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Day 11 Meditation (Psalm 130). How does knowing that God forgives us affect our lives? Our faith?  How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others? How is your “expectancy level”? How is your hope? How is your faith?

  • 1 month later...

We know that God forgives us and it makes us so that we don’t have to walk on pins and needles to get through this life. We still have to be careful of what we do, but we know that if we offend God He will forgive us. Knowing that God forgives us makes it easier to forgive others. I do expect everything that the Bible tells us will happen does happen.

  On 7/19/2020 at 4:32 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 11 Meditation (Psalm 130). How does knowing that God forgives us affect our lives? Our faith?  How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others? How is your “expectancy level”? How is your hope? How is your faith?


 Knowing that all have sinned and that God made a provision for us by sending His Son, Jesus to pay the price for our sin, that was passed down to us by Adam, we are filled with thanksgiving and gratitude.  Also, if we do sin, 1 John 1:9  says, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  We have a new found faith, hope and love for God. Knowing that God forgives us, we should have the same compassion for others in extending forgiveness to them.  Its not who is right or who is wrong, but God's Word says: Forgive us as we forgive others. (Matt. 6:12)  Meaning, if we don't forgive others how can God forgive us.  Do to others as you would have them do to you. (Luke 6:31)

  On 7/19/2020 at 4:32 PM, Pastor Ralph said:


  On 7/19/2020 at 4:17 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 3 Meditation (Psalm 122). Why do people desert the house of God in our day? Why do so many Christians believe they can mature in Christ without the help of Christ's people? How can you pray for the peace of God’s house? What can you do to “seek the good” of God’s house?


We know we are in right relationship with God.  My sin cannot come between me and God.  I have always known in my heart that I cannot be good enough. Our faith?  It isn't about my performance but my heart that I am faithful.  How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others? How can I not forgive another individual if I know that the creator of the universe has forgiven me.  I know my own heart, my own sinful nature and as such know how big a deal God's forgiveness of me is.  How can I think anyone else is less deserving. How is your “expectancy level”? How is your hope? How is your faith? My personality is such that I a generally a patient individual.  I'm not sure that is true of my expectancy level.  Something that I need to think, and pray, about.




There are times in our lives..............................."5  I wait for the LORD, my soul140 waits, 
and in his word I hope;

Each morning as I turn on my computer and check my e-mail...I find these messages(and responses) of faith,hope,and love...and I am reminded of the Scripture (in one of Paul's epistles).."Now abideth faith,hope,love, these three...but the greatest of these is LOVE.".........TIME has always been a fascinating subject to me...sometimes an event revolves around time, and sometimes time revolves around an event...How would we experience time on earth without the sun (SON) and how would the world experience time without the world's rotation?...The apostle Paul, for some very profound reasons I believe, commented in one of his epistles that he counted everything loss...but the cross of Christ...Even today (although some have tried to change it)..the cross of Christ marks the TIME between the Old and the New...(It stands at the "center" of time)....so why am I saying all of this in the context of todays Psalm on waiting?....Because that is what everyone who is reading this is doing "right this minute".....WAITING.....The nation of Israel is waiting for their Messiah, other non-Christian religious are waiting for fulfillment of "promises" that their religions espouse, Born again Christians are waiting for their Messiah's return..... (the Alpha and the Omega) ...planned it ALL in ETERNITY and will do it....Amen...

How is your “expectancy level”? How is your hope? How is your faith?...I Hope that I have answered the question with faith..(but most of all with LOVE)....

  On 7/19/2020 at 4:32 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 11 Meditation (Psalm 130). How does knowing that God forgives us affect our lives? Our faith?  How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others? How is your “expectancy level”? How is your hope? How is your faith?


Knowing that God forgives me helps me move forward, leaving guilt, remorse and regrets behind me. This frees me to view things from God's perspective (some of the time). His love & forgiveness increases my faith & trust in Him.

As the Lord forgives me, I must forgive others. When I look at others who have hurt me, I then must look at myself. Have I not the same thing or worse? As God's unconditional love fills my cup, I can pour it out to others.

As I grow in my faith, more is revealed to me. My expectancy level, my hope & my faith is not as strong as the psalmist, but it is stronger than it used to be. I walk each day humbly with the Lord and with gratitude. My hope & faith tend to wax & wane depending on circumstances & my spiritual condition. My biggest hope is to see Jesus in heaven.

