Eddies_walk_with_Jesus Posted September 3, 2020 Report Posted September 3, 2020 For me, it takes me to focus on God and stay inline with Him, to help me overcome stressful times. Its so easy to distance yourself from God. The world is not in align with Him so when stressful times or situations come my way I have to to stop and look towards Him. It starts with a prayer to help me overcome and stay strong. Knowing that I will need his Word to help me get thought it. And always give Him praise for all situations. Amen Quote
JanMary Posted September 3, 2020 Report Posted September 3, 2020 On 7/18/2020 at 5:24 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Day 1 Meditation (Psalm 120). In what ways does stress pull us away from God? In what ways does stress draw us closer to God? Have you given your stress points to God fully? What are you asking him to do about your stresses? 1, 2: Stress, when severe, grabs all of my attention to the point that I feel it in my body. I may feel overwhelmed and discouraged, feel the downward pull, and I may lose my focus on the Lord, until I remember that nothing is too hard for Him to handle, and I remember how many millions of times He has walked me through "deep water" and through "fires" of testing, and has never failed to help, comfort, encourage and deliver me, unscathed, and in fact stronger for having gone through the trial. Then my heart is lifted and I remember how much He loves me and how committed He is to grow my faith and trust (a "picture" I saw in my mind as I wrote that was of a rubber band being stretched thin, then when "I remember Him" the band snapped back to it's relaxed position!) 3 & 4: I believe I have, given it to God, and there has been great improvement over the years, but I still have bouts of PTSD from childhood violence, so I'm not sure that handling painful stress will ever be entirely eliminated, and I have asked, and He is entirely faithful and always present when I cry out for His help. He has shown me that the PTSD "trigger" is when I feel trapped, and that has helped greatly! He never fails to lead me to scripture which is the best reassurance and comfort and strengthener for me. Quote
hanks Posted September 4, 2020 Report Posted September 4, 2020 Day 1 Meditation (Psalm 120). In what ways does stress pull us away from God? In what ways does stress draw us closer to God? Have you given your stress points to God fully? What are you asking Him to do about your stresses? Sometimes one gets the feeling that our world is being swamped by lies, fake news, and deception. Our whole world is in a mess, we have turned our backs on the Lord, and we need to humble ourselves, we need to turn from our wicked ways, and come to Him in repentance and prayer. “If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14). I live in a country where there is rampant government corruption and coupled with this we have among the world’s highest rates of murder and rapes. Added to this we have this worldwide pandemic going on. This can become a most stressful situation and could easily pull us away from God. We are inclined to think we can cope on our own, yet a simple virus can bring us down. Our other options could be to worry, or to be miserable and complain, or we can turn to our Lord in prayer. I have learned to trust the Lord with all my heart and not to lean on my own understanding (Prov 3:5). At my age (80’s) I find that the slightest incident can cause stress. It is best to take everything to our Heavenly Father in prayer, no matter how big or small, and to acknowledge Him in everything we do; then He will make straight our paths (Prov 3:6) - as well as drawing us closer to Him. We need to go to Scripture. This is where we learn to discern truth from error and discover Christ’s peace which transcends all circumstances. In John 14:27 Jesus promises to give us His peace which is a confident assurance in all life’s circumstances. And in 1 Peter 5:7 we read that we can cast all our worries, stresses, and daily struggles on Him, because He cares about us. Quote
souxieq Posted September 4, 2020 Report Posted September 4, 2020 When in stress I usually tend to dwell on it seeking ways to deliver myself from the same. In today's world any sort of help from formal sources may end up with pills - a band aid solution. When one is stressedvthe mind races a million mph, and cannot concentrate on prayer which ends up being very rushed and superficial. But if one can calm one's mind and remember God's past Providence, it makes it easier to pray in times of stress. Ask for more faith to believe once prayed it is heard and will be answered. Read relevant verses in their context. Get a praying friend to pray with you. Quote
a sinner saved by grace Posted September 4, 2020 Report Posted September 4, 2020 In our world today almost everyone on earth feels stress to some degree due to covid-19. It can certainly pull us away from God but it also can draw us closer. I think of the old hymn "draw me nearer, neared blessed Lord to thy precious bleeding side". Personally, my first reaction (and still) is fear and a very strong adversion to covid-19 because I am in hi-risk group. But "faith my fears relieved". As a Christian I know the Lord God is greater than any disease and I know that my Lord will never leave me nor forsake me. Praise God!!! Quote
