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Day 7 Meditation (Psalm 126). Why doesn’t God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable? Why is patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labors and our own spiritual maturity? Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers? What might prompt that in us?

  • 1 month later...

Day 7 Meditation (Psalm 126). Why doesn't God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable?

I remember reading what JESUS said to those who followed HIM because of the miracles that HE did..and all the many verses in Holy Scripture about miracles..https://www.openbible.info/topics/jesus_miracles

Why is patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labors and our own spiritual maturity?

Patience is obviously a GODLY attribute..

Most of us have heard the expression "the patience of Job"..I believe that it is our "job" (labors)if we want to mature spiritually..

Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers? What might prompt that in us?

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2 (KJV)



God doesn’t always do the stupendous miracles all the time because then it wouldn’t be a miracle, it would be everyday living. If He did stupendous miracles all the time then we wouldn’t appreciate him. Look at the earth that we live in that was a stupendous miracle but we don’t appreciate it any more.


Patient obedience is needed so that we can mature. If we got everything that we ask for immediately that we wouldn’t appreciate it and all we would do is ask for more. We can always shout for joy because we know that in good time it will come.


On 7/19/2020 at 12:27 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 7 Meditation (Psalm 126). Why doesn’t God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable? Why is patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labors and our own spiritual maturity? Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers? What might prompt that in us?

a.  As we get to know the Lord, spend time with Him, believe, trust and have patience, He comes through.  If we are from the  "I want it now generation" nothing will happen.  God is a personal God, and He knows what we need before we ask.  He loves us and wants to perform miracles for us but sometimes it may be us who is hindering these miracles or, we are asking for the wrong things.  Know that nothing is impossible with God. Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised. (Heb. 10:36)

b.  Patience obedience over time is necessary, as we are pray and believe and as we are co-laborers with Christ, it builds our faith and relationship with God and helps us to grow.

c.  Yes, we can shout for joy now, knowing God loves us and we can trust Him.  We may have trials and hardships, but Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning. (Psalm 30:5)  If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? (Rom. 8:31-32)

d. Praise, Worship and Thanksgiving for all He has done in the past and what He will do in the future. Come, let us sing to the LORD! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come to him with thanksgiving. Let us sing psalms of praise to him. For the LORD is a great God, a great King above all gods.

Posted (edited)

First, it is a blessing and privilege to be back on this forum again after a number of years away and the passage I looked at today was so full of the truth of my life for many years and now recently unexpectantly changed, which I shared with someone else yesterday. I chose or was led to look at today's passage rather than the first in this series and now I know why.

Why doesn’t God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable?

The depth of faith that comes from what's unseen is far greater than what's seen, so it we can not establish an undying faith without striving and instead drawing on the emotion and faith that comes with waiting and believing. How can we develop such faith if God was always doing miracles in our life? Mind you, take a look around you, what miracles do you see? The miracle of life and beauty that surrounds us and I am so grateful for, knowing it was created by a loving Father who yearns to say when we kneel down before Him seated on His throne, 'well done good and faithful servant'. So stick in there, there are far greater rewards in building our character to reflect Christ and the promise of a room in heaven, than anything we can imagine here on earth. But enjoy the miracle of life we have, that is what Jesus would want for each one of us.

Why is patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labors and our own spiritual maturity?

A young lady gave me a word in prayer after a church service about 5-6 years ago. The word was endurance .. meaning stick at it, have faith, don't give up, walk in God's ways, continue to pray, things will change. At the time I thought that's an unusual word, but I guess that's how God gets your attention. The change we pray for comes in God's time, quickly and unexpectantly; it may be in minutes (like finding a great parking spot at a shopping centre) or it may take 8 years or 62 years, as I know. For our growth in faith and belief in His message is strengthened and founded in stone  by our patient waiting and endurance in prayer and study. 

Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers?