  On 7/19/2020 at 4:32 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 11 Meditation (Psalm 130). How does knowing that God forgives us affect our lives? Our faith?  How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others? How is your “expectancy level”? How is your hope? How is your faith?


1. How does knowing that God forgives us affect our lives?

That has been huge for me! Living under constant criticism, threats and more for the first 20 years of life, conditioned me to feel guilty and oppressed, in bondage and fear. For the longest time as a believer I felt guilty and was easy prey for our enemy to torment me, reminding me of past sin and failure. One almost magical day I discovered that the red heifer, (a type/shadow of Jesus) was  taken outside the camp, killed and burned to ash, and the ashes were then sprinkled in water used for ritual purification in temple ceremonies. Ash is the final stage of burning!  Holy Spirit reminded me that all of my sin, past, present became ash on the cross , through His blood. I wrote down the sins which I was frequently reminded of, burned the paper and put the ashes in a zip lock bag as a reminder. (that brought the end of the torment....It stopped that day!) Apparently, because I learn visually, I needed something I could "see and I  now live in peace and joy knowing I am totally accepted in the beloved, and when He looks at me He sees His beautiful "ermine" robe of righteousness, in  which He wrapped me when I said YES to Him.

2 . Our faith?

With that "load of guilt and shame" removed forever, I'm free and open to Him, with no barriers. Back in those burdened days, I was hesitant to come to Him. My faith soared in the new freedom with no dark "cloud" of "have I confessed enough" removed. My heart is light, I'm free to chat with My Jesus during the day, and if awake, at night, free as a bird, in His love.

3. How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others? 

Knowing that I'm forgiven, my "record is clean" and there is now no condemnation, I've become a quick "forgiver" extending His  grace which covers me,  to those who offend me. (for the really big and painful ones, I still journal, and get the anger outside of me, so it's a clean unconditional forgiveness) It 's cleansing to "air" my thoughts/emotions  as ugly as they might be, as I tell the Lord all about it...it keeps me honest with Him asI ask Him for grace to forgive as He's forgiven me.

4, 5, 6: How is your expectancy level?  Hope? Faith?

I've been waiting for over 40 years for Him to fulfill several promises to me, and still I wait, but I wait with expectation, because  His Word never fails. I've had periods of severe testing during these long years, but He sustains me. I didn't realize all those years ago, that when God gives us a promise, the likely hood is that for a time the exact opposite happens, and it did and has continued. (I feel at times like the picture I've seen of a mother cat carrying her kitten by the scruff of the neck to move to a new location..  I'm that "kitten" He carries and when all is said and done, He will receive the glory for the faith which has not failed. 



We know our God is a merciful God.  Surely as Christians we must believe we are forgiven when we admit to sin and Confess and ask forgiveness.  We should forgive as we have been forgiven. (Col.3:13) and (Ephesians 4:32).  "For with the Lord there is steadfast love and with him is plentiful redemption". (Ps130: 7-8);; we have assurances that He saves us as individuals and redeems the people of God.  Our faith can only get stronger knowing that God is right by our side.


I know that God has chosen me to be His child and has sent His son into the world to die on the cross so that I can have my sins forgiven if I am truly sorry and trust in my Lord and Saviour. These facts bring me great happiness and assurance for both this life and the life to come. It makes me love Him more and more when I think and meditate on the enormity of what God /Jesus has done for me. I long for my family to have all this that I have but the unfortunately they don’t but I trust God for their souls. His timing is perfect! 
I do try and forgive people straight away and not hold grudges. Not always easy but the Lord gives me the grace to do it. Ephesians 3v32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, considerate and forgiving just as God in Christ forgave you. I try to live by this verse.

My expectancy is of certainty, God will deliver on all His wonderful promises , I will spend eternity in His presence, worshipping Him and Praising Him with no distractions or earthly things to drag me away. I must just remain in Him and keep my focus on Him until He calls me home or He returns. 
Praise Him!


Day 11 Meditation (Psalm 130). 
How does knowing that God forgives us affect our lives? 
Our faith?  
How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others? 
How is your "expectancy level"? 
How is your hope? 
How is your faith? 