diane120164 Posted September 4, 2020 Report Posted September 4, 2020 Day 1 Meditation (Psalm 120). In what ways does stress pull us away from God? I think that sometimes we are drawn away from GOD when our stresses are not resolved quickly or not in the way we want. It's amazing how we know what should happen and how and when....I am forgetful that HE is GOD and I am not. In what ways does stress draw us closer to God? It makes us rely on HIM and not ourselves. I immediately turn to HIM when I am in need. Have you given your stress points to God fully? Some yes and some no.....sad really....it should be all yes! What are you asking him to do about your stresses? I really just want them taken away wheb instead I realize I should be asking HIM for the strength to endure....asking HIM to be glorified in my trouble and thanking HIM for his perfect will! Quote
blezed Posted September 4, 2020 Report Posted September 4, 2020 In what ways does stress pull us away from God? Stress pulls us away from God when we pray to God for something and we feel he does not answer fast enough. Also, when we try to fix the problem ourselves instead of waiting on the Lord. In what ways does stress draw us closer to God? Stress can draw us closer to God when we trust and believe that He and He alone can fix our problems. Have you given your stress points to God fully? What are you asking him to do about your stresses? Yes! I am asking him to guide me to make the right decisions. To give me peace and to comfort me in the times we are in now. Quote
Jesus Follower Posted September 5, 2020 Report Posted September 5, 2020 On 7/18/2020 at 7:24 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Day 1 Meditation (Psalm 120). In what ways does stress pull us away from God? In what ways does stress draw us closer to God? Have you given your stress points to God fully? What are you asking him to do about your stresses? Stress can cause us to focus on problems and our inability to solve them, resulting in frustration and discouragement. If we have the right view of God and ourselves, our faith can grow as we turn to Him, relying on Him to see us through. A work in progress?. It is a daily struggle to turn my face/heart toward God and away from covid 19, economic issues, relationship struggles. When I allow Him, God is faithful to give me His peace and joy and endurance every time. Increase my faith to see circumstances and people like He does. Quote
Merry Posted September 5, 2020 Report Posted September 5, 2020 In what ways does stress pull us away from God? Stress causes our minds to be preoccupied, pulling us away from God. When our focus is on our troubles, we lose hope. But, when we focus on the promises of God, we have hope. In what ways does stress draw us closer to God? As believers, our first response to stress should be to turn to God. By doing so, we draw closer to Him as we turn our burdens over. Have you given your stress points to God fully? Yes, I have (praying unceasingly) What are you asking him to do about your stresses? I ask Him to change the things or help me accept the situation. Quote
Lottie Posted September 6, 2020 Report Posted September 6, 2020 Stress causes us to focus only on our problems and not on Him. It causes us to forget that He is greater than our problems. It makes us doubt Him and have unbelief in our hearts. It causes us to have more worry or anxiety instead of peace. We become more fearful. We get impatient with Him when He does not fix our problems right away. We spend less time with Him than before. On the other hand, stress can cause us to realize that we need Him. That we cannot do it on our own anymore. That only He can give us peace of mind and give us strength to handle our troubles or trials. Through it we learn to trust Him more. As for my stress, I I have not fully given it over to Him. I tend to use other means like games or reading to try and escape them. I want Him to take them away and give me relief. Quote
garymerkel Posted September 6, 2020 Report Posted September 6, 2020 Sorry for being late...horrible nose bleed procedure last Sunday, Aug. 30...yes, much STRESS! The stress of a serious nose bleed, as a pastor, could mean the end of 33 years of pastoring...so those thoughts, though brief came. Being very blessed though, it drove me to God's heart of love, knowing that He always knows and does what is best, and especially in difficult situations. I couldn't breathe except though my mouth, pain was throbbing in my head, left eye, teeth as a rhino rocket was inserted...3 days of constant pain in my face...I couldn't read, focus, BUT hundreds of people were praying for me and GOD demonstrated His name strong, thus I'm typing this today with no residual nose bleed or pain. Rhino rocket was removed last Wed and nose repacked with disolving medication. The combo of plavix and a cpap machine had blown out a capillary. I needed the help of my fellow believers' faith and prayers since my focus was on the pain, discomfort, and inability to sleep for 5 straight days. GOD also provided the right doctor (ENT). GOD relieved the stress and He used HIS Word, the Psalms, and my fellow believers. All praise to HIM!!! Quote
