sinners but we don’t want to be exposed. When we get to the New Jerusalem we will no longer be sinners and it is because of the Lamb that sin has been removed from us. So the Lamb is the light. I need the Lamb to bring his light so my dark places I will be exposed to the sinning I am doing. Quote
Wayne Hall Posted June 12, 2020 Report Posted June 12, 2020 Psalm 119:105 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Lead Kindly Light Song Quote
LLS Posted June 12, 2020 Report Posted June 12, 2020 Day 22 Meditation (Revelation 21:23-25). Why are we sometimes afraid of being fully exposed by God’s searching light? We are afraid of being fully exposed by God's search light because we are aware of our sins, ashamed and guilty, just like Adam and Eve went hiding after sinning against God. Sin blind us and rob us of the truth about God's search light is not to condemn us but to set us free to be who we are in His image. In what sense do you think John is telling us that the New Jerusalem’s light is the Lamb? The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light and the Lamb is its light. In what ways do you need the Lamb to bring his light to some of your dark places? I need the Lamb to bring light to my thoughts, my heart and my motives. Quote
Janine Posted June 12, 2020 Report Posted June 12, 2020 Day 22 Meditation (Revelation 21:23-25). Why are we sometimes afraid of being fully exposed by God's searching light? Sin hates the light and since we still have the sinful nature within us we have to battle the tendency that sin gives us to hide our sin away. Honest, transparency about our sin requires a humble heart. In what sense do you think John is telling us that the New Jerusalem's light is the Lamb? And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb. If it is in His Word it is truth. The Lamb is the lamp/light of the New Jerusalem. In what ways do you need the Lamb to bring his light to some of your dark places? Especially for those sins that have been hidden away in the treasury rooms where they shouldn't be. The enemy wants to keep them in the dark room but we have to allow the light of Jesus to come into each room within our being and let his light help us see it for what it really is. We need his light everyday to battle the sinful nature within us. Quote
hanks Posted June 13, 2020 Report Posted June 13, 2020 Day 22 Meditation (Revelation 21:23-25). Why are we sometimes afraid of being fully exposed by God's searching light? In what sense do you think John is telling us that the New Jerusalem's light is the Lamb? In what ways do you need the Lamb to bring His light to some of your dark places? Darkness represents what is sinful and evil, while light is related to truth which exposes things. In the same way that darkness cannot exist in the presence of light, so sin cannot exist in the presence of a Holy God. We are all sinners saved by grace and God’s light will expose all our sinful deeds and even our sinful thoughts. Light as represented in the Bible is all that is good, pure, true, and holy. These are all attributes of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who is perfectly holy and true. The Good News however is that the Lamb died for us while we were still sinners and all our sins, past, present, and future have been forgiven! All the more reason to bring glory to our Heavenly Father and live a life of obedience to Him. Quote
Queen Mc Daniel Posted June 13, 2020 Report Posted June 13, 2020 Day 22 Meditation (Revelation 21:23-25). Why are we sometimes afraid of being fully exposed by God's searching light? Afraid of what He might fine. In what sense do you think John is telling us that the New Jerusalem's light is the Lamb? He is telling us the new city has no need for light because the radiance of God’s glory is the light In what ways do you need the Lamb to bring his light to some of your dark places?I am sure there are dark places where the Lamb’s light need to shine and that's; in every area that's not like Him. Quote
Commissioned Posted June 13, 2020 Report Posted June 13, 2020 Day 22 Meditation (Revelation 21:23-25). Why are we sometimes afraid of being fully exposed by God’s searching light? We are sometimes afraid of being fully exposed by God's searching light because we know that nothing is hid from God. All activities and even the very thoughts of man are exposed to God. In what sense do you think John is telling us that the New Jerusalem’s light is the Lamb? John is telling us that the New Jerusalem's light is the Lamb and there will be no need for the light of sun or moon because with the Lamb, who is light, there will be no need for any other light. In what ways do you need the Lamb to bring his light to some of your dark places? I need the Lamb's light continuously shining on my dark places so that I can be aware of sin and iniquities. Sometimes we need to be reminded of or be aware of actions that are not pleasing to God. Quote
JanMary Posted June 13, 2020 Report Posted June 13, 2020 On 5/15/2020 at 4:57 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Day 22 Meditation (Revelation 21:23-25). Why are we sometimes afraid of being fully exposed by God’s searching light? In what sense do you think John is telling us that the New Jerusalem’s light is the Lamb? In what ways do you need the Lamb to bring his light to some of your dark places? Expand 1. Why are we sometimes afraid of being fully exposed by God's searching light? I remember "back in the day" when that was true and it was due to the intense shame I felt over the abusive, violent home I grew up in, where we had to keep secrets and not talk about the family with others. After I became a Christian those dark secrets were still locked away, some even from my conscious mind, but that dysfunctional training needed the light and love of Jesus as I studied the Bible, and grew to know and love and trust Him, to illuminate all that needed His healing and deliverance. In the shame heaped upon me, I believed I was a mistake, rather than that I made mistakes and it was painful to admit to any sin. (Wrongdoing and mistakes were severely punished with beatings and sometimes being threatened with death) and that fear as a new believer had to be removed by Holy Spirit, in teaching me that all of God's anger and wrath was poured out on Jesus on the Cross and will never be poured out on me or any of His children. Instead He gently corrects but never punishes His children. 