We sometimes duck and dive when it comes to our sin. We would deny its existence, or if we do admit it, we make excuses by blaming circumstances or our parents, our teachers, the government, or even our genes. We would simply point out that everyone else is thinking or doing exactly the same, and that we aren't so bad after all. However, the more we study the Word the more we realise how God hates sin. And before sin and guilt drags us down we need to cry out to God. If, we truly understand God's forgiveness and the cost of it, in sending Jesus Christ to the Cross, we would be truly humbled as we bow in awe before God. By confessing our sins, sincerely repenting, and placing our trust in Christ for salvation; instead of the judgment we deserve, we receive mercy. There is no more guilt and we can now start living life to the full in fellowship with our Lord Jesus Christ. We are a new creation, the old has gone, the new is here! (2 Cor 5:17). When I think what it cost Him to forgive my sins, and when I realize that His forgiveness is full, free, and eternal, it causes me to reverence, trust, love and worship Him forever. My faith is renewed and stronger than ever. Knowing what my forgiveness cost our LORD, how could I not forgive others? God always keeps His promises so I know that in answering prayer He will make sure that all things will work for my wellbeing in the long run (Rom 8:28). Our hope is not only for the wonderful expectation of a future eternal life, but for eternal life that begins the moment we put our faith in Christ. (1 Pet 1:3). 

  On 7/19/2020 at 4:32 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 11 Meditation (Psalm 130). How does knowing that God forgives us affect our lives? Our faith? For me personally, my faith in God gets stronger when I know that there's room for error-- also known as my failures. I understand that while He forgives, it's not a license to get loose with my morals. That I have a forgiving God is a gift, but it's also greater that I don't take advantage of that gift by living unrighteously with the expectation that I'll be forgiven. 

How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others? We always want to walk in the light of God Almighty by following His lead. However, I think God's barometer for forgiveness probably has some limits so I would seek His guidance before determining if someone in my life is deserving of forgiveness.  If someone sins against a neighbor by beating, raping, murdering, lying, cheating over and over again, will that person be deserving of forgiveness? Perhaps in the context of Heaven, the sinner will be forgiven. But I think Scripture does say God Most High is also a God of Justice which likely means that the guilty will be punished-- "Vengeance is mine" says the LORD. 

My enemy, whom I will call Satan on this forum, will probably not earn my forgiveness but I can be reasoned with. 

How is your “expectancy level”? How is your hope? How is your faith? I have great abundance of patience, as I have lived my whole life waiting with the expectation of greater things. I was afflicted with childhood arthritis at a toddler age so it's been a given since then that it takes me longer to achieve things.  Waiting on the LORD is not that difficult when you have faith and hope that He will deliver you as He promised. I am not too concerned about delays. I will just keep doing good, and let the results play out. In the end, the road to success is as much the reward as the destination itself.  




How does knowing that God forgives us affect our lives? Our faith?  

We are all fallen. It is only through God's forgiveness that we are made whole.

There's one thing particularly that saddened me as a young man, a moment in time, an incident, sort of became my thorn in my side. My girlfriend at the time, a young Christian lady to become my wife, opened my eyes to the still sweet voice of the Holy Spirit that I could be forgiven ... that Christ died for our sins ... days later I accepted Christ into my life. My life was changed from that day on.

But knowing God took time and its continuing. So many ups and downs. Through the storms and battles we grow in faith, but it comes back to that one decision. 

How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others?

Makes a big difference. Our concept of forgiveness changes, knowing Jesus died for our sins.

How is your “expectancy level”? How is your hope? How is your faith?

Very good, thanks to a wonderful spiritual mentor (my mum), my first wife, my son (a  miracle baby), a faithful current wife who loves God and the great great blessings of God in our lives in the middle of a pandemic.


How blessed are those who were reborn with a full knowledge that HIS every drop of blood is needed for their redemption comparing to one like me who had to walk long long miles of walk before I came to realise that HIS EVERY DROP OF BLOOD is needed for my redemption. How can I not forgive one who had pricked me with a pin when I had pierced HIM with nails. Even as I thought my faith might be a bit bigger than a mustard seed, there is always a tendency to cry out as Peter did - “Leave me, Lord, for I’m a sinner!”  And there’s always a fear each time, as I did, that He might reply - “ OK! Leave me.”

Thank you Lord, for Psalm 130

  On 7/19/2020 at 4:32 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 11 Meditation (Psalm 130). How does knowing that God forgives us affect our lives? Our faith?  How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others? How is your “expectancy level”? How is your hope? How is your faith?


My heart is so full of gratitude for His faithfulness in forgiving us.  Knowing that God forgives fills me with hope and joy for what lie ahead.  Guilt bogs me down whenever I sin and I am so ashamed to have to go to Him like that, but because I know that a broken and a contrite heart He will never despise, I would just lay my soul bare before Him, confess my sins and ask for His forgiveness which comes with such a flood of peace.  I am aware that in this life I will continue to slip and even fall sometimes - not that I want to, and I do not look forward to such times - but I know that I know that I know that my heavenly Father is always waiting with outstretched arms for me to reach up to Him so that He can pick me up again. Hallelujah!!!  