Godswriter Posted September 12, 2020 Report Posted September 12, 2020 Day 1 Meditation (Psalm 120). In what ways does stress pull us away from God? In what ways does stress draw us closer to God? Have you given your stress points to God fully? What are you asking him to do about your stresses? It pulls me away through me ranting and raving commonly as complaining, grumbling like the Israelite over my problems instead of giving them over to God. I will make my problems bigger than they appear meaning I will turn molehills into mountain ranges so to speak. It causes us to cry out to Him. No I am still a work in progress there. To take them from me. Quote
haar Posted September 17, 2020 Report Posted September 17, 2020 We can allow stress to pull us away from God or in our stress situation look unto Him for a solution to the cause of our stress. Lord God Almighty I surrender all my stress situations to you for a permanent solution Quote
Romans838 Posted September 27, 2020 Report Posted September 27, 2020 In what ways does stress pull us away from God? Recently, I spent 42 days in the hospital due to COVID-19 and viral pneumonia. This was a great source of stress, especially the first 4 weeks that were very dark. In retrospect, I see how the distress distracted me. I focused on myself, my weakness and suffering, rather than directing my focus toward the One who is able to sustain the weak through trials (Psalm 34:17-18). Now six weeks out of the hospital, I can see many verses in the OT and NT that speak of how God delivers those who cry out to Him. So, as I look back, I can see that as infrequent and disjointed my prayers were during the time of stress, God was present with me and His Spirit was, "interceding for me with groans to deep for words". I have been reminded to pray through the distraction brought on by stress and to depend upon God's grace to help me through trials. In what ways does stress draw us closer to God? Times of stress provide opportunities to call upon God, to depend upon Him. When I see my weakness and inability to improve my situation, to pull myself out of the ditch, I need to repent of my self sufficiency and to find all sufficiency in God alone. This surrendering my fears and needs to God brings me relationally closer to God where intimacy is increased. Have you given your stress points to God fully? When I pray I give Him what stresses me. Somehow, later on, even seconds later, I seem to have forgotten and begin trying to carry them in my own strength. What are you asking him to do about your stresses? I have asked for healing, restoration of health and abundant grace to carry me through trials. I also recognize that the type of physical healing I pray for may not be in God's plan, "God, if I could have my way, I would be immediately and completely healed but Father, not my will but Your will be done". And of course I ask for grace to enable me. Quote
Paul G Posted September 29, 2020 Report Posted September 29, 2020 Sress causes our mind and hearts to be consumed with what is causing us stress robbing the joy and peace we have in the Holy Spirit. Stress can draw us closer to God, if we allow it to. We must come to God in prayer submitting to Him, giving the issue that is causing stress totally over to Him, which is not easy to do. I have dealt with this stress issue many times over the years. It is a mad cycle of "giving it over to God", and 5 minutes later taking it back, and then starting the cycle all over again, until I am completely worn out. It is a growing process in the Lord, learning to trust and obey Him, and standing on His Word Quote
Nkowee Posted October 17, 2020 Report Posted October 17, 2020 In what ways does stress pull us away from God? This happens when the issue is constantly on my mind. Sometimes I even forget to pray about it; but I could fret, sulk and anything else, aside taking it to God in prayer. In what ways does stress draw us closer to God? Realizing that what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. It's really not about anything we could possibly do because it is not by might or by power; it is about what God has already done regarding the issue. We just have to trust in His word. And He says all things work together for good for those who love Him. If we can find something in His word that relates to our issues and just hold on to that confession and make it ours, no matter what, He says if we put our trust in Him we won't be disappointed. But sometimes it's easier said than done. What are you asking Him to do about your stresses? I'm asking Him to help me remember He is the first one I should go to and talk to about any situation. Because there's no need talking to someone who can't help you. If a blind man leads another blind man, they'll both fall into the gutter! Quote