Well I wish I had that faith! I'm used to waiting quietly,  well most of the time, but when exacerberated or desperate I will shout out to God. It doesn't always work, but as I sit here I just shake my head in awe of what God has done in the lives of my wife and I this past year. In prayer I often said, and still do, 'remember Atitaki', when Jesus saved me from drowning on my honeymoon in the middle of the Pacific caught in a rip between two islands. The instant (milli-second) I thought of calling on the name of Jesus to save me I felt an amazing peace and strength that got me to shore and at school the most I could swim was 25 yards across the pool - I couldn't swim the length of a pool.

Now I have a new saying from a completely unimaginable turnaround in our life situation, and no we didn't win lotto or gain an inheritance, other than maybe some of the 10,000 cattle on the hill so to speak. I cannot share the details as it is personal, but simply to say I was stunned and I sit here amazed, I am amazed each day I get up and I am amazed and am so very grateful each day as I go about my day. For 6 months ago and 12 months ago I shouted out to God, the first time in desperation and the second time in impatience for no answer; this goes back 62 or 8 years for either my wife and I. Then something happened. People in our life we didn't know a year ago worked miracles in our life with God's help, when I didn't think it was possible but my beautiful wife did all along, dreaming for a new morning of joy for so so long. All those dreams have come true.

OK I didn't shout for joy but I shouted, not in anger, desiring so deeply for a change and imploring God to answer our deepest most prayers. And as someone so wonderfully pointed out yesterday, I have been praying for you guys, even before I shared the turnaround in our lives. Wow, so blessed, I felt tears of joy well up. 

What might prompt that in us?

Remembering what God has done in our lives, seeking God earnestly, drawing near to Him and relying on God's mercies. They are new every day!

My wife just sent me a message saying "God's in control, He's the Refiner"; indeed He is, let us remember,  and I read Ps 37 that she sent with the message - it is a Psalm to live by, to read again and again!

Edited by Neil NRG
A word from my wife

Day 7 Meditation (Psalm 126). Why doesn’t God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable? Why is patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labors and our own spiritual maturity? Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers? What might prompt that in us?

God wants me to learn to depend on Him & trust Him in all things, big & small and at all times, good & bad. I appreciate happiness more when I know sadness. When I trust God to turn the messes in my life into something good, and when I have doors closed only to have new ones opened, and when the pain of my losses is turned into joy---then I can glorify His name. How can I truly appreciate all that I have unless I have lost some, if not all of it? If I never fell into a hole, I would never need God to help get me out.

Patient obedience works my "trust muscles" and teaches me to depend upon God in all things. I must have faith that more will be revealed as I go along in this journey with Him. I must learn to hold His hand & wait. Waiting patiently quiets my mind so I can hear Him speaking to me. It also helps me prepare for the Holy Spirit to work in me & thru me.

Yes, I can feel joy now before my prayers are answered. I believe this comes from an increasingly close relationship with Jesus. The more I can let go and surrender my will to His will, the more serenity & joy I feel. I believe the Holy Spirit facilitates all of this.


Day 7 Meditation (Psalm 126). 
Why doesn't God always do the stupendous miracles of which He is capable? 
Why is patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labours and our own spiritual maturity? 
Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers? 
What might prompt that in us? 

I would think for the same reason we do not give our children everything they want, as this will turn them into spoiled brats. Our Heavenly Father knows what is best for us, and even at what stage of our lives it will benefit us most. I’m so grateful that He sometimes puts the brakes on my demands and rather prepares me for eternity. God will keep His covenant promises if we obey His covenant commands. We read about this in Matt 6:33 where Jesus tells us that if we put God’s interest first in our lives, He will guarantee our future needs. In other words, if we first seek His kingdom and His righteousness, then He will see that we will never lack the necessities of life. It is important that we choose to give God first place in every area of our life. Also, in Malachi 3:10 3 the Lord’s promise to open the windows of heaven and shower us with blessing if we turn from our self-righteous ways and obey Him. There might not be any immediate evidence of the Lord’s blessing in our lives. We must learn to be patient, never giving up, knowing that the Lord always keeps His promises. Our patient obedience will result in blessings as well as spiritual maturity. Yes, we can and should shout for joy, knowing that we will receive answers to our prayers. 