I am not so sure that my willingness to forgive is because God forgives us,  but what I am sure of, is that if I don't forgive He will not forgive me.  I have found that having unforgiveness in my heart makes me most miserable, so with Holy Spirit helping me, I try to dump that garbage as quickly as possible.

I am so, so thankful for these lessons. I am learning to know God better and to trust Him more.  It is as though I have just found my 'daddy' and discover that he loves me - in my heart there is a bubbling going on, an excitement. Do not get me wrong, I know all along that my Daddy loves me and has been there for me, but there is something happening in my heart, my life, as I study each lesson.  My vision seems to be getting clearer each day, and so my expectancy level is growing tremendously. My hope has blossomed, and my faith is more rooted and grounded in my LORD.


How does knowing that God forgives us affect our lives? Our faith?  How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others? How is your “expectancy level”? How is your hope? How is your faith?

Knowing that God forgives lets me know his love for me.  His grace and mercy shown to me makes me want to be more like him.  I know I do not deserve his forgiveness, therefore how can I not forgive when someone has wrong be.  I put my trust and hope in God and my faith grows stronger each day.  


Day 11 Meditation (Psalm 130). 

Q. How does knowing that God forgives us affect our lives? Our faith? 

A. We can go to Him in confidence assurance to plead with Him to forgive us and He does. Thank you Lord God Almighty for your grace and mercy and loving compassion.

Q. How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others?

A. This should motivate us to forgive others too but I believe we rarely are willing to forgive others despite knowing that God does forgives us. We need repentance and change

Q. How is your "expectancy level"? How is your hope? How is your faith?

A. Great!!! 

To You Lord God Almighty be the praise, thanksgiving, adoration and the worship.


Know that God forgives me gives me hope and confident that everything is all right.My expectancy level is beyond measures. My hole in Jesus nusvwirth the trails and pains.My Faith is very Strong. I move and climb mountains.Be content in the Valley, knowing that Jesus is near.


Day 11 Meditation (Psalm 130). How does knowing that God forgives us affect our lives? Our faith?  How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others? How is your “expectancy level”? How is your hope? How is your faith?

For me it comforts me and reassures me and shows me that He does care and love me even when I stray from Him and that He also comes after me and chooses to seek and find me and bring me back to the fold. When it comes to our faith it strengthens it and causes us to hope in Him. It causes us to remember how much the Lord gave of Himself to forgive us of our sins. I am daily learning to wait on the Lord even when it is hard. My hope is in the Lord alone. It is strong.

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 7/19/2020 at 4:32 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 11 Meditation (Psalm 130). How does knowing that God forgives us affect our lives? Our faith?  How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others? How is your “expectancy level”? How is your hope? How is your faith?


It gives us hope. Otherwise we would be hopelessly mired in our sins, with no hope of rescue.

Our faith in Jesus starts w/trusting in His sacrifice for our sins.  It is the bedrock of the faith Jesus gives us as believers.

Makes me willing to work @ forgiveness.

With God helping.

My expectancy is growing. For now, for me and my family and for the end of the age.

My hope has grown as I have seen God provide during this pandemic.

My faith is growing as God enables me to grow.

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 7/19/2020 at 4:32 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 11 Meditation (Psalm 130). How does knowing that God forgives us affect our lives? Our faith?  How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others? How is your “expectancy level”? How is your hope? How is your faith?


Q -  How does knowing that God forgives us affect our lives? Our faith?  ANS -  It gives me peace and joy in my heart that God loved me enough that He would have His Son make the ultimate sacrifice for me, that I might be forgiven, and know Him, and have life eternal!  Thank you Jesus!  It certainly gives me a basis for my faith in Him!

Q -  How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others?  ANS -  Jesus great love examplified in His forgiveness is the ultimate model for my relationship with others and the need to love and forgive others. 

  On 7/19/2020 at 4:32 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 11 Meditation (Psalm 130). How does knowing that God forgives us affect our lives? Our faith?  How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others? How is your “expectancy level”? How is your hope? How is your faith?


I understand what you said Dr. wilson, that the closer we walk with the Lord, the more we recognise and uncover subtle sins. Personally, the act of forgiveness undeserved in my case makes me think twice about hurting the Lord, though there are times I knowingly still transgress thinking I have no alternative. I wonder how God looks at that. Still I hope in His mercy in faith, not knowing what else to do.