Jahaira Posted April 23, 2021 Report Posted April 23, 2021 Day 1 Meditation (Psalm 120). 1. In what ways does stress pull us away from God? Stress is an silent killer. It pulls you away from the Father because you stop believing, having faith in him and his promises. You start thinking about all the situations you are encountering and you lose it, i know I live with stress. It took me along time to get a grip on it or even knowing that I was stressed most of the time, but I could not have done it without the Father up in heaven guiding me. 2. In what ways does stress draw us closer to God? You feel lost, you need answers, you start looking for him more than usual, then you feel comfort and you long to just know more and more and get closer and closer to the Father each day. At least for me, I don't know maybe is because I'm getting older, but the more i learn the more I want to know. 3. Have you given your stress points to God fully? I thought I had, but I can't lie to myself or to the Father, if I have I would not stress at all, about anything, but I still do at times. Young adult they sure stress you. 4. What are you asking him to do about your stresses? All I can really ask the father is to help me not stress over things that I can't change, and just change the things I can. For several years now I try not to stress, suffer from anxiety & panic attacks, had to get a grip on it the doctor said. I didn't even know I was stressed but I was. Stress can kill, believe me, again I say it's silent killer. My advice, try not to, leave what is out of your hands to the Father. He will know what to do. And if the situation that is making you stress can't be fixed then it was for a reason. We just have to sit, analyze and well ask the Father for clarity. Thank you for the attention and may the Father be with all. Quote
Duplessis, Bobbie Ann Posted April 30, 2021 Report Posted April 30, 2021 (edited) Stress tends to pull us away from God because as humans we become engrossed with frustrations, anger, hatred, disappointment, etc...we tend to put the blame on God and pull away from him. An example of this is that my mom recently passed. My brothers, who were very close to God turned away. They blame him for not saving my mom. God had no control over her condition though... Many times people tend to go the opposite way and run to God. Before my mom became sick, i turned to God and felt such love and at peace. I turned over all of my stresses to him. It's been almost 9 months since my mom passed, i noticed whenever i move away from God, my heart, life and mind begin to fall apart. I immediately run back because i know HE is my lord and savior and through him, i will findcmy inner peace.... Edited April 30, 2021 by Duplessis, Bobbie Ann Grammatical error Quote
miniongirl Posted July 5, 2021 Report Posted July 5, 2021 Stress pulls me away from God because it sometimes makes me angry at God and ask Him why He has allowed certain things to happen to me. Stress draws me closer to God because I know in the end He alone can answer the prayers I have about my stressors. I have not given my stressors to God fully cause too often I think I have the right answers and try to fix them myself. Quote
Pilgrimsvoice Posted September 14, 2021 Report Posted September 14, 2021 There is another aspect to this Psalm we might consider. Rather than looking outward to sources of stress, there are also inner sources of conflict when a person is (or should be) preparing to worship. Can you imagine how a devout Jew would think and feel as he was approaching the temple? How much he had been "polluted" by life and dealing with the world. The thoughts of having unclean lips and deceiving words, like Isaiah, would precipitate feelings of unworthiness and spiritual poverty. This Psalm would have been a good place to start. How seriously do we examine ourselves before attempting any real worship? How important is it to examine our hearts even as we approach our times and places of collective worship? How often do we find ourselves with mixed emotions and thoughts while in the midst of our services? How comforting and encouraging it is to come to worship the Lord God with clean hearts and hands! How good it is to meet together with brothers and sisters who are like-minded and whole hearted in fellowship and worship! Quote
Kym Nixon Posted February 4, 2023 Report Posted February 4, 2023 Stress pulls us away from God when our minds are so consumed with our problems that we lose sight of God's ability to guide us through it. Stress can draw us closer when we realize that we can't handle the situation in our own strength but remember to call upon the Lord who is our help in times of trouble. I try to hand over my stressors, getting better at it but certainly haven't arrived. I'm asking Him to intervene in a few situations I'm facing. Quote