SONGS OF ASCENT DAY 7 PSALM 126.  Reaping with shouts of Joy


We should always shout for joy, with praise and thanks at all times.  Whether we receive answers or not.  That is true faith and belief.  As you mention patient obedience is what we have to work on and pray without ceasing that God will hear us and notice our endurance.  Job prayed without ceasing that God would hear his plight and take him out of his misery. We can follow this example of Job.  If we preserve in prayer, patience and endure whatever, " He will bring the inevitable harvest, and with it deliverance and joy."  Come Lord Jesus.

Posted (edited)

Hello, it is day 7 and this is my first time to post. Each day of this study has brought a new revelation of God as He draws out a simple truth and shows me its power over my enemy. I learned God is my Keeper which Satan didn't like me to learn. I learned that God loves the sojourner which caused me to bake a loaf of bread for the foreigner who lives on the corner of our block. May a great friendship be birthed from this revelation of God's heart. And what I'm most excited about and looking towards lesson 10 is the imprecatory psalms for I know my enemy cannot stand against God ordained and God given defenses that the Lord has prescribed for me to walk in!!! Hahaha on you, devil!!!! In lesson 7 I pray for streams in the desert Negev today. I will not discuss our finances. God knows. But we have enough money for one meal, tonight. God loves a challenge. And God loves Faith. Will God answer our need today, or will He wait? Eventually He will show up!!! ☺? He knows I will be giving Him a great shout of victory and praise, and yes, maybe even a little jig dance!!! Praise You Jesus that I am not alone on my journey, for You lead, take up the rear guard, and even sing over me along the way. Praise You my Lord. Thankyou for this Study of the Psalms of Ascent. The Psalms are speaking!!!! Thankyou. ❤

Edited by Lisa Daley
Misspelled word ☺
On 7/19/2020 at 9:27 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 7 Meditation (Psalm 126). Why doesn’t God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable? Why is patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labors and our own spiritual maturity? Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers? What might prompt that in us?

1 & 2: Having experienced both miracles, and long agonizing years of waiting for promises to be fulfilled, I think of the fruit of the Spirit, (His character being worked into our lives as we walk with Him) Patience and perseverance seem to be underscored and in capital letters. When I first discovered this passage in Galatians 5:22,23, I  understood that this "fruit" was meant to be present in my life as a reflection of Who He is, so I asked especially for patience and perseverance, because I was totally lacking in both. I thought they would be imparted with a wave of  His hand, as a fairy godmother might do with her wand. Now 47 years later, much older and hopefully wiser, I've learned that they are "obtained" very gradually (at least for me) and excruciatingly slow, through trials, testing, disappointment, waiting,  suffering and more waiting. So my answer is that growing in grace and character in order to better reflect Him to others, is more important to me (and I think to Him) than the stupendous miracles which I have experienced, which are a blessing for sure, and are beautiful to share, but which also reflect His character. They aren't "showy" but help in how I treat other people, and in how my inner life is more peaceful and serene.

3 & 4. Honestly? I can't shout for joy yet, though I know His answers will come, because His promises are sure, and when they do, there will be shouting and perhaps a jig or two, but for now, the long waiting has produced a quiet serenity in which I'm comfortable. To shout now as tired and  worn out as I've become, would take a "stupendous miracle of grace" to expend that much exuberance in advance. (those in the Psalm knew exactly how far away they were from being "home", and could exult and shout as they could almost "see and taste" their homeland.)

As far as patient obedience, I have learned in the waiting, to hear and recognize His voice, which is priceless to me. As I shared in a previous post, one result of this was in "being rescued from the fowler's snare" (possible rape or death) by a mere 3 or 4 seconds as Holy Spirit said "GO NOW" and I didn't hesitate or ask "why?" but obeyed. That, I have to say was one of His  "stupendous miracles" of grace and is another reason why I'm no longer "antsy' about the "when and how" of what He has promised. It's enough to know I'm in the "palm of His hands" in His tender heart and care, and that His Papa's eye is always upon me.


Why doesn’t God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable?