How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others?

I know that I have to forgive and it's easy - but forgetting is hard. When forgiveness gets taken for stupidness for perpetrators to take advantage of it, then one needs to understand how to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. So that's a tough question. 

My expectancy will depend on my obedience to His Word I suppose, because I know what to expect based on how I lead my life and base my actions. His Word has made it abundantly clear. I know that He waits to cleanse us of our sins, not wanting that any should perish. Because we cannot manipulate words and arguments with Him, the thought should direct our steps because He is just. That's His intrinsic nature and even how hurtful it is that any one of us stray, the fact that whoever is aware of His Word will be liable to his rightful justice if they continue to sin. He is not a vengeful God, but a righteous one, that's just who He is.

I have faith in His mercy.

  • 2 years later...

It frees us from shame, guilt and condemnation, those things that cripple us and prevent us from walking in freedom and assurance of our calling and destiny.

It bolsters our faith because we see His faithfulness and everlasting kindness. 

Knowing God has forgiven me for all the awful, dirty sins I've committed, many times hurting others, I cannot stand in judgment of others as holier than thou, but am humbled by the knowledge of His grace. That is how I am able to extend grace and mercy to others because it's been extended to me undeserving.

Expectancy is high. Hope is all encompassing. Faith is stirred.

  • 5 months later...
  • 11 months later...

Day 11 Meditation (Psalm 130).

How does knowing that God forgives us affect our lives? Our faith?

How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others?

How is your "expectancy level"?

How is your hope?

How is your faith?

Knowing that God forgives us sure lightens the heavy burden that comes with sin.  We can continue with living and look forward to a closer walk with the Lord, as these sin tentacles are loosened one by one.  Our faith grows more and more.  What He has done for me He has done for others and together we can stand and know that others we are praying for will also be set free.

We pray "Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us" .  So if I do not forgive I will not be forgiven.  The easiest and best way is straightway even in tears and pain or confusion of the now when forgiving someone is needed, do so and one finds the burden is lighter and the tears can sooner dry up and one can face facts with a clearer mind.  

I know that my Redeemer lives and that His Word is true.  He has promised to be with me and to never leave me.  I cling to that.

  • 5 months later...

One of many problems I have – can’t figure it out – is determining when the Bible is talking to/about/for 1) an individual of any era – to me!,  2) a specific person who had lived long ago, 3) a group that lived long ago – Israel, for example, 4) a group/nation that exists now or in the future, 5) all humanity at all times.  

Many biblical verses which are specific to a person, event or era are interpreted as if written for ourselves, today. This psalm is an example of this. Who is it directed to? It was obviously written a long time ago in a particular circumstance, yet so many Christians, myself included, read it as if we can legitimately “claim” those words for ourselves, as if God speaking in history is the same as speaking right how, and what He says to a particular group can be thought of as speaking to me.

I don’t know how to handle the switch from the first-person to Israel; do I read the latter part of this psalm as if it were a continuation of the first part? Why did the writer of this psalm switch from “I” to “Israel?” I know this is really basic stuff … sorry.

 If I were the psalmist, I’d write the last stanza like this:

I hope in the Lord.

For with the Lord there is steadfast love,

And with Him is plentiful redemption

He will redeem me from all my sins.

This is how I interpret it, after all. I read it as if it were written to me. Note that Pastor Ralph, in both his description and questions, flipped back and forth between the first-plural and second-person. This reflects his pastoral way of looking at things, thinking in terms of church or flock as well as the individuals within, or, better put, trying to foster a sense of community and oneness in the church via first-plural speech.

In my little mind, there is no group salvation or forgiveness. Yes, I know it’s in the bible, particularly in the OT, and there’s always a tension between the individual and the collective. I know that entire families came to the Lord at once in the NT, but that seems the exception, not the rule, though I’m not sure about this. Culturally conditioned?

So, to answer your questions, knowing God forgives changes how I look at MY life, but not “our” lives. It impacts my faith, not a collective faith. It does move me to be more tolerant of others because I see/feel the depths of sin in myself --it’s hard to condemn others when sinful, too.

Expectancy level/hope/faith … these are personalized in the questions. Yes, forgiveness creates in me a hope that God will be merciful and take pity on me. Forgiveness seems like an expression of His love and hope is always future-looking, in this case, the psalmist hopes that God will continue to forgive … grace upon grace.


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