Evan Reid Posted March 6, 2023 Report Posted March 6, 2023 On 9/13/2021 at 11:43 PM, Pilgrimsvoice said: There is another aspect to this Psalm we might consider. Rather than looking outward to sources of stress, there are also inner sources of conflict when a person is (or should be) preparing to worship. Can you imagine how a devout Jew would think and feel as he was approaching the temple? How much he had been "polluted" by life and dealing with the world. The thoughts of having unclean lips and deceiving words, like Isaiah, would precipitate feelings of unworthiness and spiritual poverty. This Psalm would have been a good place to start. How seriously do we examine ourselves before attempting any real worship? How important is it to examine our hearts even as we approach our times and places of collective worship? How often do we find ourselves with mixed emotions and thoughts while in the midst of our services? How comforting and encouraging it is to come to worship the Lord God with clean hearts and hands! How good it is to meet together with brothers and sisters who are like-minded and whole hearted in fellowship and worship! This was a wonderful question to consider. I often have the same thought before leading worship at my local church. My constant prayer is “clean my hands and purify my heart that I may ascend the mountain of the Lord” Quote
Evan Reid Posted March 6, 2023 Report Posted March 6, 2023 Stress pulls me away from God because it shifts my focus onto my problems and away from The Counselor. Oh so many times have I let my mind wander onto the “what ifs” “shoulda/coulda/woulda” of my daily life. Do I stop and reposition my attention? My pastor says “Whatever captures your attention captures you!” Lord, capture my attention, even in my distress! Let my stresses point me back to you. Stress also has the power to draw us closer to God. I liken it to a son running to their father when they are scared during a thunderstorm. When the stress of life comes, how quickly do I say “I trust You, Abba!”? Sometimes, it’s not as quick as it should be. Speaking as a man, I’ve often had a false notion that I need to solve the problem because “that’s what men are supposed to do.” On the contrary! I should turn solely to the One who brings me peace and comfort. Have I given my stress points to God fully? I am trying. I’ve been told that I am a pretty peaceful man. I would like to think that when stress comes I deal with it, but in reality I go to external comforts (food, sleep, isolation, lusts of the flesh, etc) Why is it that I find more comfort in things that harm me? This has been a constant battle for me—owning up to the stress and letting Love in when I feel unlovable. As I type this, I am asking God to hold my stresses, to wash me in His precious blood, cleanse me with the water of His Word, breathe His life-giving breath into my spirit. Stress must bow at the name of Jesus. I am asking God to help me focus my stress upon His shoulders, not mine. As someone taught me, stress and emotions make wonderful servants and horrible masters. I refuse to be ruled by stress; I choose to lay it all at His feet. “In my distress I called to the LORD, and he answered me.” ❤️❤️❤️ AMEN & AMEN Quote
Karen11 Posted August 27, 2023 Report Posted August 27, 2023 On 7/18/2020 at 8:24 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Day 1 Meditation (Psalm 120). In what ways does stress pull us away from God? In what ways does stress draw us closer to God? Have you given your stress points to God fully? What are you asking him to do about your stresses? When under stress I tend to forget God and start to fix things in my head first, when I realize (after much worrying)I can't I turn back to God who never leaves me.I think I give all my stress to God (sometimes I wonder if I do fully), I ask for him to see me through. Quote
Irmela Posted June 24, 2024 Report Posted June 24, 2024 Day 1 Meditation (Psalm 120). In what ways does stress pull us away from God? In what ways does stress draw us closer to God? Have you given your stress points to God fully? What are you asking Him to do about your stresses? When we are overwhelmed by stress and don't look beyond it, it pulls us away from God. An example is Jonah. He was overwhelmed by stress when God sent him to Nineveh. All he saw was the enemy getting a chance to repent. He did not want that. His stress about it made him try to run away from God. It pulled him away from God. God was not finished with Jonah. When we recognize stress and hand it over to God, it in fact draws us closer to Him. We can take Peter's experience as an example. When he asked to come to Jesus on the water, Jesus said COME. While his focus was on Jesus, the wind and the waves did not stress him, but when he took his eyes off Jesus, the stress factors hit him 100% between the eyes and he began to sink. This made him call out in his distress , LORD SAVE ME. He handed his stress over to Jesus, Who was at his side immediately and sorted out the problem and saved him. His stress brought him to the point where he drew closer to the Lord. Much of it, yes. But there are times when I am overwhelmed. Lord, help me to leave that what stresses me, what freaks me out, at your feet and not fetch it back again. My children and other loved ones, Lord the problems surrounding them, I place at your feet. Their jobs, fears, disappearances, etc., Lord it is all in Your capable Hands. Thank You that You sort it all out. You handle it all, in Your way and in Your time. Amen!!!!! Quote
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