God does not always do the stupendous miracles because he knows what best for us.  Sometimes we made pray to God for something that is not in our best interest or we are not ready.  Our time is not his time!

Why is patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labors and our own spiritual maturity?

Patient obedience is necessary to show our trust in the Lord.  I look at it as preparation for the blessings to come.  I must not quit knowing that joy will come in the morning.

Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers? What might prompt that in

Yes, I can!  My faith is strong enough to know that whatever I am going thru my prayers will be answered if it is His will.  Thru it all, I trust God!

On 7/19/2020 at 12:27 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 7 Meditation (Psalm 126). Why doesn’t God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable? Why is patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labors and our own spiritual maturity? Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers? What might prompt that in us?

I have seen God do the Stupendous miracle of which He is capable for me, and I have also experienced the excruciatingly slow execution of desired answers to heart wrenching petitions. Why does God do this?  I am not sure that I know the answer. Could it be the same reason why He didn't just pick Israel up out of Egypt, which we all know He was capable of doing, but instead He set them on their 'marching' way with them thinking that they were finally free, only to glance behind and see the Egyptians in swift pursuit of them. Ahead, the Red Sea and nowhere to go either on the left or the right?  Talk about feeling trapped!  And why didn't God just fry Haman with one blink of His all seeing eye and done with that, instead of allowing him to plan and plot and scheme the annihilation of the Jews?  We all know that Yahweh is God all by Himself, all powerful, all mighty, great and awesome.  What we do know also, is that He is no magician.  A magician waves a magic wand and by whatever 'power' - which is very limited anyway - does some trick or the other.  But when His children are in dire trouble, as Psalm 18 reveals, our Jehovah God knows exactly when to stupendously come in and rescue us. But He also knows that in the delayed answers processing takes place, which works for our good.

I think patient obedience is necessary because it is only with time one can see the true value of one's effort.  The potter takes time to create the vessel of his choice.  If he hurries up the process, the finished product could be irreversibly marred.  Isaiah 40: 31 tells us that, "They that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."  When we patiently wait on God, the success of our labours and our spiritual maturity are assured.

We sure can shout for joy before we receive the answers to our prayers.  Even though the answers might be long in coming, we know for sure that our Father hears us when we pray, and while we are still asking, He answers.

Belief/faith in God, knowing that He watches over His word to perform it can prompt us to rejoice before we receive the answer we are looking for.  Our God is a promise keeper and Psalm 138 tells us that He honours His word above His name.  Knowing this, we can confidently rejoice in advance of receiving our answers.

On 7/19/2020 at 12:27 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 7 Meditation (Psalm 126). Why doesn’t God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable?  If we had stupendous miracles everyday, they'd be gifts that wouldn't be deserving. To fully appreciate God's gift of miracles, I think we would first have to understand the test of endurance and perseverance that one often has to bear in life. Maybe God is watching to see who can learn to overcome challenges in life, and still continue to do good, and appreciate all the wonders in the world. If everything was easy, how would be learn to appreciate God and the life He gave us? Hardships create a tough exterior and wise soul.

Why is patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labors and our own spiritual maturity?  This is God showing us that incremental growth is valuable in that it teaches us to work for success over time, and that the fruit of our labor will yield in due course. If we expected God to give us everything without us putting in the time and energy, there wouldn't be much of a reward. But if you expect to spend several years working the crops before seeing financial rewards, God sees your patience and faith, and will see that you reap a greater reward. 

Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers? What might prompt that in us? Of course we must shout for joy even before our prayers are answered. In gratitude we have faith, and in faith we have God's love. Not all of my prayers have been answered, but some have been. The important ones like keeping me safe, and sheltered from the attacks of the enemy has been answered regularly. Honestly, I'm just so grateful to have Heavenly Father's help, I'm not going to complain about anything. I'm 100 percent sure that He is working to deliver me, restore me, prosper me, heal me and with a little more patience, I know that ALL of my prayers will be answered-- in over flow! Our God is good. Believe in Him. Trust in Him.  