2. In what sense do you think John is telling us that the New Jerusalem's light is the Lamb? In the sense that Jesus IS the Light....At creation He said "Let there be light" and there was light...Gen 1:3, before He created the Sun, moon and stars." He separated the Light from the Darkness". And in 2 Cor 4:6 " For God Who said: Let light shine out of darkness, has shone in our hearts so as to (beam forth) the Light for illumination of the Knowledge of the majesty and glory of God (as it is manifest in the Person and is revealed) in the face of Jesus Christ (the Messiah) amplified 3. In what ways do you need the Lamb to bring light to some of your dark places? Once I felt safe and secure in His love, there were 20 years of "dark places" which needed to be healed with His love, as He brought the memories into His Light. Then He taught me how to forgive and that diminished more darkness, replacing it with insight into the brokenness of my parents who did what was done to them. (That was a long, painful process but He kept shining His light and His love into my heart, until one day I wept for my parents and their pain and ignorance about how to parent). I've been finding even as recently as the past several months, that there were some really DARK hidden places which were the basis of some fears which just would not "give up" and needed to go. I'm feeling more free than I've ever felt....and more loved and able to love as a result of His tenacity and tenderness in revealing what was necessary when He knew I was ready and able to deal with the past. Just as sunlight helps build up our immune system, His LIGHT has brought wholeness to my being....some of my illnesses were directly caused by the hidden "junk"....and I'm in better health than I've ever been. How I praise and thank Him for His love and care for me, for saving me and my family, and that as a result I've been able to share His love with my very wounded brothers, who are one by one coming to know Him. He had me write a letter to my dad when he was 79, to tell him all that the Lord had done in my life and how to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. He died at 80, in Christ! Thank you Lord for your mercy and grace! Quote
rosegarden Posted June 13, 2020 Report Posted June 13, 2020 On 5/15/2020 at 4:57 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Day 22 Meditation (Revelation 21:23-25). Why are we sometimes afraid of being fully exposed by God’s searching light? In what sense do you think John is telling us that the New Jerusalem’s light is the Lamb? In what ways do you need the Lamb to bring his light to some of your dark places? Expand a. That is why we have the Holy Spirit. We are to be led by the Holy Spirit. Then we will not be afraid of being fully exposed. When we mess up we immediately repent. I John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Romans 6: 12-14 Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God. For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. Jesus said, I am the light of the world: he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. (John 8:12) b. Jesus, the Lamb of God is the light in the New Jerusalem. In Him is no darkness at all. Wherever He is, there is Light. "In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it." (John 1:4-5) Yes, darkness is totally gone. All is light in the Lord and because we are blood bought and redeemed we are now children of the light. In the New Jerusalem, all is light! c. The Lamb brings light to some of my dark places by His Holy Spirit enlightening me to what is wrong and what I need to ask Him to change in me. Quote
Menberu Adane Posted June 14, 2020 Report Posted June 14, 2020 We know that we are redeemed by the blood of Jesus and Holyspirit continues to make us stay in the grace of God. Still we are in the world and pass through many trying exposures day in day out, and we still doubt our full relationship per God righteousness, that I thinks makes us see ourselves short of full search of.the light of God. One aspect/symbol/figure of Llght, apart from physical brightness of beam of Rray's, in my understanding is righteousness- being in the right relationship with God and His knowledge and reverence and service in His presence. So I also see it being in the complete presence and knowledge of God-seeing Him face to face. Yes He can also avoid physical light, sun&moon, that we live in the perfect day light of God, where it is eternity, without seasons as we experience here separated from Him. I always need the lighting in my walk to with Him. To be light to others in my family, neighbours, workplace ...because I need His Guidance. Quote
SFLamb520 Posted June 15, 2020 Report Posted June 15, 2020 Reflection in terms of penitence and preparation for confession should be on a daily basis. Sometimes we become too busy to reflect upon what happened to us that day and it slides away to some dark region of our minds. But with the Lamb shining its light upon us we will find this place and give its proper attention--then we feel the warmth of the Lamb's light. Quote
Lottie Posted June 15, 2020 Report Posted June 15, 2020 I believe we are afraid because there are areas of out life that we try to hide from others or Him. Areas that we do not let His light fully shine into and we don't want Him to see the darkness or sins we hide. We sometimes hold onto grudges or bitterness in our lives instead of letting go or we hold onto old sinful habits and think He does not know. The New Jerusalems' light is the lamb because He will be radiant and glorious and irrepressible. His light will fill the whole city and we will no longer have night there at all. I need the Lamb to help me overcome my habit of wasting time on the computer too much or falling back into an old sin of mine. I need Him to give me courage now to live for Him and not fall back. Quote
Godswriter Posted July 5, 2020 Report Posted July 5, 2020 Day 22 Meditation (Revelation 21:23-25). Why are we sometimes afraid of being fully exposed by God’s searching light? In what sense do you think John is telling us that the New Jerusalem’s light is the Lamb? In what ways do you need the Lamb to bring his light to some of your dark places? I believe it's because we don't know want to know the full details of our sins however if we don't we can't repent and turn to the Lord for forgiveness. I believe He is telling us this from sense that He chose to die for our sins and die on the cross and die in our place. He needs to brings light to my addictions and depression and my grief as well. Quote
Jesus Follower Posted July 10, 2020 Report Posted July 10, 2020 Because we know His light exposes our sinfulness. We are ashamed of our sins and waywardness. We walk and live in His glory. His light leads and regulates everything. No sin no sorrow, no sickness, and no dying. I need to repent of fear and unbelief, especially with current worldwide crisis going on. Quote
SFLamb520 Posted July 20, 2020 Report Posted July 20, 2020 Lamb brings light by bringing the Word. When we read the Bible we allow the Lamb to lead Jesus to us. Why would Lamb come as Light, so we an see and hear and shine and be heard. Quote
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