Sometimes God wants us to focus on Him more than what we can get . Like Natalie Grant's song, "More Than Anything" says, " Help me want the healer more than the healing. Help me want the giver more than the giving. Help me want you Jesus. more than anything."Sometimes we only want Him to fix things or make them go away but He wants us to grow and be like Him. And He uses trials and persecutions to do it.

Patience teaches us endurance and perseverance. It helps us to become more like the Lord. 

Yes, because we know He is faithful and loves us. He will always do what is best for us and we can trust Him.

Remembering times when He came through for us before.


Day 7 Meditation (Psalm 126). Why doesn’t God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable? Why is patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labors and our own spiritual maturity? Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers? What might prompt that in us?

I believe it all deals with the person's faith and how much they believe God can do for them when they ask in prayer. For the Lord said in His word that anyone who would ask in His name believing they will receive. It takes faith to believe that you receive a miracle just like it took faith for us to be saved. I believe it is because we are the Lord's children and sometimes forget who gives the increase. That is not us but the Lord. Yes when we choose to change our perspective on things and realize that God knows what is best for us. It might cause us to praise God more.



Day 7 Meditation (Psalm 126). Why doesn't God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable?

Most likely, most always, it would cause us to become dependent on miracles and not God.  We would become spoiled brats.  "Without FAITH it is impossible to please God."  God wants to grow our faith and trust in Him.  He alone is worthy of all of our faith and trust.

Why is patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labors and our own spiritual maturity?

Patient obedience is like training muscles.  They weaken and atrophy if not used.  Look how patient God is with us.  Patient obedience keeps our eyes focused on Jesus rather than "success" which can cause pride to arise.  Patient obedience brings glory to God and blessing to others as well as to ourselves.  GOD enables us to endure thus building strong faith muscles so we do not waiver when the storms of life come.

Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers? What might prompt that in us?

The "sacrifice of praise" is based on Who God is and What He has done.  It is based on His power, His might, His love, His will.  Phil 4....Be anxious for NOTHING...Heb. 12...but for the JOY set before Him, He endured the cross...God will ALWAYS answer the right way at the right time and in our best interest.  We cannot look at the cross and believe otherwise.


Day 7 Meditation (Psalm 126). Why doesn’t God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable? Why is patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labors and our own spiritual maturity? Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers? What might prompt that in us?

I believe the reason that He doesn't do them anymore is because so many churches and their leaders fail to realize that the Lord is same yesterday, today and forever and not only that He is not a mere mortal and so He can't be put a box nor can His power for it transcends both time and space and there is no way to explain it. We must be willing to obey Him in whatever capacity He gives us to do for ministry no matter how small or large for when we obey Him little becomes much in His Hands. Yes when we choose to obey the Lord and realize that He has it all under in control. It would prompt in us joyous surrender. 


Day 7 Meditation (Psalm 126).

Q. Why doesn't God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable?

A. He is a sovereign God that choses to do what He wants to do at the time he wants to do. 

Q. Why is patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labors and our own spiritual maturity?

A. Patience though essential in our spiritual growth and development is very difficult to cultivate. We need the grace of God to learn to celebrate His future answers to our prayers while  we wait patiently for God's time  to receive the expected answer.

Q. Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers?

A. Tough humanly speaking to do the shouting for joy now before the answer comes because our faith is weak. We will rather wait to celebrate the answer when the answer comes handy. So help me Lord to believe in You that I can celebrate the victory before it comes. 

Q. What might prompt that in us

A. Extra grace of God only 

On 7/19/2020 at 11:27 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 7 Meditation (Psalm 126). Why doesn’t God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable? Why is patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labors and our spiritual maturity? Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers? What might prompt that in us?

Obedience in the midst of suffering  brings about Godly character. Submitting to the discipline of the Lord brings the peaceful fruit of righteousness.

We can. We are guaranteed victory when God renews all things.  Even if we don't see it here on earth.

An eternal perspective can help us with that.


  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/19/2020 at 9:27 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 7 Meditation (Psalm 126). Why doesn’t God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable? Why is patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labors and our own spiritual maturity? Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers? What might prompt that in us?

Q - Why doesn't God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable of?  ANS -  He is expecting us to trust Him and walk by faith.  And miracles may not always come in the way and manner we expect, or want them to come.  They may come in the "still small voice", rather than in the thunder and lightening.  And yes, our patient obedience oftentimes is the bottom line issue of moving forward in our Christian lives.  We live in a microwave culture that expects immediate results.  Whereas the greater miracle more than often comes as we walk with Him in patience and obedience. 

Q - Can we shout for joy now......?  ANS -  Yes, that is part of living in faith.  It is often really hard to do, because we tend to fret and worry and get down in the dumps too easy.  But as we stay in the Word and Prayer, allow joy to rise up within us.  Amen!

On 7/19/2020 at 9:57 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 7 Meditation (Psalm 126). Why doesn’t God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable? Why is patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labors and our own spiritual maturity? Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers? What might prompt that in us?

Why doesn’t God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable?

Because patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labors and our own spiritual maturity (thank you Dr Wilson) and to continue along the same lines of spiritual maturity - we are capable of doing much. Meditating on God's Word and using wisdom can accomplish much. If we can do it, God won't - he may give us a shove in the right direction like any good parent. 

Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers? What might prompt that in us?

We should; it helps on many levels. We put faith in action when we do. 

Remembering God's many past mercies helps prompt me in my time of deep uncertainty.

  • 6 months later...

Day 7 Meditation (Psalm 126). Why doesn’t God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable? Why is patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labors and our own spiritual maturity? Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers? What might prompt that in us?

He doesn't have to. We need to be deserving of everything and anything. If the YHWH always do stupendous miracles than it would not be a miracle. Yes, the Father can fix anything and everything, that I know, that's my belief. I don't have to see him do it, I just know. Should he, we may think he should, but no, we must earn anything and everything he gives/ we ask for. 

We can always shout for joy whether or not our prayers have been answer. We must accept everything given with a positive view. Not everything we ask will be given. We must be patient and very deserving of what we ask. If the Father thinks we are not ready or it's just not for us, we must accept it and move on. Only he actually knows what we deserve and need. As a parent, we don't always hand our children what they want, but what they need and deserve at the time, so does our Father. He protects, guides, loves us, but we have to have faith in him, believe his word, believe in him, look and ask for his guidance and wisdom. He will provide what we desire and need if he sees fit, not as we see fit. 


  • 1 year later...

I think God doesn't always come through immediately because He is growing us in character and perseverance. Sometimes when things come too easy they are not appreciated as much. We have to grow in our faith. The only way that is going to happen is through trials and testing. 

We can't be fickle with our faith. God is weeding out false converts through the long haul of testing the fruit we are bearing. We must bear good fruit to be successful in the kingdom. This comes through a pruning process that is sometimes painful but necessary. It also weeds out pride and self sufficiency making us dependent on God for our provision.

We can shout for joy before seeing our prayers answered. That is faith, decreeing and calling forth that which is not as if it is and believing that it will happen. This can make us joyful in the waiting, knowing that God is able, He working all things together for our good, He is faithful, He loves us and has a plan for our lives, and His Holy Spirit testifies inside of us as to these truths. 

  • 1 year later...

Day 7 Meditation (Psalm 126).

  1. Why doesn't God always do the stupendous miracles of which He is capable?
  2. Why is patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labors and our own spiritual maturity?
  3. Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers?
  4. What might prompt that in us?

For me the answer to the first two questions posed for this meditation is found in (among other Scriptures) Isaiah 55:8&9.   For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord.  For as the Heavens are higher than the Earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts, than your thoughts.   Then also Romans 8:28  We are assured and know that (God, being a partner in their labour), all things work together and are (fitting into a plan) for good to those who love God and are called according to His design and purpose.  

We sure can rejoice knowing that God knows best and we can truly put our trust in Him that our prayers will be answered in due time.  Is 40:31 (They that wait upon the Lord ... )  

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